require 'chef/cookbook/metadata' require 'ignorefile' require_relative '../util' module Builderator module Util module Cookbook DEFAULT_VENDOR = Util.working_dir('vendor/chef/cookbooks') ## Don't vendor VCS files. ## Reference GNU tar --exclude-vcs: ## Boosted from EXCLUDED_VCS_FILES = [ '.arch-ids', '{arch}', '.bzr', '.bzrignore', '.bzrtags', 'CVS', '.cvsignore', '_darcs', '.git', '.hg', '.hgignore', '.hgrags', 'RCS', 'SCCS', '.svn', '**/.git', '.temp'].freeze class Metadata < Chef::Cookbook::Metadata def files return @files unless @files.nil? @files ||= Pathname.glob(Util::Cookbook.path.join('**/{*,.*}')) ignorefile.apply!(@files) @files end def archive Util.working_dir("#{ name }-#{ version }.tgz") end def chefignore Util::Cookbook.path.join('chefignore') end def gitignore Util.working_dir('.gitignore') end def ignorefile return @ignorefile unless @ignorefile.nil? ## Construct an ignorefile @ignorefile = @ignorefile.load_file(chefignore) @ignorefile.load_file(gitignore) end end class << self def path(arg = nil) ## Set an explicit path to a cookbook return @path = unless arg.nil? return @path unless @path.nil? ## Check for an embedded cookbook? ('./cookbook') return @path = Util.working_dir('cookbook') if Util.working_dir('cookbook').exist? @path = Util.working_dir end def archive_path(metadata, file) end def berksfile path.join('Berksfile') end def metadata do |c| if path.join('metadata.rb').exist? c.from_file(path.join('metadata.rb').to_s) elsif path.join('metadata.json').exist? c.from_json(path.join('metadata.json').read) else fail IOError, 'Unable to read metadata.rb or metadata.json!' end end end end end end end