{: versionI"3.2.19 (Media Mark):EF:sha"-17a3db8bbe7adaa9057f98121eff4528e4d2287b: contents"Go:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@children[o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @value[I"/* * This is a manifest file that'll be compiled into application.css, which will include all the files * listed below. * * Any CSS and SCSS file within this directory, lib/assets/stylesheets, vendor/assets/stylesheets, * or vendor/assets/stylesheets of plugins, if any, can be referenced here using a relative path. * * You're free to add application-wide styles to this file and they'll appear at the top of the * compiled file, but it's generally better to create a new file per style scope. * */:ET: @type: normal;[: @linei: @options{o:Sass::Tree::ImportNode :@imported_filenameI"variables; T;[:@template0; i; @ :@imported_file0o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode : @nameI"headerheight; T: @expro:Sass::Script::Number ;iK:@numerator_units[I"px; T:@denominator_units[; i:@originalI" 70px; F; @ : @guarded0;[; i; @ o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode : @rule[I"html, body; T: @tabsi:@parsed_ruleso:"Sass::Selector::CommaSequence: @members[o:Sass::Selector::Sequence;[o:#Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence ;[o:Sass::Selector::Element ;[I" html; T:@namespace0; i:@filenameI"; F: @subject0: @sourceso:Set: @hash{; i;$@#o; ;[o;! ;[o;" ;[I" body; T;#0; i;$@#;%0;&o;';({; i;$@#; i;$@#;[o:Sass::Tree::PropNode ;[I" height; T;o:Sass::Script::String;I" 100%; T; :identifier; @ ;i:@prop_syntax:new;[; i; @ o; ;[I" .wrapper; T;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o:Sass::Selector::Class;[I" wrapper; T; i;$I"; F;%0;&o;';({; i;$@B; i;$@B;[o;) ;[I"min-height; T;o: Sass::Script::Interpolation : @beforeo;* ;I"calc(100vh - ; T; ;+; i; @ : @mido:Sass::Script::Variable ;I"headerheight; F:@underscored_nameI"headerheight; F; i; @ : @aftero;* ;I"); F; ;+; i; @ :@whitespace_beforeF:@whitespace_afterF:@originally_textF; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ o;) ;[I" height; T;o;*;I" 100%; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ ; i:@has_childrenT; @ ; i;8T; @ o; ;[I" body; T;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;" ;[I" body; T;#0; i";$I"; F;%0;&o;';({; i";$@d; i";$@d;[o;) ;[I"padding-top; T;o;2 ;I"headerheight; T;3I"headerheight; T; i#; @ ;i;,;-;[; i#; @ ; i";8T; @ o; ;[I"(.translation_missing_container .row; T;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;.;[I""translation_missing_container; T; i&;$I"; F;%0;&o;';({; i&;$@{o;! ;[o;.;[I"row; T; i&;$@{;%0;&o;';({; i&;$@{; i&;$@{;[o;) ;[I" padding; T;o;*;I" 1rem 0; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i'; @ o;) ;[I"border-bottom; T;o;*;I"1px solid #e5e5e5; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i(; @ ; i&;8T; @ o; ;[I".editor_container; T;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;.;[I"editor_container; T; i+;$I"; F;%0;&o;';({; i+;$@; i+;$@;[o; ;[I".location_container; T;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;.;[I"location_container; T; i,;$I"; F;%0;&o;';({; i,;$@; i,;$@;[o;) ;[I"margin-bottom; T;o;*;I" 3rem; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i-; @ ; i,;8T; @ o; ;[I".ace_editor; T;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;.;[I"ace_editor; T; i/;$I"; F;%0;&o;';({; i/;$@; i/;$@;[o;) ;[I" overflow; T;o;*;I" hidden; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i0; @ ; i/;8T; @ ; i+;8T; @ o; ;I"border-color; T;o;2 ;I"lightest_grey; T;3I"lightest_grey; T; i4; @ ;0;[; i4; @ o; ;I"titleheight; T;o; ;iK;[I"px; T;[; i5;I" 70px; F; @ ;0;[; i5; @ o; ;I"!translation_container_offset; T;o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand1o;2 ;I"titleheight; T;3I"titleheight; T; i6; @ :@operand2o;2 ;I"headerheight; T;3I"headerheight; T; i6; @ :@operator: plus; i6; @ ;0;[; i6; @ o; ;[I"div.translation_title; T;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;" ;[I"div; T;#0; i8;$I"; Fo;.;[I"translation_title; T; i8;$@;%0;&o;';({; i8;$@; i8;$@;[o;) ;[I" height; T;o;2 ;I"titleheight; T;3I"titleheight; T; i9; @ ;i;,;-;[; i9; @ ; i8;8T; @ o; ;[I"div.translation_container; T;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;" ;[I"div; T;#0; i<;$I"; Fo;.;[I"translation_container; T; i<;$@;%0;&o;';({; i<;$@; i<;$@;[ o;) ;[I"border-top; T;o:Sass::Script::List ;[o; ;i;[I"px; T;[; i=;I"1px; F; @ o;* ;I" solid; T; ;+; i=; @ o;2 ;I"border-color; T;3I"border_color; T; i=; @ :@separator: space; i=; @ ;i;,;-;[; i=; @ o;) ;[I"min-height; T;o;/ ;0o;* ;I"calc(100vh - ; T; ;+; i>; @ ;1o;2 ;I"!translation_container_offset; F;3I"!translation_container_offset; F; i>; @ ;4o;* ;I"); F; ;+; i>; @ ;5F;6F;7F; @ ;i;,;-;[; i>; @ o; ;[I"div.translation_list; T;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;" ;[I"div; T;#0; i?;$I"; Fo;.;[I"translation_list; T; i?;$@6;%0;&o;';({; i?;$@6; i?;$@6;[ o;) ;[I"border-right; T;o;> ;[o; ;i;[I"px; T;[; i@;I"1px; F; @ o;* ;I" solid; T; ;+; i@; @ o;2 ;I"border-color; T;3I"border_color; T; i@; @ ;?;@; i@; @ ;i;,;-;[; i@; @ o;) ;[I"padding-right; T;o;*;I"0; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; iA; @ o;) ;[I"padding-left; T;o;*;I"0; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; iB; @ o;) ;[I"min-height; T;o;/ ;0o;* ;I"calc(100vh - ; T; ;+; iC; @ ;1o;9 ;:o;2 ;I"!translation_container_offset; F;3I"!translation_container_offset; F; iC; @ ;;o; ;i;[;[; iC;I"1; F; @ ;<;=; iC; @ ;4o;* ;I"); F; ;+; iC; @ ;5F;6F;7F; @ ;i;,;-;[; iC; @ o; ;[I"div.translation_filter; T;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;" ;[I"div; T;#0; iD;$I"; Fo;.;[I"translation_filter; T; iD;$@v;%0;&o;';({; iD;$@v; iD;$@v;[ o;) ;[I" padding; T;o;*;I" 1rem; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; iE; @ o;) ;[I"background-color; T;o;2 ;I"white_grey; T;3I"white_grey; T; iF; @ ;i;,;-;[; iF; @ o;) ;[I"border-bottom; T;o;> ;[o; ;i;[I"px; T;[; iG;I"1px; F; @ o;* ;I" solid; T; ;+; iG; @ o;2 ;I"border-color; T;3I"border_color; T; iG; @ ;?;@; iG; @ ;i;,;-;[; iG; @ o; ;[I"input[type="text"]; T;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;" ;[I" input; T;#0; iH;$I"; Fo:Sass::Selector::Attribute ;[I" type; T;#0; ;[o; ;i;[I"px; T;[; iX;I"1px; F; @ o;* ;I" solid; T; ;+; iX; @ o;2 ;I"border-color; T;3I"border_color; T; iX; @ ;?;@; iX; @ ;i;,;-;[; iX; @ o; ;[I" &.active; F;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;C; i\;$I"; Fo;.;[I" active; F; i\;$@7;%0;&o;';({; i\;$@7; i\;$@7;[ o;) ;[I"background-color; T;o;*;I" #6B9ED1; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i]; @ o;) ;[I" color; T;o;*;I" white; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i^; @ o;) ;[I" position; T;o;*;I" relative; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i_; @ o; ;[I"&:after, &:before; F;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;C; ia;$I"; Fo;D ;E;F;[I" after; F;G0; ia;$@Z;%0;&o;';({; ia;$@Zo; ;[o;! ;[o;C; ia;$@Zo;D ;E;F;[I" before; F;G0; ia;$@Z;%0;&o;';({; ia;$@Z; ia;$@Z;[ o;) ;[I" left; T;o;*;I" 100%; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; ib; @ o;) ;[I"top; T;o;*;I"50%; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; ic; @ o;) ;[I" border; T;o;*;I"solid transparent; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; id; @ o;) ;[I" content; T;o;*;I"" "; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; ie; @ o;) ;[I" height; T;o;*;I"0; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; if; @ o;) ;[I" width; T;o;*;I"0; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; ig; @ o;) ;[I" position; T;o;*;I" absolute; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; ih; @ o;) ;[I"pointer-events; T;o;*;I" none; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; ii; @ ; ia;8T; @ o; ;[I" &:after; F;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;C; il;$I"; Fo;D ;E;F;[I" after; F;G0; il;$@;%0;&o;';({; il;$@; il;$@;[ o;) ;[I"border-color; T;o:Sass::Script::Funcall ;I" rgba; T: @args[ o; ;iF;[;@e; im;I"65; F; @ o; ;i;[;@e; im;I"131; F; @ o; ;i;[;@e; im;I"196; F; @ o; ;i;[;@e; im;I"0; F; @ :@keywords{: @splat0; im; @ ;i;,;-;[; im; @ o;) ;[I"border-left-color; T;o;*;I" #6B9ED1; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; in; @ o;) ;[I"border-width; T;o;*;I" 10px; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; io; @ o;) ;[I"margin-top; T;o;*;I" -10px; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; ip; @ ; il;8T; @ o; ;[I" &:before; F;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;C; ir;$I"; Fo;D ;E;F;[I" before; F;G0; ir;$@;%0;&o;';({; ir;$@; ir;$@;[ o;) ;[I"border-color; T;o;H ;I" rgba; T;I[ o; ;iF;[;@e; is;I"65; F; @ o; ;i;[;@e; is;I"131; F; @ o; ;i;[;@e; is;I"196; F; @ o; ;i;[;@e; is;I"0; F; @ ;J{;K0; is; @ ;i;,;-;[; is; @ o;) ;[I"border-left-color; T;o;2 ;I"border-color; T;3I"border_color; T; it; @ ;i;,;-;[; it; @ o;) ;[I"border-width; T;o;*;I" 11px; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; iu; @ o;) ;[I"margin-top; T;o;*;I" -11px; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; iv; @ ; ir;8T; @ ; i\;8T; @ ; iK;8T; @ ; i?;8T; @ o; ;[I"#div.translation_edit_container; T;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;" ;[I"div; T;#0; i|;$I"; Fo;.;[I"translation_edit_container; T; i|;$@;%0;&o;';({; i|;$@; i|;$@;[ o;) ;[I" position; T;o;*;I" relative; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i}; @ o;) ;[I"padding-top; T;o;*;I" 1rem; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i~; @ o;) ;[I"padding-bottom; T;o;*;I" 5rem; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ o; ;[I" textarea; T;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;" ;[I" textarea; T;#0; i{;$I"; F;%0;&o;';({; i{;$@;; i{;$@;;[o;) ;[I" height; T;o;*;I" 10rem; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i|; @ o;) ;[I" resize; T;o;*;I" none; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i}; @ o;) ;[I" width; T;o;*;I" 100%; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i~; @ o;) ;[I" padding; T;o;*;I" 20px; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ o;) ;[I" border; T;o;*;I"0; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ o;) ;[I"border-top; T;o;> ;[o; ;i;[I"px; T;[; i;I"1px; F; @ o;* ;I" solid; T; ;+; i; @ o;2 ;I"border-color; T;3I"border_color; T; i; @ ;?;@; i; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ o;) ;[I"border-bottom; T;o;> ;[o; ;i;[I"px; T;[; i;I"1px; F; @ o;* ;I" solid; T; ;+; i; @ o;2 ;I"border-color; T;3I"border_color; T; i; @ ;?;@; i; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ o;) ;[I"background; T;o;*;I" #fff; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ o;) ;[I" color; T;o;*;I" #999999; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ o;) ;[I"font-size; T;o;*;I" 21px; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ o;) ;[I"line-height; T;o;*;I" 1.6em; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ o;) ;[I" resize; T;o;*;I" none; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ o;) ;[I"-moz-transition; T;o;*;I"color 0.15s ease-in 0; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ o;) ;[I"-webkit-transition; T;o;*;I"color 0.15s ease-in 0; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ o;) ;[I"transition; T;o;*;I"color 0.15s ease-in 0; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ o;) ;[I"box-shadow; T;o;*;I" none; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ ; i{;8T; @ o; ;[I" button; T;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;" ;[I" button; T;#0; i;$I"; F;%0;&o;';({; i;$@; i;$@;[o;) ;[I"margin-top; T;o;*;I" 1rem; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ ; i;8T; @ ; i|;8T; @ ; i<;8T; @ o; ;[I".translation_filename; T;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;.;[I"translation_filename; T; i;$I"; F;%0;&o;';({; i;$@; i;$@;[ o;) ;[I"direction; T;o;*;I"rtl; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ o;) ;[I" overflow; T;o;*;I" hidden; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ o;) ;[I"text-overflow; T;o;*;I" ellipsis; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ o;) ;[I"unicode-bidi; T;o;*;I"bidi-override; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ o;) ;[I"font-style; T;o;*;I" italic; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ o;) ;[I"white-space; T;o;*;I" nowrap; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ ; i;8T; @ o; ;[I".color-range-0; T;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;.;[I"color-range-0; T; i;$I"; F;%0;&o;';({; i;$@ ; i;$@ ;[o;) ;[I" color; T;o;2 ;I" md_green; T;3I" md_green; T; i; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ ; i;8T; @ o; ;[I".color-range-1; T;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;.;[I"color-range-1; T; i;$I"; F;%0;&o;';({; i;$@ ; i;$@ ;[o;) ;[I" color; T;o:Sass::Script::Color ;0: @attrs{ :redi: greeni: bluei): alphai; i; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ ; i;8T; @ o; ;[I".color-range-2; T;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;.;[I"color-range-2; T; i;$I"; F;%0;&o;';({; i;$@6; i;$@6;[o;) ;[I" color; T;o;L ;0;M{ ;Ni;Oi;Pi;Qi; i; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ ; i;8T; @ o; ;[I".color-range-3; T;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;.;[I"color-range-3; T; i;$I"; F;%0;&o;';({; i;$@L; i;$@L;[o;) ;[I" color; T;o;L ;0;M{ ;Ni;Oiq;Pi);Qi; i; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ ; i;8T; @ o; ;[I".color-range-4; T;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;.;[I"color-range-4; T; i;$I"; F;%0;&o;';({; i;$@b; i;$@b;[o;) ;[I" color; T;o;*;I" #BF2C24; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ ; i;8T; @ o; ;[I" .bold; T;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;.;[I" bold; T; i;$I"; F;%0;&o;';({; i;$@x; i;$@x;[o;) ;[I"font-weight; T;o;*;I" bold; T; ;+; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ ; i;8T; @ o; ;[I".greentext; T;i;o;;[o; ;[o;! ;[o;.;[I"greentext; T; i;$I"; F;%0;&o;';({; i;$@; i;$@;[o;) ;[I" color; T;o;2 ;I" md_green; T;3I" md_green; T; i; @ ;i;,;-;[; i; @ ; i;8T; @ ;I"b/* * This is a manifest file that'll be compiled into application.css, which will include all the files * listed below. * * Any CSS and SCSS file within this directory, lib/assets/stylesheets, vendor/assets/stylesheets, * or vendor/assets/stylesheets of plugins, if any, can be referenced here using a relative path. * * You're free to add application-wide styles to this file and they'll appear at the top of the * compiled file, but it's generally better to create a new file per style scope. * */ @import 'variables'; $headerheight: 70px; html, body { height: 100%; .wrapper { min-height: calc(100vh - #{$headerheight}); height: 100%; } } body { padding-top: $headerheight; } .translation_missing_container .row { padding: 1rem 0; border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5; } .editor_container { .location_container{ margin-bottom: 3rem; } .ace_editor { overflow: hidden; } } $border-color: $lightest_grey; $titleheight: 70px; $translation_container_offset: $titleheight+$headerheight; div.translation_title { height: $titleheight; } div.translation_container { border-top: 1px solid $border-color; min-height: calc(100vh - #{$translation_container_offset}); div.translation_list { border-right: 1px solid $border-color; padding-right: 0; padding-left: 0; min-height: calc(100vh - #{$translation_container_offset+1}); div.translation_filter { padding: 1rem; background-color: $white_grey; border-bottom: 1px solid $border-color; input[type="text"] { } } div.translation_item { padding: 2rem; cursor: pointer; &.active { background-color: #4183C4; } &:nth-child(even) { background-color: $white_grey; } &:hover:not(.active) { background-color: $lighter_grey; } border-bottom: 1px solid $border-color; &.active { background-color: #6B9ED1; color: white; position: relative; &:after, &:before { left: 100%; top: 50%; border: solid transparent; content: " "; height: 0; width: 0; position: absolute; pointer-events: none; } &:after { border-color: rgba(65, 131, 196, 0); border-left-color: #6B9ED1; border-width: 10px; margin-top: -10px; } &:before { border-color: rgba(65, 131, 196, 0); border-left-color: $border-color; border-width: 11px; margin-top: -11px; } } } } div.translation_edit_container { position: relative; padding-top: 1rem; padding-bottom: 5rem; textarea { height: 10rem; resize: none; width: 100%; padding: 20px; border: 0; border-top: 1px solid $border-color; border-bottom: 1px solid $border-color; background: #fff; color: #999999; font-size: 21px; line-height: 1.6em; resize: none; -moz-transition: color 0.15s ease-in 0; -webkit-transition: color 0.15s ease-in 0; transition: color 0.15s ease-in 0; box-shadow: none; } button { margin-top: 1rem; } } } .translation_filename { direction: rtl; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; unicode-bidi: bidi-override; font-style: italic; white-space: nowrap; } .color-range-0 { color: $md_green } .color-range-1 { color: #BABF24 } .color-range-2 { color: #ffc40d } .color-range-3 { color: #BF6C24 } .color-range-4 { color: #BF2C24; } .bold { font-weight: bold; } .greentext { color: $md_green } ; T; i;8T; @