# Terraspace Google Cloud Plugin Google Cloud support for [terraspace](https://terraspace.cloud/). ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'terraspace_plugin_google' ``` ## Configure Optionally configure the plugin. Here's an example `google.rb` for your terraspace project. config/plugins/google.rb ```ruby TerraspacePluginGoogle.configure do |config| config.gcs.versioning = true end ``` By default: * GCS Buckets have versioning enabled. The settings generally only apply if the gcs bucket does not yet exist yet and is created for the first time. ## Versioning To confirm that the GCS bucket has versioning enabled: $ gsutil versioning get gs://my-bucket gs://my-bucket: Enabled $ Here's also how you list multiple versions of an object. $ gsutil ls gs://my-bucket gs://my-bucket/us-central1/ $ echo hello1 > hello.txt $ gsutil cp hello.txt gs://my-bucket/hello.txt $ echo hello2 > hello.txt $ gsutil cp hello.txt gs://my-bucket/hello.txt $ gsutil ls gs://my-bucket/hello.txt gs://my-bucket/hello.txt $ gsutil ls -a gs://my-bucket/hello.txt gs://my-bucket/hello.txt#1590950916098856 gs://my-bucket/hello.txt#1590950925738834 $ gsutil cp gs://my-bucket/hello.txt#1590950916098856 hello1.txt ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/boltops-tools/terraspace_plugin_google.