   "completed_at" : "20170307T173129Z",
   "completed_status" : "Success",
   "created_at" : "2017-03-07 10:30:22 -0700",
   "current_step" : 7,
   "description" : "Autogenerated 1",
   "file_format_version" : "0.0.1",
   "file_paths" : ["../../../NREL_integration_testing/weather"],
   "measure_paths" : [ "../measures" ],
   "name" : "Lighting",
   "osa_id" : "ebd60da1-76da-46bc-92fa-92873dd86047",
   "osd_id" : "a2211764-57d0-490f-9945-79cea0f8dd73",
   "run_directory" : "./run",
   "seed_file" : null,
   "started_at" : "20170307T173024Z",
   "steps" : [
         "arguments" : {
            "building_type" : "SmallOffice",
            "climate_zone" : "ASHRAE 169-2006-2A",
            "epw_file" : "Not Applicable",
            "template" : "90.1-2010"
         "description" : "Option 1 Description: Creates the DOE Reference Building Models as starting points for other analyses.",
         "measure_dir_name" : "create_DOE_prototype_building",
         "measure_id" : "be90fd0b-a651-467a-bc8d-29d310b0f937",
         "measure_type" : "ModelMeasure",
         "name" : "Prototype Small Office",
         "result" : {
            "completed_at" : "20170307T173049Z",
            "started_at" : "20170307T173026Z",
            "stderr" : "",
            "stdout" : "[OpenStudio.Measure] <0> OSArgumentVector is deprecated, use OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector instead.\n[openstudio.standards.ConstructionBase] <0> Requested U-value of 1.45 for Typical Overhead Door is too low given the other materials in the construction; insulation layer will not be modified.\n[openstudio.EpwFile] <0> Successive data points (1987-Jan-31 to 1981-Feb-01, ending on line 753) are greater than 1 day apart in EPW file '/Applications/openstudio-2.0.4/ParametricAnalysisTool.app/Contents/Resources/OpenStudio-server/gems/gems/openstudio-standards-0.1.11/data/weather/USA_TX_Houston-Bush.Intercontinental.AP.722430_TMY3.epw'. Data will be treated as typical (TMY)\n[openstudio.setFileExtension] <0> Path p, '/Applications/openstudio-2.0.4/ParametricAnalysisTool.app/Contents/Resources/OpenStudio-server/gems/gems/openstudio-standards-0.1.11/data/weather/USA_TX_Houston-Bush.Intercontinental.AP.722430_TMY3.ddy', has an unexpected file extension. Was expecting 'idf'.\n[openstudio.model.YearDescription] <1> 'UseWeatherFile' is not yet a supported option for YearDescription\n[openstudio.model.YearDescription] <1> 'UseWeatherFile' is not yet a supported option for YearDescription\n[openstudio.Standards.Model] <0> No story with a min z value of 0.0 m +/- 0.3 m was found, so a new story called Building Story 1 was created.\n[openstudio.Standards.Model] <0> Space Perimeter_ZN_2 was not assigned to a story by the user.  It has been assigned to Building Story 1.\n[openstudio.Standards.Model] <0> Space Core_ZN was not assigned to a story by the user.  It has been assigned to Building Story 1.\n[openstudio.Standards.Model] <0> Space Perimeter_ZN_1 was not assigned to a story by the user.  It has been assigned to Building Story 1.\n[openstudio.Standards.Model] <0> Space Perimeter_ZN_3 was not assigned to a story by the user.  It has been assigned to Building Story 1.\n[openstudio.Standards.Model] <0> Space Perimeter_ZN_4 was not assigned to a story by the user.  It has been assigned to Building Story 1.\n[utilities.idf.WorkspaceObject] <0> Object of type 'Schedule:Constant' and named 'Always Off Discrete', points to an object named OnOff 1 from field 1, but that object cannot be located.\n[utilities.idf.WorkspaceObject] <0> Object of type 'Schedule:Constant' and named 'Always On Continuous', points to an object named Fractional 1 from field 1, but that object cannot be located.\n",
            "step_errors" : [],
            "step_files" : [],
            "step_info" : [
               "Started adding geometry",
               "Finished adding geometry",
               "Setting Perimeter_ZN_1 to Office.WholeBuilding - Sm Office",
               "Setting Perimeter_ZN_2 to Office.WholeBuilding - Sm Office",
               "Setting Perimeter_ZN_3 to Office.WholeBuilding - Sm Office",
               "Setting Perimeter_ZN_4 to Office.WholeBuilding - Sm Office",
               "Setting Core_ZN to Office.WholeBuilding - Sm Office",
               "Setting Attic to Office.Attic",
               "Started applying space types (loads)",
               "Office Attic had no ventilation specification, one has been created.",
               "Office Attic had no infiltration objects, one has been created.",
               "Office Attic set infiltration to 0.0 per ft^2 exterior surface area.",
               "Office Attic set infiltration schedule to OfficeMedium INFIL_SCH_PNNL.",
               "Office WholeBuilding - Sm Office had no people, one has been created.",
               "Office WholeBuilding - Sm Office set occupancy to 5.6 people/1000 ft^2.",
               "Office WholeBuilding - Sm Office had no lights, one has been created.",
               "Office WholeBuilding - Sm Office set LPD to 0.9 W/ft^2.",
               "Office WholeBuilding - Sm Office had no electric equipment, one has been created.",
               "Office WholeBuilding - Sm Office set electric EPD to 0.63 W/ft^2.",
               "Office WholeBuilding - Sm Office had no ventilation specification, one has been created.",
               "Office WholeBuilding - Sm Office set ventilation per area to 0.085 cfm/ft^2.",
               "Office WholeBuilding - Sm Office had no infiltration objects, one has been created.",
               "Office WholeBuilding - Sm Office set infiltration to 0.0 per ft^2 exterior surface area.",
               "Office WholeBuilding - Sm Office set occupancy schedule to OfficeSmall BLDG_OCC_SCH.",
               "Office WholeBuilding - Sm Office set occupant activity schedule to OfficeSmall ACTIVITY_SCH.",
               "Office WholeBuilding - Sm Office set lighting schedule to OfficeSmall BLDG_LIGHT_SCH.",
               "Office WholeBuilding - Sm Office set electric equipment schedule to OfficeSmall BLDG_EQUIP_SCH.",
               "Office WholeBuilding - Sm Office set infiltration schedule to OfficeSmall INFIL_QUARTER_ON_SCH.",
               "Office WholeBuilding - Sm Office set heating setpoint schedule to OfficeSmall HTGSETP_SCH_NO_OPTIMUM.",
               "Office WholeBuilding - Sm Office set cooling setpoint schedule to OfficeSmall CLGSETP_SCH_NO_OPTIMUM.",
               "Finished applying space types (loads)",
               "For 90.1-2010, no exterior wall area was found, no infiltration will be added.",
               "For 90.1-2010, no exterior wall area was found, no infiltration will be added.",
               "Started applying constructions",
               "Adding construction set: 90.1-2010-ASHRAE 169-2006-2A-Office--is_residentialNo",
               "Adding construction Typical Insulated Exterior Mass Floor R-9.35.",
               "Adding construction Typical Insulated Exterior Mass Wall R-6.62.",
               "Adding construction Typical IEAD Roof - Highly Reflective R-20.83.",
               "Adding construction Typical Interior Floor.",
               "Adding construction Typical Interior Wall.",
               "Adding construction Typical Interior Ceiling.",
               "Adding construction Typical Insulated Carpeted 6in Slab Floor.",
               "Adding construction Typical Insulated Basement Mass Wall.",
               "Adding construction U 0.72 SHGC 0.25 Sgl Ref-B-M Tint 6mm.",
               "Adding construction Typical Insulated Metal Door R-1.43.",
               "Adding construction Typical Overhead Door.",
               "Adding construction U 1.98 SHGC 0.36 Sgl Ref-B-H Clr 6mm.",
               "Adding construction Typical Interior Window.",
               "Adding construction Typical Interior Door.",
               "Adding construction Typical Interior Partition.",
               "Finished applying constructions",
               "Started creating thermal zones",
               "Finished creating thermal zones",
               "Started Adding HVAC",
               "Adding PSZ-AC for Perimeter_ZN_1 ZN.",
               "Adding PSZ-AC for Perimeter_ZN_2 ZN.",
               "Adding PSZ-AC for Perimeter_ZN_3 ZN.",
               "Adding PSZ-AC for Perimeter_ZN_4 ZN.",
               "Adding PSZ-AC for Core_ZN ZN.",
               "Finished adding HVAC",
               "Started Adding Service Water Heating",
               "Adding service water loop.",
               "Adding water heater.",
               "Adding water fixture to Main Service Water Loop.",
               "Finished adding Service Water Heating",
               "Started adding exterior lights",
               "Finished adding exterior lights",
               "Started Adding Occupancy Sensors",
               "Finished Adding Occupancy Sensors",
               "Started adding weather file for climate zone: ASHRAE 169-2006-2A.",
               "Set sizing factors to 1.2 for heating and 1.2 for cooling.",
               "Running simulation /Users/dgoldwas/Documents/working/0306_REopt_test_a/temp_data/analysis_ebd60da1-76da-46bc-92fa-92873dd86047/data_point_a2211764-57d0-490f-9945-79cea0f8dd73/run/000_create_DOE_prototype_building/output/SR1.",
               "Finished run.",
               "Started applying multizone vav OA sizing.",
               "Finished applying multizone vav OA sizing.",
               "Started applying prototype HVAC assumptions.",
               "For Prototype: Core_ZN ZN PSZ-AC-1 Fan: 602cfm; Pressure Rise = 2.5in w.c.",
               "For Prototype: Perimeter_ZN_1 ZN PSZ-AC-2 Fan: 680cfm; Pressure Rise = 2.5in w.c.",
               "For Prototype: Perimeter_ZN_2 ZN PSZ-AC-3 Fan: 638cfm; Pressure Rise = 2.5in w.c.",
               "For Prototype: Perimeter_ZN_3 ZN PSZ-AC-4 Fan: 682cfm; Pressure Rise = 2.5in w.c.",
               "For Prototype: Perimeter_ZN_4 ZN PSZ-AC-5 Fan: 712cfm; Pressure Rise = 2.5in w.c.",
               "For Core_ZN ZN PSZ-AC-1 Fan: allowed_hp = 1.01HP; motor eff = 86.5%; total fan eff = 56% based on 602 cfm.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_1 ZN PSZ-AC-2 Fan: allowed_hp = 1.01HP; motor eff = 86.5%; total fan eff = 56% based on 680 cfm.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_2 ZN PSZ-AC-3 Fan: allowed_hp = 1.01HP; motor eff = 86.5%; total fan eff = 56% based on 638 cfm.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_3 ZN PSZ-AC-4 Fan: allowed_hp = 1.01HP; motor eff = 86.5%; total fan eff = 56% based on 682 cfm.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_4 ZN PSZ-AC-5 Fan: allowed_hp = 1.01HP; motor eff = 86.5%; total fan eff = 56% based on 712 cfm.",
               "Perimeter_ZN_2 ZN PSZ-AC-3 does not require an economizer because the total cooling capacity of 17627 Btu/hr is less than the minimum capacity of 54000 Btu/hr.",
               "Core_ZN ZN PSZ-AC-1 does not require an economizer because the total cooling capacity of 21939 Btu/hr is less than the minimum capacity of 54000 Btu/hr.",
               "Perimeter_ZN_3 ZN PSZ-AC-4 does not require an economizer because the total cooling capacity of 22486 Btu/hr is less than the minimum capacity of 54000 Btu/hr.",
               "Perimeter_ZN_1 ZN PSZ-AC-2 does not require an economizer because the total cooling capacity of 22285 Btu/hr is less than the minimum capacity of 54000 Btu/hr.",
               "Perimeter_ZN_4 ZN PSZ-AC-5 does not require an economizer because the total cooling capacity of 20184 Btu/hr is less than the minimum capacity of 54000 Btu/hr.",
               "Finished applying prototype HVAC assumptions.",
               "Started applying HVAC efficiency standards.",
               "For Core_ZN ZN PSZ-AC-1, ERV not required based on 23% OA flow, design supply air flow of 602cfm, and climate zone ASHRAE 169-2006-2A.",
               "For Core_ZN ZN PSZ-AC-1: DCV is not required since the system min oa flow is 137 cfm, less than the minimum of 3000 cfm.",
               "For Core_ZN ZN PSZ-AC-1: DCV is not required since the system does not have an economizer.",
               "For Core_ZN ZN PSZ-AC-1: Unoccupied fan shutoff not required because system fan HP of 0.0 HP is less than the minimum threshold of 0.75 HP.",
               "For Core_ZN ZN PSZ-AC-1: Motorized OA damper not required because the building has 1 stories, less than the maximum of 999 stories for climate zone ASHRAE 169-2006-2A.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_1 ZN PSZ-AC-2, ERV not required based on 15% OA flow, design supply air flow of 680cfm, and climate zone ASHRAE 169-2006-2A.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_1 ZN PSZ-AC-2: DCV is not required since the system min oa flow is 104 cfm, less than the minimum of 3000 cfm.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_1 ZN PSZ-AC-2: DCV is not required since the system does not have an economizer.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_1 ZN PSZ-AC-2: Unoccupied fan shutoff not required because system fan HP of 0.0 HP is less than the minimum threshold of 0.75 HP.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_1 ZN PSZ-AC-2: Motorized OA damper not required because the building has 1 stories, less than the maximum of 999 stories for climate zone ASHRAE 169-2006-2A.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_2 ZN PSZ-AC-3, ERV not required based on 10% OA flow, design supply air flow of 638cfm, and climate zone ASHRAE 169-2006-2A.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_2 ZN PSZ-AC-3: DCV is not required since the system min oa flow is 62 cfm, less than the minimum of 3000 cfm.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_2 ZN PSZ-AC-3: DCV is not required since the system does not have an economizer.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_2 ZN PSZ-AC-3: Unoccupied fan shutoff not required because system fan HP of 0.0 HP is less than the minimum threshold of 0.75 HP.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_2 ZN PSZ-AC-3: Motorized OA damper not required because the building has 1 stories, less than the maximum of 999 stories for climate zone ASHRAE 169-2006-2A.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_3 ZN PSZ-AC-4, ERV not required based on 15% OA flow, design supply air flow of 682cfm, and climate zone ASHRAE 169-2006-2A.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_3 ZN PSZ-AC-4: DCV is not required since the system min oa flow is 104 cfm, less than the minimum of 3000 cfm.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_3 ZN PSZ-AC-4: DCV is not required since the system does not have an economizer.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_3 ZN PSZ-AC-4: Unoccupied fan shutoff not required because system fan HP of 0.0 HP is less than the minimum threshold of 0.75 HP.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_3 ZN PSZ-AC-4: Motorized OA damper not required because the building has 1 stories, less than the maximum of 999 stories for climate zone ASHRAE 169-2006-2A.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_4 ZN PSZ-AC-5, ERV not required based on 9% OA flow, design supply air flow of 712cfm, and climate zone ASHRAE 169-2006-2A.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_4 ZN PSZ-AC-5: DCV is not required since the system min oa flow is 62 cfm, less than the minimum of 3000 cfm.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_4 ZN PSZ-AC-5: DCV is not required since the system does not have an economizer.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_4 ZN PSZ-AC-5: Unoccupied fan shutoff not required because system fan HP of 0.0 HP is less than the minimum threshold of 0.75 HP.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_4 ZN PSZ-AC-5: Motorized OA damper not required because the building has 1 stories, less than the maximum of 999 stories for climate zone ASHRAE 169-2006-2A.",
               "For Core_ZN ZN PSZ-AC-1 Fan: motor nameplate = 1.0HP, motor eff = 85.5%.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_1 ZN PSZ-AC-2 Fan: motor nameplate = 1.0HP, motor eff = 85.5%.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_2 ZN PSZ-AC-3 Fan: motor nameplate = 1.0HP, motor eff = 85.5%.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_3 ZN PSZ-AC-4 Fan: motor nameplate = 1.0HP, motor eff = 85.5%.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_4 ZN PSZ-AC-5 Fan: motor nameplate = 1.0HP, motor eff = 85.5%.",
               "For Service Water Loop Pump: brake hp = 0.0HP, motor nameplate = 1.0HP, motor eff = 85.5%.",
               "For 90.1-2010: Core_ZN ZN PSZ-AC-1 HP Htg Coil:  Single Package Cooling Capacity = 22kBtu/hr; HSPF = 7.7",
               "For 90.1-2010: Perimeter_ZN_1 ZN PSZ-AC-2 HP Htg Coil:  Single Package Cooling Capacity = 22kBtu/hr; HSPF = 7.7",
               "For 90.1-2010: Perimeter_ZN_2 ZN PSZ-AC-3 HP Htg Coil:  Single Package Cooling Capacity = 18kBtu/hr; HSPF = 7.7",
               "For 90.1-2010: Perimeter_ZN_3 ZN PSZ-AC-4 HP Htg Coil:  Single Package Cooling Capacity = 22kBtu/hr; HSPF = 7.7",
               "For 90.1-2010: Perimeter_ZN_4 ZN PSZ-AC-5 HP Htg Coil:  Single Package Cooling Capacity = 20kBtu/hr; HSPF = 7.7",
               "For 90.1-2010: Core_ZN ZN PSZ-AC-1 1spd DX HP Clg Coil: AirCooled  Single Package Capacity = 22kBtu/hr; SEER = 13.0",
               "For 90.1-2010: Perimeter_ZN_1 ZN PSZ-AC-2 1spd DX HP Clg Coil: AirCooled  Single Package Capacity = 22kBtu/hr; SEER = 13.0",
               "For 90.1-2010: Perimeter_ZN_2 ZN PSZ-AC-3 1spd DX HP Clg Coil: AirCooled  Single Package Capacity = 18kBtu/hr; SEER = 13.0",
               "For 90.1-2010: Perimeter_ZN_3 ZN PSZ-AC-4 1spd DX HP Clg Coil: AirCooled  Single Package Capacity = 22kBtu/hr; SEER = 13.0",
               "For 90.1-2010: Perimeter_ZN_4 ZN PSZ-AC-5 1spd DX HP Clg Coil: AirCooled  Single Package Capacity = 20kBtu/hr; SEER = 13.0",
               "For 90.1-2010: 40.0gal Electricity Water Heater - 40kBtu/hr 1.0 Therm Eff; thermal efficiency = 1.0, skin-loss UA = 2Btu/hr",
               "Finished applying HVAC efficiency standards.",
               "Started adding daylighting controls.",
               "For Attic, daylighting control not applicable because no exterior fenestration is present.",
               "For Core_ZN, daylighting control not applicable because no exterior fenestration is present.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_1, primary sidelighting control not required because sidelighted effective aperture < 0.1 per Exception b.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_2, primary sidelighting control not required because sidelighted effective aperture < 0.1 per Exception b.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_3, primary sidelighting control not required because sidelighted effective aperture < 0.1 per Exception b.",
               "For Perimeter_ZN_4, primary sidelighting control not required because sidelighted effective aperture < 0.1 per Exception b.",
               "Finished adding daylighting controls.",
               "Total Time = 22sec."
            "step_result" : "Success",
            "step_values" : [
                  "name" : "building_type",
                  "value" : "SmallOffice"
                  "name" : "template",
                  "value" : "90.1-2010"
                  "name" : "climate_zone",
                  "value" : "ASHRAE 169-2006-2A"
                  "name" : "epw_file",
                  "value" : "Not Applicable"
            "step_warnings" : [
               "[openstudio.standards.ConstructionBase] Requested U-value of 1.45 for Typical Overhead Door is too low given the other materials in the construction; insulation layer will not be modified.",
               "[openstudio.EpwFile] Successive data points (1987-Jan-31 to 1981-Feb-01, ending on line 753) are greater than 1 day apart in EPW file '/Applications/openstudio-2.0.4/ParametricAnalysisTool.app/Contents/Resources/OpenStudio-server/gems/gems/openstudio-standards-0.1.11/data/weather/USA_TX_Houston-Bush.Intercontinental.AP.722430_TMY3.epw'. Data will be treated as typical (TMY)",
               "[openstudio.Standards.Model] No story with a min z value of 0.0 m +/- 0.3 m was found, so a new story called Building Story 1 was created.",
               "[openstudio.Standards.Model] Space Perimeter_ZN_2 was not assigned to a story by the user.  It has been assigned to Building Story 1.",
               "[openstudio.Standards.Model] Space Core_ZN was not assigned to a story by the user.  It has been assigned to Building Story 1.",
               "[openstudio.Standards.Model] Space Perimeter_ZN_1 was not assigned to a story by the user.  It has been assigned to Building Story 1.",
               "[openstudio.Standards.Model] Space Perimeter_ZN_3 was not assigned to a story by the user.  It has been assigned to Building Story 1.",
               "[openstudio.Standards.Model] Space Perimeter_ZN_4 was not assigned to a story by the user.  It has been assigned to Building Story 1."
         "taxonomy" : "Whole Building.Space Types",
         "version_id" : "de5cc738-b574-4ce0-baa4-16366b379a1a"
         "arguments" : {
            "__SKIP__" : false,
            "demo_cost_initial_const" : false,
            "demolition_cost" : 0,
            "expected_life" : 15,
            "lighting_power_reduction_percent" : 30,
            "material_and_installation_cost" : 0,
            "om_cost" : 0,
            "om_frequency" : 1,
            "space_type" : "*Entire Building*",
            "years_until_costs_start" : 0
         "description" : "Option 1 Description: The lighting system in this building uses more power per area than is required with the latest lighting technologies.  Replace the lighting system with a newer, more efficient lighting technology.  Newer technologies provide the same amount of light but use less energy in the process.",
         "measure_dir_name" : "ReduceLightingLoadsByPercentage",
         "measure_id" : "791f3404-a28b-4a80-ba3f-e15b339e39ea",
         "measure_type" : "ModelMeasure",
         "name" : "Reduce Lighting",
         "result" : {
            "completed_at" : "20170307T173049Z",
            "started_at" : "20170307T173049Z",
            "stderr" : "",
            "stdout" : "[OpenStudio.Measure] <0> OSArgumentVector is deprecated, use OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector instead.\n",
            "step_errors" : [],
            "step_files" : [],
            "step_final_condition" : "The model's final final lighting power was  3,466 watts, a lighting power density of 0.63 w/ft^2. Initial capital costs associated with the improvements are $0.",
            "step_info" : [],
            "step_initial_condition" : "The model's initial building lighting power was  4,952 watts, a lighting power density of 0.90 w/ft^2.",
            "step_result" : "Success",
            "step_values" : [
                  "name" : "space_type",
                  "value" : "{6b25c3c7-39e4-4be7-84a9-17e80feecaf5}"
                  "name" : "lighting_power_reduction_percent",
                  "value" : 30
                  "name" : "material_and_installation_cost",
                  "value" : 0
                  "name" : "demolition_cost",
                  "value" : 0
                  "name" : "years_until_costs_start",
                  "value" : 0
                  "name" : "demo_cost_initial_const",
                  "value" : false
                  "name" : "expected_life",
                  "value" : 15
                  "name" : "om_cost",
                  "value" : 0
                  "name" : "om_frequency",
                  "value" : 1
            "step_warnings" : []
         "taxonomy" : "Electric Lighting.Lighting Equipment",
         "version_id" : "6a36fe0d-b058-4291-bc8e-77df775c928c"
         "arguments" : {
            "__SKIP__" : true,
            "r_value" : 30
         "description" : "Increase the R value of the insulation layer in wall constructinons by a percentage.",
         "measure_dir_name" : "IncreaseInsulationRValueForExteriorWallsByPercentage",
         "measure_id" : "7508c563-22bd-49f4-b646-aac69b02a82d",
         "measure_type" : "ModelMeasure",
         "name" : "increase_insulation_r_value_for_exterior_walls_by_percentage",
         "result" : {
            "completed_at" : "20170307T173049Z",
            "started_at" : "20170307T173049Z",
            "stderr" : "",
            "stdout" : "",
            "step_errors" : [],
            "step_files" : [],
            "step_info" : [],
            "step_result" : "Skip",
            "step_values" : [
                  "name" : "r_value",
                  "value" : 30
            "step_warnings" : []
         "taxonomy" : "Envelope.Opaque",
         "version_id" : "2dd9f7ed-b878-4fec-9ba5-3d05e6bd2f74"
         "arguments" : {
            "demand_window_length" : "QuarterHour",
            "distclg_rate" : 0.20000000000000001,
            "disthtg_rate" : 0.20000000000000001,
            "elec_rate" : 0.12,
            "gas_rate" : 0.5,
            "water_rate" : 0.0050000000000000001
         "description" : "Option 1 Description: This measure sets flat rates for electricity, gas, water, district heating, and district cooling.",
         "measure_dir_name" : "tariff_selection_flat",
         "measure_id" : "539c3e8e-6c41-4f50-ac61-6cbbf1ee1b55",
         "measure_type" : "EnergyPlusMeasure",
         "name" : "Tariff",
         "result" : {
            "completed_at" : "20170307T173053Z",
            "started_at" : "20170307T173053Z",
            "stderr" : "",
            "stdout" : "[OpenStudio.Measure] <0> OSArgumentVector is deprecated, use OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector instead.\n",
            "step_errors" : [],
            "step_files" : [],
            "step_final_condition" : "The model finished with 5 tariff objects.",
            "step_info" : [
               "Updating the timesteps per hour in the model from 6 to 4 to be compatible with the demand window length of a QuarterHour"
            "step_initial_condition" : "The model started with 0 tariff objects.",
            "step_result" : "Success",
            "step_values" : [
                  "name" : "demand_window_length",
                  "value" : "QuarterHour"
                  "name" : "elec_rate",
                  "value" : 0.12
                  "name" : "gas_rate",
                  "value" : 0.5
                  "name" : "water_rate",
                  "value" : 0.0050000000000000001
                  "name" : "disthtg_rate",
                  "value" : 0.20000000000000001
                  "name" : "distclg_rate",
                  "value" : 0.20000000000000001
            "step_warnings" : []
         "taxonomy" : "Economics.Life Cycle Cost Analysis",
         "version_id" : "052903f3-48cc-4df9-8e3d-fd4fafde703b"
         "arguments" : {
            "ee_01" : "EE01,Reduce Lighting,lighting_power_reduction_percent,30.0,0.0",
            "ee_02" : "EE02,Increase Wall Insulation,r_value,30.0,0.0",
            "ee_03" : "EE03,Asdf,test,0.0,30.0",
            "ee_04" : "just_some_text"
         "description" : "Option 1 Description: This measure looks at the workflow history to determine what EE measures have been applied. It then uses this information to rename the building object.",
         "measure_dir_name" : "ee_workflow_log",
         "measure_id" : "d9c06946-9e38-4280-a8f8-0ff85c3f35a3",
         "measure_type" : "EnergyPlusMeasure",
         "name" : "EE Workflow Log",
         "result" : {
            "completed_at" : "20170307T173053Z",
            "started_at" : "20170307T173053Z",
            "stderr" : "",
            "stdout" : "[OpenStudio.Measure] <0> OSArgumentVector is deprecated, use OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector instead.\n",
            "step_errors" : [],
            "step_files" : [],
            "step_final_condition" : "The final building name was 90.1-2010-SmallOffice-ASHRAE 169-2006-2A created: 2017-03-07 10:30:28 -0700|EE01-true|EE02-false|EE03-false.",
            "step_info" : [
               "Getting arguments for Prototype Small Office Measure:",
               "building_type: SmallOffice",
               "template: 90.1-2010",
               "climate_zone: ASHRAE 169-2006-2A",
               "epw_file: Not Applicable",
               "Getting arguments for Reduce Lighting Measure:",
               "space_type: {6b25c3c7-39e4-4be7-84a9-17e80feecaf5}",
               "lighting_power_reduction_percent: 30",
               "material_and_installation_cost: 0",
               "demolition_cost: 0",
               "years_until_costs_start: 0",
               "demo_cost_initial_const: false",
               "expected_life: 15",
               "om_cost: 0",
               "om_frequency: 1",
               "Getting arguments for increase_insulation_r_value_for_exterior_walls_by_percentage Measure:",
               "r_value: 30",
               "Getting arguments for Tariff Measure:",
               "demand_window_length: QuarterHour",
               "elec_rate: 0.12",
               "gas_rate: 0.5",
               "water_rate: 0.005",
               "disthtg_rate: 0.2",
               "distclg_rate: 0.2",
               "Testing lighting_power_reduction_percent",
               "Testing r_value",
               "Didn't find measure in workflow with name of Increase Wall Insulation",
               "Testing test",
               "Didn't find measure in workflow with name of Asdf"
            "step_initial_condition" : "The initial building name was 90.1-2010-SmallOffice-ASHRAE 169-2006-2A created: 2017-03-07 10:30:28 -0700.",
            "step_result" : "Success",
            "step_values" : [
                  "name" : "ee_01",
                  "value" : "EE01,Reduce Lighting,lighting_power_reduction_percent,30.0,0.0"
                  "name" : "ee_02",
                  "value" : "EE02,Increase Wall Insulation,r_value,30.0,0.0"
                  "name" : "ee_03",
                  "value" : "EE03,Asdf,test,0.0,30.0"
                  "name" : "ee_04",
                  "value" : "just_some_text"
            "step_warnings" : [ "Couldn't convert [\"just_some_text\"] to array with length of five." ]
         "taxonomy" : "Reporting.QAQC",
         "version_id" : "8c7c4456-4543-4652-83f8-bd7447eaac2f"
         "arguments" : {
            "air_loops_detail_section" : true,
            "annual_overview_section" : true,
            "building_summary_section" : true,
            "cost_summary_section" : true,
            "envelope_section_section" : true,
            "exterior_light_section" : true,
            "hvac_load_profile" : true,
            "interior_lighting_section" : true,
            "monthly_overview_section" : true,
            "outdoor_air_section" : true,
            "plant_loops_detail_section" : true,
            "plug_loads_section" : true,
            "schedules_overview_section" : true,
            "source_energy_section" : true,
            "space_type_breakdown_section" : true,
            "space_type_details_section" : true,
            "utility_bills_rates_section" : true,
            "water_use_section" : true,
            "zone_condition_section" : true,
            "zone_equipment_detail_section" : true,
            "zone_summary_section" : true
         "description" : "Option 1 Description: This measure creates high level tables and charts pulling both from model inputs and EnergyPlus results. It has building level information as well as detail on space types, thermal zones, HVAC systems, envelope characteristics, and economics. Click the heading above a chart to view a table of the chart data.",
         "measure_dir_name" : "openstudio_results",
         "measure_id" : "a25386cd-60e4-46bc-8b11-c755f379d916",
         "measure_type" : "ReportingMeasure",
         "name" : "Results",
         "result" : {
            "completed_at" : "20170307T173125Z",
            "started_at" : "20170307T173119Z",
            "stderr" : "",
            "stdout" : "[OpenStudio.Measure] <0> OSArgumentVector is deprecated, use OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector instead.\n",
            "step_errors" : [],
            "step_files" : [
            "step_final_condition" : "Generated report with 21 sections to ./report.html.",
            "step_info" : [],
            "step_initial_condition" : "Gathering data from EnergyPlus SQL file and OSM model.",
            "step_result" : "Success",
            "step_values" : [
                  "name" : "building_summary_section",
                  "value" : true
                  "name" : "annual_overview_section",
                  "value" : true
                  "name" : "monthly_overview_section",
                  "value" : true
                  "name" : "utility_bills_rates_section",
                  "value" : true
                  "name" : "envelope_section_section",
                  "value" : true
                  "name" : "space_type_breakdown_section",
                  "value" : true
                  "name" : "space_type_details_section",
                  "value" : true
                  "name" : "interior_lighting_section",
                  "value" : true
                  "name" : "plug_loads_section",
                  "value" : true
                  "name" : "exterior_light_section",
                  "value" : true
                  "name" : "water_use_section",
                  "value" : true
                  "name" : "hvac_load_profile",
                  "value" : true
                  "name" : "zone_condition_section",
                  "value" : true
                  "name" : "zone_summary_section",
                  "value" : true
                  "name" : "zone_equipment_detail_section",
                  "value" : true
                  "name" : "air_loops_detail_section",
                  "value" : true
                  "name" : "plant_loops_detail_section",
                  "value" : true
                  "name" : "outdoor_air_section",
                  "value" : true
                  "name" : "cost_summary_section",
                  "value" : true
                  "name" : "source_energy_section",
                  "value" : true
                  "name" : "schedules_overview_section",
                  "value" : true
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                  "units" : "ft^2",
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                  "name" : "eui",
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                  "units" : "hr",
                  "value" : 4.25
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                  "units" : "hr",
                  "value" : 113
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                  "units" : "hr",
                  "value" : 4.25
                  "name" : "unmet_hours_during_occupied_cooling",
                  "units" : "hr",
                  "value" : 55.5
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                  "units" : "F",
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                  "units" : "ft^2",
                  "value" : 600.39370078740149
                  "name" : "gross_window_wall_ratio",
                  "units" : "%",
                  "value" : 19.809999999999999
                  "name" : "gross_window_wall_ratio_conditioned",
                  "units" : "%",
                  "value" : 19.809999999999999
                  "name" : "skylight_roof_ratio",
                  "units" : "%",
                  "value" : 0
                  "name" : "space_type_office_attic",
                  "units" : "ft^2",
                  "value" : 0
                  "name" : "space_type_office_whole_building_sm_office",
                  "units" : "ft^2",
                  "value" : 5502.0524624382588
                  "name" : "exterior_lighting_total_power",
                  "units" : "W",
                  "value" : 936.61000000000001
                  "name" : "exterior_lighting_total_consumption",
                  "units" : "kWh",
                  "value" : 50400
                  "name" : "main_service_water_use_0_06_gal_min",
                  "units" : "gal/min",
                  "value" : 0.063999999999999974
                  "name" : "inflation_approach",
                  "value" : "Constant Dollar"
                  "name" : "analysis_length",
                  "units" : "yrs",
                  "value" : 25
                  "name" : "annual_peak_electric_demand",
                  "units" : "kW",
                  "value" : 16.99193
                  "name" : "first_year_capital_cost",
                  "units" : "$",
                  "value" : 0
                  "name" : "annual_utility_cost",
                  "units" : "$",
                  "value" : 6084.4300000000003
                  "name" : "total_lifecycle_cost",
                  "units" : "$",
                  "value" : 105949.5
            "step_warnings" : []
         "taxonomy" : "Reporting.QAQC",
         "version_id" : "69f45348-53af-4310-b16a-09bdc2f80e48"
         "arguments" : {},
         "description" : "Option 1 Description: Exported hourly consumption by fuel to a CSV file.",
         "measure_dir_name" : "hourly_consumption_by_fuel_to_csv",
         "measure_id" : "95f23d7d-0aae-4099-9835-9d773d348bfb",
         "measure_type" : "ReportingMeasure",
         "name" : "Load Profile Export",
         "result" : {
            "completed_at" : "20170307T173125Z",
            "started_at" : "20170307T173125Z",
            "stderr" : "",
            "stdout" : "[OpenStudio.Measure] <0> OSArgumentVector is deprecated, use OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector instead.\n",
            "step_errors" : [],
            "step_files" : [
               "/Users/dgoldwas/Documents/working/0306_REopt_test_a/temp_data/analysis_ebd60da1-76da-46bc-92fa-92873dd86047/data_point_a2211764-57d0-490f-9945-79cea0f8dd73/run/006_hourly_consumption_by_fuel_to_csv/report_90.1-2010-SmallOffice-ASHRAE 169-2006-2A created: 2017-03-07 10:30:28 -0700|EE01-true|EE02-false|EE03-false.csv"
            "step_final_condition" : "Finished Writing file to ./report_90.1-2010-SmallOffice-ASHRAE 169-2006-2A created: 2017-03-07 10:30:28 -0700|EE01-true|EE02-false|EE03-false.csv",
            "step_info" : [],
            "step_initial_condition" : "Generating hourly load report for 90.1-2010-SmallOffice-ASHRAE 169-2006-2A created: 2017-03-07 10:30:28 -0700|EE01-true|EE02-false|EE03-false.",
            "step_result" : "Success",
            "step_values" : [],
            "step_warnings" : []
         "taxonomy" : "Reporting.QAQC",
         "version_id" : "d0457a46-f064-49e4-acac-f3a24dadf935"
   "updated_at" : "20170307T173129Z",
   "weather_file" : "USA_IL_Chicago-OHare.Intl.AP.725300_TMY3.epw"