require 'test_helper' module Shipit class CommitsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase setup do @stack = shipit_stacks(:shipit) @pr = @pr.message = "Merge pull request #31 from Shopify/improve-polling\n\nSeveral improvements to polling" @stack.reload @commit = shipit_commits(:first) stub_request(:get, "").to_return( status: %w(200 OK), body: {}.to_json, headers: {"Content-Type" => "application/json"}, ) end test '.create_from_github handle unknown users' do assert_difference -> { Commit.count }, +1 do @stack.commits.create_from_github!( resource( sha: '2adaad1ad30c235d3a6e7981dfc1742f7ecb1e85', author: {}, committer: {}, commit: { author: { name: 'George Abitbol', email: '', date:, }, committer: { name: 'George Abitbol', email: '', date:, }, message: "commit to trigger staging build", }, ), ) end end test '.create_from_github handle commits with empty message' do assert_difference -> { Commit.count }, +1 do @stack.commits.create_from_github!( resource( sha: '2adaad1ad30c235d3a6e7981dfc1742f7ecb1e85', author: {}, committer: {}, commit: { author: { name: 'Lando Walrussian', email: '', date:, }, committer: { name: 'Lando Walrussian', email: '', date:, }, message: '', }, ), ) end commit = Commit.last refute_predicate commit, :revert? end test '.create_from_github handle PRs merged by another Shipit stacks' do assert_difference -> { Commit.count }, +1 do @stack.commits.create_from_github!( resource( sha: '2adaad1ad30c235d3a6e7981dfc1742f7ecb1e85', author: {}, committer: {}, commit: { author: { name: 'Shipit', email: '', date:, }, committer: { name: 'Shipit', email: '', date:, }, message: "commit to trigger staging build\n\nMerge-Requested-By: walrus\n", }, ), ) end commit = Commit.last assert_equal shipit_users(:walrus), end test "#pull_request? detect pull request based on message format" do assert @pr.pull_request? refute @commit.pull_request? end test "#pull_request? detects pull requests with unusual branch names" do @pr.message = "Merge pull request #7 from Shopify/bump--v1.0.1\n\nBump  v1.0.1" assert @pr.pull_request? assert_equal "Bump  v1.0.1", @pr.pull_request_title end test "#pull_request_number extract the pull request id from the message" do assert_equal 31, @pr.pull_request_number assert_nil @commit.pull_request_number end test "#pull_request_title extract the pull request title from the message" do assert_equal 'Several improvements to polling', @pr.pull_request_title assert_nil @commit.pull_request_title end test "#newer_than(nil) returns all commits" do assert_equal @stack.commits.all.to_a, @stack.commits.newer_than(nil).to_a end test "updating to detached broadcasts an update event" do expect_event(@stack) @commit.update(detached: true) end test ".detach! detaches commits" do parent = shipit_commits(:fourth) child = shipit_commits(:fifth) refute child.detached?, "fifth commit should not be detached" parent.detach_children! assert child.reload.detached?, "children commits must be detached" end test "#destroy broadcasts an update event" do expect_event(@stack) @commit.destroy end test "updating broadcasts an update event" do expect_event(@stack) @commit.update_attributes(message: "toto") end test "updating state to success triggers new deploy when stack has continuous deployment" do @stack.reload.update(continuous_deployment: true) @stack.deploys.destroy_all assert_difference "Deploy.count" do assert_enqueued_with(job: ContinuousDeliveryJob, args: [@stack]) do @stack.commits.last.statuses.create!(stack_id:, state: 'success', context: 'ci/travis') end end end test "updating state to success skips deploy when stack has CD but a deploy is in progress" do @stack.reload.update(continuous_deployment: true) @stack.trigger_deploy(@commit, @commit.committer) assert_no_difference "Deploy.count" do @commit.statuses.create!(stack_id:, state: 'success', context: 'ci/travis') end end test "updating state to success skips deploy when stack has CD but the stack is locked" do @stack.deploys.destroy_all @stack.reload.update!(continuous_deployment: true, lock_reason: "Maintenance ongoing") assert_no_difference "Deploy.count" do @commit.statuses.create!(stack_id:, state: 'success', context: 'ci/travis') end end test "updating won't trigger a deploy if a newer commit has been deployed" do @stack.reload.update(continuous_deployment: true) @stack.deploys.destroy_all walrus = shipit_users(:walrus) new_commit = @stack.commits.create!( sha: '1234', message: 'bla', author: walrus, committer: walrus, authored_at:, committed_at:, ) @stack.deploys.create!( user_id:, since_commit: @stack.commits.first, until_commit: new_commit, status: 'success', ) assert_no_difference "Deploy.count" do @commit.statuses.create!(stack_id:, state: 'success') end end test "updating won't trigger a deploy if this commit has already been deployed" do @stack.reload.update!(continuous_deployment: true) assert_no_difference "Deploy.count" do @stack.last_deployed_commit.statuses.create!(stack_id:, state: 'success') end end test "updating without CD skips deploy regardless of state" do @stack.reload.deploys.destroy_all assert_no_difference "Deploy.count" do @commit.statuses.create!(stack_id:, state: 'success') end end test "updating when not success does not schedule CD" do @stack.reload.update(continuous_deployment: true) @stack.deploys.destroy_all assert_no_difference "Deploy.count" do @commit.statuses.create!(stack_id:, state: 'failure') end end test "creating broadcasts an update event" do expect_event(@stack) walrus = shipit_users(:walrus) @stack.commits.create( author: walrus, committer: walrus, sha: "ab12", authored_at:, committed_at:, message: "more fish!", ) end test "refresh_statuses! pull state from github" do status = mock( state: 'success', description: nil, context: 'default', target_url: '', created_at:, ) Shipit.github.api.expects(:statuses).with(@stack.github_repo_name, @commit.sha).returns([status]) assert_difference '@commit.statuses.count', 1 do @commit.refresh_statuses! end assert_equal 'success', @commit.statuses.first.state end test "refresh_check_runs! pull state from github" do check_run = mock( id: 34_234_234_234_432, name: 'Test suite', conclusion: 'neutral', details_url: '', html_url: '', output: mock( title: 'Tests build ran successfully', ), ) response = mock( check_runs: [check_run], ) Shipit.github.api.expects(:check_runs).with(@stack.github_repo_name, @commit.sha).returns(response) assert_difference -> { @commit.check_runs.count }, 1 do @commit.refresh_check_runs! end assert_equal 'success', @commit.check_runs.first.state end test "#creating a commit update the undeployed_commits_count" do walrus = shipit_users(:walrus) assert_equal 2, @stack.undeployed_commits_count @stack.commits.create!( author: walrus, committer: walrus, sha: "ab12", authored_at:, committed_at:, message: "more fish!", ) @stack.reload assert_equal 3, @stack.undeployed_commits_count end test "fetch_stats! pulls additions and deletions from github" do commit = stub(stats: stub(additions: 4242, deletions: 2424)) Shipit.github.api.expects(:commit).with(@stack.github_repo_name, @commit.sha).returns(commit) @commit.fetch_stats! assert_equal 4242, @commit.additions assert_equal 2424, @commit.deletions end test "fetch_stats! doesn't fail if the commits have no stats" do commit = stub(stats: nil) Shipit.github.api.expects(:commit).with(@stack.github_repo_name, @commit.sha).returns(commit) assert_nothing_raised do @commit.fetch_stats! end end test ".by_sha! can match sha prefixes" do assert_equal @commit, shipit_stacks(:shipit).commits.by_sha!(@commit.sha[0..7]) end test ".by_sha! raises on ambigous sha prefixes" do assert_raises Commit::AmbiguousRevision do Commit.by_sha!(@commit.sha[0..3]) end end test "#creating a commit for new stack updates last_deployed_at to nil" do walrus = shipit_users(:walrus) stack = shipit_stacks(:undeployed_stack) stack.commits.create!( author: walrus, committer: walrus, sha: "ab12", authored_at:, committed_at:, message: "more fish!", ) stack.reload assert_nil stack.last_deployed_at end test ".by_sha! raises if the sha prefix matches multiple commits" do clone ='id')) clone.sha[8..-1] = 'abc12'! assert_raises Commit::AmbiguousRevision do Commit.by_sha!(@commit.sha[0..7]) end end test "#state is `unknown` by default" do assert_equal 'unknown', end test "#state is `success` if all most recent the statuses are `success`" do assert_equal 'success', shipit_commits(:third).state end test "#state is `failure` one of the most recent the statuses is `failure`" do assert_equal 'failure', shipit_commits(:second).state end test "#state is `pending` one of the most recent the statuses is `pending` and none is `failure` or `error`" do assert_equal 'pending', shipit_commits(:fourth).state end test "#state doesn't consider statuses that are hidden or allowed to fail" do assert_equal 'pending', @commit.state @commit.statuses.create!(stack_id:, context: 'metrics/coveralls', state: 'failure') @commit.statuses.create!(stack_id:, context: 'metrics/performance', state: 'failure') assert_equal 'failure', @commit.reload.state @commit.stack.update!(cached_deploy_spec:'ci' => { 'hide' => 'metrics/coveralls', 'allow_failures' => 'metrics/performance', })) assert_equal 'pending', @commit.reload.state end test "#status returns an unknown if the commit has no statuses" do commit = shipit_commits(:second) commit.statuses = [] commit.check_runs = [] assert_predicate commit.status, :unknown? end test "#status rejects the statuses that are specified in the deploy spec's `ci.hide`" do commit = shipit_commits(:second) assert_predicate commit.status, :group? assert_equal 3, commit.status.size commit.stack.update!(cached_deploy_spec:'ci' => {'hide' => [ 'Travis CI', 'metrics/coveralls', ]})) commit.reload refute_predicate commit.status, :group? end test "#deployable? is true if commit status is 'success'" do assert_predicate shipit_commits(:cyclimse_first), :deployable? end test "#deployable? is true if stack is set to 'ignore_ci'" do commit = shipit_commits(:first) commit.stack.update!(ignore_ci: true) assert_predicate commit, :deployable? end test "#deployable? is false if commit has no statuses" do refute_predicate shipit_commits(:fifth), :deployable? end test "#deployable? is false if commit is locked" do commit = shipit_commits(:cyclimse_first) commit.update!(locked: true) refute_predicate commit, :deployable? end test "#deployable? is false if a required status is missing" do commit = shipit_commits(:cyclimse_first) commit.stack.stubs(:required_statuses).returns(%w(ci/very-important)) refute_predicate commit, :deployable? end test "#deployable? is false if a blocking status is missing on a previous undeployed commit" do blocking_commit = shipit_commits(:soc_second) blocking_commit.statuses.delete_all assert_predicate blocking_commit, :pending? assert_predicate blocking_commit, :blocking? commit = shipit_commits(:soc_third) refute_predicate commit, :deployable? end test "#deployable? is false if a blocking status is failing on a previous undeployed commit" do blocking_commit = shipit_commits(:soc_second) blocking_commit.statuses.update_all(state: 'failure') assert_predicate blocking_commit, :failure? assert_predicate blocking_commit, :blocking? commit = shipit_commits(:soc_third) refute_predicate commit, :deployable? end test "#deployable? is true if no blocking status is failing or missing on a previous undeployed commit" do blocking_commit = shipit_commits(:soc_second) assert_predicate blocking_commit, :success? refute_predicate blocking_commit, :blocking? commit = shipit_commits(:soc_third) assert_predicate commit, :deployable? end test "#lock sets the lock author and sets the locked flag" do user = shipit_users(:shipit) @commit.lock(user) assert_predicate(@commit, :locked?) assert_equal(user, @commit.lock_author) end test "#lock does not set the lock author if the user is anonymous" do user = @commit.lock(user) assert_predicate(@commit, :locked?) assert_nil(@commit.lock_author_id) end test ".lock_all sets the lock author and sets the locked flag" do user = shipit_users(:shipit) Commit.where(id: []).lock_all(user) @commit.reload assert_predicate(@commit, :locked?) assert_equal(user, @commit.lock_author) end test ".lock_all does not set the lock author if the user is anonymous" do user = Commit.where(id: []).lock_all(user) @commit.reload assert_predicate(@commit, :locked?) assert_nil(@commit.lock_author_id) end test "#lock_author defaults to AnonymousUser" do assert_nil(@commit.lock_author_id) assert_kind_of(Shipit::AnonymousUser, @commit.lock_author) user = shipit_users(:shipit) @commit.lock(user) assert_kind_of(Shipit::User, @commit.lock_author) end test "#unlock clears the lock author and resets the locked flag" do user = shipit_users(:shipit) @commit.lock(user) assert_predicate(@commit, :locked?) assert_equal(user, @commit.lock_author) @commit.unlock refute_predicate(@commit, :locked?) assert_nil(@commit.lock_author_id) end expected_webhook_transitions = { # we expect deployable_status to fire on these transitions, and not on any others 'unknown' => %w(pending success failure error), 'pending' => %w(success failure error), 'success' => %w(failure error), 'failure' => %w(success), 'error' => %w(success), } expected_webhook_transitions.each do |initial_state, firing_states| initial_status_attributes = {state: initial_state, description: 'abc', context: 'ci/travis'} (expected_webhook_transitions.keys - %w(unknown)).each do |new_state| should_fire = firing_states.include?(new_state) action = should_fire ? 'fires' : 'does not fire' test "#add_status #{action} for status from #{initial_state} to #{new_state}" do commit = shipit_commits(:cyclimse_first) assert commit.stack.hooks.where(events: ['deploy_status']).size >= 1 refute commit.stack.ignore_ci commit.statuses.destroy_all commit.reload unless initial_state == 'unknown' attrs = initial_status_attributes.merge( stack_id: commit.stack_id, created_at: 10.days.ago.to_s(:db), ) commit.statuses.create!(attrs) end assert_equal initial_state, commit.state expected_status_attributes = {state: new_state, description: initial_state, context: 'ci/travis'} add_status = lambda do attrs = expected_status_attributes.merge(created_at: commit.create_status_from_github!( end expect_hook_emit(commit, :commit_status, expected_status_attributes) do if should_fire expect_hook_emit(commit, :deployable_status, expected_status_attributes, &add_status) else expect_no_hook(:deployable_status, &add_status) end end end end end test "#add_status does not fire webhooks for invisible statuses" do @stack.deploys_and_rollbacks.destroy_all commit = shipit_commits(:second) assert commit.stack.hooks.where(events: ['commit_status']).size >= 1 refute_predicate commit, :deployed? expect_no_hook(:deployable_status) do github_status = state: 'failure', description: 'Sad', context: 'ci/hidden', created_at:, ) commit.create_status_from_github!(github_status) end end test "#add_status does not fire webhooks for non-meaningful statuses" do @stack.deploys_and_rollbacks.destroy_all commit = shipit_commits(:second) assert commit.stack.hooks.where(events: ['commit_status']).size >= 1 refute_predicate commit, :deployed? expect_no_hook(:deployable_status) do github_status = state: 'failure', description: 'Sad', context: 'ci/ok_to_fail', created_at:, ) commit.create_status_from_github!(github_status) end end test "#add_status does not fire webhooks for already deployed commits" do commit = shipit_commits(:second) assert_predicate commit, :deployed? expect_no_hook(:deployable_status) do github_status = state: 'failure', description: 'Sad', context: 'ci/travis', created_at:, ) commit.create_status_from_github!(github_status) end end test "#add_status schedule a MergePullRequests job if the commit transition to `pending` or `success`" do commit = shipit_commits(:second) github_status = state: 'success', description: 'Cool', context: 'metrics/coveralls', created_at:, ) assert_equal 'failure', commit.state assert_enqueued_with(job: MergePullRequestsJob, args: [@commit.stack]) do commit.create_status_from_github!(github_status) assert_equal 'success', commit.state end end test "#status hierarchy uses failures and errors, then pending, then successes, then Status::Unknown" do commit = shipit_commits(:first) pending =, state: 'pending', context: 'ci/pending') failure =, state: 'failure', context: 'ci/failure') error =, state: 'error', context: 'ci/error') success =, state: 'success', context: 'ci/success') commit.reload.statuses = [pending, failure, success, error] assert_equal 'error', commit.status.state commit.reload.statuses = [pending, failure, success] assert_equal 'failure', commit.status.state commit.reload.statuses = [pending, error, success] assert_equal 'error', commit.status.state commit.reload.statuses = [success, pending] assert_equal 'pending', commit.status.state commit.reload.statuses = [success] assert_equal 'success', commit.status.state commit.reload.statuses = [] assert_equal 'unknown', commit.status.state end test "merge commits are linked to the matching Pull Request if there is one" do commit = @stack.commits.create!( author: shipit_users(:shipit), authored_at:, committer: shipit_users(:shipit), committed_at:, sha: '5590fd8b5f2be05d1fedb763a3605ee461c39074', message: "Merge pull request #62 from shipit-engine/yoloshipit\n\nyoloshipit!", ) pull_request = shipit_pull_requests(:shipit_pending) assert_predicate commit, :pull_request? assert_equal 62, commit.pull_request_number assert_equal pull_request.title, commit.pull_request_title assert_equal pull_request, commit.pull_request end test "merge commits infer pull request number and title from the message if it's not a known pull request" do commit = @stack.commits.create!( author: shipit_users(:shipit), authored_at:, committer: shipit_users(:shipit), committed_at:, sha: '5590fd8b5f2be05d1fedb763a3605ee461c39074', message: "Merge pull request #99 from shipit-engine/yoloshipit\n\nyoloshipit!", ) assert_predicate commit, :pull_request? assert_equal 99, commit.pull_request_number assert_equal 'yoloshipit!', commit.pull_request_title assert_nil commit.pull_request end test "the merge requester if known overrides the commit author" do commit = @stack.commits.create!( author: shipit_users(:shipit), authored_at:, committer: shipit_users(:shipit), committed_at:, sha: '5590fd8b5f2be05d1fedb763a3605ee461c39074', message: "Merge pull request #62 from shipit-engine/yoloshipit\n\nyoloshipit!", ) assert_equal shipit_users(:walrus), end test "#pull_request_number and #pull_request_title are nil if the message is not a merge commit message" do commit = @stack.commits.create!( author: shipit_users(:shipit), authored_at:, committer: shipit_users(:shipit), committed_at:, sha: '5590fd8b5f2be05d1fedb763a3605ee461c39074', message: "Yoloshipit!", ) refute_predicate commit, :pull_request? assert_nil commit.pull_request_number assert_nil commit.pull_request_title assert_nil commit.pull_request end test "#revert? returns false if the message doesn't follow the revert convention" do commit = "Revert stuff") refute_predicate commit, :revert? end test "#revert? returns true for commits reverted by GitHub" do commit = message: "Merge pull request #17 from Shopify/revert-16\n\nRevert \"Create\"", ) assert_predicate commit, :revert? end test "#revert? returns true for commits reverted from CLI" do commit = message: "Revert \"Super Feature\"\n\nThis reverts commit 49430d5091abc34f2c576c23ebf369ec7094d8aa.", ) assert_predicate commit, :revert? end test "#revert_of? works with pull requests reverted on GitHub" do commit = message: "Merge pull request #16 from byroot/casperisfine-patch-1\n\nCreate", ) revert = message: "Merge pull request #17 from Shopify/revert-16\n\nRevert \"Create\"", ) assert revert.revert_of?(commit) end test "#revert_of? works with commits reverted from CLI" do commit = message: "Create", ) revert = message: "Revert \"Create\"\n\nThis reverts commit 49430d5091abc34f2c576c23ebf369ec7094d8aa.", ) assert revert.revert_of?(commit) end test "#revert_of? works with pull requests reverted from CLI" do commit = message: "Merge pull request #19 from byroot/casperisfine-patch-1\n\nUpdate", ) revert = message: "Revert \"Merge pull request #19 from byroot/casperisfine-patch-1\"\n\nThis reverts commit fa3722ef8372b47160f5d96010d3c54743d192f9, reversing\nchanges made to 868b6f65f759d003c04d056f2f928f18d6813c7e.", ) assert revert.revert_of?(commit) end test "deploy_requested_at defaults to commit created_at" do assert_equal @commit.deploy_requested_at, @commit.created_at end test "when merged via the queue, deploy_requested_at is merge_requested_at" do commit = shipit_commits(:cyclimse_merged) assert_predicate commit, :pull_request? assert_equal commit.pull_request, shipit_pull_requests(:cyclimse_pending_merged) assert_equal commit.deploy_requested_at, commit.pull_request.merge_requested_at end test "when merged manually after being queued, deploy_requested_at is created_at" do pr = shipit_pull_requests(:cyclimse_pending_merged) pr.cancel! commit = shipit_commits(:cyclimse_merged) assert_equal commit.deploy_requested_at, commit.created_at end private def expect_event(stack) Pubsubstub.expects(:publish).at_least_once Pubsubstub.expects(:publish).with do |channel, _payload, _options = {}| channel == "stack.#{}" end end def expect_hook_emit(commit, event, status_attributes, &block) matches = lambda do |payload| assert_equal commit, payload[:commit] assert_equal commit.stack, payload[:stack] assert_equal status_attributes[:state], payload[:status] end expect_hook(event, commit.stack, matches, &block) end end end