require 'attached/attachment' require 'attached/railtie' module Attached def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods # Initialize attached options used for communicating between class and instance methods. def initialize_attached_options write_inheritable_attribute(:attached_options, {}) end # Access attached options used for communicating between class and instance methods. def attached_options read_inheritable_attribute(:attached_options) end # Add an attachment to a class. # # Options: # # * :styles - a hash containing style names followed by parameters passed to processor # * :storage - a symbol for a predefined storage or a custom storage class # * :processor - a symbol for a predefined processor or a custom processor class # # Usage: # # has_attached :video # has_attached :video, :storage => :aws # has_attached :video, styles => { :mov => { :size => "480p", :format => "mov" } } def has_attached(name, options = {}) include InstanceMethods initialize_attached_options unless attached_options attached_options[name] = options before_save :save_attached before_destroy :destroy_attached define_method name do attachment_for(name) end define_method "#{name}=" do |file| attachment_for(name).assign(file) end define_method "#{name}?" do attachment_for(name).file? end validates_each(name) do |record, attr, value| attachment = record.attachment_for(name) attachment.errors.each do |error| record.errors.add(name, error) end end after_validation do self.errors[:"#{name}_size"].each do |message| self.errors.add(name, message) end self.errors[:"#{name}_extension"].each do |message| self.errors.add(name, message) end self.errors[:"#{name}_identifier"].each do |message| self.errors.add(name, message) end self.errors.delete(:"#{name}_size") self.errors.delete(:"#{name}_extension") self.errors.delete(:"#{name}_identifier") end end # Validates an attached size in a specified range or minimum and maximum. # # Options: # # * :message - string to be displayed with :minimum and :maximum variables # * :minimum - integer for the minimum byte size of the attached # * :maximum - integer for the maximum byte size of teh attached # * :in - range of bytes for file # # Usage: # # validates_attached_size :avatar, :range => 10.megabytes .. 20.megabytes # validates_attached_size :avatar, :minimum => 10.megabytes, :maximum => 20.megabytes # validates_attached_size :avatar, :message => "size must be between :minimum and :maximum bytes" def validates_attached_size(name, options = {}) zero = (0.0 / 1.0) infi = (1.0 / 0.0) minimum = options[:minimum] || options[:in] && options[:in].first || zero maximum = options[:maximum] || options[:in] && options[:in].last || infi message = options[:message] message ||= "size must be specified" if minimum == zero && maximum == infi message ||= "size must be a minimum of :minimum" if maximum == infi message ||= "size must be a maximum of :maximum" if minimum == zero message ||= "size must be between :minimum and :maximum" range = minimum..maximum message.gsub!(/:minimum/, number_to_size(minimum)) unless minimum == zero message.gsub!(/:maximum/, number_to_size(maximum)) unless maximum == infi validates_inclusion_of :"#{name}_size", :in => range, :message => message, :if => options[:if], :unless => options[:unless] end # Validates an attached extension in a specified set. # # Options: # # * :in - allowed values for attached # # Usage: # # validates_attached_extension :avatar, :in => %w(png jpg) # validates_attached_extension :avatar, :in => [:png, :jpg] # validates_attached_extension :avatar, :in => %w(png jpg), :message => "extension must be :in" # validates_attached_extension :avatar, :in => %w(png jpg), :message => "extension must be :in" def validates_attached_extension(name, options = {}) message = options[:message] message ||= "extension is invalid" range = options[:in].map { |element| ".#{element}" } validates_inclusion_of :"#{name}_extension", :in => range, :message => message, :if => options[:if], :unless => options[:unless] end # Validates that an attachment is included. # # Options: # # * :message - string to be displayed # # Usage: # # validates_attached_presence :avatar # validates_attached_presence :avatar, :message => "must be attached" def validates_attached_presence(name, options = {}) message = options[:message] message ||= "must be attached" validates_presence_of :"#{name}_identifier", :message => message, :if => options[:if], :unless => options[:unless] end private # Convert a number to a human readable size. # # Usage: # # number_to_size(1) # 1 byte # number_to_size(2) # 2 bytes # number_to_size(1024) # 1 kilobyte # number_to_size(2048) # 2 kilobytes def number_to_size(number, options = {}) return if number == 0.0 / 1.0 return if number == 1.0 / 0.0 singular = options['singular'] || 1 base = options['base'] || 1024 units = options['units'] || ["byte", "kilobyte", "megabyte", "gigabyte", "terabyte", "petabyte"] exponent = (Math.log(number) / Math.log(base)).floor number /= base ** exponent unit = units[exponent] number == singular ? unit.gsub!(/s$/, '') : unit.gsub!(/$/, 's') "#{number} #{unit}" end end module InstanceMethods # Create or access attachment. # # Usage: # # attachment_for :avatar def attachment_for(name) @_attached_attachments ||= {} @_attached_attachments[name] ||=, self, self.class.attached_options[name]) end # Log and save all attached (using specified storage). # # Usage: # # before_save :save_attached def save_attached "[attached] save attached" self.class.attached_options.each do |name, options| attachment_for(name).save end end # Log and destroy all attached (using specified storage). # # Usage: # # before_save :destroy_attached def destroy_attached "[attached] destroy attached" self.class.attached_options.each do |name, options| attachment_for(name).destroy end end end end