# -*- encoding: utf-8; frozen_string_literal: true -*- # #-- # This file is part of HexaPDF. # # HexaPDF - A Versatile PDF Creation and Manipulation Library For Ruby # Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Thomas Leitner # # HexaPDF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as # published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the # following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): # FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY # THOMAS LEITNER, THOMAS LEITNER DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY OF NON # INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. # # HexaPDF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public # License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with HexaPDF. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code # versions of HexaPDF must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required # under Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. # # In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public # License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that # is created or manipulated using HexaPDF. # # If the GNU Affero General Public License doesn't fit your need, # commercial licenses are available at <https://gettalong.at/hexapdf/>. #++ require 'hexapdf/dictionary' require 'hexapdf/utils/bit_field' require 'hexapdf/content/color_space' module HexaPDF module Type # Represents an outline item dictionary. # # An item has a title and some optional attributes: the action that is activated when clicking # (either a simple destination or an explicit action object), the text color, and flags (whether # the text should appear bold and/or italic). # # Additionally, items may have child items which makes it possible to create a hierarchy of # items. # # If no destination/action is set, the item just acts as kind of a header. It usually only makes # sense to do this when the item has children. # # Outline item dictionaries are connected together in the form of a linked list using the /Next # and /Prev keys. Each item may have descendant items. If so, the /First and /Last keys point to # respectively the first and last descendant items. # # Since many dictionary keys need to be kept up-to-date when manipulating the outline item tree, # it is not recommended to manually do this but to rely on the provided convenience methods. # # See: PDF2.0 s12.3.3 class OutlineItem < Dictionary extend Utils::BitField define_type :XXOutlineItem define_field :Title, type: String, required: true define_field :Parent, type: Dictionary, required: true, indirect: true define_field :Prev, type: :XXOutlineItem, indirect: true define_field :Next, type: :XXOutlineItem, indirect: true define_field :First, type: :XXOutlineItem, indirect: true define_field :Last, type: :XXOutlineItem, indirect: true define_field :Count, type: Integer define_field :Dest, type: [Symbol, PDFByteString, PDFArray] define_field :A, type: :Action, version: '1.1' define_field :SE, type: Dictionary, indirect: true define_field :C, type: PDFArray, default: [0, 0, 0], version: '1.4' define_field :F, type: Integer, default: 0, version: '1.4' ## # :method: flags # # Returns an array of flag names representing the set bit flags for /F. # # The available flags are: # # :italic or 0:: The text is displayed in italic. # :bold or 1:: The text is displayed in bold. # ## # :method: flagged? # :call-seq: # flagged?(flag) # # Returns +true+ if the given flag is set on /F. The argument can either be the flag name or # the bit index. # # See #flags for the list of available flags. # ## # :method: flag # :call-seq: # flag(*flags, clear_existing: false) # # Sets the given flags on /F, given as flag names or bit indices. If +clear_existing+ is # +true+, all prior flags will be cleared. # # See #flags for the list of available flags. # ## # :method: unflag # :call-seq: # flag(*flags) # # Clears the given flags from /F, given as flag names or bit indices. # # See #flags for the list of available flags. # bit_field(:flags, {italic: 0, bold: 1}, lister: "flags", getter: "flagged?", setter: "flag", unsetter: "unflag", value_getter: "self[:F]", value_setter: "self[:F]") # Returns +true+ since outline items must always be indirect objects. def must_be_indirect? true end # :call-seq: # item.title -> title # item.title(value) -> title # # Returns the item's title if no argument is given. Otherwise sets the title to the given # value. def title(value = nil) if value self[:Title] = value else self[:Title] end end # :call-seq: # item.text_color -> color # item.text_color(color) -> color # # Returns the item's text color as HexaPDF::Content::ColorSpace::DeviceRGB::Color object if no # argument is given. Otherwise sets the text color, see # HexaPDF::Content::ColorSpace.device_color_from_specification for possible +color+ values. # # Note: The color *has* to be an RGB color. def text_color(color = nil) if color color = HexaPDF::Content::ColorSpace.device_color_from_specification(color) unless color.color_space.family == :DeviceRGB raise ArgumentError, "The given argument is not a valid RGB color" end self[:C] = color.components else Content::ColorSpace.prenormalized_device_color(self[:C]) end end # :call-seq: # item.destination -> destination # item.destination(value) -> destination # # Returns the item's destination if no argument is given. Otherwise sets the destination to # the given value (see HexaPDF::Document::Destinations#use_or_create for the posssible # values). # # If an action is set, the destination has to be unset; and vice versa. So when setting a # destination value, the action is automatically deleted. def destination(value = nil) if value delete(:A) self[:Dest] = document.destinations.use_or_create(value) else self[:Dest] end end # :call-seq: # item.action -> action # item.action(value) -> action # # Returns the item's action if no argument is given. Otherwise sets the action to # the given value (needs to be a valid HexaPDF::Type::Action dictionary). # # If an action is set, the destination has to be unset; and vice versa. So when setting an # action value, the destination is automatically deleted. def action(value = nil) if value delete(:Dest) self[:A] = value else self[:A] end end # Returns the outline level this item is one. # # The level of the items in the main outline dictionary, the root level, is 1. # # Here is an illustrated example of items contained in a document outline with their # associated level: # # Outline dictionary 0 # Outline item 1 1 # |- Sub item 1 2 # |- Sub item 2 2 # |- Sub sub item 1 3 # |- Sub item 3 2 # Outline item 2 1 def level count = 0 temp = self count += 1 while (temp = temp[:Parent]) count end # Returns the open state of the item. # # +true+:: If this item is open, i.e. showing its child items. # +false+:: If this item is closed, i.e. not showing its child items. # +nil+:: If this item doesn't (yet) have any child items. def open? self[:First] && key?(:Count) && self[:Count] >= 0 end # Returns the destination page if there is any. # # * If a destination is set, the associated page is returned. # * If an action is set and it is a GoTo action, the associated page is returned. # * Otherwise +nil+ is returned. def destination_page dest = self[:Dest] dest = action[:D] if !dest && (action = self[:A]) && action[:S] == :GoTo document.destinations.resolve(dest)&.page end # Adds, as child to this item, a new outline item with the given title that performs the # provided action on clicking. Returns the newly added item. # # Alternatively, it is possible to provide an already initialized outline item instead of the # title. If so, the only other argument that is used is +position+. Existing fields /Prev, # /Next, /First, /Last, /Parent and /Count are deleted from the given item and set # appropriately. # # If neither :destination nor :action is specified, the outline item has no associated action. # This is only meaningful if the new item will have children as it then acts just as a # container. # # If a block is specified, the newly created item is yielded. # # destination:: # # Specifies the destination that should be activated when clicking on the outline item. # See HexaPDF::Document::Destinations#use_or_create for details. The argument :action # takes precedence if it is also specified, # # action:: # # Specifies the action that should be taken when clicking on the outline item. See # HexaPDF::Type::Action for details. If the argument :destination is also specified, the # :action argument takes precedence. # # position:: # # The position where the new child item should be inserted. Can either be: # # +:first+:: Insert as first item # +:last+:: Insert as last item (default) # Integer:: When non-negative inserts before, otherwise after, the item at the given # zero-based index. # # open:: # # Specifies whether the outline item should be open (i.e. one or more children are shown) # or closed. Default: +true+. # # text_color:: # # The text color of the outline item text which needs to be a valid RGB color (see # #text_color for details). If not set, the text appears in black. # # flags:: # # An array of font variants (possible values are :bold and :italic) to set for the outline # item text, see #flags for detail. Default is to use no variant. # # Examples: # # doc.destinations.add("Title") do |item| # no action, just container # item.add("Second subitem", destination: doc.pages[1]) # links to page 2 # item.add("First subitem", position: :first, destination: doc.pages[0]) # end def add_item(title, destination: nil, action: nil, position: :last, open: true, text_color: nil, flags: nil) # :yield: item if title.kind_of?(HexaPDF::Object) && title.type == :XXOutlineItem item = title item.delete(:Prev) item.delete(:Next) item.delete(:First) item.delete(:Last) if item[:Count] && item[:Count] >= 0 item[:Count] = 0 else item.delete(:Count) end item[:Parent] = self else item = document.add({Parent: self}, type: :XXOutlineItem) item.title(title) if action item.action(action) else item.destination(destination) end item.text_color(text_color) if text_color item.flag(*flags) if flags item[:Count] = 0 if open # Count=0 means open if items are later added end unless position == :last || position == :first || position.kind_of?(Integer) raise ArgumentError, "position must be :first, :last, or an integer" end if self[:First] case position when :last, -1 item[:Prev] = self[:Last] self[:Last][:Next] = item self[:Last] = item when :first, 0 item[:Next] = self[:First] self[:First][:Prev] = item self[:First] = item when Integer temp, direction = if position > 0 [self[:First], :Next] else position = -position - 2 [self[:Last], :Prev] end position.times { temp &&= temp[direction] } raise ArgumentError, "position out of bounds" if temp.nil? item[:Prev] = temp[:Prev] item[:Next] = temp temp[:Prev] = item item[:Prev][:Next] = item end else self[:First] = self[:Last] = item end # Re-calculate /Count entries temp = self while temp if !temp.key?(:Count) || temp[:Count] < 0 temp[:Count] = (temp[:Count] || 0) - 1 break else temp[:Count] += 1 end temp = temp[:Parent] end yield(item) if block_given? item end # :call-seq: # item.each_item {|descendant_item, level| block } -> item # item.each_item -> Enumerator # # Iterates over all descendant items of this one. # # The descendant items are yielded in-order, yielding first the item itself and then its # descendants. def each_item(&block) return to_enum(__method__) unless block_given? return self unless (item = self[:First]) level = self.level + 1 while item yield(item, level) item.each_item(&block) item = item[:Next] end self end private def perform_validation # :nodoc: super first = self[:First] last = self[:Last] if (first && !last) || (!first && last) yield('Outline item dictionary is missing an endpoint reference', true) node, dir = first ? [first, :Next] : [last, :Prev] node = node[dir] while node[dir] self[dir == :Next ? :Last : :First] = node elsif !first && !last && self[:Count] && self[:Count] != 0 yield('Outline item dictionary key /Count set but no descendants exist', true) delete(:Count) end prev_item = self[:Prev] if prev_item && (prev_item_next = prev_item[:Next]) != self if prev_item_next yield('Outline item /Prev points to item whose /Next points somewhere else', false) else yield('Outline item /Prev points to item without /Next', true) prev_item[:Next] = self end end next_item = self[:Next] if next_item && (next_item_prev = next_item[:Prev]) != self if next_item_prev yield('Outline item /Next points to item whose /Prev points somewhere else', false) else yield('Outline item /Next points to item without /Prev', true) next_item[:Prev] = self end end end end end end