// Linda.js v0.2.0 (rocketio v0.2.6) // https://github.com/shokai/sinatra-rocketio-linda // (c) 2013 Sho Hashimoto // The MIT License var Linda = function(io, opts){ var self = this; this.io = null; if(io === null || typeof io === "undefined"){ this.io = new RocketIO().connect(); } else{ this.io = io; } this.opts = opts || {}; this.TupleSpace = function(name){ if(name === null || typeof name !== "string") name = "__default__"; this.name = name; this.linda = self; var space = this; var make_callback_id = function(){ return new Date()-0+"_"+Math.floor(Math.random()*1000000); }; this.write = function(tuple, opts){ if(tuple === null || typeof tuple !== "object") return; if(opts === null || typeof opts === "undefined") opts = {}; self.io.push("__linda_write", [space.name, tuple, opts]); }; this.read = function(tuple, callback){ if(tuple === null || typeof tuple !== "object") return; if(typeof callback !== "function") return; var callback_id = make_callback_id(); self.io.once("__linda_read_callback_"+callback_id, callback); self.io.push("__linda_read", [space.name, tuple, callback_id]); }; this.take = function(tuple, callback){ if(tuple === null || typeof tuple !== "object") return; if(typeof callback !== "function") return; var callback_id = make_callback_id(); self.io.once("__linda_take_callback_"+callback_id, callback); self.io.push("__linda_take", [space.name, tuple, callback_id]); }; this.watch = function(tuple, callback){ if(tuple === null || typeof tuple !== "object") return; if(typeof callback !== "function") return; var callback_id = make_callback_id(); self.io.on("__linda_watch_callback_"+callback_id, callback); self.io.push("__linda_watch", [space.name, tuple, callback_id]); }; }; }; var RocketIO = function(opts){ new EventEmitter().apply(this); if(typeof opts === "undefined" || opts === null) opts = {}; this.type = opts.type || null; // "comet" or "websocket" this.session = opts.session || null; this.channel = null; if(typeof opts.channel !== "undefined" && opts.channel !== null){ this.channel = ""+opts.channel; } var setting = {}; this.io = null; var self = this; var ws_close_timer = null; self.on("__connect", function(session_id){ self.session = session_id; self.io.push("__channel_id", self.channel); self.emit("connect"); }); this.connect = function(url){ if(typeof url === "string"){ $.getJSON(url+"/rocketio/settings", function(res){ setting = res; connect_io(); }); return self; } else{ return connect_io(); } }; var connect_io = function(){ self.io = function(){ if(self.type === "comet") return; if(typeof WebSocketIO !== "function") return; var io = new WebSocketIO(); if(typeof setting.websocket === "string") io.url = setting.websocket; io.session = self.session; return io.connect(); }() || function(){ if(typeof CometIO !== "function") return; var io = new CometIO(); if(typeof setting.comet === "string") io.url = setting.comet; io.session = self.session; return io.connect(); }(); if(typeof self.io === "undefined"){ setTimeout(function(){ self.emit("error", "WebSocketIO and CometIO are not available"); }, 100); return self; }; if(self.io.url.match(/^ws:\/\/.+/)) self.type = "websocket"; else if(self.io.url.match(/cometio/)) self.type = "comet"; else self.type = "unknown"; self.io.on("*", function(event_name, args){ if(event_name === "connect") event_name = "__connect"; self.emit(event_name, args); }); ws_close_timer = setTimeout(function(){ self.close(); self.type = "comet"; connect_io(); }, 3000); self.once("connect", function(){ if(ws_close_timer) clearTimeout(ws_close_timer); ws_close_timer = null; }); return self; }; this.close = function(){ self.io.close(); }; this.push = function(type, data){ self.io.push(type, data); }; }; var CometIO = function(url, opts){ new EventEmitter().apply(this); if(typeof opts === "undefined" || opts === null) opts = {}; this.url = url || ""; this.session = opts.session || null; var running = false; var self = this; var post_queue = []; var flush = function(){ if(!running || post_queue.length < 1) return; var post_data = { json: JSON.stringify({ session: self.session, events: post_queue }) }; $.ajax( { url : self.url, data : post_data, success : function(data){ }, error : function(req, stat, e){ self.emit("error", "CometIO push error"); }, complete : function(e){ }, type : "POST", dataType : "json", timeout : 10000 } ); post_queue = []; }; setInterval(flush, 1000); this.push = function(type, data){ if(!running || !self.session){ self.emit("error", "CometIO not connected"); return; } post_queue.push({type: type, data: data}) }; this.connect = function(){ if(running) return self; self.on("__session_id", function(session){ self.session = session; self.emit("connect", self.session); }); running = true; get(); return self; }; this.close = function(){ running = false; self.removeListener("__session_id"); }; var get = function(){ if(!running) return; $.ajax( { url : self.url+"?"+(new Date()-0), data : {session : self.session}, success : function(data_arr){ if(data_arr !== null && typeof data_arr == "object" && !!data_arr.length){ for(var i = 0; i < data_arr.length; i++){ var data = data_arr[i]; if(data) self.emit(data.type, data.data); } } get(); }, error : function(req, stat, e){ self.emit("error", "CometIO get error"); setTimeout(get, 10000); }, complete : function(e){ }, type : "GET", dataType : "json", timeout : 130000 } ); }; }; var WebSocketIO = function(url, opts){ new EventEmitter().apply(this); if(typeof opts === "undefined" || opts === null) opts = {}; this.url = url || ""; this.session = opts.session || null; this.websocket = null; this.connecting = false; var reconnect_timer_id = null; var running = false; var self = this; self.on("__session_id", function(session_id){ self.session = session_id; self.emit("connect", self.session); }); this.connect = function(){ if(typeof WebSocket === "undefined"){ self.emit("error", "websocket not exists in this browser"); return null; } self.running = true; var url = self.session ? self.url+"/session="+self.session : self.url; self.websocket = new WebSocket(url); self.websocket.onmessage = function(e){ var data_ = null; try{ data_ = JSON.parse(e.data); } catch(e){ self.emit("error", "WebSocketIO data parse error"); } if(!!data_) self.emit(data_.type, data_.data); }; self.websocket.onclose = function(){ if(self.connecting){ self.connecting = false; self.emit("disconnect"); } if(self.running){ reconnect_timer_id = setTimeout(self.connect, 10000); } }; self.websocket.onopen = function(){ self.connecting = true; }; return self; }; this.close = function(){ clearTimeout(reconnect_timer_id); self.running = false; self.websocket.close(); }; this.push = function(type, data){ if(!self.connecting){ self.emit("error", "websocket not connected"); return; } self.websocket.send(JSON.stringify({type: type, data: data, session: self.session})); }; }; // event_emitter.js v0.0.8 // https://github.com/shokai/event_emitter.js // (c) 2013 Sho Hashimoto // The MIT License var EventEmitter = function(){ var self = this; this.apply = function(target, prefix){ if(!prefix) prefix = ""; for(var func in self){ if(self.hasOwnProperty(func) && func !== "apply"){ target[prefix+func] = this[func]; } } }; this.__events = new Array(); this.on = function(type, listener, opts){ if(typeof listener !== "function") return; var event_id = self.__events.length > 0 ? 1 + self.__events[self.__events.length-1].id : 0 var params = { id: event_id, type: type, listener: listener }; for(i in opts){ if(!params[i]) params[i] = opts[i]; }; self.__events.push(params); return event_id; }; this.once = function(type, listener){ self.on(type, listener, {once: true}); }; this.emit = function(type, data){ for(var i = 0; i < self.__events.length; i++){ var e = self.__events[i]; switch(e.type){ case type: e.listener(data); if(e.once) e.type = null; break case "*": e.listener(type, data); if(e.once) e.type = null; break } } self.removeListener(); }; this.removeListener = function(id_or_type){ for(var i = self.__events.length-1; i >= 0; i--){ var e = self.__events[i]; switch(typeof id_or_type){ case "number": if(e.id === id_or_type) self.__events.splice(i,1); break case "string": case "object": if(e.type === id_or_type) self.__events.splice(i,1); break } } }; }; if(typeof module !== "undefined" && typeof module.exports !== "undefined"){ module.exports = EventEmitter; }