# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with:
#   srb rbi hidden-definitions

# typed: autogenerated

# wrong constant name <DeclBuilderForProcs>
# wrong constant name <DeclBuilderForProcs>
# wrong constant name <Class:<DeclBuilderForProcs>>
# wrong constant name <Magic>
# wrong constant name <Magic>
# wrong constant name <Class:<Magic>>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_0>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_100>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_101>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_102>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_103>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_104>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_105>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_106>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_107>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_108>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_109>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_10>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_110>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_111>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_112>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_113>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_114>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_115>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_116>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_11>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_12>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_13>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_14>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_15>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_16>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_17>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_18>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_19>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_1>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_20>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_21>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_22>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_23>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_24>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_25>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_26>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_27>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_28>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_29>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_2>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_30>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_31>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_32>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_33>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_34>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_35>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_36>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_37>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_38>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_39>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_3>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_40>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_41>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_42>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_43>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_44>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_45>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_46>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_47>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_48>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_49>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_4>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_50>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_51>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_52>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_53>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_54>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_55>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_56>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_57>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_58>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_59>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_5>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_60>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_61>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_62>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_63>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_64>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_65>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_66>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_67>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_68>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_69>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_6>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_70>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_71>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_72>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_73>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_74>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_75>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_76>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_77>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_78>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_79>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_7>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_80>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_81>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_82>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_83>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_84>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_85>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_86>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_87>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_88>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_89>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_8>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_90>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_91>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_92>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_93>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_94>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_95>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_96>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_97>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_98>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_99>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_9>
# wrong constant name <TypeAlias>
# wrong constant name <TypeAlias>
# wrong constant name <any>
# wrong constant name <any>
# wrong constant name <root>
# wrong constant name <Class:<root>>
# wrong constant name <todo sym>
# wrong constant name <todo sym>
# uninitialized constant Abbrev
# uninitialized constant Abbrev
# undefined method `[]$2' for class `Array'
# undefined method `[]=$2' for class `Array'
# undefined method `concat$1' for class `Array'
# undefined method `fetch$2' for class `Array'
# undefined method `fill$2' for class `Array'
# undefined method `flatten$1' for class `Array'
# undefined method `index$2' for class `Array'
# undefined method `initialize$2' for class `Array'
# Did you mean?  initialize
# undefined method `insert$1' for class `Array'
# Did you mean?  inspect
# undefined method `join$1' for class `Array'
# undefined method `last$2' for class `Array'
# undefined method `permutation$2' for class `Array'
# undefined method `pop$2' for class `Array'
# undefined method `rindex$2' for class `Array'
# undefined method `rotate$1' for class `Array'
# undefined method `rotate!$1' for class `Array'
# undefined method `sample$2' for class `Array'
# undefined method `shift$2' for class `Array'
# undefined method `shuffle$1' for class `Array'
# undefined method `shuffle!$1' for class `Array'
# undefined method `slice$2' for class `Array'
# undefined method `slice!$2' for class `Array'
# wrong constant name []$2
# wrong constant name []=$2
# wrong constant name append
# wrong constant name bsearch
# wrong constant name bsearch_index
# wrong constant name collect!
# wrong constant name concat$1
# wrong constant name difference
# wrong constant name dig
# wrong constant name fetch$2
# wrong constant name fill$2
# wrong constant name filter!
# wrong constant name flatten$1
# wrong constant name flatten!
# wrong constant name index$2
# wrong constant name initialize$2
# wrong constant name insert$1
# wrong constant name join$1
# wrong constant name last$2
# wrong constant name pack
# wrong constant name permutation$2
# wrong constant name pop$2
# wrong constant name prepend
# wrong constant name replace
# wrong constant name rindex$2
# wrong constant name rotate$1
# wrong constant name rotate!$1
# wrong constant name sample$2
# wrong constant name shelljoin
# wrong constant name shift$2
# wrong constant name shuffle$1
# wrong constant name shuffle!$1
# wrong constant name slice$2
# wrong constant name slice!$2
# wrong constant name to_h
# wrong constant name union
# wrong constant name try_convert
# uninitialized constant Base64
# uninitialized constant Base64
# wrong constant name <Class:BasicObject>
# uninitialized constant Benchmark
# uninitialized constant Benchmark
# undefined method `_dump$1' for class `BigDecimal'
# undefined method `div$2' for class `BigDecimal'
# undefined method `power$2' for class `BigDecimal'
# undefined method `to_s$1' for class `BigDecimal'
# Did you mean?  to_s
# wrong constant name _dump$1
# wrong constant name clone
# wrong constant name div$2
# wrong constant name power$2
# wrong constant name to_s$1
# undefined singleton method `limit$1' for `BigDecimal'
# undefined singleton method `mode$1' for `BigDecimal'
# wrong constant name limit$1
# wrong constant name mode$1
# wrong constant name new
# wrong constant name clone
# wrong constant name irb
# wrong constant name local_variable_defined?
# wrong constant name local_variable_get
# wrong constant name local_variable_set
# wrong constant name receiver
# wrong constant name source_location
# wrong constant name jruby_27?
# wrong constant name maglev_27?
# wrong constant name mingw_27?
# wrong constant name mri_27?
# wrong constant name mswin64_27?
# wrong constant name mswin_27?
# wrong constant name on_27?
# wrong constant name rbx_27?
# wrong constant name ruby_27?
# wrong constant name truffleruby_27?
# wrong constant name x64_mingw_27?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name environment
# wrong constant name report
# wrong constant name write
# wrong constant name github_https?
# wrong constant name lockfile_upgrade_warning?
# wrong constant name <Class:AuthenticationRequiredError>
# wrong constant name <Class:BadAuthenticationError>
# wrong constant name <Class:Base>
# wrong constant name <Class:CertificateFailureError>
# wrong constant name <Class:CompactIndex>
# wrong constant name <Class:Dependency>
# wrong constant name <Class:Downloader>
# wrong constant name <Class:FallbackError>
# wrong constant name <Class:Index>
# wrong constant name <Class:NetworkDownError>
# wrong constant name <Class:SSLError>
# wrong constant name fetch_spec
# wrong constant name fetchers
# wrong constant name http_proxy
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name specs
# wrong constant name specs_with_retry
# wrong constant name uri
# wrong constant name use_api
# wrong constant name user_agent
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name api_fetcher?
# wrong constant name available?
# wrong constant name display_uri
# wrong constant name downloader
# wrong constant name fetch_uri
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name remote
# wrong constant name remote_uri
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:ClientFetcher>
# wrong constant name available?
# wrong constant name fetch_spec
# wrong constant name specs
# wrong constant name specs_for_names
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Fetcher::CompactIndex::ClientFetcher::Elem
# wrong constant name call
# wrong constant name fetcher
# wrong constant name fetcher=
# wrong constant name ui
# wrong constant name ui=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name compact_index_request
# wrong constant name dependency_api_uri
# wrong constant name dependency_specs
# wrong constant name get_formatted_specs_and_deps
# wrong constant name specs
# wrong constant name unmarshalled_dep_gems
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name connection
# wrong constant name fetch
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name redirect_limit
# wrong constant name request
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name fetch_spec
# wrong constant name specs
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name api_timeout
# wrong constant name api_timeout=
# wrong constant name disable_endpoint
# wrong constant name disable_endpoint=
# wrong constant name max_retries
# wrong constant name max_retries=
# wrong constant name redirect_limit
# wrong constant name redirect_limit=
# wrong constant name link
# wrong constant name cp_lr
# wrong constant name link_entry
# uninitialized constant Bundler::GemHelper::DEFAULT
# uninitialized constant Bundler::GemHelper::LN_SUPPORTED
# uninitialized constant Bundler::GemHelper::LOW_METHODS
# Did you mean?  Bundler::GemHelper::LowMethods
# uninitialized constant Bundler::GemHelper::METHODS
# Did you mean?  Method
# uninitialized constant Bundler::GemHelper::OPT_TABLE
# uninitialized constant Bundler::GemHelper::RUBY
# uninitialized constant Bundler::GemHelper::VERSION
# Did you mean?  Bundler::VERSION
# wrong constant name allowed_push_host
# wrong constant name already_tagged?
# wrong constant name base
# wrong constant name build_gem
# wrong constant name built_gem_path
# wrong constant name clean?
# wrong constant name committed?
# wrong constant name gem_key
# wrong constant name gem_push?
# wrong constant name gem_push_host
# wrong constant name gemspec
# wrong constant name git_push
# wrong constant name guard_clean
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name install
# wrong constant name install_gem
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name perform_git_push
# wrong constant name rubygem_push
# wrong constant name sh
# wrong constant name sh_with_input
# wrong constant name sh_with_status
# wrong constant name spec_path
# wrong constant name tag_version
# wrong constant name version
# wrong constant name version_tag
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name gemspec
# wrong constant name install_tasks
# wrong constant name instance
# wrong constant name instance=
# uninitialized constant Bundler::GemRemoteFetcher::BASE64_URI_TRANSLATE
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name level
# wrong constant name level=
# wrong constant name locked_specs
# wrong constant name major?
# wrong constant name minor?
# wrong constant name prerelease_specified
# wrong constant name prerelease_specified=
# wrong constant name sort_versions
# wrong constant name strict
# wrong constant name strict=
# wrong constant name unlock_gems
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:GraphVizClient>
# wrong constant name edge_options
# wrong constant name groups
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name node_options
# wrong constant name output_file
# wrong constant name output_format
# wrong constant name relations
# wrong constant name viz
# wrong constant name g
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name run
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Index::Elem
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name inject
# wrong constant name remove
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name inject
# wrong constant name remove
# wrong constant name generate_bundler_executable_stubs
# wrong constant name generate_standalone_bundler_executable_stubs
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name post_install_messages
# wrong constant name run
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ambiguous_gems
# wrong constant name ambiguous_gems=
# wrong constant name install
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Elem
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Log::Elem
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name app_cache_dirname
# wrong constant name app_cache_path
# wrong constant name bundler_plugin_api_source?
# wrong constant name cache
# wrong constant name cached!
# wrong constant name can_lock?
# wrong constant name dependency_names
# wrong constant name dependency_names=
# wrong constant name double_check_for
# wrong constant name eql?
# wrong constant name fetch_gemspec_files
# wrong constant name gem_install_dir
# wrong constant name hash
# wrong constant name include?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name install
# wrong constant name install_path
# wrong constant name installed?
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name options
# wrong constant name options_to_lock
# wrong constant name post_install
# wrong constant name remote!
# wrong constant name root
# wrong constant name specs
# wrong constant name to_lock
# wrong constant name to_s
# wrong constant name unlock!
# wrong constant name unmet_deps
# wrong constant name uri
# wrong constant name uri_hash
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:PluginGemfileError>
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Plugin::DSL::VALID_KEYS
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Plugin::DSL::VALID_PLATFORMS
# wrong constant name _gem
# wrong constant name inferred_plugins
# wrong constant name plugin
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name defined_event?
# wrong constant name <Class:CommandConflict>
# wrong constant name <Class:SourceConflict>
# wrong constant name command_plugin
# wrong constant name commands
# wrong constant name global_index_file
# wrong constant name hook_plugins
# wrong constant name index_file
# wrong constant name installed?
# wrong constant name load_paths
# wrong constant name local_index_file
# wrong constant name plugin_path
# wrong constant name register_plugin
# wrong constant name source?
# wrong constant name source_plugin
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:Git>
# wrong constant name <Class:Rubygems>
# wrong constant name install
# wrong constant name install_definition
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Plugin::Installer::Git::DEFAULT_GLOB
# wrong constant name generate_bin
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Plugin::Installer::Rubygems::API_REQUEST_LIMIT
# Did you mean?  Bundler::Plugin::Installer::Rubygems::API_REQUEST_SIZE
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Plugin::Installer::Rubygems::API_REQUEST_SIZE
# Did you mean?  Bundler::Plugin::Installer::Rubygems::API_REQUEST_LIMIT
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name lock
# wrong constant name attempt
# wrong constant name attempts
# wrong constant name current_run
# wrong constant name current_run=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name name=
# wrong constant name total_runs
# wrong constant name total_runs=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name attempts
# wrong constant name default_attempts
# wrong constant name default_retries
# uninitialized constant Bundler::RubyGemsGemInstaller::ENV_PATHS
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Bundler::RubygemsIntegration::MoreFuture::EXT_LOCK
# Did you mean?  Bundler::RubygemsIntegration::EXT_LOCK
# wrong constant name default_stubs
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name fallback_timeout
# wrong constant name fallback_timeout=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name uri
# wrong constant name uri=
# wrong constant name valid?
# wrong constant name validate!
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name for
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:Rule>
# wrong constant name description
# wrong constant name fail!
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name k
# wrong constant name set
# wrong constant name validate!
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name validate!
# uninitialized constant Bundler::SpecSet::Elem
# wrong constant name add_color
# wrong constant name ask
# wrong constant name confirm
# wrong constant name debug
# wrong constant name debug?
# wrong constant name error
# wrong constant name info
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name level
# wrong constant name level=
# wrong constant name no?
# wrong constant name quiet?
# wrong constant name shell=
# wrong constant name silence
# wrong constant name trace
# wrong constant name unprinted_warnings
# wrong constant name warn
# wrong constant name yes?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:NEq>
# wrong constant name <Class:ReqR>
# uninitialized constant Bundler::VersionRanges::NEq::Elem
# wrong constant name version
# wrong constant name version=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# uninitialized constant Bundler::VersionRanges::ReqR::Elem
# wrong constant name <Class:Endpoint>
# wrong constant name cover?
# wrong constant name empty?
# wrong constant name left
# wrong constant name left=
# wrong constant name right
# wrong constant name right=
# wrong constant name single?
# uninitialized constant Bundler::VersionRanges::ReqR::Endpoint::Elem
# wrong constant name inclusive
# wrong constant name inclusive=
# wrong constant name version
# wrong constant name version=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name empty?
# wrong constant name for
# wrong constant name for_many
# wrong constant name a
# wrong constant name base
# wrong constant name blockquote
# wrong constant name caption
# wrong constant name checkbox
# wrong constant name checkbox_group
# wrong constant name file_field
# wrong constant name form
# wrong constant name hidden
# wrong constant name html
# wrong constant name image_button
# wrong constant name img
# wrong constant name multipart_form
# wrong constant name password_field
# wrong constant name popup_menu
# wrong constant name radio_button
# wrong constant name radio_group
# wrong constant name reset
# wrong constant name scrolling_list
# wrong constant name submit
# wrong constant name text_field
# wrong constant name textarea
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant CSV
# uninitialized constant CSV
# uninitialized constant Chalk
# uninitialized constant Chalk
# undefined method `initialize$2' for class `Class'
# Did you mean?  initialize
# wrong constant name initialize$2
# wrong constant name json_creatable?
# wrong constant name polar
# wrong constant name rect
# wrong constant name rectangular
# uninitialized constant Configatron
# uninitialized constant Configatron
# undefined singleton method `result$1' for `Coverage'
# undefined singleton method `start$1' for `Coverage'
# wrong constant name line_stub
# wrong constant name peek_result
# wrong constant name result$1
# wrong constant name running?
# wrong constant name start$1
# wrong constant name initialize
# undefined singleton method `_parse$1' for `Date'
# wrong constant name _parse$1
# wrong constant name !=
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name __getobj__
# wrong constant name __setobj__
# wrong constant name eql?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name marshal_dump
# wrong constant name marshal_load
# wrong constant name method_missing
# wrong constant name methods
# wrong constant name protected_methods
# wrong constant name public_methods
# wrong constant name const_missing
# wrong constant name delegating_block
# wrong constant name public_api
# wrong constant name class_name
# wrong constant name class_names
# wrong constant name corrections
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name scopes
# wrong constant name corrections
# wrong constant name original_message
# wrong constant name spell_checker
# wrong constant name to_s
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::Formatter
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::Formatter
# wrong constant name distance
# wrong constant name distance
# wrong constant name corrections
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name distance
# wrong constant name min3
# wrong constant name corrections
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name method_name
# wrong constant name method_names
# wrong constant name receiver
# wrong constant name NameErrorCheckers$1
# wrong constant name NameErrorCheckers$1
# wrong constant name corrections
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name message_for
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name correct
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name corrections
# wrong constant name cvar_names
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name ivar_names
# wrong constant name lvar_names
# wrong constant name method_names
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name formatter
# wrong constant name formatter=
# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `Dir'
# Did you mean?  initialize
# wrong constant name children
# wrong constant name each_child
# wrong constant name initialize$1
# undefined singleton method `[]$2' for `Dir'
# undefined singleton method `chdir$2' for `Dir'
# undefined singleton method `entries$1' for `Dir'
# undefined singleton method `foreach$2' for `Dir'
# undefined singleton method `glob$2' for `Dir'
# undefined singleton method `home$1' for `Dir'
# undefined singleton method `mkdir$1' for `Dir'
# undefined singleton method `mktmpdir$2' for `Dir'
# undefined singleton method `open$2' for `Dir'
# wrong constant name []$2
# wrong constant name chdir$2
# wrong constant name children
# wrong constant name each_child
# wrong constant name empty?
# wrong constant name entries$1
# wrong constant name exists?
# wrong constant name foreach$2
# wrong constant name glob$2
# wrong constant name home$1
# wrong constant name mkdir$1
# wrong constant name mktmpdir$2
# wrong constant name open$2
# wrong constant name tmpdir
# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `ERB'
# Did you mean?  initialize
# wrong constant name def_method
# wrong constant name def_module
# wrong constant name initialize$1
# wrong constant name result_with_hash
# wrong constant name _dump
# wrong constant name convert
# wrong constant name convpath
# wrong constant name destination_encoding
# wrong constant name finish
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name insert_output
# wrong constant name last_error
# wrong constant name primitive_convert
# wrong constant name primitive_errinfo
# wrong constant name putback
# wrong constant name replacement
# wrong constant name replacement=
# wrong constant name source_encoding
# wrong constant name asciicompat_encoding
# wrong constant name search_convpath
# wrong constant name destination_encoding
# wrong constant name destination_encoding_name
# wrong constant name error_bytes
# wrong constant name incomplete_input?
# wrong constant name readagain_bytes
# wrong constant name source_encoding
# wrong constant name source_encoding_name
# wrong constant name destination_encoding
# wrong constant name destination_encoding_name
# wrong constant name error_char
# wrong constant name source_encoding
# wrong constant name source_encoding_name
# wrong constant name _load
# wrong constant name locale_charmap
# undefined method `all?$2' for module `Enumerable'
# undefined method `any?$2' for module `Enumerable'
# undefined method `count$2' for module `Enumerable'
# undefined method `cycle$2' for module `Enumerable'
# undefined method `detect$2' for module `Enumerable'
# undefined method `each_with_index$2' for module `Enumerable'
# undefined method `entries$1' for module `Enumerable'
# undefined method `find$2' for module `Enumerable'
# undefined method `find_index$2' for module `Enumerable'
# undefined method `first$2' for module `Enumerable'
# undefined method `inject$2' for module `Enumerable'
# undefined method `max$2' for module `Enumerable'
# undefined method `max_by$2' for module `Enumerable'
# undefined method `min$2' for module `Enumerable'
# undefined method `min_by$2' for module `Enumerable'
# undefined method `none?$2' for module `Enumerable'
# undefined method `one?$2' for module `Enumerable'
# undefined method `reduce$2' for module `Enumerable'
# undefined method `reverse_each$2' for module `Enumerable'
# undefined method `to_a$1' for module `Enumerable'
# undefined method `to_h$1' for module `Enumerable'
# wrong constant name all?$2
# wrong constant name any?$2
# wrong constant name chain
# wrong constant name chunk
# wrong constant name chunk_while
# wrong constant name count$2
# wrong constant name cycle$2
# wrong constant name detect$2
# wrong constant name each_entry
# wrong constant name each_with_index$2
# wrong constant name entries$1
# wrong constant name filter
# wrong constant name find$2
# wrong constant name find_index$2
# wrong constant name first$2
# wrong constant name grep_v
# wrong constant name inject$2
# wrong constant name max$2
# wrong constant name max_by$2
# wrong constant name min$2
# wrong constant name min_by$2
# wrong constant name none?$2
# wrong constant name one?$2
# wrong constant name reduce$2
# wrong constant name reverse_each$2
# wrong constant name slice_after
# wrong constant name slice_before
# wrong constant name slice_when
# wrong constant name sum
# wrong constant name to_a$1
# wrong constant name to_h$1
# wrong constant name to_set
# wrong constant name uniq
# wrong constant name zip
# undefined method `each$2' for class `Enumerator'
# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `Enumerator'
# Did you mean?  initialize
# undefined method `with_index$2' for class `Enumerator'
# wrong constant name +
# wrong constant name <Class:ArithmeticSequence>
# wrong constant name <Class:Chain>
# wrong constant name each$2
# wrong constant name each_with_index
# wrong constant name initialize$1
# wrong constant name with_index$2
# uninitialized constant Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence::Elem
# wrong constant name begin
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name end
# wrong constant name exclude_end?
# wrong constant name last
# wrong constant name step
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Enumerator::Chain::Elem
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name chunk
# wrong constant name chunk_while
# wrong constant name force
# wrong constant name slice_when
# wrong constant name EADV$1
# wrong constant name EADV$1
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name EBADE$1
# wrong constant name EBADE$1
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name EBADFD$1
# wrong constant name EBADFD$1
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name EBADR$1
# wrong constant name EBADR$1
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name EBADRQC$1
# wrong constant name EBADRQC$1
# wrong constant name EBADSLT$1
# wrong constant name EBADSLT$1
# wrong constant name EBFONT$1
# wrong constant name EBFONT$1
# wrong constant name ECHRNG$1
# wrong constant name ECHRNG$1
# wrong constant name ECOMM$1
# wrong constant name ECOMM$1
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name EDOTDOT$1
# wrong constant name EDOTDOT$1
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name EHWPOISON$1
# wrong constant name EHWPOISON$1
# wrong constant name EISNAM$1
# wrong constant name EISNAM$1
# wrong constant name EKEYEXPIRED$1
# wrong constant name EKEYEXPIRED$1
# wrong constant name EKEYREJECTED$1
# wrong constant name EKEYREJECTED$1
# wrong constant name EKEYREVOKED$1
# wrong constant name EKEYREVOKED$1
# wrong constant name EL2HLT$1
# wrong constant name EL2HLT$1
# wrong constant name EL2NSYNC$1
# wrong constant name EL2NSYNC$1
# wrong constant name EL3HLT$1
# wrong constant name EL3HLT$1
# wrong constant name EL3RST$1
# wrong constant name EL3RST$1
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ELIBACC$1
# wrong constant name ELIBACC$1
# wrong constant name ELIBBAD$1
# wrong constant name ELIBBAD$1
# wrong constant name ELIBEXEC$1
# wrong constant name ELIBEXEC$1
# wrong constant name ELIBMAX$1
# wrong constant name ELIBMAX$1
# wrong constant name ELIBSCN$1
# wrong constant name ELIBSCN$1
# wrong constant name ELNRNG$1
# wrong constant name ELNRNG$1
# wrong constant name EMEDIUMTYPE$1
# wrong constant name EMEDIUMTYPE$1
# wrong constant name ENAVAIL$1
# wrong constant name ENAVAIL$1
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ENOANO$1
# wrong constant name ENOANO$1
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ENOCSI$1
# wrong constant name ENOCSI$1
# wrong constant name ENOKEY$1
# wrong constant name ENOKEY$1
# wrong constant name ENOMEDIUM$1
# wrong constant name ENOMEDIUM$1
# wrong constant name ENONET$1
# wrong constant name ENONET$1
# wrong constant name ENOPKG$1
# wrong constant name ENOPKG$1
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ENOTNAM$1
# wrong constant name ENOTNAM$1
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ENOTUNIQ$1
# wrong constant name ENOTUNIQ$1
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name EREMCHG$1
# wrong constant name EREMCHG$1
# wrong constant name EREMOTEIO$1
# wrong constant name EREMOTEIO$1
# wrong constant name ERESTART$1
# wrong constant name ERESTART$1
# wrong constant name ERFKILL$1
# wrong constant name ERFKILL$1
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ESRMNT$1
# wrong constant name ESRMNT$1
# wrong constant name ESTRPIPE$1
# wrong constant name ESTRPIPE$1
# wrong constant name EUCLEAN$1
# wrong constant name EUCLEAN$1
# wrong constant name EUNATCH$1
# wrong constant name EUNATCH$1
# wrong constant name EWOULDBLOCK$1
# wrong constant name EWOULDBLOCK$1
# wrong constant name EXFULL$1
# wrong constant name EXFULL$1
# wrong constant name gid
# wrong constant name gid=
# wrong constant name mem
# wrong constant name mem=
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name name=
# wrong constant name passwd
# wrong constant name passwd=
# uninitialized constant Etc::Group::Elem
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name change
# wrong constant name change=
# wrong constant name dir
# wrong constant name dir=
# wrong constant name expire
# wrong constant name expire=
# wrong constant name gecos
# wrong constant name gecos=
# wrong constant name gid
# wrong constant name gid=
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name name=
# wrong constant name passwd
# wrong constant name passwd=
# wrong constant name shell
# wrong constant name shell=
# wrong constant name uclass
# wrong constant name uclass=
# wrong constant name uid
# wrong constant name uid=
# uninitialized constant Etc::Passwd::Elem
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name confstr
# wrong constant name endgrent
# wrong constant name endpwent
# wrong constant name getgrent
# wrong constant name getgrgid
# wrong constant name getgrnam
# wrong constant name getlogin
# wrong constant name getpwent
# wrong constant name getpwnam
# wrong constant name getpwuid
# wrong constant name group
# wrong constant name nprocessors
# wrong constant name passwd
# wrong constant name setgrent
# wrong constant name setpwent
# wrong constant name sysconf
# wrong constant name sysconfdir
# wrong constant name systmpdir
# wrong constant name uname
# undefined method `exception$1' for class `Exception'
# Did you mean?  exception
# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `Exception'
# Did you mean?  initialize
# wrong constant name exception$1
# wrong constant name full_message
# wrong constant name initialize$1
# wrong constant name exception
# wrong constant name to_tty?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name resume
# wrong constant name yield
# wrong constant name size?
# undefined singleton method `absolute_path$1' for `File'
# undefined singleton method `basename$1' for `File'
# undefined singleton method `chmod$1' for `File'
# undefined singleton method `chown$1' for `File'
# undefined singleton method `expand_path$1' for `File'
# undefined singleton method `fnmatch$1' for `File'
# undefined singleton method `fnmatch?$1' for `File'
# undefined singleton method `lchmod$1' for `File'
# undefined singleton method `lchown$1' for `File'
# undefined singleton method `realdirpath$1' for `File'
# undefined singleton method `realpath$1' for `File'
# undefined singleton method `umask$1' for `File'
# undefined singleton method `utime$1' for `File'
# wrong constant name absolute_path$1
# wrong constant name basename$1
# wrong constant name chmod$1
# wrong constant name chown$1
# wrong constant name exists?
# wrong constant name expand_path$1
# wrong constant name fnmatch$1
# wrong constant name fnmatch?$1
# wrong constant name lchmod$1
# wrong constant name lchown$1
# wrong constant name lutime
# wrong constant name mkfifo
# wrong constant name read_binary
# wrong constant name realdirpath$1
# wrong constant name realpath$1
# wrong constant name umask$1
# wrong constant name utime$1
# wrong constant name blockdev?
# wrong constant name chardev?
# wrong constant name directory?
# wrong constant name empty?
# wrong constant name executable?
# wrong constant name executable_real?
# wrong constant name exist?
# wrong constant name exists?
# wrong constant name file?
# wrong constant name grpowned?
# wrong constant name identical?
# wrong constant name owned?
# wrong constant name pipe?
# wrong constant name readable?
# wrong constant name readable_real?
# wrong constant name setgid?
# wrong constant name setuid?
# wrong constant name size
# wrong constant name size?
# wrong constant name socket?
# wrong constant name sticky?
# wrong constant name symlink?
# wrong constant name world_readable?
# wrong constant name world_writable?
# wrong constant name writable?
# wrong constant name writable_real?
# wrong constant name zero?
# uninitialized constant FileUtils::DryRun::LN_SUPPORTED
# Did you mean?  FileUtils::LN_SUPPORTED
# uninitialized constant FileUtils::DryRun::RUBY
# Did you mean?  FileUtils::RUBY
# uninitialized constant FileUtils::DryRun::VERSION
# Did you mean?  FileUtils::VERSION
# wrong constant name blockdev?
# wrong constant name chardev?
# wrong constant name chmod
# wrong constant name chown
# wrong constant name copy
# wrong constant name copy_file
# wrong constant name copy_metadata
# wrong constant name dereference?
# wrong constant name directory?
# wrong constant name door?
# wrong constant name entries
# wrong constant name exist?
# wrong constant name file?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name link
# wrong constant name lstat
# wrong constant name lstat!
# wrong constant name path
# wrong constant name pipe?
# wrong constant name platform_support
# wrong constant name postorder_traverse
# wrong constant name prefix
# wrong constant name preorder_traverse
# wrong constant name rel
# wrong constant name remove
# wrong constant name remove_dir1
# wrong constant name remove_file
# wrong constant name socket?
# wrong constant name stat
# wrong constant name stat!
# wrong constant name symlink?
# wrong constant name traverse
# wrong constant name wrap_traverse
# uninitialized constant FileUtils::NoWrite::LN_SUPPORTED
# Did you mean?  FileUtils::LN_SUPPORTED
# uninitialized constant FileUtils::NoWrite::RUBY
# Did you mean?  FileUtils::RUBY
# uninitialized constant FileUtils::NoWrite::VERSION
# Did you mean?  FileUtils::VERSION
# uninitialized constant FileUtils::Verbose::LN_SUPPORTED
# Did you mean?  FileUtils::LN_SUPPORTED
# uninitialized constant FileUtils::Verbose::RUBY
# Did you mean?  FileUtils::RUBY
# uninitialized constant FileUtils::Verbose::VERSION
# Did you mean?  FileUtils::VERSION
# undefined singleton method `cp_r$1' for `FileUtils'
# undefined singleton method `mkdir_p$1' for `FileUtils'
# wrong constant name cd
# wrong constant name chdir
# wrong constant name chmod
# wrong constant name chmod_R
# wrong constant name chown
# wrong constant name chown_R
# wrong constant name cmp
# wrong constant name collect_method
# wrong constant name commands
# wrong constant name compare_file
# wrong constant name compare_stream
# wrong constant name copy
# wrong constant name copy_entry
# wrong constant name copy_file
# wrong constant name copy_stream
# wrong constant name cp
# wrong constant name cp_lr
# wrong constant name cp_r$1
# wrong constant name getwd
# wrong constant name have_option?
# wrong constant name identical?
# wrong constant name install
# wrong constant name link
# wrong constant name link_entry
# wrong constant name ln
# wrong constant name ln_s
# wrong constant name ln_sf
# wrong constant name makedirs
# wrong constant name mkdir
# wrong constant name mkdir_p$1
# wrong constant name mkpath
# wrong constant name move
# wrong constant name mv
# wrong constant name options
# wrong constant name options_of
# wrong constant name private_module_function
# wrong constant name pwd
# wrong constant name remove
# wrong constant name remove_dir
# wrong constant name remove_entry
# wrong constant name remove_entry_secure
# wrong constant name remove_file
# wrong constant name rm
# wrong constant name rm_f
# wrong constant name rm_rf
# wrong constant name rmdir
# wrong constant name rmtree
# wrong constant name safe_unlink
# wrong constant name symlink
# wrong constant name uptodate?
# undefined method `rationalize$2' for class `Float'
# Did you mean?  Rational
# wrong constant name rationalize$2
# wrong constant name def_delegator
# wrong constant name def_delegators
# wrong constant name def_instance_delegator
# wrong constant name def_instance_delegators
# wrong constant name delegate
# wrong constant name instance_delegate
# wrong constant name _compile_method
# wrong constant name _delegator_method
# wrong constant name _valid_method?
# wrong constant name debug
# wrong constant name debug=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name garbage_collect
# undefined singleton method `report$1' for `GC::Profiler'
# wrong constant name report$1
# undefined singleton method `start$1' for `GC'
# undefined singleton method `stat$2' for `GC'
# wrong constant name latest_gc_info
# wrong constant name start$1
# wrong constant name stat$2
# wrong constant name stress=
# wrong constant name verify_internal_consistency
# wrong constant name verify_transient_heap_internal_consistency
# wrong constant name <Class:AvailableSet>
# wrong constant name <Class:BundlerVersionFinder>
# wrong constant name <Class:Command>
# wrong constant name <Class:Commands>
# wrong constant name <Class:ConfigFile>
# wrong constant name <Class:ConsoleUI>
# wrong constant name <Class:DefaultUserInteraction>
# wrong constant name <Class:DependencyInstaller>
# wrong constant name <Class:DependencyList>
# wrong constant name <Class:Ext>
# wrong constant name <Class:Installer>
# wrong constant name <Class:Licenses>
# wrong constant name <Class:NameTuple>
# wrong constant name <Class:Package>
# wrong constant name <Class:RemoteFetcher>
# wrong constant name <Class:Request>
# wrong constant name <Class:RequestSet>
# wrong constant name <Class:Resolver>
# wrong constant name <Class:RuntimeRequirementNotMetError>
# wrong constant name <Class:Security>
# wrong constant name <Class:SilentUI>
# wrong constant name <Class:Source>
# wrong constant name <Class:SourceList>
# wrong constant name <Class:SpecFetcher>
# wrong constant name <Class:SpecificationPolicy>
# wrong constant name <Class:StreamUI>
# wrong constant name <Class:Text>
# wrong constant name <Class:UninstallError>
# wrong constant name <Class:UriFormatter>
# wrong constant name <Class:UserInteraction>
# wrong constant name <Class:Util>
# wrong constant name <<
# uninitialized constant Gem::AvailableSet::Elem
# wrong constant name <Class:Tuple>
# wrong constant name add
# wrong constant name all_specs
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name each_spec
# wrong constant name empty?
# wrong constant name find_all
# wrong constant name inject_into_list
# wrong constant name match_platform!
# wrong constant name pick_best!
# wrong constant name prefetch
# wrong constant name remote
# wrong constant name remote=
# wrong constant name remove_installed!
# wrong constant name set
# wrong constant name size
# wrong constant name sorted
# wrong constant name source_for
# wrong constant name to_request_set
# uninitialized constant Gem::AvailableSet::Tuple::Elem
# wrong constant name source
# wrong constant name source=
# wrong constant name spec
# wrong constant name spec=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name activated?
# wrong constant name base_dir
# wrong constant name base_dir=
# wrong constant name contains_requirable_file?
# wrong constant name datadir
# wrong constant name default_gem?
# wrong constant name extension_dir
# wrong constant name extension_dir=
# wrong constant name extensions_dir
# wrong constant name full_gem_path
# wrong constant name full_gem_path=
# wrong constant name full_name
# wrong constant name full_require_paths
# wrong constant name gem_build_complete_path
# wrong constant name gem_dir
# wrong constant name gems_dir
# wrong constant name ignored=
# wrong constant name internal_init
# wrong constant name lib_dirs_glob
# wrong constant name loaded_from
# wrong constant name loaded_from=
# wrong constant name matches_for_glob
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name platform
# wrong constant name raw_require_paths
# wrong constant name require_paths
# wrong constant name source_paths
# wrong constant name stubbed?
# wrong constant name this
# wrong constant name to_fullpath
# wrong constant name to_spec
# wrong constant name version
# wrong constant name default_specifications_dir
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name bundler_version
# wrong constant name bundler_version_with_reason
# wrong constant name compatible?
# wrong constant name filter!
# wrong constant name missing_version_message
# wrong constant name add_extra_args
# wrong constant name add_option
# wrong constant name arguments
# wrong constant name begins?
# wrong constant name command
# wrong constant name defaults
# wrong constant name defaults=
# wrong constant name defaults_str
# wrong constant name description
# wrong constant name execute
# wrong constant name get_all_gem_names
# wrong constant name get_all_gem_names_and_versions
# wrong constant name get_one_gem_name
# wrong constant name get_one_optional_argument
# wrong constant name handle_options
# wrong constant name handles?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name invoke
# wrong constant name invoke_with_build_args
# wrong constant name merge_options
# wrong constant name options
# wrong constant name program_name
# wrong constant name program_name=
# wrong constant name remove_option
# wrong constant name show_help
# wrong constant name show_lookup_failure
# wrong constant name summary
# wrong constant name summary=
# wrong constant name usage
# wrong constant name when_invoked
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name add_common_option
# wrong constant name add_specific_extra_args
# wrong constant name build_args
# wrong constant name build_args=
# wrong constant name common_options
# wrong constant name extra_args
# wrong constant name extra_args=
# wrong constant name specific_extra_args
# wrong constant name specific_extra_args_hash
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name []=
# wrong constant name api_keys
# wrong constant name args
# wrong constant name backtrace
# wrong constant name backtrace=
# wrong constant name bulk_threshold
# wrong constant name bulk_threshold=
# wrong constant name cert_expiration_length_days
# wrong constant name cert_expiration_length_days=
# wrong constant name check_credentials_permissions
# wrong constant name concurrent_downloads
# wrong constant name concurrent_downloads=
# wrong constant name config_file_name
# wrong constant name credentials_path
# wrong constant name disable_default_gem_server
# wrong constant name disable_default_gem_server=
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name handle_arguments
# wrong constant name home
# wrong constant name home=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name load_api_keys
# wrong constant name load_file
# wrong constant name path
# wrong constant name path=
# wrong constant name really_verbose
# wrong constant name rubygems_api_key
# wrong constant name rubygems_api_key=
# wrong constant name set_api_key
# wrong constant name sources
# wrong constant name sources=
# wrong constant name ssl_ca_cert
# wrong constant name ssl_ca_cert=
# wrong constant name ssl_client_cert
# wrong constant name ssl_verify_mode
# wrong constant name to_yaml
# wrong constant name unset_api_key!
# wrong constant name update_sources
# wrong constant name update_sources=
# wrong constant name verbose
# wrong constant name verbose=
# wrong constant name write
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name conflicts
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name target
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ui
# wrong constant name ui=
# wrong constant name use_ui
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ui
# wrong constant name ui=
# wrong constant name use_ui
# wrong constant name <=>
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name ===
# wrong constant name =~
# wrong constant name all_sources
# wrong constant name all_sources=
# wrong constant name encode_with
# wrong constant name eql?
# wrong constant name groups
# wrong constant name groups=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name latest_version?
# wrong constant name match?
# wrong constant name matches_spec?
# wrong constant name matching_specs
# wrong constant name merge
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name name=
# wrong constant name prerelease=
# wrong constant name prerelease?
# wrong constant name requirement
# wrong constant name requirements_list
# wrong constant name runtime?
# wrong constant name source
# wrong constant name source=
# wrong constant name specific?
# wrong constant name to_lock
# wrong constant name to_spec
# wrong constant name to_specs
# wrong constant name to_yaml_properties
# wrong constant name type
# wrong constant name _deprecated_add_found_dependencies
# wrong constant name _deprecated_gather_dependencies
# wrong constant name add_found_dependencies
# wrong constant name available_set_for
# wrong constant name consider_local?
# wrong constant name consider_remote?
# wrong constant name document
# wrong constant name errors
# wrong constant name find_gems_with_sources
# wrong constant name find_spec_by_name_and_version
# wrong constant name gather_dependencies
# wrong constant name in_background
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name install
# wrong constant name install_development_deps
# wrong constant name installed_gems
# wrong constant name resolve_dependencies
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Gem::DependencyList::Elem
# wrong constant name add
# wrong constant name clear
# wrong constant name dependency_order
# wrong constant name development
# wrong constant name development=
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name find_name
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name ok?
# wrong constant name ok_to_remove?
# wrong constant name remove_by_name
# wrong constant name remove_specs_unsatisfied_by
# wrong constant name spec_predecessors
# wrong constant name specs
# wrong constant name tsort_each_node
# wrong constant name why_not_ok?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name from_specs
# wrong constant name conflict
# wrong constant name conflicting_dependencies
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name deprecate
# wrong constant name skip
# wrong constant name skip=
# wrong constant name skip_during
# wrong constant name _deprecated_source_exception
# wrong constant name source_exception
# wrong constant name source_exception=
# wrong constant name <Class:BuildError>
# wrong constant name <Class:Builder>
# wrong constant name <Class:CmakeBuilder>
# wrong constant name <Class:ConfigureBuilder>
# wrong constant name <Class:ExtConfBuilder>
# wrong constant name <Class:RakeBuilder>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name build_args
# wrong constant name build_args=
# wrong constant name build_error
# wrong constant name build_extension
# wrong constant name build_extensions
# wrong constant name builder_for
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name write_gem_make_out
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name make
# wrong constant name redirector
# wrong constant name run
# uninitialized constant Gem::Ext::CmakeBuilder::CHDIR_MONITOR
# uninitialized constant Gem::Ext::CmakeBuilder::CHDIR_MUTEX
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name build
# uninitialized constant Gem::Ext::ConfigureBuilder::CHDIR_MONITOR
# uninitialized constant Gem::Ext::ConfigureBuilder::CHDIR_MUTEX
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name build
# uninitialized constant Gem::Ext::ExtConfBuilder::CHDIR_MONITOR
# uninitialized constant Gem::Ext::ExtConfBuilder::CHDIR_MUTEX
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name build
# wrong constant name get_relative_path
# uninitialized constant Gem::Ext::RakeBuilder::CHDIR_MONITOR
# uninitialized constant Gem::Ext::RakeBuilder::CHDIR_MUTEX
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name build
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name directory
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name file_path
# wrong constant name file_path=
# wrong constant name spec
# wrong constant name spec=
# wrong constant name build_message
# wrong constant name conflicts
# wrong constant name dependency
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name request
# wrong constant name _deprecated_extension_build_error
# wrong constant name app_script_text
# wrong constant name bin_dir
# wrong constant name build_extensions
# wrong constant name build_root
# wrong constant name check_executable_overwrite
# wrong constant name check_that_user_bin_dir_is_in_path
# wrong constant name default_spec_file
# wrong constant name dir
# wrong constant name ensure_dependencies_met
# wrong constant name ensure_dependency
# wrong constant name ensure_loadable_spec
# wrong constant name ensure_required_ruby_version_met
# wrong constant name ensure_required_rubygems_version_met
# wrong constant name extension_build_error
# wrong constant name extract_bin
# wrong constant name extract_files
# wrong constant name formatted_program_filename
# wrong constant name gem
# wrong constant name gem_dir
# wrong constant name gem_home
# wrong constant name generate_bin
# wrong constant name generate_bin_script
# wrong constant name generate_bin_symlink
# wrong constant name generate_windows_script
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name install
# wrong constant name installation_satisfies_dependency?
# wrong constant name installed_specs
# wrong constant name options
# wrong constant name pre_install_checks
# wrong constant name process_options
# wrong constant name run_post_build_hooks
# wrong constant name run_post_install_hooks
# wrong constant name run_pre_install_hooks
# wrong constant name shebang
# wrong constant name spec
# wrong constant name spec_file
# wrong constant name unpack
# wrong constant name verify_gem_home
# wrong constant name verify_spec
# wrong constant name windows_stub_script
# wrong constant name write_build_info_file
# wrong constant name write_cache_file
# wrong constant name write_default_spec
# wrong constant name write_spec
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name at
# wrong constant name exec_format
# wrong constant name exec_format=
# wrong constant name for_spec
# wrong constant name install_lock
# wrong constant name path_warning
# wrong constant name path_warning=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name match?
# wrong constant name suggestions
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name prepend
# wrong constant name tail
# wrong constant name tail=
# wrong constant name to_a
# wrong constant name value
# wrong constant name value=
# wrong constant name prepend
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name name=
# wrong constant name requirement
# wrong constant name requirement=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name specs
# wrong constant name <=>
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name eql?
# wrong constant name full_name
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name match_platform?
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name platform
# wrong constant name prerelease?
# wrong constant name spec_name
# wrong constant name to_a
# wrong constant name version
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name from_list
# wrong constant name null
# wrong constant name to_basic
# wrong constant name <Class:DigestIO>
# wrong constant name <Class:Error>
# wrong constant name <Class:FileSource>
# wrong constant name <Class:FormatError>
# wrong constant name <Class:IOSource>
# wrong constant name <Class:NonSeekableIO>
# wrong constant name <Class:Old>
# wrong constant name <Class:PathError>
# wrong constant name <Class:Source>
# wrong constant name <Class:TarHeader>
# wrong constant name <Class:TarInvalidError>
# wrong constant name <Class:TarReader>
# wrong constant name <Class:TarWriter>
# wrong constant name <Class:TooLongFileName>
# wrong constant name add_checksums
# wrong constant name add_contents
# wrong constant name add_files
# wrong constant name add_metadata
# wrong constant name build
# wrong constant name build_time
# wrong constant name build_time=
# wrong constant name checksums
# wrong constant name contents
# wrong constant name copy_to
# wrong constant name data_mode
# wrong constant name data_mode=
# wrong constant name digest
# wrong constant name dir_mode
# wrong constant name dir_mode=
# wrong constant name extract_files
# wrong constant name extract_tar_gz
# wrong constant name file_mode
# wrong constant name files
# wrong constant name gzip_to
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name install_location
# wrong constant name load_spec
# wrong constant name mkdir_p_safe
# wrong constant name normalize_path
# wrong constant name open_tar_gz
# wrong constant name prog_mode
# wrong constant name prog_mode=
# wrong constant name read_checksums
# wrong constant name security_policy
# wrong constant name security_policy=
# wrong constant name setup_signer
# wrong constant name spec
# wrong constant name spec=
# wrong constant name verify
# wrong constant name verify_checksums
# wrong constant name verify_entry
# wrong constant name verify_files
# wrong constant name verify_gz
# wrong constant name digests
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name write
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name wrap
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name path
# wrong constant name present?
# wrong constant name start
# wrong constant name with_read_io
# wrong constant name with_write_io
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name path
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name io
# wrong constant name path
# wrong constant name present?
# wrong constant name start
# wrong constant name with_read_io
# wrong constant name with_write_io
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name extract_files
# wrong constant name file_list
# wrong constant name read_until_dashes
# wrong constant name skip_ruby
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name checksum
# wrong constant name devmajor
# wrong constant name devminor
# wrong constant name empty?
# wrong constant name gid
# wrong constant name gname
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name linkname
# wrong constant name magic
# wrong constant name mode
# wrong constant name mtime
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name prefix
# wrong constant name size
# wrong constant name typeflag
# wrong constant name uid
# wrong constant name uname
# wrong constant name update_checksum
# wrong constant name version
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name from
# wrong constant name strict_oct
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Gem::Package::TarReader::Elem
# wrong constant name <Class:Entry>
# wrong constant name <Class:UnexpectedEOF>
# wrong constant name close
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name each_entry
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name rewind
# wrong constant name seek
# wrong constant name bytes_read
# wrong constant name check_closed
# wrong constant name close
# wrong constant name closed?
# wrong constant name directory?
# wrong constant name eof?
# wrong constant name file?
# wrong constant name full_name
# wrong constant name getc
# wrong constant name header
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name length
# wrong constant name pos
# wrong constant name read
# wrong constant name readpartial
# wrong constant name rewind
# wrong constant name size
# wrong constant name symlink?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name new
# wrong constant name <Class:BoundedStream>
# wrong constant name <Class:FileOverflow>
# wrong constant name <Class:RestrictedStream>
# wrong constant name add_file
# wrong constant name add_file_digest
# wrong constant name add_file_signed
# wrong constant name add_file_simple
# wrong constant name add_symlink
# wrong constant name check_closed
# wrong constant name close
# wrong constant name closed?
# wrong constant name flush
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name mkdir
# wrong constant name split_name
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name limit
# wrong constant name write
# wrong constant name written
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name write
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name new
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name build
# wrong constant name new
# wrong constant name home
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name path
# wrong constant name spec_cache_dir
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name ===
# wrong constant name =~
# wrong constant name cpu
# wrong constant name cpu=
# wrong constant name eql?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name os
# wrong constant name os=
# wrong constant name to_a
# wrong constant name version
# wrong constant name version=
# wrong constant name installable?
# wrong constant name local
# wrong constant name match
# wrong constant name new
# wrong constant name add_platform
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name platforms
# wrong constant name version
# wrong constant name wordy
# wrong constant name cache_update_path
# wrong constant name close_all
# wrong constant name correct_for_windows_path
# wrong constant name download
# wrong constant name download_to_cache
# wrong constant name fetch_file
# wrong constant name fetch_http
# wrong constant name fetch_https
# wrong constant name fetch_path
# wrong constant name fetch_s3
# wrong constant name fetch_size
# wrong constant name headers
# wrong constant name headers=
# wrong constant name https?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name request
# wrong constant name s3_expiration
# wrong constant name sign_s3_url
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name fetcher
# wrong constant name <Class:ConnectionPools>
# wrong constant name <Class:HTTPPool>
# wrong constant name <Class:HTTPSPool>
# wrong constant name cert_files
# wrong constant name connection_for
# wrong constant name fetch
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name perform_request
# wrong constant name proxy_uri
# wrong constant name reset
# wrong constant name user_agent
# wrong constant name close_all
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name pool_for
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name client
# wrong constant name client=
# wrong constant name cert_files
# wrong constant name checkin
# wrong constant name checkout
# wrong constant name close_all
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name proxy_uri
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name configure_connection_for_https
# wrong constant name create_with_proxy
# wrong constant name get_cert_files
# wrong constant name get_proxy_from_env
# wrong constant name proxy_uri
# wrong constant name verify_certificate
# wrong constant name verify_certificate_message
# wrong constant name <Class:GemDependencyAPI>
# wrong constant name <Class:Lockfile>
# wrong constant name always_install
# wrong constant name always_install=
# wrong constant name dependencies
# wrong constant name development
# wrong constant name development=
# wrong constant name development_shallow
# wrong constant name development_shallow=
# wrong constant name errors
# wrong constant name gem
# wrong constant name git_set
# wrong constant name ignore_dependencies
# wrong constant name ignore_dependencies=
# wrong constant name import
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name install
# wrong constant name install_dir
# wrong constant name install_from_gemdeps
# wrong constant name install_hooks
# wrong constant name install_into
# wrong constant name load_gemdeps
# wrong constant name prerelease
# wrong constant name prerelease=
# wrong constant name remote
# wrong constant name remote=
# wrong constant name resolve
# wrong constant name resolve_current
# wrong constant name resolver
# wrong constant name sets
# wrong constant name soft_missing
# wrong constant name soft_missing=
# wrong constant name sorted_requests
# wrong constant name source_set
# wrong constant name specs
# wrong constant name specs_in
# wrong constant name tsort_each_node
# wrong constant name vendor_set
# wrong constant name dependencies
# wrong constant name find_gemspec
# wrong constant name gem
# wrong constant name gem_deps_file
# wrong constant name gem_git_reference
# wrong constant name gemspec
# wrong constant name git
# wrong constant name git_set
# wrong constant name git_source
# wrong constant name group
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name installing=
# wrong constant name load
# wrong constant name platform
# wrong constant name platforms
# wrong constant name requires
# wrong constant name ruby
# wrong constant name source
# wrong constant name vendor_set
# wrong constant name without_groups
# wrong constant name without_groups=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:ParseError>
# wrong constant name <Class:Parser>
# wrong constant name <Class:Tokenizer>
# wrong constant name add_DEPENDENCIES
# wrong constant name add_GEM
# wrong constant name add_GIT
# wrong constant name add_PATH
# wrong constant name add_PLATFORMS
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name platforms
# wrong constant name relative_path_from
# wrong constant name spec_groups
# wrong constant name write
# wrong constant name column
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name line
# wrong constant name path
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name get
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name parse_DEPENDENCIES
# wrong constant name parse_GEM
# wrong constant name parse_GIT
# wrong constant name parse_PATH
# wrong constant name parse_PLATFORMS
# wrong constant name parse_dependency
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:Token>
# wrong constant name empty?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name make_parser
# wrong constant name next_token
# wrong constant name peek
# wrong constant name shift
# wrong constant name skip
# wrong constant name to_a
# wrong constant name token_pos
# wrong constant name unshift
# uninitialized constant Gem::RequestSet::Lockfile::Tokenizer::Token::Elem
# wrong constant name column
# wrong constant name column=
# wrong constant name line
# wrong constant name line=
# wrong constant name type
# wrong constant name type=
# wrong constant name value
# wrong constant name value=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name from_file
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name build
# wrong constant name requests_to_deps
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name ===
# wrong constant name =~
# wrong constant name _tilde_requirements
# wrong constant name as_list
# wrong constant name concat
# wrong constant name encode_with
# wrong constant name exact?
# wrong constant name for_lockfile
# wrong constant name init_with
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name marshal_dump
# wrong constant name marshal_load
# wrong constant name none?
# wrong constant name prerelease?
# wrong constant name requirements
# wrong constant name satisfied_by?
# wrong constant name specific?
# wrong constant name to_yaml_properties
# wrong constant name yaml_initialize
# wrong constant name create
# wrong constant name default
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name source_set
# wrong constant name <Class:APISet>
# wrong constant name <Class:APISpecification>
# wrong constant name <Class:ActivationRequest>
# wrong constant name <Class:BestSet>
# wrong constant name <Class:ComposedSet>
# wrong constant name <Class:Conflict>
# wrong constant name <Class:CurrentSet>
# wrong constant name <Class:DependencyRequest>
# wrong constant name <Class:GitSet>
# wrong constant name <Class:GitSpecification>
# wrong constant name <Class:IndexSet>
# wrong constant name <Class:IndexSpecification>
# wrong constant name <Class:InstalledSpecification>
# wrong constant name <Class:InstallerSet>
# wrong constant name <Class:LocalSpecification>
# wrong constant name <Class:LockSet>
# wrong constant name <Class:LockSpecification>
# wrong constant name <Class:Molinillo>
# wrong constant name <Class:RequirementList>
# wrong constant name <Class:Set>
# wrong constant name <Class:SourceSet>
# wrong constant name <Class:SpecSpecification>
# wrong constant name <Class:Specification>
# wrong constant name <Class:Stats>
# wrong constant name <Class:VendorSet>
# wrong constant name <Class:VendorSpecification>
# wrong constant name activation_request
# wrong constant name development
# wrong constant name development=
# wrong constant name development_shallow
# wrong constant name development_shallow=
# wrong constant name explain
# wrong constant name explain_list
# wrong constant name find_possible
# wrong constant name ignore_dependencies
# wrong constant name ignore_dependencies=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name missing
# wrong constant name requests
# wrong constant name resolve
# wrong constant name select_local_platforms
# wrong constant name skip_gems
# wrong constant name skip_gems=
# wrong constant name soft_missing
# wrong constant name soft_missing=
# wrong constant name stats
# wrong constant name dep_uri
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name prefetch_now
# wrong constant name source
# wrong constant name uri
# wrong constant name versions
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name development?
# wrong constant name download
# wrong constant name full_name
# wrong constant name full_spec
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name installed?
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name others_possible?
# wrong constant name parent
# wrong constant name request
# wrong constant name spec
# wrong constant name version
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name pick_sets
# wrong constant name replace_failed_api_set
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name prerelease=
# wrong constant name remote=
# wrong constant name sets
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name activated
# wrong constant name conflicting_dependencies
# wrong constant name dependency
# wrong constant name explain
# wrong constant name explanation
# wrong constant name failed_dep
# wrong constant name for_spec?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name request_path
# wrong constant name requester
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name dependency
# wrong constant name development?
# wrong constant name explicit?
# wrong constant name implicit?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name match?
# wrong constant name matches_spec?
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name request_context
# wrong constant name requester
# wrong constant name requirement
# wrong constant name type
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name add_git_gem
# wrong constant name add_git_spec
# wrong constant name need_submodules
# wrong constant name repositories
# wrong constant name root_dir
# wrong constant name root_dir=
# wrong constant name specs
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name add_dependency
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name add_always_install
# wrong constant name add_local
# wrong constant name always_install
# wrong constant name consider_local?
# wrong constant name consider_remote?
# wrong constant name ignore_dependencies
# wrong constant name ignore_dependencies=
# wrong constant name ignore_installed
# wrong constant name ignore_installed=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name load_spec
# wrong constant name local?
# wrong constant name prerelease=
# wrong constant name remote=
# wrong constant name remote_set
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name add
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name load_spec
# wrong constant name specs
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name add_dependency
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name sources
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:CircularDependencyError>
# wrong constant name <Class:Delegates>
# wrong constant name <Class:DependencyGraph>
# wrong constant name <Class:DependencyState>
# wrong constant name <Class:NoSuchDependencyError>
# wrong constant name <Class:PossibilityState>
# wrong constant name <Class:ResolutionState>
# wrong constant name <Class:Resolver>
# wrong constant name <Class:ResolverError>
# wrong constant name <Class:SpecificationProvider>
# wrong constant name <Class:UI>
# wrong constant name <Class:VersionConflict>
# wrong constant name dependencies
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:ResolutionState>
# wrong constant name <Class:SpecificationProvider>
# wrong constant name activated
# wrong constant name conflicts
# wrong constant name depth
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name possibilities
# wrong constant name requirement
# wrong constant name requirements
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name allow_missing?
# wrong constant name dependencies_for
# wrong constant name name_for
# wrong constant name name_for_explicit_dependency_source
# wrong constant name name_for_locking_dependency_source
# wrong constant name requirement_satisfied_by?
# wrong constant name search_for
# wrong constant name sort_dependencies
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name <Class:Action>
# wrong constant name <Class:AddEdgeNoCircular>
# wrong constant name <Class:AddVertex>
# wrong constant name <Class:DeleteEdge>
# wrong constant name <Class:DetachVertexNamed>
# wrong constant name <Class:Edge>
# uninitialized constant Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Elem
# wrong constant name <Class:Log>
# wrong constant name <Class:SetPayload>
# wrong constant name <Class:Tag>
# wrong constant name <Class:Vertex>
# wrong constant name add_child_vertex
# wrong constant name add_edge
# wrong constant name add_vertex
# wrong constant name delete_edge
# wrong constant name detach_vertex_named
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name rewind_to
# wrong constant name root_vertex_named
# wrong constant name set_payload
# wrong constant name tag
# wrong constant name to_dot
# wrong constant name tsort_each_child
# wrong constant name vertex_named
# wrong constant name vertices
# wrong constant name down
# wrong constant name next
# wrong constant name next=
# wrong constant name previous
# wrong constant name previous=
# wrong constant name up
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name action_name
# wrong constant name destination
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name make_edge
# wrong constant name origin
# wrong constant name requirement
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name payload
# wrong constant name root
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name destination_name
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name make_edge
# wrong constant name origin_name
# wrong constant name requirement
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Edge::Elem
# wrong constant name destination
# wrong constant name destination=
# wrong constant name origin
# wrong constant name origin=
# wrong constant name requirement
# wrong constant name requirement=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name add_edge_no_circular
# wrong constant name add_vertex
# wrong constant name delete_edge
# wrong constant name detach_vertex_named
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name pop!
# wrong constant name reverse_each
# wrong constant name rewind_to
# wrong constant name set_payload
# wrong constant name tag
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Log::Elem
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name payload
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name down
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name tag
# wrong constant name up
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name ancestor?
# wrong constant name descendent?
# wrong constant name eql?
# wrong constant name explicit_requirements
# wrong constant name incoming_edges
# wrong constant name incoming_edges=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name is_reachable_from?
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name name=
# wrong constant name outgoing_edges
# wrong constant name outgoing_edges=
# wrong constant name path_to?
# wrong constant name payload
# wrong constant name payload=
# wrong constant name predecessors
# wrong constant name recursive_predecessors
# wrong constant name recursive_successors
# wrong constant name requirements
# wrong constant name root
# wrong constant name root=
# wrong constant name root?
# wrong constant name shallow_eql?
# wrong constant name successors
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name tsort
# uninitialized constant Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyState::Elem
# wrong constant name pop_possibility_state
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name dependency
# wrong constant name dependency=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name required_by
# wrong constant name required_by=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::PossibilityState::Elem
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::ResolutionState::Elem
# wrong constant name activated
# wrong constant name activated=
# wrong constant name conflicts
# wrong constant name conflicts=
# wrong constant name depth
# wrong constant name depth=
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name name=
# wrong constant name possibilities
# wrong constant name possibilities=
# wrong constant name requirement
# wrong constant name requirement=
# wrong constant name requirements
# wrong constant name requirements=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name empty
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name <Class:Resolution>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name resolve
# wrong constant name resolver_ui
# wrong constant name specification_provider
# wrong constant name <Class:Conflict>
# wrong constant name base
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name iteration_rate=
# wrong constant name original_requested
# wrong constant name resolve
# wrong constant name resolver_ui
# wrong constant name specification_provider
# wrong constant name started_at=
# wrong constant name states=
# uninitialized constant Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::Resolver::Resolution::Conflict::Elem
# wrong constant name activated_by_name
# wrong constant name activated_by_name=
# wrong constant name existing
# wrong constant name existing=
# wrong constant name locked_requirement
# wrong constant name locked_requirement=
# wrong constant name possibility
# wrong constant name possibility=
# wrong constant name requirement
# wrong constant name requirement=
# wrong constant name requirement_trees
# wrong constant name requirement_trees=
# wrong constant name requirements
# wrong constant name requirements=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name allow_missing?
# wrong constant name dependencies_for
# wrong constant name name_for
# wrong constant name name_for_explicit_dependency_source
# wrong constant name name_for_locking_dependency_source
# wrong constant name requirement_satisfied_by?
# wrong constant name search_for
# wrong constant name sort_dependencies
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name after_resolution
# wrong constant name before_resolution
# wrong constant name debug
# wrong constant name debug?
# wrong constant name indicate_progress
# wrong constant name output
# wrong constant name progress_rate
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name conflicts
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Gem::Resolver::RequirementList::Elem
# wrong constant name add
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name empty?
# wrong constant name next5
# wrong constant name remove
# wrong constant name size
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name errors
# wrong constant name errors=
# wrong constant name find_all
# wrong constant name prefetch
# wrong constant name prerelease
# wrong constant name prerelease=
# wrong constant name remote
# wrong constant name remote=
# wrong constant name remote?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name add_source_gem
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name dependencies
# wrong constant name download
# wrong constant name fetch_development_dependencies
# wrong constant name full_name
# wrong constant name install
# wrong constant name installable_platform?
# wrong constant name local?
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name platform
# wrong constant name set
# wrong constant name source
# wrong constant name spec
# wrong constant name version
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name backtracking!
# wrong constant name display
# wrong constant name iteration!
# wrong constant name record_depth
# wrong constant name record_requirements
# wrong constant name requirement!
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name add_vendor_gem
# wrong constant name load_spec
# wrong constant name specs
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name compose_sets
# wrong constant name for_current_gems
# wrong constant name suggestion
# wrong constant name suggestion=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:DIGEST_ALGORITHM>
# wrong constant name <Class:Exception>
# wrong constant name <Class:KEY_ALGORITHM>
# wrong constant name <Class:Policy>
# wrong constant name <Class:Signer>
# wrong constant name <Class:TrustDir>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name digest
# wrong constant name hexdigest
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name d
# wrong constant name d=
# wrong constant name dmp1
# wrong constant name dmp1=
# wrong constant name dmq1
# wrong constant name dmq1=
# wrong constant name e
# wrong constant name e=
# wrong constant name export
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name iqmp
# wrong constant name iqmp=
# wrong constant name n
# wrong constant name n=
# wrong constant name p
# wrong constant name p=
# wrong constant name params
# wrong constant name private?
# wrong constant name private_decrypt
# wrong constant name private_encrypt
# wrong constant name public?
# wrong constant name public_decrypt
# wrong constant name public_encrypt
# wrong constant name public_key
# wrong constant name q
# wrong constant name q=
# wrong constant name set_crt_params
# wrong constant name set_factors
# wrong constant name set_key
# wrong constant name sign_pss
# wrong constant name to_der
# wrong constant name to_pem
# wrong constant name to_s
# wrong constant name to_text
# wrong constant name verify_pss
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name generate
# wrong constant name check_cert
# wrong constant name check_chain
# wrong constant name check_data
# wrong constant name check_key
# wrong constant name check_root
# wrong constant name check_trust
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name only_signed
# wrong constant name only_signed=
# wrong constant name only_trusted
# wrong constant name only_trusted=
# wrong constant name subject
# wrong constant name verify
# wrong constant name verify_chain
# wrong constant name verify_chain=
# wrong constant name verify_data
# wrong constant name verify_data=
# wrong constant name verify_root
# wrong constant name verify_root=
# wrong constant name verify_signatures
# wrong constant name verify_signer
# wrong constant name verify_signer=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name cert_chain
# wrong constant name cert_chain=
# wrong constant name digest_algorithm
# wrong constant name digest_name
# wrong constant name extract_name
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name key
# wrong constant name key=
# wrong constant name load_cert_chain
# wrong constant name options
# wrong constant name re_sign_key
# wrong constant name sign
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name re_sign_cert
# wrong constant name cert_path
# wrong constant name dir
# wrong constant name each_certificate
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name issuer_of
# wrong constant name load_certificate
# wrong constant name name_path
# wrong constant name trust_cert
# wrong constant name verify
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name alt_name_or_x509_entry
# wrong constant name create_cert
# wrong constant name create_cert_email
# wrong constant name create_cert_self_signed
# wrong constant name create_key
# wrong constant name email_to_name
# wrong constant name re_sign
# wrong constant name reset
# wrong constant name sign
# wrong constant name trust_dir
# wrong constant name trusted_certificates
# wrong constant name write
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <=>
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name <Class:Git>
# wrong constant name <Class:Installed>
# wrong constant name <Class:Local>
# wrong constant name <Class:Lock>
# wrong constant name <Class:SpecificFile>
# wrong constant name <Class:Vendor>
# wrong constant name cache_dir
# wrong constant name dependency_resolver_set
# wrong constant name download
# wrong constant name eql?
# wrong constant name fetch_spec
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name load_specs
# wrong constant name update_cache?
# wrong constant name uri
# uninitialized constant Gem::Source::Git::FILES
# Did you mean?  File
#                Gem::Source::FILES
# wrong constant name base_dir
# wrong constant name cache
# wrong constant name checkout
# wrong constant name dir_shortref
# wrong constant name download
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name install_dir
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name need_submodules
# wrong constant name reference
# wrong constant name remote
# wrong constant name remote=
# wrong constant name repo_cache_dir
# wrong constant name repository
# wrong constant name rev_parse
# wrong constant name root_dir
# wrong constant name root_dir=
# wrong constant name specs
# wrong constant name uri_hash
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Gem::Source::Installed::FILES
# Did you mean?  File
#                Gem::Source::FILES
# wrong constant name download
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Gem::Source::Local::FILES
# Did you mean?  File
#                Gem::Source::FILES
# wrong constant name download
# wrong constant name fetch_spec
# wrong constant name find_gem
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Gem::Source::Lock::FILES
# Did you mean?  File
#                Gem::Source::FILES
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name wrapped
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Gem::Source::SpecificFile::FILES
# Did you mean?  Gem::Source::FILES
# wrong constant name fetch_spec
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name load_specs
# wrong constant name path
# wrong constant name spec
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Gem::Source::Vendor::FILES
# Did you mean?  File
#                Gem::Source::FILES
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name error
# wrong constant name exception
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name source
# wrong constant name wordy
# wrong constant name <<
# wrong constant name ==
# uninitialized constant Gem::SourceList::Elem
# wrong constant name clear
# wrong constant name delete
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name each_source
# wrong constant name empty?
# wrong constant name first
# wrong constant name include?
# wrong constant name replace
# wrong constant name sources
# wrong constant name to_a
# wrong constant name to_ary
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name from
# wrong constant name available_specs
# wrong constant name detect
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name latest_specs
# wrong constant name prerelease_specs
# wrong constant name search_for_dependency
# wrong constant name sources
# wrong constant name spec_for_dependency
# wrong constant name specs
# wrong constant name suggest_gems_from_name
# wrong constant name tuples_for
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name fetcher
# wrong constant name fetcher=
# wrong constant name errors
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name version
# wrong constant name <=>
# wrong constant name ==
# uninitialized constant Gem::Specification::GENERICS
# uninitialized constant Gem::Specification::GENERIC_CACHE
# wrong constant name _deprecated_default_executable
# wrong constant name _deprecated_default_executable=
# wrong constant name _deprecated_has_rdoc
# wrong constant name _deprecated_has_rdoc=
# wrong constant name _deprecated_has_rdoc?
# wrong constant name _dump
# wrong constant name abbreviate
# wrong constant name activate
# wrong constant name activate_dependencies
# wrong constant name activated
# wrong constant name activated=
# wrong constant name add_bindir
# wrong constant name add_dependency
# wrong constant name add_development_dependency
# wrong constant name add_runtime_dependency
# wrong constant name add_self_to_load_path
# wrong constant name author
# wrong constant name author=
# wrong constant name authors
# wrong constant name authors=
# wrong constant name autorequire
# wrong constant name autorequire=
# wrong constant name bin_dir
# wrong constant name bin_file
# wrong constant name bindir
# wrong constant name bindir=
# wrong constant name build_args
# wrong constant name build_extensions
# wrong constant name build_info_dir
# wrong constant name build_info_file
# wrong constant name cache_dir
# wrong constant name cache_file
# wrong constant name cert_chain
# wrong constant name cert_chain=
# wrong constant name conficts_when_loaded_with?
# wrong constant name conflicts
# wrong constant name date
# wrong constant name date=
# wrong constant name default_executable
# wrong constant name default_executable=
# wrong constant name default_value
# wrong constant name dependencies
# wrong constant name dependent_gems
# wrong constant name dependent_specs
# wrong constant name description
# wrong constant name description=
# wrong constant name development_dependencies
# wrong constant name doc_dir
# wrong constant name email
# wrong constant name email=
# wrong constant name encode_with
# wrong constant name eql?
# wrong constant name executable
# wrong constant name executable=
# wrong constant name executables
# wrong constant name executables=
# wrong constant name extensions
# wrong constant name extensions=
# wrong constant name extra_rdoc_files
# wrong constant name extra_rdoc_files=
# wrong constant name file_name
# wrong constant name files
# wrong constant name files=
# wrong constant name for_cache
# wrong constant name git_version
# wrong constant name groups
# wrong constant name has_conflicts?
# wrong constant name has_rdoc
# wrong constant name has_rdoc=
# wrong constant name has_rdoc?
# wrong constant name has_test_suite?
# wrong constant name has_unit_tests?
# wrong constant name homepage
# wrong constant name homepage=
# wrong constant name init_with
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name installed_by_version
# wrong constant name installed_by_version=
# wrong constant name keep_only_files_and_directories
# wrong constant name lib_files
# wrong constant name license
# wrong constant name license=
# wrong constant name licenses
# wrong constant name licenses=
# wrong constant name load_paths
# wrong constant name location
# wrong constant name location=
# wrong constant name mark_version
# wrong constant name metadata
# wrong constant name metadata=
# wrong constant name method_missing
# wrong constant name missing_extensions?
# wrong constant name name=
# wrong constant name name_tuple
# wrong constant name nondevelopment_dependencies
# wrong constant name normalize
# wrong constant name original_name
# wrong constant name original_platform
# wrong constant name original_platform=
# wrong constant name platform=
# wrong constant name post_install_message
# wrong constant name post_install_message=
# wrong constant name raise_if_conflicts
# wrong constant name rdoc_options
# wrong constant name rdoc_options=
# wrong constant name relative_loaded_from
# wrong constant name relative_loaded_from=
# wrong constant name remote
# wrong constant name remote=
# wrong constant name require_path
# wrong constant name require_path=
# wrong constant name require_paths=
# wrong constant name required_ruby_version
# wrong constant name required_ruby_version=
# wrong constant name required_rubygems_version
# wrong constant name required_rubygems_version=
# wrong constant name requirements
# wrong constant name requirements=
# wrong constant name reset_nil_attributes_to_default
# wrong constant name rg_extension_dir
# wrong constant name rg_full_gem_path
# wrong constant name rg_loaded_from
# wrong constant name ri_dir
# wrong constant name rubyforge_project=
# wrong constant name rubygems_version
# wrong constant name rubygems_version=
# wrong constant name runtime_dependencies
# wrong constant name sanitize
# wrong constant name sanitize_string
# wrong constant name satisfies_requirement?
# wrong constant name signing_key
# wrong constant name signing_key=
# wrong constant name sort_obj
# wrong constant name source
# wrong constant name source=
# wrong constant name spec_dir
# wrong constant name spec_file
# wrong constant name spec_name
# wrong constant name specification_version
# wrong constant name specification_version=
# wrong constant name summary
# wrong constant name summary=
# wrong constant name test_file
# wrong constant name test_file=
# wrong constant name test_files
# wrong constant name test_files=
# wrong constant name to_gemfile
# wrong constant name to_ruby
# wrong constant name to_ruby_for_cache
# wrong constant name to_yaml
# wrong constant name traverse
# wrong constant name validate
# wrong constant name validate_dependencies
# wrong constant name validate_metadata
# wrong constant name validate_permissions
# wrong constant name version=
# wrong constant name yaml_initialize
# uninitialized constant Gem::Specification::Elem
# wrong constant name _all
# wrong constant name _clear_load_cache
# wrong constant name _latest_specs
# wrong constant name _load
# wrong constant name _resort!
# wrong constant name add_spec
# wrong constant name add_specs
# wrong constant name all
# wrong constant name all=
# wrong constant name all_names
# wrong constant name array_attributes
# wrong constant name attribute_names
# wrong constant name dirs
# wrong constant name dirs=
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name each_gemspec
# wrong constant name each_spec
# wrong constant name find_active_stub_by_path
# wrong constant name find_all_by_full_name
# wrong constant name find_all_by_name
# wrong constant name find_by_name
# wrong constant name find_by_path
# wrong constant name find_in_unresolved
# wrong constant name find_in_unresolved_tree
# wrong constant name find_inactive_by_path
# wrong constant name from_yaml
# wrong constant name latest_specs
# wrong constant name load
# wrong constant name load_defaults
# wrong constant name non_nil_attributes
# wrong constant name normalize_yaml_input
# wrong constant name outdated
# wrong constant name outdated_and_latest_version
# wrong constant name remove_spec
# wrong constant name required_attribute?
# wrong constant name required_attributes
# wrong constant name reset
# wrong constant name stubs
# wrong constant name stubs_for
# wrong constant name unresolved_deps
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name packaging
# wrong constant name packaging=
# wrong constant name validate
# wrong constant name validate_dependencies
# wrong constant name validate_metadata
# wrong constant name validate_permissions
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name _deprecated_debug
# wrong constant name _gets_noecho
# wrong constant name alert
# wrong constant name alert_error
# wrong constant name alert_warning
# wrong constant name ask
# wrong constant name ask_for_password
# wrong constant name ask_yes_no
# wrong constant name backtrace
# wrong constant name choose_from_list
# wrong constant name close
# wrong constant name debug
# wrong constant name download_reporter
# wrong constant name errs
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name ins
# wrong constant name outs
# wrong constant name progress_reporter
# wrong constant name require_io_console
# wrong constant name say
# wrong constant name terminate_interaction
# wrong constant name tty?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name build_extensions
# wrong constant name extensions
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name missing_extensions?
# wrong constant name valid?
# wrong constant name extensions
# wrong constant name full_name
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name platform
# wrong constant name require_paths
# wrong constant name version
# wrong constant name default_gemspec_stub
# wrong constant name gemspec_stub
# wrong constant name exit_code
# wrong constant name exit_code=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name clean_text
# wrong constant name format_text
# wrong constant name levenshtein_distance
# wrong constant name min3
# wrong constant name truncate_text
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name spec
# wrong constant name spec=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name dependency
# wrong constant name errors
# wrong constant name errors=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name version
# wrong constant name escape
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name normalize
# wrong constant name unescape
# wrong constant name uri
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name alert
# wrong constant name alert_error
# wrong constant name alert_warning
# wrong constant name ask
# wrong constant name ask_for_password
# wrong constant name ask_yes_no
# wrong constant name choose_from_list
# wrong constant name say
# wrong constant name terminate_interaction
# wrong constant name verbose
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name glob_files_in_dir
# wrong constant name gunzip
# wrong constant name gzip
# wrong constant name inflate
# wrong constant name popen
# wrong constant name silent_system
# wrong constant name traverse_parents
# wrong constant name <=>
# wrong constant name _segments
# wrong constant name _split_segments
# wrong constant name _version
# wrong constant name approximate_recommendation
# wrong constant name bump
# wrong constant name canonical_segments
# wrong constant name encode_with
# wrong constant name eql?
# wrong constant name init_with
# wrong constant name marshal_dump
# wrong constant name marshal_load
# wrong constant name prerelease?
# wrong constant name release
# wrong constant name segments
# wrong constant name to_yaml_properties
# wrong constant name version
# wrong constant name yaml_initialize
# wrong constant name correct?
# wrong constant name create
# wrong constant name new
# undefined singleton method `bin_path$1' for `Gem'
# wrong constant name _deprecated_detect_gemdeps
# wrong constant name _deprecated_gunzip
# wrong constant name _deprecated_gzip
# wrong constant name _deprecated_inflate
# wrong constant name activate_bin_path
# wrong constant name bin_path$1
# wrong constant name default_ext_dir_for
# wrong constant name default_gems_use_full_paths?
# wrong constant name default_spec_cache_dir
# wrong constant name deflate
# wrong constant name detect_gemdeps
# wrong constant name dir
# wrong constant name done_installing
# wrong constant name done_installing_hooks
# wrong constant name ensure_default_gem_subdirectories
# wrong constant name ensure_gem_subdirectories
# wrong constant name ensure_subdirectories
# wrong constant name env_requirement
# wrong constant name extension_api_version
# wrong constant name find_files
# wrong constant name find_files_from_load_path
# wrong constant name find_latest_files
# wrong constant name find_unresolved_default_spec
# wrong constant name finish_resolve
# wrong constant name gemdeps
# wrong constant name gunzip
# wrong constant name gzip
# wrong constant name host
# wrong constant name host=
# wrong constant name inflate
# wrong constant name install
# wrong constant name install_extension_in_lib
# wrong constant name latest_rubygems_version
# wrong constant name latest_spec_for
# wrong constant name latest_version_for
# wrong constant name load_env_plugins
# wrong constant name load_path_insert_index
# wrong constant name load_plugin_files
# wrong constant name load_plugins
# wrong constant name load_yaml
# wrong constant name loaded_specs
# wrong constant name location_of_caller
# wrong constant name marshal_version
# wrong constant name needs
# wrong constant name operating_system_defaults
# wrong constant name path
# wrong constant name path_separator
# wrong constant name paths
# wrong constant name paths=
# wrong constant name platform_defaults
# wrong constant name platforms
# wrong constant name platforms=
# wrong constant name post_build
# wrong constant name post_build_hooks
# wrong constant name post_install
# wrong constant name post_install_hooks
# wrong constant name post_reset
# wrong constant name post_reset_hooks
# wrong constant name post_uninstall
# wrong constant name post_uninstall_hooks
# wrong constant name pre_install
# wrong constant name pre_install_hooks
# wrong constant name pre_reset
# wrong constant name pre_reset_hooks
# wrong constant name pre_uninstall
# wrong constant name pre_uninstall_hooks
# wrong constant name prefix
# wrong constant name read_binary
# wrong constant name refresh
# wrong constant name register_default_spec
# wrong constant name remove_unresolved_default_spec
# wrong constant name ruby
# wrong constant name ruby_api_version
# wrong constant name ruby_engine
# wrong constant name ruby_version
# wrong constant name rubygems_version
# wrong constant name sources
# wrong constant name sources=
# wrong constant name spec_cache_dir
# wrong constant name suffix_pattern
# wrong constant name suffixes
# wrong constant name time
# wrong constant name try_activate
# wrong constant name ui
# wrong constant name use_gemdeps
# wrong constant name use_paths
# wrong constant name user_dir
# wrong constant name user_home
# wrong constant name vendor_dir
# wrong constant name win_platform?
# wrong constant name write_binary
# undefined method `default$2' for class `Hash'
# undefined method `fetch$2' for class `Hash'
# undefined method `initialize$2' for class `Hash'
# Did you mean?  initialize
# wrong constant name <
# wrong constant name <=
# wrong constant name >
# wrong constant name >=
# wrong constant name compact
# wrong constant name compact!
# wrong constant name default$2
# wrong constant name default_proc
# wrong constant name default_proc=
# wrong constant name dig
# wrong constant name fetch$2
# wrong constant name fetch_values
# wrong constant name filter!
# wrong constant name flatten
# wrong constant name index
# wrong constant name initialize$2
# wrong constant name merge!
# wrong constant name replace
# wrong constant name slice
# wrong constant name to_h
# wrong constant name to_proc
# wrong constant name transform_keys
# wrong constant name transform_keys!
# wrong constant name transform_values
# wrong constant name transform_values!
# wrong constant name update
# wrong constant name try_convert
# undefined method `advise$1' for class `IO'
# undefined method `each$2' for class `IO'
# undefined method `each_line$2' for class `IO'
# undefined method `fcntl$1' for class `IO'
# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `IO'
# Did you mean?  initialize
# undefined method `ioctl$1' for class `IO'
# undefined method `lines$2' for class `IO'
# undefined method `read$1' for class `IO'
# Did you mean?  read
# undefined method `read_nonblock$2' for class `IO'
# undefined method `readpartial$2' for class `IO'
# undefined method `reopen$2' for class `IO'
# undefined method `seek$1' for class `IO'
# undefined method `set_encoding$2' for class `IO'
# undefined method `sysread$1' for class `IO'
# undefined method `sysseek$1' for class `IO'
# undefined method `write$1' for class `IO'
# Did you mean?  write
# wrong constant name advise$1
# wrong constant name each$2
# wrong constant name each_line$2
# wrong constant name external_encoding
# wrong constant name fcntl$1
# wrong constant name initialize$1
# wrong constant name ioctl$1
# wrong constant name lines$2
# wrong constant name nonblock
# wrong constant name nonblock=
# wrong constant name nonblock?
# wrong constant name nread
# wrong constant name pathconf
# wrong constant name pread
# wrong constant name pwrite
# wrong constant name read$1
# wrong constant name read_nonblock$2
# wrong constant name readpartial$2
# wrong constant name ready?
# wrong constant name reopen$2
# wrong constant name seek$1
# wrong constant name set_encoding$2
# wrong constant name sysread$1
# wrong constant name sysseek$1
# wrong constant name wait
# wrong constant name wait_readable
# wrong constant name wait_writable
# wrong constant name write$1
# wrong constant name write_nonblock
# undefined singleton method `binread$1' for `IO'
# undefined singleton method `binwrite$1' for `IO'
# undefined singleton method `copy_stream$1' for `IO'
# undefined singleton method `for_fd$1' for `IO'
# undefined singleton method `read$1' for `IO'
# undefined singleton method `sysopen$1' for `IO'
# undefined singleton method `write$1' for `IO'
# wrong constant name binread$1
# wrong constant name binwrite$1
# wrong constant name copy_stream$1
# wrong constant name for_fd$1
# wrong constant name foreach
# wrong constant name open
# wrong constant name pipe
# wrong constant name read$1
# wrong constant name sysopen$1
# wrong constant name write$1
# wrong constant name &
# wrong constant name <<
# wrong constant name <=>
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name ===
# wrong constant name >>
# wrong constant name <Class:AddressFamilyError>
# wrong constant name <Class:Error>
# wrong constant name <Class:InvalidAddressError>
# wrong constant name <Class:InvalidPrefixError>
# wrong constant name eql?
# wrong constant name family
# wrong constant name hton
# wrong constant name include?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name ip6_arpa
# wrong constant name ip6_int
# wrong constant name ipv4?
# wrong constant name ipv4_compat
# wrong constant name ipv4_compat?
# wrong constant name ipv4_mapped
# wrong constant name ipv4_mapped?
# wrong constant name ipv6?
# wrong constant name link_local?
# wrong constant name loopback?
# wrong constant name mask
# wrong constant name mask!
# wrong constant name native
# wrong constant name prefix
# wrong constant name prefix=
# wrong constant name private?
# wrong constant name reverse
# wrong constant name set
# wrong constant name succ
# wrong constant name to_i
# wrong constant name to_range
# wrong constant name to_string
# wrong constant name |
# wrong constant name ~
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name new_ntoh
# wrong constant name ntop
# undefined method `chr$2' for class `Integer'
# undefined method `inspect$1' for class `Integer'
# Did you mean?  inspect
# undefined method `rationalize$2' for class `Integer'
# Did you mean?  Rational
# undefined method `to_s$1' for class `Integer'
# Did you mean?  to_s
# wrong constant name allbits?
# wrong constant name anybits?
# wrong constant name chr$2
# wrong constant name digits
# wrong constant name inspect$1
# wrong constant name nobits?
# wrong constant name pow
# wrong constant name rationalize$2
# wrong constant name to_bn
# wrong constant name to_s$1
# wrong constant name sqrt
# wrong constant name from_state
# wrong constant name initialize
# undefined singleton method `dump$1' for `JSON'
# undefined singleton method `generate$1' for `JSON'
# undefined singleton method `pretty_generate$1' for `JSON'
# wrong constant name dump$1
# wrong constant name generate$1
# wrong constant name pretty_generate$1
# undefined method `clone$1' for module `Kernel'
# Did you mean?  clone
# undefined method `define_singleton_method$2' for module `Kernel'
# Did you mean?  define_singleton_method
# undefined method `display$1' for module `Kernel'
# Did you mean?  display
# undefined method `enum_for$2' for module `Kernel'
# Did you mean?  enum_for
# undefined method `exit$2' for module `Kernel'
# Did you mean?  exit
#                exit!
# undefined method `extend$1' for module `Kernel'
# Did you mean?  extend
#                extended
# undefined method `methods$1' for module `Kernel'
# Did you mean?  methods
#                method
#                method
# undefined method `private_methods$1' for module `Kernel'
# Did you mean?  private_methods
# undefined method `protected_methods$1' for module `Kernel'
# Did you mean?  protected_methods
# undefined method `public_methods$1' for module `Kernel'
# Did you mean?  public_methods
#                public_method
# undefined method `public_send$1' for module `Kernel'
# Did you mean?  public_send
# undefined method `send$2' for module `Kernel'
# Did you mean?  send
# undefined method `singleton_methods$1' for module `Kernel'
# Did you mean?  singleton_methods
#                singleton_method
# undefined method `to_enum$2' for module `Kernel'
# Did you mean?  to_enum
# wrong constant name clone$1
# wrong constant name define_singleton_method$2
# wrong constant name display$1
# wrong constant name enum_for$2
# wrong constant name exit$2
# wrong constant name extend$1
# wrong constant name gem
# wrong constant name itself
# wrong constant name methods$1
# wrong constant name object_id
# wrong constant name pretty_inspect
# wrong constant name private_methods$1
# wrong constant name protected_methods$1
# wrong constant name public_methods$1
# wrong constant name public_send$1
# wrong constant name respond_to?
# wrong constant name send$2
# wrong constant name singleton_methods$1
# wrong constant name then
# wrong constant name to_enum$2
# wrong constant name yield_self
# wrong constant name at_exit
# wrong constant name key
# wrong constant name receiver
# wrong constant name path
# wrong constant name exit_value
# wrong constant name reason
# undefined singleton method `dump$2' for `Marshal'
# wrong constant name dump$2
# wrong constant name restore
# undefined method `[]$2' for class `MatchData'
# wrong constant name []$2
# wrong constant name named_captures
# undefined singleton method `log$1' for `Math'
# wrong constant name log$1
# uninitialized constant MessagePack
# uninitialized constant MessagePack
# wrong constant name <<
# wrong constant name ===
# wrong constant name >>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name arity
# wrong constant name clone
# wrong constant name curry
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name original_name
# wrong constant name owner
# wrong constant name parameters
# wrong constant name receiver
# wrong constant name source_location
# wrong constant name super_method
# wrong constant name unbind
# undefined method `class_eval$2' for class `Module'
# Did you mean?  class_eval
# undefined method `class_variables$1' for class `Module'
# Did you mean?  class_variables
#                class_variable_set
#                class_variable_get
# undefined method `const_defined?$1' for class `Module'
# Did you mean?  const_defined?
# undefined method `const_get$1' for class `Module'
# Did you mean?  const_get
#                const_set
# undefined method `constants$1' for class `Module'
# Did you mean?  constants
# undefined method `define_method$2' for class `Module'
# Did you mean?  define_method
# undefined method `instance_methods$1' for class `Module'
# Did you mean?  instance_methods
#                instance_method
# undefined method `method_defined?$1' for class `Module'
# Did you mean?  method_defined?
#                method_undefined
# undefined method `module_eval$2' for class `Module'
# Did you mean?  module_eval
# undefined method `private_instance_methods$1' for class `Module'
# Did you mean?  private_instance_methods
# undefined method `private_method_defined?$1' for class `Module'
# Did you mean?  private_method_defined?
# undefined method `protected_instance_methods$1' for class `Module'
# Did you mean?  protected_instance_methods
# undefined method `protected_method_defined?$1' for class `Module'
# Did you mean?  protected_method_defined?
# undefined method `public_instance_methods$1' for class `Module'
# Did you mean?  public_instance_methods
#                public_instance_method
# undefined method `public_method_defined?$1' for class `Module'
# Did you mean?  public_method_defined?
# undefined method `remove_method$1' for class `Module'
# Did you mean?  remove_method
# wrong constant name class_eval$2
# wrong constant name class_variables$1
# wrong constant name const_defined?$1
# wrong constant name const_get$1
# wrong constant name constants$1
# wrong constant name define_method$2
# wrong constant name deprecate_constant
# wrong constant name instance_methods$1
# wrong constant name method_defined?$1
# wrong constant name module_eval$2
# wrong constant name private_instance_methods$1
# wrong constant name private_method_defined?$1
# wrong constant name protected_instance_methods$1
# wrong constant name protected_method_defined?$1
# wrong constant name public_instance_methods$1
# wrong constant name public_method_defined?$1
# wrong constant name remove_method$1
# wrong constant name undef_method
# wrong constant name used_modules
# wrong constant name enter
# wrong constant name exit
# wrong constant name try_enter
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name mon_enter
# wrong constant name mon_exit
# wrong constant name mon_locked?
# wrong constant name mon_owned?
# wrong constant name mon_synchronize
# wrong constant name mon_try_enter
# wrong constant name new_cond
# wrong constant name synchronize
# wrong constant name try_mon_enter
# wrong constant name broadcast
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name signal
# wrong constant name wait
# wrong constant name wait_until
# wrong constant name wait_while
# wrong constant name extend_object
# uninitialized constant Mutex_m
# uninitialized constant Mutex_m
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name receiver
# uninitialized constant Net::FTP
# uninitialized constant Net::FTP
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPConnectionError
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPConnectionError
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPError
# Did you mean?  Net::HTTPError
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPError
# Did you mean?  Net::HTTPError
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPPermError
# Did you mean?  FiberError
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPPermError
# Did you mean?  FiberError
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPProtoError
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPProtoError
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPReplyError
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPReplyError
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPTempError
# Did you mean?  TypeError
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPTempError
# Did you mean?  TypeError
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTP::DigestAuth
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTP::DigestAuth
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTP::Persistent
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTP::Persistent
# uninitialized constant Net::IMAP
# uninitialized constant Net::IMAP
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTP
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTP
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPAuthenticationError
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPAuthenticationError
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPError
# Did you mean?  Net::HTTPError
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPError
# Did you mean?  Net::HTTPError
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPFatalError
# Did you mean?  Net::ProtoFatalError
#                Net::HTTPFatalError
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPFatalError
# Did you mean?  Net::ProtoFatalError
#                Net::HTTPFatalError
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPServerBusy
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPServerBusy
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPSyntaxError
# Did you mean?  Net::ProtoSyntaxError
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPSyntaxError
# Did you mean?  Net::ProtoSyntaxError
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPUnknownError
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPUnknownError
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPUnsupportedCommand
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPUnsupportedCommand
# undefined method `rationalize$1' for class `NilClass'
# Did you mean?  Rational
# wrong constant name rationalize$1
# wrong constant name to_i
# wrong constant name args
# wrong constant name private_call?
# undefined method `ceil$2' for class `Numeric'
# undefined method `floor$2' for class `Numeric'
# undefined method `round$1' for class `Numeric'
# undefined method `step$2' for class `Numeric'
# undefined method `truncate$1' for class `Numeric'
# wrong constant name ceil$2
# wrong constant name finite?
# wrong constant name floor$2
# wrong constant name infinite?
# wrong constant name negative?
# wrong constant name positive?
# wrong constant name round$1
# wrong constant name step$2
# wrong constant name truncate$1
# uninitialized constant RUBYGEMS_ACTIVATION_MONITOR
# wrong constant name to_yaml
# wrong constant name yaml_tag
# wrong constant name <Class:Object>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name []=
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name each_key
# wrong constant name each_pair
# wrong constant name each_value
# wrong constant name key?
# wrong constant name keys
# wrong constant name length
# wrong constant name size
# wrong constant name values
# undefined singleton method `each_object$2' for `ObjectSpace'
# wrong constant name count_objects
# wrong constant name define_finalizer
# wrong constant name each_object$2
# wrong constant name garbage_collect
# wrong constant name undefine_finalizer
# uninitialized constant OpenSSL::PKCS5::PKCS5Error
# uninitialized constant OpenSSL::PKCS5::PKCS5Error
# wrong constant name <Class:Acceptables>
# wrong constant name <Class:AmbiguousArgument>
# wrong constant name <Class:AmbiguousOption>
# wrong constant name <Class:Arguable>
# wrong constant name <Class:CompletingHash>
# wrong constant name <Class:Completion>
# wrong constant name <Class:InvalidArgument>
# wrong constant name <Class:InvalidOption>
# wrong constant name <Class:List>
# wrong constant name <Class:MissingArgument>
# wrong constant name <Class:NeedlessArgument>
# wrong constant name <Class:OptionMap>
# wrong constant name <Class:ParseError>
# wrong constant name <Class:Switch>
# wrong constant name abort
# wrong constant name accept
# wrong constant name add_officious
# wrong constant name banner
# wrong constant name banner=
# wrong constant name base
# wrong constant name candidate
# wrong constant name compsys
# wrong constant name def_head_option
# wrong constant name def_option
# wrong constant name def_tail_option
# wrong constant name default_argv
# wrong constant name default_argv=
# wrong constant name define
# wrong constant name define_head
# wrong constant name define_tail
# wrong constant name environment
# wrong constant name getopts
# wrong constant name help
# wrong constant name inc
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name load
# wrong constant name make_switch
# wrong constant name new
# wrong constant name on
# wrong constant name on_head
# wrong constant name on_tail
# wrong constant name order
# wrong constant name order!
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name parse!
# wrong constant name permute
# wrong constant name permute!
# wrong constant name program_name
# wrong constant name program_name=
# wrong constant name reject
# wrong constant name release
# wrong constant name release=
# wrong constant name remove
# wrong constant name separator
# wrong constant name set_banner
# wrong constant name set_program_name
# wrong constant name set_summary_indent
# wrong constant name set_summary_width
# wrong constant name summarize
# wrong constant name summary_indent
# wrong constant name summary_indent=
# wrong constant name summary_width
# wrong constant name summary_width=
# wrong constant name terminate
# wrong constant name to_a
# wrong constant name top
# wrong constant name ver
# wrong constant name version
# wrong constant name version=
# wrong constant name warn
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name getopts
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name options
# wrong constant name options=
# wrong constant name order!
# wrong constant name parse!
# wrong constant name permute!
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name extend_object
# uninitialized constant OptionParser::CompletingHash::Elem
# uninitialized constant OptionParser::CompletingHash::K
# uninitialized constant OptionParser::CompletingHash::V
# wrong constant name match
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name candidate
# wrong constant name complete
# wrong constant name convert
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name candidate
# wrong constant name regexp
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name accept
# wrong constant name add_banner
# wrong constant name append
# wrong constant name atype
# wrong constant name complete
# wrong constant name compsys
# wrong constant name each_option
# wrong constant name list
# wrong constant name long
# wrong constant name prepend
# wrong constant name reject
# wrong constant name search
# wrong constant name short
# wrong constant name summarize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant OptionParser::OptionMap::Elem
# uninitialized constant OptionParser::OptionMap::K
# uninitialized constant OptionParser::OptionMap::V
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name args
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name reason
# wrong constant name reason=
# wrong constant name recover
# wrong constant name set_backtrace
# wrong constant name set_option
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name filter_backtrace
# wrong constant name <Class:NoArgument>
# wrong constant name <Class:OptionalArgument>
# wrong constant name <Class:PlacedArgument>
# wrong constant name <Class:RequiredArgument>
# wrong constant name add_banner
# wrong constant name arg
# wrong constant name block
# wrong constant name compsys
# wrong constant name conv
# wrong constant name desc
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name long
# wrong constant name match_nonswitch?
# wrong constant name pattern
# wrong constant name short
# wrong constant name summarize
# wrong constant name switch_name
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name incompatible_argument_styles
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name guess
# wrong constant name incompatible_argument_styles
# wrong constant name pattern
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name accept
# wrong constant name getopts
# wrong constant name inc
# wrong constant name reject
# wrong constant name terminate
# wrong constant name top
# wrong constant name with
# uninitialized constant Opus
# uninitialized constant Opus
# undefined method `basename$1' for class `Pathname'
# undefined method `binread$1' for class `Pathname'
# undefined method `binwrite$1' for class `Pathname'
# undefined method `each_line$2' for class `Pathname'
# undefined method `expand_path$1' for class `Pathname'
# undefined method `find$2' for class `Pathname'
# undefined method `fnmatch$1' for class `Pathname'
# undefined method `mkdir$1' for class `Pathname'
# undefined method `open$2' for class `Pathname'
# Did you mean?  open
# undefined method `opendir$2' for class `Pathname'
# undefined method `read$1' for class `Pathname'
# undefined method `realdirpath$1' for class `Pathname'
# undefined method `realpath$1' for class `Pathname'
# undefined method `symlink?$2' for class `Pathname'
# undefined method `sysopen$1' for class `Pathname'
# undefined method `write$1' for class `Pathname'
# wrong constant name basename$1
# wrong constant name binread$1
# wrong constant name binwrite$1
# wrong constant name each_line$2
# wrong constant name empty?
# wrong constant name expand_path$1
# wrong constant name find$2
# wrong constant name fnmatch$1
# wrong constant name fnmatch?
# wrong constant name glob
# wrong constant name make_symlink
# wrong constant name mkdir$1
# wrong constant name open$2
# wrong constant name opendir$2
# wrong constant name read$1
# wrong constant name realdirpath$1
# wrong constant name realpath$1
# wrong constant name symlink?$2
# wrong constant name sysopen$1
# wrong constant name write$1
# undefined singleton method `glob$1' for `Pathname'
# wrong constant name glob$1
# undefined method `curry$1' for class `Proc'
# wrong constant name <<
# wrong constant name ===
# wrong constant name >>
# wrong constant name clone
# wrong constant name curry$1
# wrong constant name lambda?
# wrong constant name yield
# uninitialized constant Proc0
# uninitialized constant Proc0
# uninitialized constant Proc1
# uninitialized constant Proc1
# uninitialized constant Proc10
# uninitialized constant Proc10
# uninitialized constant Proc2
# uninitialized constant Proc2
# uninitialized constant Proc3
# uninitialized constant Proc3
# uninitialized constant Proc4
# uninitialized constant Proc4
# uninitialized constant Proc5
# uninitialized constant Proc5
# uninitialized constant Proc6
# uninitialized constant Proc6
# uninitialized constant Proc7
# uninitialized constant Proc7
# uninitialized constant Proc8
# uninitialized constant Proc8
# uninitialized constant Proc9
# uninitialized constant Proc9
# undefined singleton method `setresgid$1' for `Process::Sys'
# undefined singleton method `setresuid$1' for `Process::Sys'
# wrong constant name getegid
# wrong constant name setresgid$1
# wrong constant name setresuid$1
# wrong constant name cstime
# wrong constant name cstime=
# wrong constant name cutime
# wrong constant name cutime=
# wrong constant name stime
# wrong constant name stime=
# wrong constant name utime
# wrong constant name utime=
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# undefined singleton method `clock_getres$1' for `Process'
# undefined singleton method `clock_gettime$1' for `Process'
# undefined singleton method `daemon$1' for `Process'
# undefined singleton method `getsid$1' for `Process'
# undefined singleton method `kill$1' for `Process'
# undefined singleton method `setrlimit$1' for `Process'
# undefined singleton method `wait$1' for `Process'
# undefined singleton method `wait2$1' for `Process'
# undefined singleton method `waitpid$1' for `Process'
# undefined singleton method `waitpid2$1' for `Process'
# wrong constant name clock_getres$1
# wrong constant name clock_gettime$1
# wrong constant name daemon$1
# wrong constant name getsid$1
# wrong constant name kill$1
# wrong constant name last_status
# wrong constant name setpgrp
# wrong constant name setrlimit$1
# wrong constant name wait$1
# wrong constant name wait2$1
# wrong constant name waitpid$1
# wrong constant name waitpid2$1
# wrong constant name <Class:BadAlias>
# wrong constant name <Class:ClassLoader>
# wrong constant name <Class:Coder>
# wrong constant name <Class:DisallowedClass>
# wrong constant name <Class:Emitter>
# wrong constant name <Class:Exception>
# wrong constant name <Class:Handler>
# wrong constant name <Class:Handlers>
# wrong constant name <Class:JSON>
# wrong constant name <Class:Nodes>
# wrong constant name <Class:Omap>
# wrong constant name <Class:Parser>
# wrong constant name <Class:ScalarScanner>
# wrong constant name <Class:Set>
# wrong constant name <Class:Stream>
# wrong constant name <Class:Streaming>
# wrong constant name <Class:SyntaxError>
# wrong constant name <Class:TreeBuilder>
# wrong constant name <Class:Visitors>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:Restricted>
# wrong constant name big_decimal
# wrong constant name complex
# wrong constant name date
# wrong constant name date_time
# wrong constant name exception
# wrong constant name load
# wrong constant name object
# wrong constant name psych_omap
# wrong constant name psych_set
# wrong constant name range
# wrong constant name rational
# wrong constant name regexp
# wrong constant name struct
# wrong constant name symbol
# wrong constant name symbolize
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::BIG_DECIMAL
# Did you mean?  BigDecimal
#                Psych::ClassLoader::BIG_DECIMAL
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::CACHE
# Did you mean?  Psych::ClassLoader::CACHE
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::COMPLEX
# Did you mean?  Complex
#                Psych::ClassLoader::COMPLEX
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::DATE
# Did you mean?  Date
#                Data
#                Psych::ClassLoader::DATE
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::DATE_TIME
# Did you mean?  DateTime
#                Psych::ClassLoader::DATE_TIME
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::EXCEPTION
# Did you mean?  Psych::Exception
#                Exception
#                Psych::ClassLoader::EXCEPTION
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::OBJECT
# Did you mean?  Object
#                Psych::ClassLoader::OBJECT
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::PSYCH_OMAP
# Did you mean?  Psych::ClassLoader::PSYCH_OMAP
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::PSYCH_SET
# Did you mean?  Psych::ClassLoader::PSYCH_SET
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::RANGE
# Did you mean?  Range
#                Psych::ClassLoader::RANGE
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::RATIONAL
# Did you mean?  Rational
#                Psych::ClassLoader::RATIONAL
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::REGEXP
# Did you mean?  Regexp
#                Psych::ClassLoader::REGEXP
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::STRUCT
# Did you mean?  Struct
#                Psych::ClassLoader::STRUCT
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::SYMBOL
# Did you mean?  Symbol
#                Psych::ClassLoader::SYMBOL
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name []=
# wrong constant name add
# wrong constant name implicit
# wrong constant name implicit=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name map
# wrong constant name map=
# wrong constant name object
# wrong constant name object=
# wrong constant name represent_map
# wrong constant name represent_object
# wrong constant name represent_scalar
# wrong constant name represent_seq
# wrong constant name scalar
# wrong constant name scalar=
# wrong constant name seq
# wrong constant name seq=
# wrong constant name style
# wrong constant name style=
# wrong constant name tag
# wrong constant name tag=
# wrong constant name type
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Emitter::EVENTS
# uninitialized constant Psych::Emitter::OPTIONS
# wrong constant name alias
# wrong constant name canonical
# wrong constant name canonical=
# wrong constant name end_document
# wrong constant name indentation
# wrong constant name indentation=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name line_width
# wrong constant name line_width=
# wrong constant name scalar
# wrong constant name start_document
# wrong constant name start_mapping
# wrong constant name start_sequence
# wrong constant name start_stream
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:DumperOptions>
# wrong constant name alias
# wrong constant name empty
# wrong constant name end_document
# wrong constant name end_mapping
# wrong constant name end_sequence
# wrong constant name end_stream
# wrong constant name event_location
# wrong constant name scalar
# wrong constant name start_document
# wrong constant name start_mapping
# wrong constant name start_sequence
# wrong constant name start_stream
# wrong constant name streaming?
# wrong constant name canonical
# wrong constant name canonical=
# wrong constant name indentation
# wrong constant name indentation=
# wrong constant name line_width
# wrong constant name line_width=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:DocumentStream>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Handlers::DocumentStream::EVENTS
# uninitialized constant Psych::Handlers::DocumentStream::OPTIONS
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:RubyEvents>
# wrong constant name <Class:Stream>
# wrong constant name <Class:TreeBuilder>
# wrong constant name <Class:YAMLEvents>
# wrong constant name visit_DateTime
# wrong constant name visit_String
# wrong constant name visit_Symbol
# wrong constant name visit_Time
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::JSON::Stream::DISPATCH
# wrong constant name <Class:Emitter>
# uninitialized constant Psych::JSON::Stream::Emitter::EVENTS
# uninitialized constant Psych::JSON::Stream::Emitter::OPTIONS
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::JSON::TreeBuilder::EVENTS
# uninitialized constant Psych::JSON::TreeBuilder::OPTIONS
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name end_document
# wrong constant name scalar
# wrong constant name start_document
# wrong constant name start_mapping
# wrong constant name start_sequence
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:Alias>
# wrong constant name <Class:Document>
# wrong constant name <Class:Mapping>
# wrong constant name <Class:Node>
# wrong constant name <Class:Scalar>
# wrong constant name <Class:Sequence>
# wrong constant name <Class:Stream>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes::Alias::Elem
# wrong constant name anchor
# wrong constant name anchor=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes::Document::Elem
# wrong constant name implicit
# wrong constant name implicit=
# wrong constant name implicit_end
# wrong constant name implicit_end=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name root
# wrong constant name tag_directives
# wrong constant name tag_directives=
# wrong constant name version
# wrong constant name version=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes::Mapping::Elem
# wrong constant name anchor
# wrong constant name anchor=
# wrong constant name implicit
# wrong constant name implicit=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name style
# wrong constant name style=
# wrong constant name tag=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes::Node::Elem
# wrong constant name alias?
# wrong constant name children
# wrong constant name document?
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name end_column
# wrong constant name end_column=
# wrong constant name end_line
# wrong constant name end_line=
# wrong constant name mapping?
# wrong constant name scalar?
# wrong constant name sequence?
# wrong constant name start_column
# wrong constant name start_column=
# wrong constant name start_line
# wrong constant name start_line=
# wrong constant name stream?
# wrong constant name tag
# wrong constant name to_ruby
# wrong constant name to_yaml
# wrong constant name transform
# wrong constant name yaml
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes::Scalar::Elem
# wrong constant name anchor
# wrong constant name anchor=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name plain
# wrong constant name plain=
# wrong constant name quoted
# wrong constant name quoted=
# wrong constant name style
# wrong constant name style=
# wrong constant name tag=
# wrong constant name value
# wrong constant name value=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes::Sequence::Elem
# wrong constant name anchor
# wrong constant name anchor=
# wrong constant name implicit
# wrong constant name implicit=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name style
# wrong constant name style=
# wrong constant name tag=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes::Stream::Elem
# wrong constant name encoding
# wrong constant name encoding=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Omap::Elem
# uninitialized constant Psych::Omap::K
# uninitialized constant Psych::Omap::V
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:Mark>
# wrong constant name external_encoding=
# wrong constant name handler
# wrong constant name handler=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name mark
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name class_loader
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name parse_int
# wrong constant name parse_time
# wrong constant name tokenize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Set::Elem
# uninitialized constant Psych::Set::K
# uninitialized constant Psych::Set::V
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Stream::DISPATCH
# wrong constant name <Class:Emitter>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Stream::Emitter::EVENTS
# uninitialized constant Psych::Stream::Emitter::OPTIONS
# wrong constant name end_document
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:ClassMethods>
# wrong constant name start
# wrong constant name new
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name column
# wrong constant name context
# wrong constant name file
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name line
# wrong constant name offset
# wrong constant name problem
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::TreeBuilder::EVENTS
# uninitialized constant Psych::TreeBuilder::OPTIONS
# wrong constant name end_document
# wrong constant name root
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:DepthFirst>
# wrong constant name <Class:Emitter>
# wrong constant name <Class:JSONTree>
# wrong constant name <Class:NoAliasRuby>
# wrong constant name <Class:ToRuby>
# wrong constant name <Class:Visitor>
# wrong constant name <Class:YAMLTree>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Visitors::DepthFirst::DISPATCH
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Visitors::Emitter::DISPATCH
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Alias
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Document
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Mapping
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Scalar
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Sequence
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Stream
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Visitors::JSONTree::DISPATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name create
# uninitialized constant Psych::Visitors::NoAliasRuby::DISPATCH
# uninitialized constant Psych::Visitors::NoAliasRuby::SHOVEL
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Visitors::ToRuby::DISPATCH
# wrong constant name class_loader
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Alias
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Document
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Mapping
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Scalar
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Sequence
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Stream
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name create
# wrong constant name accept
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <<
# uninitialized constant Psych::Visitors::YAMLTree::DISPATCH
# wrong constant name finish
# wrong constant name finished
# wrong constant name finished?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name push
# wrong constant name start
# wrong constant name started
# wrong constant name started?
# wrong constant name tree
# wrong constant name visit_Array
# wrong constant name visit_BasicObject
# wrong constant name visit_BigDecimal
# wrong constant name visit_Class
# wrong constant name visit_Complex
# wrong constant name visit_Date
# wrong constant name visit_DateTime
# wrong constant name visit_Delegator
# wrong constant name visit_Encoding
# wrong constant name visit_Enumerator
# wrong constant name visit_Exception
# wrong constant name visit_FalseClass
# wrong constant name visit_Float
# wrong constant name visit_Hash
# wrong constant name visit_Integer
# wrong constant name visit_Module
# wrong constant name visit_NameError
# wrong constant name visit_NilClass
# wrong constant name visit_Object
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Omap
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Set
# wrong constant name visit_Range
# wrong constant name visit_Rational
# wrong constant name visit_Regexp
# wrong constant name visit_String
# wrong constant name visit_Struct
# wrong constant name visit_Symbol
# wrong constant name visit_Time
# wrong constant name visit_TrueClass
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name create
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name add_builtin_type
# wrong constant name add_domain_type
# wrong constant name add_tag
# wrong constant name domain_types
# wrong constant name domain_types=
# wrong constant name dump
# wrong constant name dump_stream
# wrong constant name dump_tags
# wrong constant name dump_tags=
# wrong constant name libyaml_version
# wrong constant name load
# wrong constant name load_file
# wrong constant name load_stream
# wrong constant name load_tags
# wrong constant name load_tags=
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name parse_file
# wrong constant name parse_stream
# wrong constant name parser
# wrong constant name remove_type
# wrong constant name safe_load
# wrong constant name to_json
# wrong constant name expand_tabs
# wrong constant name flush_left
# wrong constant name markup
# wrong constant name normalize_comment
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name snippet
# wrong constant name strip_hashes
# wrong constant name strip_newlines
# wrong constant name strip_stars
# wrong constant name to_html
# wrong constant name wrap
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name encode_fallback
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup::NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup::NO_REASON_GIVEN
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name persist
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name load_from
# wrong constant name persist
# wrong constant name example_failed
# wrong constant name example_finished
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name start_dump
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name inherited
# wrong constant name close
# wrong constant name example_group
# wrong constant name example_group=
# wrong constant name example_group_started
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name output
# wrong constant name start
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name dump_failures
# wrong constant name dump_pending
# wrong constant name dump_summary
# wrong constant name message
# wrong constant name seed
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name notify_results
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name example_failed
# wrong constant name example_group_finished
# wrong constant name example_passed
# wrong constant name example_pending
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name message
# wrong constant name output
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name dump_summary
# wrong constant name example_failed
# wrong constant name example_passed
# wrong constant name example_pending
# wrong constant name example_started
# wrong constant name start_dump
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name dump_profile
# wrong constant name dump_profile_slowest_example_groups
# wrong constant name dump_profile_slowest_examples
# wrong constant name dump_summary
# wrong constant name message
# wrong constant name output_hash
# wrong constant name seed
# wrong constant name stop
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name dump_profile
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name output
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name example_failed
# wrong constant name example_passed
# wrong constant name example_pending
# wrong constant name start_dump
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name example_group_finished
# wrong constant name example_group_started
# wrong constant name example_groups
# wrong constant name example_started
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:Recording>
# wrong constant name __shared_context_recordings
# wrong constant name after
# wrong constant name append_after
# wrong constant name append_before
# wrong constant name around
# wrong constant name before
# wrong constant name context
# wrong constant name describe
# wrong constant name hooks
# wrong constant name included
# wrong constant name let
# wrong constant name let!
# wrong constant name prepend_after
# wrong constant name prepend_before
# wrong constant name subject
# wrong constant name subject!
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Core::SharedContext::Recording::Elem
# wrong constant name args
# wrong constant name args=
# wrong constant name block
# wrong constant name block=
# wrong constant name method_name
# wrong constant name method_name=
# wrong constant name playback_onto
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name record
# wrong constant name <Class:AmbiguousTargetError>
# wrong constant name <Class:BlockLocator>
# wrong constant name <Class:BlockTokenExtractor>
# wrong constant name <Class:Error>
# wrong constant name <Class:TargetNotFoundError>
# wrong constant name body_content_lines
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name method_name
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Expectations::BlockSnippetExtractor::BlockLocator::Elem
# wrong constant name beginning_line_number
# wrong constant name beginning_line_number=
# wrong constant name body_content_locations
# wrong constant name method_call_location
# wrong constant name method_name
# wrong constant name method_name=
# wrong constant name source
# wrong constant name source=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Expectations::BlockSnippetExtractor::BlockTokenExtractor::Elem
# wrong constant name beginning_line_number
# wrong constant name beginning_line_number=
# wrong constant name body_tokens
# wrong constant name method_name
# wrong constant name method_name=
# wrong constant name source
# wrong constant name source=
# wrong constant name state
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name try_extracting_single_line_body_of
# wrong constant name aggregate
# wrong constant name block_label
# wrong constant name call
# wrong constant name failures
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name metadata
# wrong constant name other_errors
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name aggregation_block_label
# wrong constant name aggregation_metadata
# wrong constant name all_exceptions
# wrong constant name exception_count_description
# wrong constant name failures
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name other_errors
# wrong constant name summary
# wrong constant name log
# wrong constant name not_log
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::All::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name does_not_match?
# wrong constant name failed_objects
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name matcher
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <
# wrong constant name <=
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name ===
# wrong constant name =~
# wrong constant name >
# wrong constant name >=
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Be::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeAKindOf::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeAnInstanceOf::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeBetween::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name exclusive
# wrong constant name inclusive
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeComparedTo::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeFalsey::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeNil::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BePredicate::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name does_not_match?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name matches?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeTruthy::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeWithin::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name of
# wrong constant name percent_of
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Change::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name by
# wrong constant name by_at_least
# wrong constant name by_at_most
# wrong constant name does_not_match?
# wrong constant name from
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name matches?
# wrong constant name to
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:And>
# wrong constant name <Class:NestedEvaluator>
# wrong constant name <Class:Or>
# wrong constant name <Class:SequentialEvaluator>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Compound::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name diffable_matcher_list
# wrong constant name does_not_match?
# wrong constant name evaluator
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name matcher_1
# wrong constant name matcher_2
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Compound::And::UNDEFINED
# Did you mean?  RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Compound::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name matcher_matches?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name matcher_expects_call_stack_jump?
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Compound::Or::UNDEFINED
# Did you mean?  RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Compound::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name matcher_matches?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:PairingsMaximizer>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::ContainExactly::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name <Class:NullSolution>
# wrong constant name <Class:Solution>
# wrong constant name actual_to_expected_matched_indexes
# wrong constant name expected_to_actual_matched_indexes
# wrong constant name find_best_solution
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name solution
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name worse_than?
# wrong constant name +
# uninitialized constant #<Class:0x00007fc333cd9af8>::Elem
# wrong constant name candidate?
# wrong constant name ideal?
# wrong constant name indeterminate_actual_indexes
# wrong constant name indeterminate_actual_indexes=
# wrong constant name indeterminate_expected_indexes
# wrong constant name indeterminate_expected_indexes=
# wrong constant name unmatched_actual_indexes
# wrong constant name unmatched_actual_indexes=
# wrong constant name unmatched_expected_indexes
# wrong constant name unmatched_expected_indexes=
# wrong constant name unmatched_item_count
# wrong constant name worse_than?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Cover::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name does_not_match?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name matches?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::EndWith::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Eq::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Eql::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Equal::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:ExistenceTest>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Exist::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name does_not_match?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name actual_exists?
# wrong constant name valid_test?
# wrong constant name validity_message
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Has::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name does_not_match?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name matches?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::HaveAttributes::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name does_not_match?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name respond_to_failed
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Include::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name does_not_match?
# wrong constant name expecteds
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Match::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name with_captures
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name __delegate_operator
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name !=
# wrong constant name !~
# wrong constant name <
# wrong constant name <=
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name ===
# wrong constant name =~
# wrong constant name >
# wrong constant name >=
# wrong constant name description
# wrong constant name fail_with_message
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name get
# wrong constant name register
# wrong constant name registry
# wrong constant name unregister
# wrong constant name use_custom_matcher_or_delegate
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Output::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name does_not_match?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name matches?
# wrong constant name to_stderr
# wrong constant name to_stderr_from_any_process
# wrong constant name to_stdout
# wrong constant name to_stdout_from_any_process
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name __delegate_operator
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name description
# wrong constant name does_not_match?
# wrong constant name expects_call_stack_jump?
# wrong constant name failure_message
# wrong constant name failure_message_when_negated
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name matches?
# wrong constant name supports_block_expectations?
# wrong constant name with_message
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::RespondTo::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name and_any_keywords
# wrong constant name and_keywords
# wrong constant name and_unlimited_arguments
# wrong constant name argument
# wrong constant name arguments
# wrong constant name does_not_match?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name with
# wrong constant name with_any_keywords
# wrong constant name with_keywords
# wrong constant name with_unlimited_arguments
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Satisfy::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name matches?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::StartOrEndWith::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::StartWith::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name description
# wrong constant name does_not_match?
# wrong constant name expects_call_stack_jump?
# wrong constant name failure_message
# wrong constant name failure_message_when_negated
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name matches?
# wrong constant name supports_block_expectations?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::YieldControl::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name at_least
# wrong constant name at_most
# wrong constant name does_not_match?
# wrong constant name exactly
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name matches?
# wrong constant name once
# wrong constant name thrice
# wrong constant name times
# wrong constant name twice
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::YieldSuccessiveArgs::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name does_not_match?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name matches?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::YieldWithArgs::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name does_not_match?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name matches?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::YieldWithNoArgs::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name does_not_match?
# wrong constant name matches?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:AnyInstance>
# wrong constant name <Class:ExpectChain>
# wrong constant name <Class:MarshalExtension>
# wrong constant name <Class:MessageChain>
# wrong constant name <Class:StubChain>
# wrong constant name <Class:Chain>
# wrong constant name <Class:ErrorGenerator>
# wrong constant name <Class:ExpectChainChain>
# wrong constant name <Class:ExpectationChain>
# wrong constant name <Class:FluentInterfaceProxy>
# wrong constant name <Class:MessageChains>
# wrong constant name <Class:PositiveExpectationChain>
# wrong constant name <Class:Proxy>
# wrong constant name <Class:Recorder>
# wrong constant name <Class:StubChain>
# wrong constant name <Class:StubChainChain>
# wrong constant name <Class:Customizations>
# wrong constant name constrained_to_any_of?
# wrong constant name expectation_fulfilled!
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name matches_args?
# wrong constant name never
# wrong constant name playback!
# wrong constant name and_call_original
# wrong constant name and_raise
# wrong constant name and_return
# wrong constant name and_throw
# wrong constant name and_wrap_original
# wrong constant name and_yield
# wrong constant name at_least
# wrong constant name at_most
# wrong constant name exactly
# wrong constant name never
# wrong constant name once
# wrong constant name thrice
# wrong constant name times
# wrong constant name twice
# wrong constant name with
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name record
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name raise_does_not_implement_error
# wrong constant name raise_message_already_received_by_other_instance_error
# wrong constant name raise_not_supported_with_prepend_error
# wrong constant name raise_second_instance_received_message_error
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Mocks::AnyInstance::ExpectChainChain::EmptyInvocationOrder
# Did you mean?  RSpec::Mocks::AnyInstance::ExpectChainChain::InvocationOrder
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Mocks::AnyInstance::ExpectChainChain::InvocationOrder
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name expectation_fulfilled?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name method_missing
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name add
# wrong constant name all_expectations_fulfilled?
# wrong constant name each_unfulfilled_expectation_matching
# wrong constant name has_expectation?
# wrong constant name playback!
# wrong constant name received_expected_message!
# wrong constant name remove_stub_chains_for!
# wrong constant name unfulfilled_expectations
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name expect_chain
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name klass
# wrong constant name should_not_receive
# wrong constant name should_receive
# wrong constant name stub
# wrong constant name stub_chain
# wrong constant name unstub
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name already_observing?
# wrong constant name build_alias_method_name
# wrong constant name expect_chain
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name instance_that_received
# wrong constant name klass
# wrong constant name message_chains
# wrong constant name notify_received_message
# wrong constant name playback!
# wrong constant name should_not_receive
# wrong constant name should_receive
# wrong constant name stop_all_observation!
# wrong constant name stop_observing!
# wrong constant name stub
# wrong constant name stub_chain
# wrong constant name stubs
# wrong constant name unstub
# wrong constant name verify
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name expectation_fulfilled?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Mocks::AnyInstance::StubChainChain::EmptyInvocationOrder
# Did you mean?  RSpec::Mocks::AnyInstance::StubChainChain::InvocationOrder
# uninitialized constant RSpec::Mocks::AnyInstance::StubChainChain::InvocationOrder
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name error_generator
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name expect_chain_on
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name patch!
# wrong constant name unpatch!
# wrong constant name at_least
# wrong constant name at_most
# wrong constant name description
# wrong constant name does_not_match?
# wrong constant name exactly
# wrong constant name failure_message
# wrong constant name failure_message_when_negated
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name matches?
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name once
# wrong constant name ordered
# wrong constant name setup_allowance
# wrong constant name setup_any_instance_allowance
# wrong constant name setup_any_instance_expectation
# wrong constant name setup_any_instance_negative_expectation
# wrong constant name setup_expectation
# wrong constant name setup_negative_expectation
# wrong constant name thrice
# wrong constant name times
# wrong constant name twice
# wrong constant name with
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:DefaultDescribable>
# wrong constant name and_call_original
# wrong constant name and_raise
# wrong constant name and_return
# wrong constant name and_throw
# wrong constant name and_wrap_original
# wrong constant name and_yield
# wrong constant name at_least
# wrong constant name at_most
# wrong constant name description
# wrong constant name does_not_match?
# wrong constant name exactly
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name matches?
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name never
# wrong constant name once
# wrong constant name ordered
# wrong constant name setup_allowance
# wrong constant name setup_any_instance_allowance
# wrong constant name setup_any_instance_expectation
# wrong constant name setup_any_instance_negative_expectation
# wrong constant name setup_expectation
# wrong constant name setup_negative_expectation
# wrong constant name thrice
# wrong constant name times
# wrong constant name twice
# wrong constant name with
# wrong constant name description_for
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name and_call_original
# wrong constant name and_raise
# wrong constant name and_return
# wrong constant name and_throw
# wrong constant name and_yield
# wrong constant name description
# wrong constant name does_not_match?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name matches?
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name setup_allowance
# wrong constant name setup_any_instance_allowance
# wrong constant name setup_any_instance_expectation
# wrong constant name setup_expectation
# wrong constant name setup_negative_expectation
# wrong constant name with
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name description
# wrong constant name does_not_match?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name matches?
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name setup_allowance
# wrong constant name setup_any_instance_allowance
# wrong constant name setup_any_instance_expectation
# wrong constant name setup_expectation
# wrong constant name setup_negative_expectation
# wrong constant name warn_about_block
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name block
# wrong constant name chain
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name object
# wrong constant name setup_chain
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name stub_chain_on
# wrong constant name <Class:Differ>
# wrong constant name color?
# wrong constant name diff
# wrong constant name diff_as_object
# wrong constant name diff_as_string
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Racc
# uninitialized constant Racc
# wrong constant name <Class:TaskLib>
# uninitialized constant Rake::DSL::DEFAULT
# uninitialized constant Rake::DSL::LN_SUPPORTED
# uninitialized constant Rake::DSL::LOW_METHODS
# Did you mean?  Rake::DSL::LowMethods
# uninitialized constant Rake::DSL::METHODS
# Did you mean?  Method
# uninitialized constant Rake::DSL::OPT_TABLE
# uninitialized constant Rake::DSL::RUBY
# uninitialized constant Rake::DSL::VERSION
# Did you mean?  Rake::Version
#                Rake::VERSION
# uninitialized constant Rake::FileUtilsExt::LN_SUPPORTED
# uninitialized constant Rake::FileUtilsExt::LOW_METHODS
# Did you mean?  Rake::FileUtilsExt::LowMethods
# uninitialized constant Rake::FileUtilsExt::METHODS
# Did you mean?  Method
# uninitialized constant Rake::FileUtilsExt::OPT_TABLE
# uninitialized constant Rake::FileUtilsExt::RUBY
# uninitialized constant Rake::FileUtilsExt::VERSION
# Did you mean?  Rake::Version
#                Rake::VERSION
# uninitialized constant Rake::TaskLib::DEFAULT
# uninitialized constant Rake::TaskLib::LN_SUPPORTED
# uninitialized constant Rake::TaskLib::LOW_METHODS
# Did you mean?  Rake::TaskLib::LowMethods
# uninitialized constant Rake::TaskLib::METHODS
# Did you mean?  Method
# uninitialized constant Rake::TaskLib::OPT_TABLE
# uninitialized constant Rake::TaskLib::RUBY
# uninitialized constant Rake::TaskLib::VERSION
# Did you mean?  Rake::Version
#                Rake::VERSION
# wrong constant name paste
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `rand$2' for module `Random::Formatter'
# Did you mean?  rand
# undefined method `random_number$2' for module `Random::Formatter'
# wrong constant name alphanumeric
# wrong constant name rand$2
# wrong constant name random_number$2
# wrong constant name bytes
# wrong constant name urandom
# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `Range'
# Did you mean?  initialize
# undefined method `last$2' for class `Range'
# undefined method `step$2' for class `Range'
# wrong constant name %
# wrong constant name entries
# wrong constant name initialize$1
# wrong constant name last$2
# wrong constant name step$2
# wrong constant name to_a
# wrong constant name expand
# wrong constant name fire_update!
# wrong constant name ruby
# undefined method `initialize$2' for class `Regexp'
# Did you mean?  initialize
# undefined method `match$1' for class `Regexp'
# wrong constant name initialize$2
# wrong constant name match$1
# wrong constant name match?
# undefined singleton method `compile$2' for `Regexp'
# undefined singleton method `last_match$2' for `Regexp'
# wrong constant name compile$2
# wrong constant name last_match$2
# wrong constant name union
# wrong constant name <Class:Node>
# wrong constant name children
# wrong constant name first_column
# wrong constant name first_lineno
# wrong constant name last_column
# wrong constant name last_lineno
# wrong constant name pretty_print_children
# wrong constant name type
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name of
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name parse_file
# wrong constant name absolute_path
# wrong constant name base_label
# wrong constant name disasm
# wrong constant name disassemble
# wrong constant name each_child
# wrong constant name eval
# wrong constant name first_lineno
# wrong constant name label
# wrong constant name path
# wrong constant name to_a
# wrong constant name to_binary
# wrong constant name trace_points
# wrong constant name compile
# wrong constant name compile_file
# wrong constant name compile_option
# wrong constant name compile_option=
# wrong constant name disasm
# wrong constant name disassemble
# wrong constant name load_from_binary
# wrong constant name load_from_binary_extra_data
# wrong constant name of
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name enabled?
# wrong constant name pause
# wrong constant name resume
# wrong constant name resolve_feature_path
# wrong constant name stat
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name ===
# wrong constant name compare_by_identity
# wrong constant name compare_by_identity?
# wrong constant name divide
# wrong constant name eql?
# wrong constant name filter!
# wrong constant name flatten_merge
# wrong constant name pretty_print
# wrong constant name pretty_print_cycle
# wrong constant name reset
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name escape
# wrong constant name join
# wrong constant name shellescape
# wrong constant name shelljoin
# wrong constant name shellsplit
# wrong constant name shellwords
# wrong constant name split
# wrong constant name signm
# wrong constant name signo
# wrong constant name def_delegator
# wrong constant name def_delegators
# wrong constant name def_single_delegator
# wrong constant name def_single_delegators
# wrong constant name delegate
# wrong constant name single_delegate
# wrong constant name _dump
# wrong constant name clone
# wrong constant name dup
# wrong constant name _load
# wrong constant name clone
# wrong constant name __init__
# wrong constant name <Class:ConstantEntry>
# wrong constant name all_module_aliases
# wrong constant name all_module_names
# wrong constant name all_named_modules
# wrong constant name class_by_name
# wrong constant name name_by_class
# uninitialized constant Sorbet::Private::ConstantLookupCache::ConstantEntry::Elem
# wrong constant name aliases
# wrong constant name aliases=
# wrong constant name const
# wrong constant name const=
# wrong constant name const_name
# wrong constant name const_name=
# wrong constant name found_name
# wrong constant name found_name=
# wrong constant name owner
# wrong constant name owner=
# wrong constant name primary_name
# wrong constant name primary_name=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name main
# wrong constant name output_file
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name fetch_sorbet_typed
# wrong constant name main
# wrong constant name matching_version_directories
# wrong constant name output_file
# wrong constant name paths_for_gem_version
# wrong constant name paths_for_ruby_version
# wrong constant name vendor_rbis_within_paths
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name main
# wrong constant name output_file
# wrong constant name paths_within_gem_sources
# wrong constant name <Class:ClassDefinition>
# wrong constant name <Class:TracepointSerializer>
# wrong constant name <Class:Tracer>
# uninitialized constant Sorbet::Private::GemGeneratorTracepoint::ClassDefinition::Elem
# wrong constant name defs
# wrong constant name defs=
# wrong constant name id
# wrong constant name id=
# wrong constant name klass
# wrong constant name klass=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name serialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name add_to_context
# wrong constant name disable_tracepoints
# wrong constant name finish
# wrong constant name install_tracepoints
# wrong constant name method_added
# wrong constant name module_created
# wrong constant name module_extended
# wrong constant name module_included
# wrong constant name pre_cache_module_methods
# wrong constant name register_delegate_class
# wrong constant name start
# wrong constant name trace
# wrong constant name trace_results
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name main
# wrong constant name output_file
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name my_require
# wrong constant name require_all_gems
# wrong constant name require_gem
# wrong constant name all_modules_and_aliases
# wrong constant name capture_stderr
# wrong constant name constant_cache
# wrong constant name gen_source_rbi
# wrong constant name looks_like_stub_name
# wrong constant name main
# wrong constant name mk_dir
# wrong constant name read_constants
# wrong constant name real_name
# wrong constant name require_everything
# wrong constant name rm_dir
# wrong constant name serialize_alias
# wrong constant name serialize_class
# wrong constant name serialize_constants
# wrong constant name symbols_id_to_name
# wrong constant name write_constants
# wrong constant name write_diff
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name main
# wrong constant name output_file
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name cyan
# wrong constant name emojify
# wrong constant name init
# wrong constant name main
# wrong constant name make_step
# wrong constant name usage
# wrong constant name yellow
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name real_ancestors
# wrong constant name real_autoload?
# wrong constant name real_const_get
# wrong constant name real_constants
# wrong constant name real_eqeq
# wrong constant name real_hash
# wrong constant name real_instance_methods
# wrong constant name real_is_a?
# wrong constant name real_name
# wrong constant name real_object_id
# wrong constant name real_private_instance_methods
# wrong constant name real_singleton_class
# wrong constant name real_singleton_methods
# wrong constant name real_spaceship
# wrong constant name real_superclass
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name excluded_rails_files
# wrong constant name load_bundler
# wrong constant name load_rails
# wrong constant name my_require
# wrong constant name patch_kernel
# wrong constant name rails?
# wrong constant name require_all_files
# wrong constant name require_everything
# wrong constant name alias
# wrong constant name ancestor_has_method
# wrong constant name blacklisted_method
# wrong constant name class_or_module
# wrong constant name comparable?
# wrong constant name constant
# wrong constant name from_method
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name serialize_method
# wrong constant name serialize_sig
# wrong constant name to_sig
# wrong constant name valid_class_name
# wrong constant name valid_method_name
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name header
# uninitialized constant Sorbet::Private::Static
# Did you mean?  Sorbet::Private::Status
# uninitialized constant Sorbet::Private::Static
# Did you mean?  Sorbet::Private::Status
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name done
# wrong constant name say
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name main
# wrong constant name output_file
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name main
# wrong constant name output_file
# wrong constant name suggest_typed
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name main
# wrong constant name output_file
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant SortedSet::InspectKey
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name setup
# wrong constant name result
# undefined method `[]$2' for class `String'
# undefined method `byteslice$2' for class `String'
# undefined method `capitalize$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `capitalize!$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `center$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `chomp$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `chomp!$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `concat$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `count$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `delete$1' for class `String'
# Did you mean?  DelegateClass
# undefined method `delete!$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `downcase$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `downcase!$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `each_line$2' for class `String'
# undefined method `gsub$2' for class `String'
# undefined method `gsub!$2' for class `String'
# undefined method `index$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `String'
# Did you mean?  initialize
# undefined method `lines$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `ljust$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `match$2' for class `String'
# undefined method `match?$2' for class `String'
# undefined method `prepend$1' for class `String'
# Did you mean?  prepend
#                prepended
# undefined method `rindex$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `rjust$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `scrub$2' for class `String'
# undefined method `scrub!$2' for class `String'
# undefined method `slice$2' for class `String'
# undefined method `slice!$2' for class `String'
# undefined method `split$2' for class `String'
# undefined method `squeeze$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `squeeze!$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `sub$2' for class `String'
# undefined method `sub!$2' for class `String'
# undefined method `sum$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `swapcase$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `swapcase!$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `to_i$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `upcase$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `upcase!$1' for class `String'
# undefined method `upto$2' for class `String'
# wrong constant name +@
# wrong constant name -@
# wrong constant name []$2
# wrong constant name []=
# wrong constant name byteslice$2
# wrong constant name capitalize$1
# wrong constant name capitalize!$1
# wrong constant name casecmp?
# wrong constant name center$1
# wrong constant name chomp$1
# wrong constant name chomp!$1
# wrong constant name concat$1
# wrong constant name count$1
# wrong constant name delete$1
# wrong constant name delete!$1
# wrong constant name delete_prefix
# wrong constant name delete_prefix!
# wrong constant name delete_suffix
# wrong constant name delete_suffix!
# wrong constant name downcase$1
# wrong constant name downcase!$1
# wrong constant name each_grapheme_cluster
# wrong constant name each_line$2
# wrong constant name encode
# wrong constant name encode!
# wrong constant name grapheme_clusters
# wrong constant name gsub$2
# wrong constant name gsub!$2
# wrong constant name index$1
# wrong constant name initialize$1
# wrong constant name lines$1
# wrong constant name ljust$1
# wrong constant name match$2
# wrong constant name match?$2
# wrong constant name prepend$1
# wrong constant name reverse!
# wrong constant name rindex$1
# wrong constant name rjust$1
# wrong constant name scrub$2
# wrong constant name scrub!$2
# wrong constant name shellescape
# wrong constant name shellsplit
# wrong constant name slice$2
# wrong constant name slice!$2
# wrong constant name split$2
# wrong constant name squeeze$1
# wrong constant name squeeze!$1
# wrong constant name sub$2
# wrong constant name sub!$2
# wrong constant name succ!
# wrong constant name sum$1
# wrong constant name swapcase$1
# wrong constant name swapcase!$1
# wrong constant name to_i$1
# wrong constant name undump
# wrong constant name unicode_normalize
# wrong constant name unicode_normalize!
# wrong constant name unicode_normalized?
# wrong constant name unpack1
# wrong constant name upcase$1
# wrong constant name upcase!$1
# wrong constant name upto$2
# undefined method `each$2' for class `StringIO'
# undefined method `each_line$2' for class `StringIO'
# undefined method `fcntl$1' for class `StringIO'
# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `StringIO'
# Did you mean?  initialize
# undefined method `lines$2' for class `StringIO'
# undefined method `read$1' for class `StringIO'
# undefined method `reopen$2' for class `StringIO'
# undefined method `seek$1' for class `StringIO'
# undefined method `set_encoding$2' for class `StringIO'
# undefined method `write$1' for class `StringIO'
# wrong constant name each$2
# wrong constant name each_line$2
# wrong constant name fcntl$1
# wrong constant name initialize$1
# wrong constant name length
# wrong constant name lines$2
# wrong constant name read$1
# wrong constant name reopen$2
# wrong constant name seek$1
# wrong constant name set_encoding$2
# wrong constant name truncate
# wrong constant name write$1
# undefined singleton method `open$1' for `StringIO'
# wrong constant name open$1
# wrong constant name <<
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name beginning_of_line?
# wrong constant name bol?
# wrong constant name captures
# wrong constant name charpos
# wrong constant name check
# wrong constant name check_until
# wrong constant name clear
# wrong constant name concat
# wrong constant name empty?
# wrong constant name exist?
# wrong constant name get_byte
# wrong constant name getbyte
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name match?
# wrong constant name matched
# wrong constant name matched?
# wrong constant name matched_size
# wrong constant name peek
# wrong constant name peep
# wrong constant name pointer
# wrong constant name pointer=
# wrong constant name pos
# wrong constant name pos=
# wrong constant name post_match
# wrong constant name pre_match
# wrong constant name reset
# wrong constant name rest
# wrong constant name rest?
# wrong constant name rest_size
# wrong constant name restsize
# wrong constant name scan_full
# wrong constant name scan_until
# wrong constant name search_full
# wrong constant name size
# wrong constant name skip
# wrong constant name skip_until
# wrong constant name string
# wrong constant name string=
# wrong constant name terminate
# wrong constant name unscan
# wrong constant name values_at
# wrong constant name must_C_version
# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `Struct'
# Did you mean?  initialize
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name []=
# wrong constant name dig
# wrong constant name each_pair
# wrong constant name filter
# wrong constant name initialize$1
# wrong constant name length
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name select
# wrong constant name size
# wrong constant name to_a
# wrong constant name to_h
# wrong constant name values
# wrong constant name values_at
# undefined method `[]$2' for class `Symbol'
# undefined method `capitalize$1' for class `Symbol'
# undefined method `downcase$1' for class `Symbol'
# undefined method `match$1' for class `Symbol'
# undefined method `slice$2' for class `Symbol'
# undefined method `swapcase$1' for class `Symbol'
# undefined method `upcase$1' for class `Symbol'
# wrong constant name []$2
# wrong constant name capitalize$1
# wrong constant name casecmp?
# wrong constant name downcase$1
# wrong constant name match$1
# wrong constant name match?
# wrong constant name next
# wrong constant name slice$2
# wrong constant name swapcase$1
# wrong constant name upcase$1
# wrong constant name errno
# wrong constant name status
# wrong constant name success?
# wrong constant name T.noreturn
# wrong constant name T.noreturn
# wrong constant name T.untyped
# wrong constant name abort_on_exception
# wrong constant name abort_on_exception=
# wrong constant name add_trace_func
# wrong constant name backtrace
# wrong constant name backtrace_locations
# wrong constant name exit
# wrong constant name fetch
# wrong constant name group
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name join
# wrong constant name key?
# wrong constant name keys
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name name=
# wrong constant name pending_interrupt?
# wrong constant name priority
# wrong constant name priority=
# wrong constant name report_on_exception
# wrong constant name report_on_exception=
# wrong constant name run
# wrong constant name safe_level
# wrong constant name status
# wrong constant name stop?
# wrong constant name terminate
# wrong constant name thread_variable?
# wrong constant name thread_variable_get
# wrong constant name thread_variable_set
# wrong constant name thread_variables
# wrong constant name value
# wrong constant name wakeup
# wrong constant name broadcast
# wrong constant name marshal_dump
# wrong constant name signal
# wrong constant name wait
# wrong constant name lock
# wrong constant name locked?
# wrong constant name owned?
# wrong constant name synchronize
# wrong constant name try_lock
# wrong constant name unlock
# wrong constant name <<
# wrong constant name clear
# wrong constant name close
# wrong constant name closed?
# wrong constant name deq
# wrong constant name empty?
# wrong constant name enq
# wrong constant name length
# wrong constant name marshal_dump
# wrong constant name num_waiting
# wrong constant name pop
# wrong constant name push
# wrong constant name shift
# wrong constant name size
# wrong constant name <<
# wrong constant name enq
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name max
# wrong constant name max=
# wrong constant name push
# wrong constant name abort_on_exception
# wrong constant name abort_on_exception=
# wrong constant name exclusive
# wrong constant name exit
# wrong constant name fork
# wrong constant name handle_interrupt
# wrong constant name kill
# wrong constant name list
# wrong constant name pass
# wrong constant name pending_interrupt?
# wrong constant name report_on_exception
# wrong constant name report_on_exception=
# wrong constant name start
# wrong constant name stop
# wrong constant name add
# wrong constant name enclose
# wrong constant name enclosed?
# wrong constant name list
# undefined singleton method `at$2' for `Time'
# undefined singleton method `gm$1' for `Time'
# undefined singleton method `local$1' for `Time'
# undefined singleton method `mktime$1' for `Time'
# undefined singleton method `utc$1' for `Time'
# undefined singleton method `zone_offset$1' for `Time'
# wrong constant name at$2
# wrong constant name gm$1
# wrong constant name local$1
# wrong constant name mktime$1
# wrong constant name utc$1
# wrong constant name zone_offset$1
# undefined method `enable$2' for class `TracePoint'
# wrong constant name __enable
# wrong constant name enable$2
# wrong constant name eval_script
# wrong constant name event
# wrong constant name instruction_sequence
# wrong constant name parameters
# wrong constant name <Class:File>
# wrong constant name decode
# wrong constant name encode
# wrong constant name escape
# wrong constant name unescape
# wrong constant name buffer_open
# wrong constant name set_typecode
# wrong constant name typecode
# wrong constant name typecode=
# wrong constant name new2
# uninitialized constant URI::File::ABS_PATH
# Did you mean?  URI::ABS_PATH
# uninitialized constant URI::File::ABS_URI
# Did you mean?  URI::ABS_URI
# uninitialized constant URI::File::ABS_URI_REF
# Did you mean?  URI::ABS_URI_REF
# uninitialized constant URI::File::DEFAULT_PARSER
# Did you mean?  URI::File::DEFAULT_PORT
#                URI::DEFAULT_PARSER
# uninitialized constant URI::File::ESCAPED
# Did you mean?  URI::File::Escape
#                URI::Escape
#                URI::ESCAPED
# uninitialized constant URI::File::FRAGMENT
# Did you mean?  URI::FRAGMENT
# uninitialized constant URI::File::HOST
# Did you mean?  URI::HOST
# uninitialized constant URI::File::OPAQUE
# Did you mean?  URI::OPAQUE
# uninitialized constant URI::File::PORT
# Did you mean?  URI::PORT
# uninitialized constant URI::File::QUERY
# Did you mean?  URI::QUERY
# uninitialized constant URI::File::REGISTRY
# Did you mean?  URI::REGISTRY
# uninitialized constant URI::File::REL_PATH
# Did you mean?  URI::REL_PATH
# uninitialized constant URI::File::REL_URI
# Did you mean?  URI::REL_URI
# uninitialized constant URI::File::REL_URI_REF
# Did you mean?  URI::REL_URI_REF
# uninitialized constant URI::File::RFC3986_PARSER
# Did you mean?  URI::File::RFC3986_Parser
#                URI::RFC3986_Parser
#                URI::RFC2396_Parser
#                URI::File::RFC2396_Parser
#                URI::RFC3986_PARSER
# uninitialized constant URI::File::SCHEME
# Did you mean?  URI::SCHEME
# uninitialized constant URI::File::TBLDECWWWCOMP_
# Did you mean?  URI::File::TBLENCWWWCOMP_
#                URI::TBLDECWWWCOMP_
#                URI::TBLENCWWWCOMP_
# uninitialized constant URI::File::TBLENCWWWCOMP_
# Did you mean?  URI::File::TBLDECWWWCOMP_
#                URI::TBLDECWWWCOMP_
#                URI::TBLENCWWWCOMP_
# uninitialized constant URI::File::UNSAFE
# Did you mean?  URI::UNSAFE
# uninitialized constant URI::File::URI_REF
# Did you mean?  URI::URI_REF
# uninitialized constant URI::File::USERINFO
# Did you mean?  URI::USERINFO
# uninitialized constant URI::File::USE_REGISTRY
# uninitialized constant URI::File::VERSION
# Did you mean?  URI::VERSION
# uninitialized constant URI::File::VERSION_CODE
# Did you mean?  URI::VERSION_CODE
# uninitialized constant URI::File::WEB_ENCODINGS_
# Did you mean?  URI::WEB_ENCODINGS_
# wrong constant name check_password
# wrong constant name check_user
# wrong constant name check_userinfo
# wrong constant name set_userinfo
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name +
# wrong constant name -
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name absolute
# wrong constant name absolute?
# wrong constant name coerce
# wrong constant name component
# wrong constant name component_ary
# wrong constant name default_port
# wrong constant name eql?
# wrong constant name find_proxy
# wrong constant name fragment
# wrong constant name fragment=
# wrong constant name hierarchical?
# wrong constant name host
# wrong constant name host=
# wrong constant name hostname
# wrong constant name hostname=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name merge
# wrong constant name merge!
# wrong constant name normalize
# wrong constant name normalize!
# wrong constant name opaque
# wrong constant name opaque=
# wrong constant name parser
# wrong constant name password
# wrong constant name password=
# wrong constant name path
# wrong constant name path=
# wrong constant name port
# wrong constant name port=
# wrong constant name query
# wrong constant name query=
# wrong constant name registry
# wrong constant name registry=
# wrong constant name relative?
# wrong constant name route_from
# wrong constant name route_to
# wrong constant name scheme
# wrong constant name scheme=
# wrong constant name select
# wrong constant name set_host
# wrong constant name set_opaque
# wrong constant name set_password
# wrong constant name set_path
# wrong constant name set_port
# wrong constant name set_registry
# wrong constant name set_scheme
# wrong constant name set_user
# wrong constant name set_userinfo
# wrong constant name user
# wrong constant name user=
# wrong constant name userinfo
# wrong constant name userinfo=
# wrong constant name build
# wrong constant name build2
# wrong constant name component
# wrong constant name default_port
# wrong constant name use_proxy?
# wrong constant name use_registry
# wrong constant name buffer_open
# wrong constant name request_uri
# wrong constant name attributes
# wrong constant name attributes=
# wrong constant name dn
# wrong constant name dn=
# wrong constant name extensions
# wrong constant name extensions=
# wrong constant name filter
# wrong constant name filter=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name scope
# wrong constant name scope=
# wrong constant name set_attributes
# wrong constant name set_dn
# wrong constant name set_extensions
# wrong constant name set_filter
# wrong constant name set_scope
# wrong constant name headers
# wrong constant name headers=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name set_headers
# wrong constant name set_to
# wrong constant name to
# wrong constant name to=
# wrong constant name to_mailtext
# wrong constant name to_rfc822text
# wrong constant name escape
# wrong constant name extract
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name join
# wrong constant name make_regexp
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name pattern
# wrong constant name regexp
# wrong constant name split
# wrong constant name unescape
# wrong constant name join
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name regexp
# wrong constant name split
# wrong constant name make_components_hash
# wrong constant name decode_www_form
# wrong constant name encode_www_form
# wrong constant name encode_www_form_component
# wrong constant name get_encoding
# wrong constant name clone
# wrong constant name original_name
# wrong constant name tag
# wrong constant name value
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name warn
# wrong constant name <Class:Docstring>
# wrong constant name <Class:DocstringParser>
# wrong constant name <Class:GemIndex>
# wrong constant name <Class:Logger>
# wrong constant name <Class:Registry>
# wrong constant name <Class:RegistryResolver>
# wrong constant name <Class:RegistryStore>
# wrong constant name <Class:StubProxy>
# wrong constant name <Class:Verifier>
# wrong constant name run
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name commands
# wrong constant name commands=
# wrong constant name default_command
# wrong constant name default_command=
# wrong constant name run
# wrong constant name append
# wrong constant name append=
# wrong constant name as_list
# wrong constant name as_list=
# wrong constant name gem_install_cmd
# wrong constant name gem_install_cmd=
# wrong constant name key
# wrong constant name key=
# wrong constant name reset
# wrong constant name reset=
# wrong constant name run
# wrong constant name values
# wrong constant name values=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name run
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::CLI::Display::DEFAULT_YARDOPTS_FILE
# wrong constant name format_objects
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name wrap_layout
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name run
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::CLI::Graph::DEFAULT_YARDOPTS_FILE
# wrong constant name objects
# wrong constant name options
# wrong constant name run
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name run
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::CLI::I18n::DEFAULT_YARDOPTS_FILE
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name run
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name run
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name adapter
# wrong constant name adapter=
# wrong constant name libraries
# wrong constant name libraries=
# wrong constant name options
# wrong constant name options=
# wrong constant name run
# wrong constant name scripts
# wrong constant name scripts=
# wrong constant name server_options
# wrong constant name server_options=
# wrong constant name template_paths
# wrong constant name template_paths=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::CLI::Stats::DEFAULT_YARDOPTS_FILE
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name output
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name parse=
# wrong constant name print_statistics
# wrong constant name print_undocumented_objects
# wrong constant name stats_for_attributes
# wrong constant name stats_for_classes
# wrong constant name stats_for_constants
# wrong constant name stats_for_files
# wrong constant name stats_for_methods
# wrong constant name stats_for_modules
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name cache_object
# wrong constant name find_object
# wrong constant name print_object
# wrong constant name print_usage
# wrong constant name run
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:Base>
# wrong constant name <Class:ClassObject>
# wrong constant name <Class:ClassVariableObject>
# wrong constant name <Class:CodeObjectList>
# wrong constant name <Class:ConstantObject>
# wrong constant name <Class:ExtendedMethodObject>
# wrong constant name <Class:ExtraFileObject>
# wrong constant name <Class:MacroObject>
# wrong constant name <Class:MethodObject>
# wrong constant name <Class:ModuleObject>
# wrong constant name <Class:NamespaceMapper>
# wrong constant name <Class:NamespaceObject>
# wrong constant name <Class:Proxy>
# wrong constant name <Class:ProxyMethodError>
# wrong constant name <Class:RootObject>
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name []=
# wrong constant name add_file
# wrong constant name add_tag
# wrong constant name base_docstring
# wrong constant name copy_to
# wrong constant name copyable_attributes
# wrong constant name docstring
# wrong constant name docstring=
# wrong constant name dynamic
# wrong constant name dynamic=
# wrong constant name dynamic?
# wrong constant name eql?
# wrong constant name equal?
# wrong constant name file
# wrong constant name files
# wrong constant name format
# wrong constant name group
# wrong constant name group=
# wrong constant name has_tag?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name line
# wrong constant name method_missing
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name namespace
# wrong constant name namespace=
# wrong constant name parent
# wrong constant name parent=
# wrong constant name path
# wrong constant name relative_path
# wrong constant name root?
# wrong constant name sep
# wrong constant name signature
# wrong constant name signature=
# wrong constant name source
# wrong constant name source=
# wrong constant name source_type
# wrong constant name source_type=
# wrong constant name tag
# wrong constant name tags
# wrong constant name title
# wrong constant name to_ary
# wrong constant name type
# wrong constant name visibility
# wrong constant name visibility=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ===
# wrong constant name new
# wrong constant name inheritance_tree
# wrong constant name inherited_constants
# wrong constant name inherited_meths
# wrong constant name is_exception?
# wrong constant name superclass
# wrong constant name superclass=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name value
# wrong constant name value=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <<
# uninitialized constant YARD::CodeObjects::CodeObjectList::Elem
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name push
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name value
# wrong constant name value=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name method_missing
# wrong constant name scope
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name attributes
# wrong constant name attributes=
# wrong constant name contents
# wrong constant name contents=
# wrong constant name eql?
# wrong constant name equal?
# wrong constant name filename
# wrong constant name filename=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name locale
# wrong constant name locale=
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name name=
# wrong constant name path
# wrong constant name title
# wrong constant name type
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name attached?
# wrong constant name expand
# wrong constant name macro_data
# wrong constant name macro_data=
# wrong constant name method_object
# wrong constant name method_object=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name apply
# wrong constant name apply_macro
# wrong constant name create
# wrong constant name create_docstring
# wrong constant name expand
# wrong constant name find
# wrong constant name find_or_create
# wrong constant name aliases
# wrong constant name attr_info
# wrong constant name constructor?
# wrong constant name explicit
# wrong constant name explicit=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name is_alias?
# wrong constant name is_attribute?
# wrong constant name is_explicit?
# wrong constant name module_function?
# wrong constant name overridden_method
# wrong constant name parameters
# wrong constant name parameters=
# wrong constant name reader?
# wrong constant name scope
# wrong constant name scope=
# wrong constant name writer?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name inheritance_tree
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name clear_separators
# wrong constant name default_separator
# wrong constant name register_separator
# wrong constant name separators
# wrong constant name separators_for_type
# wrong constant name separators_match
# wrong constant name types_for_separator
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name default_separator
# wrong constant name default_separator=
# wrong constant name invalidate
# wrong constant name map
# wrong constant name map_match
# wrong constant name rev_map
# wrong constant name aliases
# wrong constant name attributes
# wrong constant name child
# wrong constant name children
# wrong constant name class_attributes
# wrong constant name class_mixins
# wrong constant name constants
# wrong constant name cvars
# wrong constant name groups
# wrong constant name groups=
# wrong constant name included_constants
# wrong constant name included_meths
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name instance_attributes
# wrong constant name instance_mixins
# wrong constant name meths
# wrong constant name mixins
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <=>
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name ===
# wrong constant name equal?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name instance_of?
# wrong constant name is_a?
# wrong constant name kind_of?
# wrong constant name method_missing
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name namespace
# wrong constant name parent
# wrong constant name path
# wrong constant name respond_to?
# wrong constant name root?
# wrong constant name title
# wrong constant name to_str
# wrong constant name type
# wrong constant name type=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ===
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name +
# wrong constant name add_tag
# wrong constant name all
# wrong constant name all=
# wrong constant name blank?
# wrong constant name delete_tag_if
# wrong constant name delete_tags
# wrong constant name has_tag?
# wrong constant name hash_flag
# wrong constant name hash_flag=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name line
# wrong constant name line_range
# wrong constant name line_range=
# wrong constant name object
# wrong constant name object=
# wrong constant name ref_tags
# wrong constant name replace
# wrong constant name resolve_reference
# wrong constant name summary
# wrong constant name tag
# wrong constant name tags
# wrong constant name to_raw
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name default_parser
# wrong constant name default_parser=
# wrong constant name new!
# wrong constant name parser
# wrong constant name create_directive
# wrong constant name create_ref_tag
# wrong constant name create_tag
# wrong constant name directives
# wrong constant name directives=
# wrong constant name handler
# wrong constant name handler=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name library
# wrong constant name library=
# wrong constant name object
# wrong constant name object=
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name parse_content
# wrong constant name post_process
# wrong constant name raw_text
# wrong constant name raw_text=
# wrong constant name reference
# wrong constant name reference=
# wrong constant name state
# wrong constant name state=
# wrong constant name tag_is_directive?
# wrong constant name tags
# wrong constant name tags=
# wrong constant name text
# wrong constant name text=
# wrong constant name to_docstring
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name after_parse
# wrong constant name after_parse_callbacks
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name all
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name find_all_by_name
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Base::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Base::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Base::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Base::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Base::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Base::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Base::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Base::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Base::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Base::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Base::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Base::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Base::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Base::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Base::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Base::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Base::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Base::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Base::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Base::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Base::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Base::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Base::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Base::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Base::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Base::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Base::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Base::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Base::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name abort!
# wrong constant name call_params
# wrong constant name caller_method
# wrong constant name ensure_loaded!
# wrong constant name extra_state
# wrong constant name globals
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name namespace
# wrong constant name namespace=
# wrong constant name owner
# wrong constant name owner=
# wrong constant name parse_block
# wrong constant name parser
# wrong constant name process
# wrong constant name push_state
# wrong constant name register
# wrong constant name register_docstring
# wrong constant name register_dynamic
# wrong constant name register_ensure_loaded
# wrong constant name register_file_info
# wrong constant name register_group
# wrong constant name register_module_function
# wrong constant name register_source
# wrong constant name register_transitive_tags
# wrong constant name register_visibility
# wrong constant name scope
# wrong constant name scope=
# wrong constant name statement
# wrong constant name visibility
# wrong constant name visibility=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name clear_subclasses
# wrong constant name handlers
# wrong constant name handles
# wrong constant name handles?
# wrong constant name in_file
# wrong constant name inherited
# wrong constant name matches_file?
# wrong constant name namespace_only
# wrong constant name namespace_only?
# wrong constant name process
# wrong constant name subclasses
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AliasHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::AttributeHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::Base::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::Base::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::Base::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::Base::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::Base::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::Base::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::Base::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::Base::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::Base::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::Base::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::Base::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::Base::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::Base::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::Base::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::Base::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::Base::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::Base::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::Base::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::Base::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::Base::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::Base::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::Base::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::Base::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::Base::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::Base::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::Base::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::Base::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::Base::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::Base::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name ensure_variable_defined!
# wrong constant name namespace_for_variable
# wrong constant name namespaces
# wrong constant name override_comments
# wrong constant name parse_block
# wrong constant name process_file
# wrong constant name processed_files
# wrong constant name symbols
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name handles?
# wrong constant name statement_class
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ClassHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ConstantHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::HandlerMethods::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name handle_alias
# wrong constant name handle_attribute
# wrong constant name handle_class
# wrong constant name handle_constants
# wrong constant name handle_method
# wrong constant name handle_module
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::InitHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MethodHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::MixinHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::ModuleHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::OverrideCommentHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::PathHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::StructHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::C::SymbolHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name add_predicate_return_tag
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name object
# wrong constant name object=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name extra_state
# wrong constant name extra_state=
# wrong constant name file
# wrong constant name file=
# wrong constant name find_handlers
# wrong constant name globals
# wrong constant name globals=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name namespace
# wrong constant name namespace=
# wrong constant name owner
# wrong constant name owner=
# wrong constant name parse_remaining_files
# wrong constant name parser_type
# wrong constant name parser_type=
# wrong constant name process
# wrong constant name scope
# wrong constant name scope=
# wrong constant name visibility
# wrong constant name visibility=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name namespace_for_handler
# wrong constant name register_handler_namespace
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AliasHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::AttributeHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name validated_attribute_names
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Base::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name parse_block
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name handles?
# wrong constant name meta_type
# wrong constant name method_call
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassConditionHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name parse_condition
# wrong constant name parse_else_block
# wrong constant name parse_then_block
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ClassVariableHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::CommentHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ConstantHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::IGNORE_METHODS
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::DSLHandlerMethods::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name handle_comments
# wrong constant name register_docstring
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name process_decorator
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExceptionHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ExtendHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::EXPR_ARG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::EXPR_BEG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::EXPR_BEG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::EXPR_ARG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::EXPR_CLASS
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::EXPR_DOT
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::EXPR_END
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::EXPR_MID
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::EXPR_FNAME
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::EXPR_MID
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::EXPR_END
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::NEWLINE_TOKEN
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::TkReading2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::TkSymbol2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AliasHandler::TokenDefinitions
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::EXPR_ARG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::EXPR_BEG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::EXPR_BEG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::EXPR_ARG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::EXPR_CLASS
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::EXPR_DOT
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::EXPR_END
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::EXPR_MID
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::EXPR_FNAME
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::EXPR_MID
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::EXPR_END
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::NEWLINE_TOKEN
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::TkReading2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::TkSymbol2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::AttributeHandler::TokenDefinitions
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::EXPR_ARG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::EXPR_BEG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::EXPR_BEG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::EXPR_ARG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::EXPR_CLASS
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::EXPR_DOT
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::EXPR_END
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::EXPR_MID
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::EXPR_FNAME
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::EXPR_MID
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::EXPR_END
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::NEWLINE_TOKEN
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::PROXY_MATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::TkReading2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::TkSymbol2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base::TokenDefinitions
# wrong constant name parse_block
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name handles?
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::EXPR_ARG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::EXPR_BEG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::EXPR_BEG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::EXPR_ARG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::EXPR_CLASS
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::EXPR_DOT
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::EXPR_END
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::EXPR_MID
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::EXPR_FNAME
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::EXPR_MID
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::EXPR_END
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::NEWLINE_TOKEN
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::TkReading2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::TkSymbol2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassConditionHandler::TokenDefinitions
# wrong constant name parse_condition
# wrong constant name parse_else_block
# wrong constant name parse_then_block
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::EXPR_ARG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::EXPR_BEG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::EXPR_BEG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::EXPR_ARG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::EXPR_CLASS
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::EXPR_DOT
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::EXPR_END
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::EXPR_MID
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::EXPR_FNAME
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::EXPR_MID
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::EXPR_END
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::NEWLINE_TOKEN
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::TkReading2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::TkSymbol2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassHandler::TokenDefinitions
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::EXPR_ARG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::EXPR_BEG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::EXPR_BEG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::EXPR_ARG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::EXPR_CLASS
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::EXPR_DOT
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::EXPR_END
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::EXPR_MID
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::EXPR_FNAME
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::EXPR_MID
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::EXPR_END
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::NEWLINE_TOKEN
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::TkReading2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::TkSymbol2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ClassVariableHandler::TokenDefinitions
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::EXPR_ARG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::EXPR_BEG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::EXPR_BEG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::EXPR_ARG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::EXPR_CLASS
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::EXPR_DOT
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::EXPR_END
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::EXPR_MID
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::EXPR_FNAME
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::EXPR_MID
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::EXPR_END
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::NEWLINE_TOKEN
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::TkReading2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::TkSymbol2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::CommentHandler::TokenDefinitions
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::EXPR_ARG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::EXPR_BEG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::EXPR_BEG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::EXPR_ARG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::EXPR_CLASS
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::EXPR_DOT
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::EXPR_END
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::EXPR_MID
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::EXPR_FNAME
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::EXPR_MID
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::EXPR_END
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::NEWLINE_TOKEN
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::TkReading2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::TkSymbol2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ConstantHandler::TokenDefinitions
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::EXPR_ARG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::EXPR_BEG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::EXPR_BEG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::EXPR_ARG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::EXPR_CLASS
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::EXPR_DOT
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::EXPR_END
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::EXPR_MID
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::EXPR_FNAME
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::EXPR_MID
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::EXPR_END
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::IGNORE_METHODS
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::NEWLINE_TOKEN
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::TkReading2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::TkSymbol2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::DSLHandler::TokenDefinitions
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::EXPR_ARG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::EXPR_BEG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::EXPR_BEG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::EXPR_ARG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::EXPR_CLASS
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::EXPR_DOT
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::EXPR_END
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::EXPR_MID
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::EXPR_FNAME
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::EXPR_MID
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::EXPR_END
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::NEWLINE_TOKEN
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::TkReading2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::TkSymbol2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExceptionHandler::TokenDefinitions
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::EXPR_ARG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::EXPR_BEG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::EXPR_BEG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::EXPR_ARG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::EXPR_CLASS
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::EXPR_DOT
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::EXPR_END
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::EXPR_MID
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::EXPR_FNAME
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::EXPR_MID
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::EXPR_END
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::NEWLINE_TOKEN
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::TkReading2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::TkSymbol2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ExtendHandler::TokenDefinitions
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::EXPR_ARG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::EXPR_BEG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::EXPR_BEG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::EXPR_ARG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::EXPR_CLASS
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::EXPR_DOT
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::EXPR_END
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::EXPR_MID
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::EXPR_FNAME
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::EXPR_MID
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::EXPR_END
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::NEWLINE_TOKEN
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::TkReading2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::TkSymbol2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MethodHandler::TokenDefinitions
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::EXPR_ARG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::EXPR_BEG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::EXPR_BEG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::EXPR_ARG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::EXPR_CLASS
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::EXPR_DOT
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::EXPR_END
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::EXPR_MID
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::EXPR_FNAME
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::EXPR_MID
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::EXPR_END
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::NEWLINE_TOKEN
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::TkReading2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::TkSymbol2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::MixinHandler::TokenDefinitions
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::EXPR_ARG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::EXPR_BEG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::EXPR_BEG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::EXPR_ARG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::EXPR_CLASS
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::EXPR_DOT
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::EXPR_END
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::EXPR_MID
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::EXPR_FNAME
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::EXPR_MID
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::EXPR_END
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::NEWLINE_TOKEN
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::TkReading2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::TkSymbol2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleFunctionHandler::TokenDefinitions
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::EXPR_ARG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::EXPR_BEG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::EXPR_BEG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::EXPR_ARG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::EXPR_CLASS
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::EXPR_DOT
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::EXPR_END
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::EXPR_MID
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::EXPR_FNAME
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::EXPR_MID
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::EXPR_END
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::NEWLINE_TOKEN
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::TkReading2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::TkSymbol2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler::TokenDefinitions
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::EXPR_ARG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::EXPR_BEG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::EXPR_BEG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::EXPR_ARG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::EXPR_CLASS
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::EXPR_DOT
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::EXPR_END
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::EXPR_MID
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::EXPR_FNAME
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::EXPR_MID
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::EXPR_END
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::NEWLINE_TOKEN
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::TkReading2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::TkSymbol2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateClassMethodHandler::TokenDefinitions
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::EXPR_ARG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::EXPR_BEG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::EXPR_BEG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::EXPR_ARG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::EXPR_CLASS
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::EXPR_DOT
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::EXPR_END
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::EXPR_MID
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::EXPR_FNAME
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::EXPR_MID
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::EXPR_END
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::NEWLINE_TOKEN
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::TkReading2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::TkSymbol2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::PrivateConstantHandler::TokenDefinitions
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::EXPR_ARG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::EXPR_BEG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::EXPR_BEG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::EXPR_ARG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::EXPR_CLASS
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::EXPR_DOT
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::EXPR_END
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::EXPR_MID
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::EXPR_FNAME
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::EXPR_MID
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::EXPR_END
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::NEWLINE_TOKEN
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::TkReading2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::TkSymbol2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::VisibilityHandler::TokenDefinitions
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::EXPR_ARG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::EXPR_BEG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::EXPR_BEG
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::EXPR_ARG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::EXPR_CLASS
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::EXPR_DOT
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::EXPR_END
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::EXPR_MID
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::EXPR_FNAME
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::EXPR_MID
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::EXPR_END
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::NEWLINE_TOKEN
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::TkReading2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::TkSymbol2Token
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::YieldHandler::TokenDefinitions
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodConditionHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name format_args
# wrong constant name method_signature
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MixinHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name process_mixin
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleFunctionHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::ModuleHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateClassMethodHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PrivateConstantHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::PublicClassMethodHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::StructHandlerMethods::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name add_reader_tags
# wrong constant name add_writer_tags
# wrong constant name create_attributes
# wrong constant name create_class
# wrong constant name create_member_method?
# wrong constant name create_reader
# wrong constant name create_writer
# wrong constant name member_tag_for_member
# wrong constant name members_from_tags
# wrong constant name return_type_from_tag
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::VisibilityHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Handlers::Ruby::YieldHandler::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name load
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name translate
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name default
# wrong constant name default=
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name add_comment
# wrong constant name add_location
# wrong constant name comments
# wrong constant name id
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name locations
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ==
# uninitialized constant YARD::I18n::Messages::Elem
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name messages
# wrong constant name register
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name generate
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name messages
# wrong constant name parse_files
# wrong constant name parse_objects
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name extract_messages
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name translate
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <<
# uninitialized constant YARD::Logger::DEBUG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Logger::ERROR
# Did you mean?  YARD::Logger::Error
#                IOError
#                Errno
# uninitialized constant YARD::Logger::FATAL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Logger::INFO
# uninitialized constant YARD::Logger::ProgName
# uninitialized constant YARD::Logger::SEV_LABEL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Logger::UNKNOWN
# uninitialized constant YARD::Logger::VERSION
# Did you mean?  YARD::VERSION
# uninitialized constant YARD::Logger::WARN
# wrong constant name backtrace
# wrong constant name capture
# wrong constant name clear_progress
# wrong constant name debug
# wrong constant name enter_level
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name io
# wrong constant name io=
# wrong constant name print
# wrong constant name progress
# wrong constant name puts
# wrong constant name show_backtraces
# wrong constant name show_backtraces=
# wrong constant name show_progress
# wrong constant name show_progress=
# wrong constant name warn
# wrong constant name warn_no_continuations
# wrong constant name warned
# wrong constant name warned=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name instance
# wrong constant name enumerator
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name tokenize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name files
# wrong constant name files=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name s
# wrong constant name set_token_position
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name def_token
# wrong constant name contents
# wrong constant name file
# wrong constant name file=
# wrong constant name globals
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name parser_type
# wrong constant name tokenize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name after_parse_file
# wrong constant name after_parse_file_callbacks
# wrong constant name after_parse_list
# wrong constant name after_parse_list_callbacks
# wrong constant name before_parse_file
# wrong constant name before_parse_file_callbacks
# wrong constant name before_parse_list
# wrong constant name before_parse_list_callbacks
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name parse_string
# wrong constant name parser_type
# wrong constant name parser_type=
# wrong constant name parser_type_extensions
# wrong constant name parser_type_extensions=
# wrong constant name parser_type_for_extension
# wrong constant name parser_types
# wrong constant name parser_types=
# wrong constant name register_parser_type
# wrong constant name tokenize
# wrong constant name validated_parser_type
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Rake::YardocTask::DEFAULT
# uninitialized constant YARD::Rake::YardocTask::LN_SUPPORTED
# uninitialized constant YARD::Rake::YardocTask::LOW_METHODS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Rake::YardocTask::LowMethods
# uninitialized constant YARD::Rake::YardocTask::METHODS
# Did you mean?  Method
# uninitialized constant YARD::Rake::YardocTask::OPT_TABLE
# uninitialized constant YARD::Rake::YardocTask::RUBY
# uninitialized constant YARD::Rake::YardocTask::VERSION
# Did you mean?  YARD::VERSION
# wrong constant name after
# wrong constant name after=
# wrong constant name before
# wrong constant name before=
# wrong constant name define
# wrong constant name files
# wrong constant name files=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name name=
# wrong constant name options
# wrong constant name options=
# wrong constant name stats_options
# wrong constant name stats_options=
# wrong constant name verifier
# wrong constant name verifier=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Registry::Elem
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name all
# wrong constant name at
# wrong constant name checksum_for
# wrong constant name checksums
# wrong constant name clear
# wrong constant name delete
# wrong constant name delete_from_disk
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name instance
# wrong constant name load
# wrong constant name load!
# wrong constant name load_all
# wrong constant name load_yardoc
# wrong constant name locale
# wrong constant name lock_for_writing
# wrong constant name locked_for_writing?
# wrong constant name paths
# wrong constant name po_dir
# wrong constant name po_dir=
# wrong constant name proxy_types
# wrong constant name register
# wrong constant name resolve
# wrong constant name root
# wrong constant name save
# wrong constant name single_object_db
# wrong constant name single_object_db=
# wrong constant name yardoc_file
# wrong constant name yardoc_file=
# wrong constant name yardoc_file_for_gem
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name lookup_by_path
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name []=
# wrong constant name checksums
# wrong constant name checksums_path
# wrong constant name delete
# wrong constant name destroy
# wrong constant name file
# wrong constant name get
# wrong constant name keys
# wrong constant name load
# wrong constant name load!
# wrong constant name load_all
# wrong constant name load_yardoc
# wrong constant name locale
# wrong constant name lock_for_writing
# wrong constant name locked_for_writing?
# wrong constant name object_types_path
# wrong constant name objects_path
# wrong constant name paths_for_type
# wrong constant name proxy_types
# wrong constant name proxy_types_path
# wrong constant name put
# wrong constant name root
# wrong constant name save
# wrong constant name values
# wrong constant name values_for_type
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name after_serialize
# wrong constant name before_serialize
# wrong constant name exists?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name options
# wrong constant name serialize
# wrong constant name serialized_path
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name basepath
# wrong constant name basepath=
# wrong constant name extension
# wrong constant name extension=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name serialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name serialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name checksums_path
# wrong constant name complete?
# wrong constant name complete_lock_path
# wrong constant name deserialize
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name lock_for_writing
# wrong constant name locked_for_writing?
# wrong constant name object_types_path
# wrong constant name objects_path
# wrong constant name processing_path
# wrong constant name proxy_types_path
# wrong constant name serialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name add_library
# wrong constant name document_root
# wrong constant name document_root=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name libraries
# wrong constant name libraries=
# wrong constant name options
# wrong constant name options=
# wrong constant name router
# wrong constant name router=
# wrong constant name server_options
# wrong constant name server_options=
# wrong constant name start
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name setup
# wrong constant name shutdown
# wrong constant name adapter
# wrong constant name adapter=
# wrong constant name body
# wrong constant name body=
# wrong constant name cache
# wrong constant name caching
# wrong constant name caching=
# wrong constant name call
# wrong constant name command_options
# wrong constant name command_options=
# wrong constant name headers
# wrong constant name headers=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name not_found
# wrong constant name path
# wrong constant name path=
# wrong constant name redirect
# wrong constant name render
# wrong constant name request
# wrong constant name request=
# wrong constant name run
# wrong constant name status
# wrong constant name status=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::DisplayFileCommand::CAN_FORK
# wrong constant name index
# wrong constant name index=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::DisplayObjectCommand::CAN_FORK
# wrong constant name index
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::FramesCommand::CAN_FORK
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name incremental
# wrong constant name incremental=
# wrong constant name library
# wrong constant name library=
# wrong constant name options
# wrong constant name options=
# wrong constant name serializer
# wrong constant name serializer=
# wrong constant name single_library
# wrong constant name single_library=
# wrong constant name use_fork
# wrong constant name use_fork=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name options
# wrong constant name options=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::ListCommand::CAN_FORK
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::RootRequestCommand::DefaultMimeTypes
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::RootRequestCommand::ESCAPED
# Did you mean?  YARD::Server::Commands::RootRequestCommand::UNESCAPED
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::RootRequestCommand::NONASCII
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::RootRequestCommand::UNESCAPED
# Did you mean?  YARD::Server::Commands::RootRequestCommand::ESCAPED
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::RootRequestCommand::UNESCAPED_FORM
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::RootRequestCommand::UNESCAPED_PCHAR
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::SearchCommand::CAN_FORK
# wrong constant name query
# wrong constant name query=
# wrong constant name results
# wrong constant name results=
# wrong constant name visible_results
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::StaticFileCommand::CAN_FORK
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::StaticFileCommand::DefaultMimeTypes
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::StaticFileCommand::ESCAPED
# Did you mean?  YARD::Server::Commands::StaticFileCommand::UNESCAPED
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::StaticFileCommand::NONASCII
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::StaticFileCommand::UNESCAPED
# Did you mean?  YARD::Server::Commands::StaticFileCommand::ESCAPED
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::StaticFileCommand::UNESCAPED_FORM
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::StaticFileCommand::UNESCAPED_PCHAR
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::StaticFileHelpers::DefaultMimeTypes
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::StaticFileHelpers::ESCAPED
# Did you mean?  YARD::Server::Commands::StaticFileHelpers::UNESCAPED
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::StaticFileHelpers::NONASCII
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::StaticFileHelpers::UNESCAPED
# Did you mean?  YARD::Server::Commands::StaticFileHelpers::ESCAPED
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::StaticFileHelpers::UNESCAPED_FORM
# uninitialized constant YARD::Server::Commands::StaticFileHelpers::UNESCAPED_PCHAR
# wrong constant name favicon?
# wrong constant name static_template_file?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name find_file
# wrong constant name abs_url
# wrong constant name base_path
# wrong constant name mtime
# wrong constant name mtime_url
# wrong constant name router
# wrong constant name url_for
# wrong constant name url_for_file
# wrong constant name url_for_frameset
# wrong constant name url_for_index
# wrong constant name url_for_list
# wrong constant name url_for_main
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name eql?
# wrong constant name equal?
# wrong constant name gemspec
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name load_yardoc_from_disk
# wrong constant name load_yardoc_from_gem
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name name=
# wrong constant name prepare!
# wrong constant name ready?
# wrong constant name source
# wrong constant name source=
# wrong constant name source_path
# wrong constant name source_path=
# wrong constant name source_path_for_disk
# wrong constant name source_path_for_gem
# wrong constant name to_s
# wrong constant name version
# wrong constant name version=
# wrong constant name yardoc_file
# wrong constant name yardoc_file=
# wrong constant name yardoc_file_for_gem
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name adapter
# wrong constant name adapter=
# wrong constant name call
# wrong constant name docs_prefix
# wrong constant name final_options
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name list_prefix
# wrong constant name parse_library_from_path
# wrong constant name request
# wrong constant name request=
# wrong constant name route
# wrong constant name route_docs
# wrong constant name route_index
# wrong constant name route_list
# wrong constant name route_search
# wrong constant name route_static
# wrong constant name search_prefix
# wrong constant name static_prefix
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name check_static_cache
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name adapter
# wrong constant name adapter=
# wrong constant name do_GET
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name _dump
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name method_missing
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name _load
# uninitialized constant YARD::Tags::AttributeDirective::SCOPE_MATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name parse_tag
# wrong constant name parse_tag_with_name
# wrong constant name parse_tag_with_options
# wrong constant name parse_tag_with_title_and_text
# wrong constant name parse_tag_with_types
# wrong constant name parse_tag_with_types_and_name
# wrong constant name parse_tag_with_types_and_title
# wrong constant name parse_tag_with_types_name_and_default
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name defaults
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name after_parse
# wrong constant name call
# wrong constant name expanded_text
# wrong constant name expanded_text=
# wrong constant name handler
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name object
# wrong constant name parser
# wrong constant name parser=
# wrong constant name tag
# wrong constant name tag=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name abstract_tag
# wrong constant name api_tag
# wrong constant name attr_reader_tag
# wrong constant name attr_tag
# wrong constant name attr_writer_tag
# wrong constant name attribute_directive
# wrong constant name author_tag
# wrong constant name deprecated_tag
# wrong constant name directive_create
# wrong constant name endgroup_directive
# wrong constant name example_tag
# wrong constant name factory
# wrong constant name factory=
# wrong constant name group_directive
# wrong constant name has_directive?
# wrong constant name has_tag?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name macro_directive
# wrong constant name method_directive
# wrong constant name note_tag
# wrong constant name option_tag
# wrong constant name overload_tag
# wrong constant name param_tag
# wrong constant name parse_directive
# wrong constant name private_tag
# wrong constant name raise_tag
# wrong constant name return_tag
# wrong constant name scope_directive
# wrong constant name see_tag
# wrong constant name since_tag
# wrong constant name tag_create
# wrong constant name todo_tag
# wrong constant name version_tag
# wrong constant name visibility_directive
# wrong constant name yield_tag
# wrong constant name yieldparam_tag
# wrong constant name yieldreturn_tag
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name default_factory
# wrong constant name default_factory=
# wrong constant name define_directive
# wrong constant name define_tag
# wrong constant name directive_method_name
# wrong constant name factory_method_for
# wrong constant name factory_method_for_directive
# wrong constant name instance
# wrong constant name labels
# wrong constant name sorted_labels
# wrong constant name tag_method_name
# wrong constant name transitive_tags
# wrong constant name transitive_tags=
# wrong constant name visible_tags
# wrong constant name visible_tags=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name create_object
# wrong constant name method_name
# wrong constant name method_signature
# wrong constant name sanitized_tag_signature
# wrong constant name use_indented_text
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name pair
# wrong constant name pair=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name docstring
# wrong constant name has_tag?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name is_a?
# wrong constant name kind_of?
# wrong constant name method_missing
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name object=
# wrong constant name parameters
# wrong constant name signature
# wrong constant name tag
# wrong constant name tags
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name owner
# wrong constant name owner=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name name=
# wrong constant name owner
# wrong constant name owner=
# wrong constant name tag_name
# wrong constant name tag_name=
# wrong constant name tags
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name explain_types
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name name=
# wrong constant name object
# wrong constant name object=
# wrong constant name tag_name
# wrong constant name tag_name=
# wrong constant name text
# wrong constant name text=
# wrong constant name type
# wrong constant name types
# wrong constant name types=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:CollectionType>
# wrong constant name <Class:FixedCollectionType>
# wrong constant name <Class:HashCollectionType>
# wrong constant name <Class:Parser>
# wrong constant name <Class:Type>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name to_s
# wrong constant name types
# wrong constant name types=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name key_types
# wrong constant name key_types=
# wrong constant name to_s
# wrong constant name value_types
# wrong constant name value_types=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::BUILTIN_ALL
# uninitialized constant YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::BUILTIN_CLASSES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS
# Did you mean?  YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::BUILTIN_EXCEPTIONS_HASH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::BUILTIN_MODULES
# uninitialized constant YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::CONSTANTMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::CONSTANTSTART
# uninitialized constant YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::CSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::CSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::CSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::ISEPQ
#                YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::ISEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::ISEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::METHODNAMEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::METHODMATCH
# uninitialized constant YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::NAMESPACEMATCH
# Did you mean?  YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::NamespaceMapper
# uninitialized constant YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::NSEP
# Did you mean?  YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::NSEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::NSEPQ
# Did you mean?  YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::CSEPQ
#                YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::ISEPQ
# uninitialized constant YARD::Tags::TypesExplainer::Parser::PROXY_MATCH
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name name=
# wrong constant name to_s
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name explain
# wrong constant name explain!
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name generate
# wrong constant name register_template_path
# wrong constant name render
# wrong constant name template
# wrong constant name template!
# wrong constant name template_paths
# wrong constant name template_paths=
# wrong constant name with_serializer
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name clear!
# wrong constant name method_for
# wrong constant name format_object_title
# wrong constant name format_object_type
# wrong constant name format_source
# wrong constant name format_types
# wrong constant name globals
# wrong constant name h
# wrong constant name link_file
# wrong constant name link_include_file
# wrong constant name link_include_object
# wrong constant name link_object
# wrong constant name link_url
# wrong constant name linkify
# wrong constant name object
# wrong constant name object=
# wrong constant name owner
# wrong constant name run_verifier
# wrong constant name serializer
# wrong constant name serializer=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name is_class?
# wrong constant name is_method?
# wrong constant name is_module?
# wrong constant name is_namespace?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Templates::Helpers::HtmlHelper::MARKUP_EXTENSIONS
# uninitialized constant YARD::Templates::Helpers::HtmlHelper::MARKUP_FILE_SHEBANG
# uninitialized constant YARD::Templates::Helpers::HtmlHelper::MARKUP_PROVIDERS
# wrong constant name anchor_for
# wrong constant name charset
# wrong constant name format_object_name_list
# wrong constant name format_types
# wrong constant name h
# wrong constant name html_markup_asciidoc
# wrong constant name html_markup_html
# wrong constant name html_markup_markdown
# wrong constant name html_markup_none
# wrong constant name html_markup_org
# wrong constant name html_markup_pre
# wrong constant name html_markup_rdoc
# wrong constant name html_markup_ruby
# wrong constant name html_markup_text
# wrong constant name html_markup_textile
# wrong constant name html_markup_textile_strict
# wrong constant name html_syntax_highlight
# wrong constant name html_syntax_highlight_plain
# wrong constant name htmlify
# wrong constant name htmlify_line
# wrong constant name insert_include
# wrong constant name link_file
# wrong constant name link_include_file
# wrong constant name link_include_object
# wrong constant name link_object
# wrong constant name link_url
# wrong constant name mtime
# wrong constant name mtime_url
# wrong constant name resolve_links
# wrong constant name signature
# wrong constant name signature_types
# wrong constant name url_for
# wrong constant name url_for_file
# wrong constant name url_for_frameset
# wrong constant name url_for_index
# wrong constant name url_for_list
# wrong constant name url_for_main
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name urlencode
# wrong constant name html_syntax_highlight_ruby
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name fix_typewriter
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:MARKUP>
# wrong constant name from_path
# wrong constant name from_path=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name to_html
# wrong constant name <Class:AttrChanger>
# wrong constant name <Class:AttrSpan>
# wrong constant name <Class:AttributeManager>
# wrong constant name <Class:Attributes>
# wrong constant name <Class:BlankLine>
# wrong constant name <Class:BlockQuote>
# wrong constant name <Class:Document>
# wrong constant name <Class:Formatter>
# wrong constant name <Class:HardBreak>
# wrong constant name <Class:Heading>
# wrong constant name <Class:Include>
# wrong constant name <Class:IndentedParagraph>
# wrong constant name <Class:List>
# wrong constant name <Class:ListItem>
# wrong constant name <Class:Paragraph>
# wrong constant name <Class:Parser>
# wrong constant name <Class:PreProcess>
# wrong constant name <Class:Raw>
# wrong constant name <Class:RegexpHandling>
# wrong constant name <Class:Rule>
# wrong constant name <Class:ToAnsi>
# wrong constant name <Class:ToBs>
# wrong constant name <Class:ToHtml>
# wrong constant name <Class:ToHtmlCrossref>
# wrong constant name <Class:ToHtmlSnippet>
# wrong constant name <Class:ToJoinedParagraph>
# wrong constant name <Class:ToLabel>
# wrong constant name <Class:ToMarkdown>
# wrong constant name <Class:ToRdoc>
# wrong constant name <Class:ToTableOfContents>
# wrong constant name <Class:ToTest>
# wrong constant name <Class:ToTtOnly>
# wrong constant name <Class:Verbatim>
# wrong constant name add_html
# wrong constant name add_regexp_handling
# wrong constant name add_word_pair
# wrong constant name attribute_manager
# wrong constant name convert
# wrong constant name initialize
# uninitialized constant RDoc::Markup::AttrChanger::Elem
# wrong constant name turn_off
# wrong constant name turn_off=
# wrong constant name turn_on
# wrong constant name turn_on=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name set_attrs
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name add_html
# wrong constant name add_regexp_handling
# wrong constant name add_word_pair
# wrong constant name attribute
# wrong constant name attributes
# wrong constant name change_attribute
# wrong constant name changed_attribute_by_name
# wrong constant name convert_attrs
# wrong constant name convert_html
# wrong constant name convert_regexp_handlings
# wrong constant name copy_string
# wrong constant name display_attributes
# wrong constant name flow
# wrong constant name html_tags
# wrong constant name mask_protected_sequences
# wrong constant name matching_word_pairs
# wrong constant name protectable
# wrong constant name regexp_handlings
# wrong constant name split_into_flow
# wrong constant name unmask_protected_sequences
# wrong constant name word_pair_map
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name as_string
# wrong constant name bitmap_for
# wrong constant name each_name_of
# wrong constant name regexp_handling
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name accept
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name new
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <<
# wrong constant name ==
# uninitialized constant RDoc::Markup::Document::Elem
# wrong constant name accept
# wrong constant name concat
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name empty?
# wrong constant name file
# wrong constant name file=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name merge
# wrong constant name merged?
# wrong constant name omit_headings_below
# wrong constant name omit_headings_below=
# wrong constant name parts
# wrong constant name push
# wrong constant name table_of_contents
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:InlineTag>
# wrong constant name accept_document
# wrong constant name add_regexp_handling_RDOCLINK
# wrong constant name add_regexp_handling_TIDYLINK
# wrong constant name add_tag
# wrong constant name annotate
# wrong constant name convert
# wrong constant name convert_flow
# wrong constant name convert_regexp_handling
# wrong constant name convert_string
# wrong constant name ignore
# wrong constant name in_tt?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name off_tags
# wrong constant name on_tags
# wrong constant name parse_url
# wrong constant name tt?
# uninitialized constant RDoc::Markup::Formatter::InlineTag::Elem
# wrong constant name bit
# wrong constant name bit=
# wrong constant name off
# wrong constant name off=
# wrong constant name on
# wrong constant name on=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name gen_relative_url
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name accept
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name new
# uninitialized constant RDoc::Markup::Heading::Elem
# wrong constant name accept
# wrong constant name aref
# wrong constant name label
# wrong constant name level
# wrong constant name level=
# wrong constant name plain_html
# wrong constant name text
# wrong constant name text=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name to_html
# wrong constant name to_label
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name file
# wrong constant name include_path
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name indent
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name text
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <<
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name accept
# wrong constant name empty?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name items
# wrong constant name last
# wrong constant name push
# wrong constant name type
# wrong constant name type=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <<
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name accept
# wrong constant name empty?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name label
# wrong constant name label=
# wrong constant name length
# wrong constant name parts
# wrong constant name push
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name text
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:Error>
# uninitialized constant RDoc::Markup::Parser::MARKUP_FORMAT
# wrong constant name <Class:ParseError>
# uninitialized constant RDoc::Markup::Parser::TO_HTML_CHARACTERS
# wrong constant name build_heading
# wrong constant name build_list
# wrong constant name build_paragraph
# wrong constant name build_verbatim
# wrong constant name char_pos
# wrong constant name debug
# wrong constant name debug=
# wrong constant name get
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name parse_text
# wrong constant name peek_token
# wrong constant name setup_scanner
# wrong constant name skip
# wrong constant name token_pos
# wrong constant name tokenize
# wrong constant name tokens
# wrong constant name unget
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name tokenize
# wrong constant name find_include_file
# wrong constant name handle
# wrong constant name handle_directive
# wrong constant name include_file
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name options
# wrong constant name options=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name post_process
# wrong constant name post_processors
# wrong constant name register
# wrong constant name registered
# wrong constant name reset
# wrong constant name <<
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name accept
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name merge
# wrong constant name parts
# wrong constant name push
# wrong constant name text
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name text
# wrong constant name text=
# wrong constant name type
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name accept
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RDoc::Markup::ToHtml::MARKUP_FORMAT
# uninitialized constant RDoc::Markup::ToHtml::TO_HTML_CHARACTERS
# wrong constant name accept_blank_line
# wrong constant name accept_block_quote
# wrong constant name accept_heading
# wrong constant name accept_list_end
# wrong constant name accept_list_item_end
# wrong constant name accept_list_item_start
# wrong constant name accept_list_start
# wrong constant name accept_paragraph
# wrong constant name accept_raw
# wrong constant name accept_rule
# wrong constant name accept_verbatim
# wrong constant name code_object
# wrong constant name code_object=
# wrong constant name convert_string
# wrong constant name end_accepting
# wrong constant name from_path
# wrong constant name from_path=
# wrong constant name gen_url
# wrong constant name handle_RDOCLINK
# wrong constant name handle_regexp_HARD_BREAK
# wrong constant name handle_regexp_HYPERLINK
# wrong constant name handle_regexp_RDOCLINK
# wrong constant name handle_regexp_TIDYLINK
# wrong constant name html_list_name
# wrong constant name in_list_entry
# wrong constant name init_tags
# wrong constant name list
# wrong constant name list_end_for
# wrong constant name list_item_start
# wrong constant name parseable?
# wrong constant name res
# wrong constant name start_accepting
# wrong constant name to_html
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RDoc::Markup::ToHtmlCrossref::LIST_TYPE_TO_HTML
# uninitialized constant RDoc::Markup::ToHtmlCrossref::MARKUP_FORMAT
# uninitialized constant RDoc::Markup::ToHtmlCrossref::TO_HTML_CHARACTERS
# wrong constant name context
# wrong constant name context=
# wrong constant name cross_reference
# wrong constant name handle_regexp_CROSSREF
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name link
# wrong constant name show_hash
# wrong constant name show_hash=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant RDoc::Markup::ToHtmlSnippet::LIST_TYPE_TO_HTML
# uninitialized constant RDoc::Markup::ToHtmlSnippet::MARKUP_FORMAT
# uninitialized constant RDoc::Markup::ToHtmlSnippet::TO_HTML_CHARACTERS
# wrong constant name accept_raw
# wrong constant name accept_rule
# wrong constant name add_paragraph
# wrong constant name character_limit
# wrong constant name characters
# wrong constant name handle_regexp_CROSSREF
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name mask
# wrong constant name paragraph_limit
# wrong constant name paragraphs
# wrong constant name truncate
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name accept_block_quote
# wrong constant name accept_heading
# wrong constant name accept_list_end
# wrong constant name accept_list_item_end
# wrong constant name accept_list_item_start
# wrong constant name accept_list_start
# wrong constant name accept_paragraph
# wrong constant name accept_raw
# wrong constant name accept_rule
# wrong constant name accept_verbatim
# wrong constant name end_accepting
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name start_accepting
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name accept_blank_line
# wrong constant name accept_block_quote
# wrong constant name accept_heading
# wrong constant name accept_list_end
# wrong constant name accept_list_item_end
# wrong constant name accept_list_item_start
# wrong constant name accept_list_start
# wrong constant name accept_paragraph
# wrong constant name accept_raw
# wrong constant name accept_rule
# wrong constant name accept_verbatim
# wrong constant name convert
# wrong constant name end_accepting
# wrong constant name handle_regexp_CROSSREF
# wrong constant name handle_regexp_HARD_BREAK
# wrong constant name handle_regexp_TIDYLINK
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name res
# wrong constant name start_accepting
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name gen_url
# wrong constant name handle_rdoc_link
# wrong constant name handle_regexp_RDOCLINK
# wrong constant name handle_regexp_TIDYLINK
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name accept_blank_line
# wrong constant name accept_block_quote
# wrong constant name accept_heading
# wrong constant name accept_indented_paragraph
# wrong constant name accept_list_end
# wrong constant name accept_list_item_end
# wrong constant name accept_list_item_start
# wrong constant name accept_list_start
# wrong constant name accept_paragraph
# wrong constant name accept_raw
# wrong constant name accept_rule
# wrong constant name accept_verbatim
# wrong constant name attributes
# wrong constant name end_accepting
# wrong constant name handle_regexp_HARD_BREAK
# wrong constant name handle_regexp_SUPPRESSED_CROSSREF
# wrong constant name indent
# wrong constant name indent=
# wrong constant name init_tags
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name list_index
# wrong constant name list_type
# wrong constant name list_width
# wrong constant name prefix
# wrong constant name res
# wrong constant name start_accepting
# wrong constant name use_prefix
# wrong constant name width
# wrong constant name width=
# wrong constant name wrap
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name accept_blank_line
# wrong constant name accept_block_quote
# wrong constant name accept_heading
# wrong constant name accept_list_end
# wrong constant name accept_list_end_bullet
# wrong constant name accept_list_item_end
# wrong constant name accept_list_item_start
# wrong constant name accept_list_start
# wrong constant name accept_paragraph
# wrong constant name accept_raw
# wrong constant name accept_rule
# wrong constant name accept_verbatim
# wrong constant name end_accepting
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name omit_headings_below
# wrong constant name omit_headings_below=
# wrong constant name res
# wrong constant name start_accepting
# wrong constant name suppressed?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name to_toc
# wrong constant name accept_blank_line
# wrong constant name accept_heading
# wrong constant name accept_list_end
# wrong constant name accept_list_item_end
# wrong constant name accept_list_item_start
# wrong constant name accept_list_start
# wrong constant name accept_paragraph
# wrong constant name accept_raw
# wrong constant name accept_rule
# wrong constant name accept_verbatim
# wrong constant name end_accepting
# wrong constant name start_accepting
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name accept_blank_line
# wrong constant name accept_block_quote
# wrong constant name accept_heading
# wrong constant name accept_list_end
# wrong constant name accept_list_item_end
# wrong constant name accept_list_item_start
# wrong constant name accept_list_start
# wrong constant name accept_paragraph
# wrong constant name accept_raw
# wrong constant name accept_rule
# wrong constant name accept_verbatim
# wrong constant name do_nothing
# wrong constant name end_accepting
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name list_type
# wrong constant name res
# wrong constant name start_accepting
# wrong constant name tt_sections
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name format
# wrong constant name format=
# wrong constant name normalize
# wrong constant name ruby?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name load_markup_provider
# wrong constant name markup_class
# wrong constant name markup_file_contents
# wrong constant name markup_for_file
# wrong constant name markup_provider
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name clear_markup_cache
# wrong constant name markup_cache
# wrong constant name markup_cache=
# wrong constant name format_args
# wrong constant name format_block
# wrong constant name format_code
# wrong constant name format_constant
# wrong constant name format_lines
# wrong constant name format_return_types
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name prune_method_listing
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name align_right
# wrong constant name h
# wrong constant name hr
# wrong constant name indent
# wrong constant name signature
# wrong constant name title_align_right
# wrong constant name wrap
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name format_path
# wrong constant name h
# wrong constant name tidy
# wrong constant name uml_visibility
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <<
# wrong constant name ==
# uninitialized constant YARD::Templates::Section::Elem
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name any
# wrong constant name eql?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name name=
# wrong constant name place
# wrong constant name push
# wrong constant name unshift
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:ClassMethods>
# uninitialized constant YARD::Templates::Template::T
# wrong constant name class
# wrong constant name class=
# wrong constant name erb
# wrong constant name erb_file_for
# wrong constant name erb_with
# wrong constant name file
# wrong constant name init
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name inspect
# wrong constant name options
# wrong constant name options=
# wrong constant name run
# wrong constant name section
# wrong constant name section=
# wrong constant name sections
# wrong constant name superb
# wrong constant name yieldall
# uninitialized constant YARD::Templates::Template::ClassMethods::S
# uninitialized constant YARD::Templates::Template::ClassMethods::T
# wrong constant name find_file
# wrong constant name find_nth_file
# wrong constant name full_path
# wrong constant name full_path=
# wrong constant name full_paths
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name is_a?
# wrong constant name new
# wrong constant name path
# wrong constant name path=
# wrong constant name reset_full_paths
# wrong constant name run
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name extra_includes
# wrong constant name extra_includes=
# wrong constant name include_extra
# wrong constant name included
# wrong constant name add_expressions
# wrong constant name call
# wrong constant name expressions
# wrong constant name expressions=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name method_missing
# wrong constant name o
# wrong constant name object
# wrong constant name run
# wrong constant name <static-init>