class ImportsController < ArtfullyOseController before_filter { authorize! :create, Import } before_filter :set_import_type def index @imports = organization.imports.includes(:user, :organization).order('created_at desc').all end def approve @import = organization.imports.find(params[:id]) @import.approve! flash[:notice] = "Your file has been entered in the import queue. This process may take some time. Reload this page to see progress or check back in a few minutes." redirect_to imports_path end def show @import = organization.imports.find(params[:id]) # # Building an import preview was just murdering us. The problem is way down in Array.index in parsed_row.load_value. # Temporarily shutting it off for > 1000 # @under_limit = @import.import_rows.count < 1000 if @import.status == "pending" && @under_limit @parsed_rows = @import.parsed_rows.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 50) end @people = Person.where(:import_id => => params[:page], :per_page => 50) unless @messages = ImportMessage.where(:import_id => => params[:messages_page], :per_page => 10) unless end def new if params[:bucket].present? && params[:key].present? @import = @import.organization = organization @import.s3_bucket = params[:bucket] @import.s3_key = params[:key] @import.s3_etag = params[:etag] @import.status = "caching" @import.user_id = @import.caching! redirect_to import_path(@import) else @import = end end def create @import = @import.user = current_user @import.organization = organization if redirect_to import_path(@import) else render :new end end def destroy @import = organization.imports.find(params[:id]) @import.destroy redirect_to imports_path end def template case @type when "events" fields = ParsedRow::EVENT_FIELDS.merge(ParsedRow::PEOPLE_FIELDS).merge(ParsedRow::ADDRESS_FIELDS) when "people" fields = ParsedRow::PEOPLE_FIELDS.merge(ParsedRow::ADDRESS_FIELDS) when "donations" fields = ParsedRow::DONATION_FIELDS.merge(ParsedRow::PEOPLE_FIELDS).merge(ParsedRow::ADDRESS_FIELDS) else raise "Unknown import type." end columns = { |field, names| names.first } csv_string = CSV.generate { |csv| csv << columns } send_data csv_string, :filename => "Artfully-Import-Template.csv", :type => "text/csv", :disposition => "attachment" end def recall @import = organization.imports.find(params[:id]) raise "Can't recall imports other than people imports." unless @import.is_a?(PeopleImport) Delayed::Job.enqueue flash[:notice] = "The import is currently being recalled. Reload this page to see progress or check back in a few minutes." redirect_to imports_path end protected def organization current_user.current_organization end def set_import_type #Cache import type to work around the direct to s3 upload session[:type] = params[:type] unless params[:type].blank? @type = (params[:type] || session[:type]) end end