module Statsample module Bivariate # Calculate Polychoric correlation for two vectors. def self.polychoric(v1,v2) pc=Polychoric.new_with_vectors(v1,v2) pc.r end # Polychoric correlation matrix. # Order of rows and columns depends on Dataset#fields order def self.polychoric_correlation_matrix(ds) ds.collect_matrix do |row,col| if row==col 1.0 else begin polychoric(ds[row],ds[col]) rescue RuntimeError nil end end end end # Compute polychoric correlation. # # The polychoric correlation estimate what the correlation between raters, who classified on a ordered category scale, would be if ratings were made on a continuous scale; they are, theoretically, invariant over changes in the number or "width" of rating categories. # See extensive documentation on class Polychoric include GetText bindtextdomain("statsample") # Name of the analysis attr_accessor :name # Max number of iterations used on iterative methods. Default to 100 attr_accessor :max_iterations # Debug algorithm (See iterations, for example) attr_accessor :debug # Minimizer type. Default GSL::Min::FMinimizer::BRENT # See for reference. attr_accessor :minimizer_type # Method of calculation. # # Drasgow (1988, cited by Uebersax, 2002) describe two method: joint maximum likelihood (ML) approach and two-step ML estimation. # For now, only implemented two-step ML (:two_step), with algorithm # based on Drasgow(1986, cited by Gegenfurtner, 1992) # attr_accessor :method # Absolute error for iteration. Default to 0.001 attr_accessor :epsilon # Number of iterations attr_reader :iteration # Log of algorithm attr_reader :log attr_reader :loglike MAX_ITERATIONS=100 EPSILON=0.001 MINIMIZER_TYPE=GSL::Min::FMinimizer::BRENT def new_with_vectors(v1,v2),v2).to_matrix) end def initialize(matrix, @matrix=matrix @n=matrix.column_size @m=matrix.row_size raise "row size <1" if @m<=1 raise "column size <1" if @n<=1 @method=:two_step @name="Polychoric correlation" @max_iterations=MAX_ITERATIONS @epsilon=EPSILON @minimizer_type=GSL::Min::FMinimizer::BRENT @debug=false @iteration=nil opts.each{|k,v| self.send("#{k}=",v) if self.respond_to? k } @r=nil end def r if @r.nil? compute end @r end def threshold_x if @alpha.nil? compute end @alpha[0,@alpha.size-1] end def threshold_y if @beta.nil? compute end @beta[0,@beta.size-1] end def compute if @method==:two_step compute_two_step_mle_drasgow elsif @method==:as87 compute_two_step_as87 else raise "Not implemented" end end # *Computation of polychoric correlation usign two-step ML estimation.* # # Two-step ML estimation "first estimates the thresholds from the one-way marginal frequencies, then estimates rho, conditional on these thresholds, via maximum likelihood" (Uebersax, 2006). # # The algorithm is based on Drasgow(1986, cited by Gegenfurtner (1992) # References: # * Gegenfurtner, K. (1992). PRAXIS: Brent's algorithm for function minimization. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, 24(4), 560-564. Available on # * Uebersax, J.S. (2006). The tetrachoric and polychoric correlation coefficients. Statistical Methods for Rater Agreement web site. 2006. Available at: . Accessed February, 11, 2010 # def compute_two_step_mle_drasgow @nr=@matrix.row_size @nc=@matrix.column_size @sumr=[0]*@matrix.row_size @sumrac=[0]*@matrix.row_size @sumc=[0]*@matrix.column_size @sumcac=[0]*@matrix.column_size @alpha=[0]*@matrix.row_size @beta=[0]*@matrix.row_size @total=0 @nr.times do |i| @nc.times do |j| @sumr[i]+=@matrix[i,j] @sumc[j]+=@matrix[i,j] @total+=@matrix[i,j] end end ac=0 (@nr-1).times do |i| @sumrac[i]=@sumr[i]+ac @alpha[i]=Distribution::Normal.p_value(@sumrac[i] / @total.to_f) ac=@sumrac[i] end ac=0 (@nc-1).times do |i| @sumcac[i]=@sumc[i]+ac @beta[i]=Distribution::Normal.p_value(@sumcac[i] / @total.to_f) ac=@sumcac[i] end @alpha[@nr-1]=10 @beta[@nc-1]=10 fn1=GSL::Function.alloc {|x| loglike=0 pd=@nr.times.collect{ [0]*@nc} pc=@nr.times.collect{ [0]*@nc} @nr.times { |i| @nc.times { |j| pd[i][j]=Distribution::NormalBivariate.cdf(@alpha[i], @beta[j], x) pc[i][j] = pd[i][j] pd[i][j] = pd[i][j] - pc[i-1][j] if i>0 pd[i][j] = pd[i][j] - pc[i][j-1] if j>0 pd[i][j] = pd[i][j] + pc[i-1][j-1] if (i>0 and j>0) res= pd[i][j] if res==0.0 res=1e-15 end # puts "i:#{i} | j:#{j} | ac: #{sprintf("%0.4f", pc[i][j])} | pd: #{sprintf("%0.4f", pd[i][j])} | res:#{sprintf("%0.4f", res)}" loglike+= @matrix[i,j] * Math::log( res ) } } # p pd @loglike=loglike @pd=pd -loglike } @iteration = 0 max_iter = @max_iterations m = 0 # initial guess m_expected = 0.5 a=-0.99999 b=+0.99999 gmf = GSL::Min::FMinimizer.alloc(@minimizer_type) gmf.set(fn1, m, a, b) header=sprintf("using %s method\n", header+=sprintf("%5s [%9s, %9s] %9s %10s %9s\n", "iter", "lower", "upper", "min", "err", "err(est)") header+=sprintf("%5d [%.7f, %.7f] %.7f %+.7f %.7f\n", @iteration, a, b, m, m - m_expected, b - a) @log=header puts header if @debug begin @iteration += 1 status = gmf.iterate status = gmf.test_interval(0.001, 0.0) if status == GSL::SUCCESS @log+="Converged:" puts "Converged:" if @debug end a = gmf.x_lower b = gmf.x_upper m = gmf.x_minimum message=sprintf("%5d [%.7f, %.7f] %.7f %+.7f %.7f\n", @iteration, a, b, m, m - m_expected, b - a); @log+=message puts message if @debug end while status == GSL::CONTINUE and @iteration < @max_iterations @r=gmf.x_minimum end # Chi-square to test r=0 def chi_square_independence Statsample::Test::chi_square(@matrix, expected) end # Chi-square to test model==independence def chi_square_model_expected calculate if @r.nil? model=Matrix.rows(@pd).collect {|c| c*@total} Statsample::Test::chi_square(model, expected) end # Chi-square to test real == calculated with rho def chi_square_model calculate if @r.nil? e=Matrix.rows(@pd).collect {|c| c*@total} Statsample::Test::chi_square(@matrix, e) end def matrix_for_rho(rho) pd=@nr.times.collect{ [0]*@nc} pc=@nr.times.collect{ [0]*@nc} @nr.times { |i| @nc.times { |j| pd[i][j]=Distribution::NormalBivariate.cdf(@alpha[i], @beta[j], rho) pc[i][j] = pd[i][j] pd[i][j] = pd[i][j] - pc[i-1][j] if i>0 pd[i][j] = pd[i][j] - pc[i][j-1] if j>0 pd[i][j] = pd[i][j] + pc[i-1][j-1] if (i>0 and j>0) res= pd[i][j] } } Matrix.rows(pc) end def g2 raise "Doesn't work" e=expected no_r_likehood=0 @nr.times {|i| @nc.times {|j| #p @matrix[i,j] if @matrix[i,j]!=0 no_r_likehood+= @matrix[i,j]*Math::log(e[i,j]) end } } p no_r_likehood model=Matrix.rows(@pd).collect {|c| c*@total} model_likehood=0 @nr.times {|i| @nc.times {|j| #p @matrix[i,j] if @matrix[i,j]!=0 model_likehood+= @matrix[i,j] * Math::log(model[i,j]) end } } p model_likehood -2*(no_r_likehood-model_likehood) end def expected rt=[] ct=[] t=0 @matrix.row_size.times {|i| @matrix.column_size.times {|j| rt[i]=0 if rt[i].nil? ct[j]=0 if ct[j].nil? rt[i]+=@matrix[i,j] ct[j]+=@matrix[i,j] t+=@matrix[i,j] } } m=[] @matrix.row_size.times {|i| row=[] @matrix.column_size.times {|j| row[j]=(rt[i]*ct[j]).quo(t) } m.push(row) } Matrix.rows(m) end # Compute polychoric using AS87. # Doesn't work for now! I can't find the error :( def compute_two_step_as87 @nn=@n-1 @mm=@m-1 @nn7=7*@nn @mm7=7*@mm @mn=@n*@m @cont=[nil] @n.times {|j| @m.times {|i| @cont.push(@matrix[i,j]) } } pcorl=0 cont=@cont xmean=0.0 sum=0.0 row=[] colmn=[] (1..@m).each do |i| row[i]=0.0 l=i (1..@n).each do |j| row[i]=row[i]+cont[l] l+=@m end raise "Should not be empty rows" if(row[i]==0.0) xmean=xmean+row[i]*i.to_f sum+=row[i] end xmean=xmean/sum.to_f ymean=0.0 (1..@n).each do |j| colmn[j]=0.0 l=(j-1)*@m (1..@m).each do |i| l=l+1 colmn[j]=colmn[j]+cont[l] #12 end raise "Should not be empty cols" if colmn[j]==0 ymean=ymean+colmn[j]*j.to_f end ymean=ymean/sum.to_f covxy=0.0 (1..@m).each do |i| l=i (1..@n).each do |j| conxy=covxy+cont[l]*(i.to_f-xmean)*(j.to_f-ymean) l=l+@m end end chisq=0.0 (1..@m).each do |i| l=i (1..@n).each do |j| chisq=chisq+((cont[l]**2).quo(row[i]*colmn[j])) l=l+@m end end phisq=chisq-1.0-(@mm*@nn).to_f / sum.to_f phisq=0 if(phisq<0.0) # Compute cumulative sum of columns and rows sumc=[] sumr=[] sumc[1]=colmn[1] sumr[1]=row[1] cum=0 (1..@nn).each do |i| # goto 17 r20 cum=cum+colmn[i] sumc[i]=cum end cum=0 (1..@mm).each do |i| cum=cum+row[i] sumr[i]=cum end alpha=[] beta=[] # Compute points of polytomy (1..@mm).each do |i| #do 21 alpha[i]=Distribution::Normal.p_value(sumr[i] / sum.to_f) end # 21 (1..@nn).each do |i| #do 22 beta[i]=Distribution::Normal.p_value(sumc[i] / sum.to_f) end # 21 @alpha=alpha[1,alpha.size] << nil @beta=beta[1,beta.size] << nil @sumr=sumr @sumc=sumc @total=sum # Compute Fourier coefficients a and b. Verified h=hermit(alpha,@mm) hh=hermit(beta,@nn) a=[] b=[] if @m!=2 # goto 24 mmm=@m-2 (1..mmm).each do |i| #do 23 a1=sum.quo(row[i+1] * sumr[i] * sumr[i+1]) a2=sumr[i] * xnorm(alpha[i+1]) a3=sumr[i+1] * xnorm(alpha[i]) l=i (1..7).each do |j| #do 23 a[l]=Math::sqrt(a1.quo(j))*(h[l+1] * a2 - h[l] * a3) l=l+@mm end end #23 end # 24 if @n!=2 # goto 26 nnn=@n-2 (1..nnn).each do |i| #do 25 a1=sum.quo(colmn[i+1] * sumc[i] * sumc[i+1]) a2=sumc[i] * xnorm(beta[i+1]) a3=sumc[i+1] * xnorm(beta[i]) l=i (1..7).each do |j| #do 25 b[l]=Math::sqrt(a1.quo(j))*(a2 * hh[l+1] - a3*hh[l]) l=l+@nn end # 25 end # 25 end #26 r20 l = @mm a1 = -sum * xnorm(alpha[@mm]) a2 = row[@m] * sumr[@mm] (1..7).each do |j| # do 27 a[l]=a1 * h[l].quo(Math::sqrt(j*a2)) l=l+@mm end # 27 l = @nn a1 = -sum * xnorm(beta[@nn]) a2 = colmn[@n] * sumc[@nn] (1..7).each do |j| # do 28 b[l]=a1 * hh[l].quo(Math::sqrt(j*a2)) l = l + @nn end # 28 rcof=[] # compute coefficients rcof of polynomial of order 8 rcof[1]=-phisq (2..9).each do |i| # do 30 rcof[i]=0.0 end #30 m1=@mm (1..@mm).each do |i| # do 31 m1=m1+1 m2=m1+@mm m3=m2+@mm m4=m3+@mm m5=m4+@mm m6=m5+@mm n1=@nn (1..@nn).each do |j| # do 31 n1=n1+1 n2=n1+@nn n3=n2+@nn n4=n3+@nn n5=n4+@nn n6=n5+@nn rcof[3] = rcof[3] + a[i]**2 * b[j]**2 rcof[4] = rcof[4] + 2.0 * a[i] * a[m1] * b[j] * b[n1] rcof[5] = rcof[5] + a[m1]**2 * b[n1]**2 + 2.0 * a[i] * a[m2] * b[j] * b[n2] rcof[6] = rcof[6] + 2.0 * (a[i] * a[m3] * b[j] * b[n3] + a[m1] * a[m2] * b[n1] * b[n2]) rcof[7] = rcof[7] + a[m2]**2 * b[n2]**2 + 2.0 * (a[i] * a[m4] * b[j] * b[n4] + a[m1] * a[m3] * b[n1] * b[n3]) rcof[8] = rcof[8] + 2.0 * (a[i] * a[m5] * b[j] * b[n5] + a[m1] * a[m4] * b[n1] * b[n4] + a[m2] * a[m3] * b[n2] * b[n3]) rcof[9] = rcof[9] + a[m3]**2 * b[n3]**2 + 2.0 * (a[i] * a[m6] * b[j] * b[n6] + a[m1] * a[m5] * b[n1] * b[n5] + (a[m2] * a[m4] * b[n2] * b[n4])) end # 31 end # 31 rcof=rcof[1,rcof.size] poly = GSL::Poly.alloc(rcof) roots=poly.solve rootr=[nil] rooti=[nil] roots.each {|c| rootr.push(c.real) rooti.push( } @rootr=rootr @rooti=rooti norts=0 (1..7).each do |i| # do 43 next if rooti[i]!=0.0 if (covxy>=0.0) next if(rootr[i]<0.0 or rootr[i]>1.0) pcorl=rootr[i] norts=norts+1 else if (rootr[i]>=-1.0 and rootr[i]<0.0) pcorl=rootr[i] norts=norts+1 end end end # 43 raise "Error" if norts==0 @r=pcorl end #Computes vector h(mm7) of orthogonal hermite... def hermit(s,k) h=[] (1..k).each do |i| # do 14 l=i ll=i+k lll=ll+k h[i]=1.0 h[ll]=s[i] v=1.0 (2..6).each do |j| #do 14 w=Math::sqrt(j) h[lll]=(s[i]*h[ll] - v*h[l]).quo(w) v=w l=l+k ll=ll+k lll=lll+k end end h end def xnorm(t) Math::exp(-0.5 * t **2) * (1.0/Math::sqrt(2*Math::PI)) end def summary rp.add(self) rp.to_text end def to_reportbuilder(generator) compute if @r.nil?>@name)>_("Contingence Table"),:header=>[""]+(@n.times.collect {|i| "Y=#{i}"})+["Total"]) @m.times do |i| t.add_row(["X = #{i}"]+(@n.times.collect {|j| @matrix[i,j]}) + [@sumr[i]]) end t.add_hr t.add_row(["T"]+(@n.times.collect {|j| @sumc[j]})+[@total]) section.add(t) #generator.parse_element(t) section.add(sprintf("r: %0.4f",r))>_("Thresholds"), :header=>["","Value"]) threshold_x.each_with_index {|val,i| t.add_row(["Threshold X #{i}", sprintf("%0.4f", val)]) } threshold_y.each_with_index {|val,i| t.add_row(["Threshold Y #{i}", sprintf("%0.4f", val)]) } section.add(t) generator.parse_element(section) end end end end