class Shoes ICON = File.join(DIR, 'static/shoes-icon.png').freeze # Instantiates a new Shoes app. # # @param opts [Hash] A hash of options used instantiate the Shoes::App object with. # @param blk [Proc] The block containing the DSL instructions for the actual app. # # @example # "Chunky") do # para "Bacon is awesome!" # end # # @return A new instance of Shoes::App # # @see Shoes::App#initialize def{}, &blk), &blk) end # This is the user-facing App object. It is `self` inside of a # block, and is the context in which a Shoes app is evaled. It delegates most # of its functionality to an InternalApp object, which interacts with other # Shoes objects. There should be no unnecessary instance variables or methods # in this class, so users are free to use whatever names they choose for # their own code. class App include DSL include BuiltinMethods include Common::Inspect # Instantiates a new Shoes app. # # @param opts [Hash] The options to initialize the app with. # @param blk [Proc] The block containing the DSL instructions to be executed within the app. # # @option opts [String] :title ("Shoes 4") The title of the window # @option opts [Boolean] :resizable (true) Whether the window is resizable # @option opts [Boolean] :fullscreen (false) Whether the app should start in fullscreen # @option opts [Fixnum] :width (600) The width of the app window # @option opts [Fixnum] :height (500) The height of the app window # # @see Dimension#initialize def initialize(opts={}, &blk) @__app__ =, opts, &blk) @__app__.setup_gui Shoes.register self @__app__.open_gui end # Shoes 3 exposes the app object like this, so we keep it for # compatibility def app self end def window(options={}, &block) options.merge! owner: self, &block) end def close quit end def quit Shoes.unregister self @__app__.quit end def parent @__app__.current_slot.parent end %w( width height owner started? location left top absolute_left absolute_top click release clear fullscreen fullscreen= contents ).each do |method| define_method method do |*args, &block| @__app__.public_send method, *args, &block end end alias_method :fullscreen?, :fullscreen def to_s super.insert(-2, " \"#{@__app__.app_title}\"") end def inspect super.insert(-2, " \"#{@__app__.app_title}\")") end def eval_with_additional_context(context, &blk) @__additional_context__ = context instance_eval(&blk) if blk ensure @__additional_context__ = nil end def method_missing(name, *args, &blk) if @__additional_context__ @__additional_context__.public_send(name, *args, &blk) else super end end DELEGATE_BLACKLIST = [:parent, :app] # class definitions are evaluated top to bottom, want to have all of them # so define at bottom DELEGATE_METHODS = ((Shoes::App.public_instance_methods(false) + Shoes::DSL.public_instance_methods) - DELEGATE_BLACKLIST).freeze def self.subscribe_to_dsl_methods(klazz) klazz.extend Forwardable unless klazz.is_a? Forwardable klazz.def_delegators :app, *DELEGATE_METHODS @method_subscribers ||= [] @method_subscribers << klazz end def self.new_dsl_method(name, &blk) define_method name, blk @method_subscribers.each {|klazz| klazz.def_delegator :app, name} end end end