module RDF ## # The base class for RDF serialization formats. # # @example Loading an RDF serialization format implementation # require 'rdf/ntriples' # # @example Iterating over known RDF serialization formats # RDF::Format.each { |klass| puts } # # @example Getting a serialization format class # RDF::Format.for(:ntriples) #=> RDF::NTriples::Format # RDF::Format.for("etc/doap.nt") # RDF::Format.for(:file_name => "etc/doap.nt") # RDF::Format.for(:file_extension => "nt") # RDF::Format.for(:content_type => "text/plain") # # @example Obtaining serialization format MIME types # RDF::Format.content_types #=> {"text/plain" => [RDF::NTriples::Format]} # # @example Obtaining serialization format file extension mappings # RDF::Format.file_extensions #=> {:nt => [RDF::NTriples::Format]} # # @example Defining a new RDF serialization format class # class RDF::NTriples::Format < RDF::Format # content_type 'text/plain', :extension => :nt # content_encoding 'ascii' # # reader RDF::NTriples::Reader # writer RDF::NTriples::Writer # end # # @example Instantiating an RDF reader or writer class (1) # RDF::Format.for(:ntriples)$stdin) { |reader| ... } # RDF::Format.for(:ntriples)$stdout) { |writer| ... } # # @example Instantiating an RDF reader or writer class (2) # RDF::Reader.for(:ntriples).new($stdin) { |reader| ... } # RDF::Writer.for(:ntriples).new($stdout) { |writer| ... } # # @abstract # @see RDF::Reader # @see RDF::Writer # @see class Format extend ::Enumerable ## # Enumerates known RDF serialization format classes. # # @yield [klass] # @yieldparam [Class] # @return [Enumerator] def self.each(&block) @@subclasses.each(&block) end ## # Finds an RDF serialization format class based on the given criteria. # # @overload for(format) # Finds an RDF serialization format class based on a symbolic name. # # @param [Symbol] format # @return [Class] # # @overload for(filename) # Finds an RDF serialization format class based on a file name. # # @param [String] filename # @return [Class] # # @overload for(options = {}) # Finds an RDF serialization format class based on various options. # # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @option options [String, #to_s] :file_name (nil) # @option options [Symbol, #to_sym] :file_extension (nil) # @option options [String, #to_s] :content_type (nil) # Note that content_type will be taken from a URL opened using {RDF::Util::File.open_file}. # @option options [Boolean] :has_reader (false) # Only return a format having a reader. # @option options [Boolean] :has_writer (false) # Only return a format having a writer. # @option options [String] :sample (nil) # A sample of input used for performing format detection. # If we find no formats, or we find more than one, and we have a sample, we can # perform format detection to find a specific format to use, in which case # we pick the first one we find # @return [Class] # @yieldreturn [String] another way to provide a sample, allows lazy for retrieving the sample. # # @return [Class] def self.for(options = {}) format = case options when String # Find a format based on the file name self.for(:file_name => options) { yield if block_given? } when Hash case # Find a format based on the MIME content type: when mime_type = options[:content_type] # @see # @see mime_type = mime_type.to_s mime_type = mime_type.split(';').first # remove any media type parameters # Ignore text/plain, a historical encoding for N-Triples, which is # problematic in format detection, as many web servers will serve # content by default text/plain. content_types[mime_type] unless mime_type == 'text/plain' && (options[:sample] || block_given?) # Find a format based on the file name: when file_name = options[:file_name] self.for(:file_extension => File.extname(file_name.to_s)[1..-1]) { yield if block_given? } # Find a format based on the file extension: when file_ext = options[:file_extension] file_extensions[file_ext.to_sym] end when Symbol # Try to find a match based on the full class name # We want this to work even if autoloading fails format = options @@subclasses.detect { |klass| klass.to_sym == format } || case format when :ntriples RDF::NTriples::Format when :nquads RDF::NQuads::Format end end if format.is_a?(Array) format = {|f| f.reader} if options[:has_reader] format = {|f| f.writer} if options[:has_writer] return format.first if format.uniq.length == 1 elsif !format.nil? return format end # If we have a sample, use that for format detection if sample = (options[:sample] if options.is_a?(Hash)) || (yield if block_given?) # Given a sample, perform format detection across the appropriate formats, choosing # the first that matches format ||= @@subclasses # Return first format that has a positive detection format.detect {|f| f.detect(sample.to_s)} || format.first elsif format.is_a?(Array) # Otherwise, just return the first matching format format.first else nil end end ## # Returns MIME content types for known RDF serialization formats. # # @example retrieving a list of supported Mime types # # RDF::Format.content_types.keys # # @return [Hash{String => Array}] def self.content_types @@content_types end ## # Returns file extensions for known RDF serialization formats. # # @example retrieving a list of supported file extensions # # RDF::Format.file_extensions.keys # # @return [Hash{Symbol => Array}] def self.file_extensions @@file_extensions end ## # Returns the set of format symbols for available RDF::Reader subclasses. # # @example # # symbols = RDF::Format.reader_symbols # format = RDF::Format.for(symbols.first) # # @return [Array] def self.reader_symbols end ## # Returns the set of content types for available RDF::Reader subclasses. # # @example # # content_types = RDF::Format.reader_types # format = RDF::Format.for(:content_type => content_types.first) # # @return [Array] def self.reader_types {|s| RDF::Format.for(s).content_type}.flatten.uniq end ## # Returns the set of format symbols for available RDF::Writer subclasses. # # @example # # symbols = RDF::Format.writer_symbols # format = RDF::Format.for(symbols.first) # # @return [Array] def self.writer_symbols end ## # Returns the set of content types for available RDF::Writer subclasses. # # @example # # content_types = RDF::Format.writer_types # format = RDF::Format.for(:content_type => content_types.first) # # @return [Array] def self.writer_types {|s| RDF::Format.for(s).content_type}.flatten.uniq end ## # Returns a symbol appropriate to use with RDF::Format.for() # @return [Symbol] def self.to_sym elements = self.to_s.split("::") sym = elements.pop sym = elements.pop if sym == 'Format' sym.downcase.to_s.to_sym if sym.is_a?(String) end ## # Returns a human-readable name for the format. # Subclasses should override this to use something # difererent than the Class name. # # @example # # => "NTriples" # # @return [Symbol] def elements = self.to_s.split("::") name = elements.pop name = elements.pop if name == 'Format' name.to_s end ## # Retrieves or defines the reader class for this RDF serialization # format. # # @overload reader(klass) # Defines the reader class for this RDF serialization format. # # The class should be a subclass of {RDF::Reader}, or implement the # same interface. # # @param [Class] klass # @return [void] # # @overload reader # Defines the reader class for this RDF serialization format. # # The block should return a subclass of {RDF::Reader}, or a class that # implements the same interface. The block won't be invoked until the # reader class is first needed. # # @yield # @yieldreturn [Class] klass # @return [void] # # @overload reader # Retrieves the reader class for this RDF serialization format. # # @return [Class] # # @return [void] def self.reader(klass = nil, &block) case when klass @@readers[self] = klass when block_given? @@readers[self] = block else klass = @@readers[self] klass = @@readers[self] = if klass.is_a?(Proc) klass end end ## # Retrieves or defines the writer class for this RDF serialization # format. # # @overload writer(klass) # Defines the writer class for this RDF serialization format. # # The class should be a subclass of {RDF::Writer}, or implement the # same interface. # # @param [Class] klass # @return [void] # # @overload writer # Defines the writer class for this RDF serialization format. # # The block should return a subclass of {RDF::Writer}, or a class that # implements the same interface. The block won't be invoked until the # writer class is first needed. # # @yield # @yieldreturn [Class] klass # @return [void] # # @overload writer # Retrieves the writer class for this RDF serialization format. # # @return [Class] # # @return [void] def self.writer(klass = nil, &block) case when klass @@writers[self] = klass when block_given? @@writers[self] = block else klass = @@writers[self] klass = @@writers[self] = if klass.is_a?(Proc) klass end end ## # Use a text sample to detect the format of an input file. Sub-classes implement # a matcher sufficient to detect probably format matches, including disambiguating # between other similar formats. # # Used to determine format class from loaded formats by {RDF::Format.for} when a # match cannot be unambigiously found otherwise. # # @example # RDF::NTriples::Format.detect(" .") => true # # @param [String] sample Beginning several bytes (~ 1K) of input. # @return [Boolean] def self.detect(sample) false end class << self alias_method :reader_class, :reader alias_method :writer_class, :writer end ## # Retrieves or defines MIME content types for this RDF serialization format. # # @overload content_type(type, options) # Retrieves or defines the MIME content type for this RDF serialization format. # # Optionally also defines alias MIME content types for this RDF serialization format. # # Optionally also defines a file extension, or a list of file # extensions, that should be mapped to the given MIME type and handled # by this class. # # @param [String] type # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @option options [String] :alias (nil) # @option options [Array] :aliases (nil) # @option options [Symbol] :extension (nil) # @option options [Array] :extensions (nil) # @return [void] # # @overload content_type # Retrieves the MIME content types for this RDF serialization format. # # The return is an array where the first element is the cannonical # MIME type for the format and following elements are alias MIME types. # # @return [Array] def self.content_type(type = nil, options = {}) if type.nil? [@@content_type[self], { |ct, cl| (cl.include?(self) && ct != @@content_type[self]) ? ct : nil }].flatten.compact else @@content_type[self] = type (@@content_types[type] ||= []) << self if extensions = (options[:extension] || options[:extensions]) extensions = [extensions] extensions.each { |ext| (@@file_extensions[ext] ||= []) << self } end if aliases = (options[:alias] || options[:aliases]) aliases = [aliases].flatten.each { |a| (@@content_types[a] ||= []) << self } end end end ## # Retrieves or defines file extensions for this RDF serialization format. # # The return is an array where the first element is the cannonical # file extension for the format and following elements are alias file extensions. # # @return [Array] def self.file_extension {|ext, formats| ext if formats.include?(self)}.compact end protected ## # Defines a required Ruby library for this RDF serialization format. # # The given library will be required lazily, i.e. only when it is # actually first needed, such as when instantiating a reader or parser # instance for this format. # # @param [String, #to_s] library # @return [void] def self.require(library) (@@requires[self] ||= []) << library.to_s end ## # Defines the content encoding for this RDF serialization format. # # When called without an encoding, it returns the currently defined # content encoding for this format # # @param [#to_sym] encoding # @return [void] def self.content_encoding(encoding = nil) @@content_encoding[self] = encoding.to_sym if encoding @@content_encoding[self] || "utf-8" end private private_class_method :new @@requires = {} # @private @@file_extensions = {} # @private @@content_type = {} # @private @@content_types = {} # @private @@content_encoding = {} # @private @@readers = {} # @private @@writers = {} # @private @@subclasses = [] # @private ## # @private # @return [void] def self.inherited(child) @@subclasses << child if child super end end # Format ## # The base class for RDF serialization format errors. class FormatError < IOError end # FormatError end # RDF