namespace :landable do namespace :pgtap do def pgprove? @has_prove ||= Kernel.system('which pg_prove > /dev/null') end def pgconfig? @has_pgconfig ||= Kernel.system('which pg_config > /dev/null') end def pgtap? has_pgtap = false if pgconfig? sharedir = "#{`pg_config | grep SHAREDIR | awk {' print $3 '}`.strip}/extension/pgtap.control" has_pgtap = true if File.file?("#{sharedir}") end has_pgtap end desc 'Run PGTap unit tests' task :run, [:test_file] => [:environment] do |_t, _args| if pgprove? && pgtap? # Load pgtap functions into database. Will not complain if already loaded. ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pgtap;') # Runs the tests. Wrapped pg_prove call in shell script due to issues with return values sh "cd #{Rails.root}/../../script && ./pgtap" else puts "\nPGTap and/or pg_prove not installed. Skipping DB unit tests" puts "Reference '' for installation instructions." end end end task pgtap: 'pgtap:run' end