- @page_title = "#{link_to "Blogs", admin_blogs_path} > #{@blog.name}".html_safe .row-fluid = render :partial => "/gluttonberg/admin/content/main/sidebar" .span9 .page-header %h1 = @page_title.html_safe .row-fluid = form_tag(import_admin_blog_articles_path(@blog.id) , :multipart => true) do |f| - if !@feedback.blank? && @feedback != true .error.model-error.alert.alert-block.alert-error %h4 Sorry, There was an error importing the CSV file. %p No records were imported, Please fix following errors and re-import the CSV file. %ul - @feedback.each_with_index do |feed , index| - unless feed == true %li Row #{index+2} %ul - feed.full_messages.each do |msg| %li= msg .span5 %legend CSV Content %p = label_tag "Select CSV File" = file_field_tag :csv %p The CSV file must have a header row. The column titles are supplied below. The columns can be in any order. The CSV must contain the required columns. %ul - Gluttonberg::Blog::Article.import_export_columns.each do |column| %li= column = form_controls(admin_contacts_path)