/** * @fileoverview Rule to flag block statements that do not use the one true brace style * @author Ian Christian Myers */ "use strict"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module.exports = function(context) { var style = context.options[0] || "1tbs"; var params = context.options[1] || {}; var OPEN_MESSAGE = "Opening curly brace does not appear on the same line as controlling statement.", OPEN_MESSAGE_ALLMAN = "Opening curly brace appears on the same line as controlling statement.", BODY_MESSAGE = "Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line.", CLOSE_MESSAGE = "Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block.", CLOSE_MESSAGE_SINGLE = "Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block.", CLOSE_MESSAGE_STROUSTRUP_ALLMAN = "Closing curly brace appears on the same line as the subsequent block."; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helpers //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Determines if a given node is a block statement. * @param {ASTNode} node The node to check. * @returns {boolean} True if the node is a block statement, false if not. * @private */ function isBlock(node) { return node && node.type === "BlockStatement"; } /** * Check if the token is an punctuator with a value of curly brace * @param {object} token - Token to check * @returns {boolean} true if its a curly punctuator * @private */ function isCurlyPunctuator(token) { return token.value === "{" || token.value === "}"; } /** * Binds a list of properties to a function that verifies that the opening * curly brace is on the same line as its controlling statement of a given * node. * @param {...string} The properties to check on the node. * @returns {Function} A function that will perform the check on a node * @private */ function checkBlock() { var blockProperties = arguments; return function(node) { [].forEach.call(blockProperties, function(blockProp) { var block = node[blockProp], previousToken, curlyToken, curlyTokenEnd, curlyTokensOnSameLine; if (!isBlock(block)) { return; } previousToken = context.getTokenBefore(block); curlyToken = context.getFirstToken(block); curlyTokenEnd = context.getLastToken(block); curlyTokensOnSameLine = curlyToken.loc.start.line === curlyTokenEnd.loc.start.line; if (style !== "allman" && previousToken.loc.start.line !== curlyToken.loc.start.line) { context.report(node, OPEN_MESSAGE); } else if (style === "allman" && previousToken.loc.start.line === curlyToken.loc.start.line && !params.allowSingleLine) { context.report(node, OPEN_MESSAGE_ALLMAN); } if (!block.body.length || curlyTokensOnSameLine && params.allowSingleLine) { return; } if (curlyToken.loc.start.line === block.body[0].loc.start.line) { context.report(block.body[0], BODY_MESSAGE); } else if (curlyTokenEnd.loc.start.line === block.body[block.body.length - 1].loc.start.line) { context.report(block.body[block.body.length - 1], CLOSE_MESSAGE_SINGLE); } }); }; } /** * Enforces the configured brace style on IfStatements * @param {ASTNode} node An IfStatement node. * @returns {void} * @private */ function checkIfStatement(node) { var tokens, alternateIsBlock = false, alternateIsIfBlock = false; checkBlock("consequent", "alternate")(node); if (node.alternate) { alternateIsBlock = isBlock(node.alternate); alternateIsIfBlock = node.alternate.type === "IfStatement" && isBlock(node.alternate.consequent); if (alternateIsBlock || alternateIsIfBlock) { tokens = context.getTokensBefore(node.alternate, 2); if (style === "1tbs") { if (tokens[0].loc.start.line !== tokens[1].loc.start.line && isCurlyPunctuator(tokens[0]) ) { context.report(node.alternate, CLOSE_MESSAGE); } } else if (tokens[0].loc.start.line === tokens[1].loc.start.line) { context.report(node.alternate, CLOSE_MESSAGE_STROUSTRUP_ALLMAN); } } } } /** * Enforces the configured brace style on TryStatements * @param {ASTNode} node A TryStatement node. * @returns {void} * @private */ function checkTryStatement(node) { var tokens; checkBlock("block", "finalizer")(node); if (isBlock(node.finalizer)) { tokens = context.getTokensBefore(node.finalizer, 2); if (style === "1tbs") { if (tokens[0].loc.start.line !== tokens[1].loc.start.line) { context.report(node.finalizer, CLOSE_MESSAGE); } } else if (tokens[0].loc.start.line === tokens[1].loc.start.line) { context.report(node.finalizer, CLOSE_MESSAGE_STROUSTRUP_ALLMAN); } } } /** * Enforces the configured brace style on CatchClauses * @param {ASTNode} node A CatchClause node. * @returns {void} * @private */ function checkCatchClause(node) { var previousToken = context.getTokenBefore(node), firstToken = context.getFirstToken(node); checkBlock("body")(node); if (isBlock(node.body)) { if (style === "1tbs") { if (previousToken.loc.start.line !== firstToken.loc.start.line) { context.report(node, CLOSE_MESSAGE); } } else { if (previousToken.loc.start.line === firstToken.loc.start.line) { context.report(node, CLOSE_MESSAGE_STROUSTRUP_ALLMAN); } } } } /** * Enforces the configured brace style on SwitchStatements * @param {ASTNode} node A SwitchStatement node. * @returns {void} * @private */ function checkSwitchStatement(node) { var tokens; if (node.cases && node.cases.length) { tokens = context.getTokensBefore(node.cases[0], 2); } else { tokens = context.getLastTokens(node, 3); } if (style !== "allman" && tokens[0].loc.start.line !== tokens[1].loc.start.line) { context.report(node, OPEN_MESSAGE); } else if (style === "allman" && tokens[0].loc.start.line === tokens[1].loc.start.line) { context.report(node, OPEN_MESSAGE_ALLMAN); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public API //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- return { "FunctionDeclaration": checkBlock("body"), "FunctionExpression": checkBlock("body"), "ArrowFunctionExpression": checkBlock("body"), "IfStatement": checkIfStatement, "TryStatement": checkTryStatement, "CatchClause": checkCatchClause, "DoWhileStatement": checkBlock("body"), "WhileStatement": checkBlock("body"), "WithStatement": checkBlock("body"), "ForStatement": checkBlock("body"), "ForInStatement": checkBlock("body"), "ForOfStatement": checkBlock("body"), "SwitchStatement": checkSwitchStatement }; }; module.exports.schema = [ { "enum": ["1tbs", "stroustrup", "allman"] }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "allowSingleLine": { "type": "boolean" } }, "additionalProperties": false } ];