# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'fluent/test/startup_shutdown' require 'net/http' require_relative 'base_test' require_relative 'test_driver' # Unit tests for Google Cloud Logging plugin class GoogleCloudOutputTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include BaseTest extend Fluent::Test::StartupShutdown def test_configure_use_grpc setup_gce_metadata_stubs d = create_driver assert_false d.instance.instance_variable_get(:@use_grpc) end def test_user_agent setup_gce_metadata_stubs user_agent = nil stub_request(:post, WRITE_LOG_ENTRIES_URI).to_return do |request| user_agent = request.headers['User-Agent'] { body: '' } end d = create_driver d.emit('message' => log_entry(0)) d.run assert_match Regexp.new("#{Fluent::GoogleCloudOutput::PLUGIN_NAME}/" \ "#{Fluent::GoogleCloudOutput::PLUGIN_VERSION}"), \ user_agent end def test_client_400 setup_gce_metadata_stubs # The API Client should not retry this and the plugin should consume # the exception. stub_request(:post, WRITE_LOG_ENTRIES_URI) .to_return(status: 400, body: 'Bad Request') d = create_driver d.emit('message' => log_entry(0)) d.run assert_requested(:post, WRITE_LOG_ENTRIES_URI, times: 1) end # All credentials errors resolve to a 401. def test_client_401 setup_gce_metadata_stubs stub_request(:post, WRITE_LOG_ENTRIES_URI) .to_return(status: 401, body: 'Unauthorized') d = create_driver d.emit('message' => log_entry(0)) begin d.run rescue Google::Apis::AuthorizationError => error assert_equal 'Unauthorized', error.message end assert_requested(:post, WRITE_LOG_ENTRIES_URI, times: 2) end def test_partial_success setup_gce_metadata_stubs clear_metrics # The API Client should not retry this and the plugin should consume # the exception. root_error_code = PARTIAL_SUCCESS_RESPONSE_BODY['error']['code'] stub_request(:post, WRITE_LOG_ENTRIES_URI) .to_return(status: root_error_code, body: PARTIAL_SUCCESS_RESPONSE_BODY.to_json) d = create_driver(ENABLE_PROMETHEUS_CONFIG) 4.times do |i| d.emit('message' => log_entry(i.to_s)) end d.run assert_prometheus_metric_value( :stackdriver_successful_requests_count, 1, grpc: false, code: 200) assert_prometheus_metric_value( :stackdriver_ingested_entries_count, 1, grpc: false, code: 200) assert_prometheus_metric_value( :stackdriver_dropped_entries_count, 2, grpc: false, code: 3) assert_prometheus_metric_value( :stackdriver_dropped_entries_count, 1, grpc: false, code: 7) assert_requested(:post, WRITE_LOG_ENTRIES_URI, times: 1) end def test_non_api_error setup_gce_metadata_stubs clear_metrics # The API Client should not retry this and the plugin should consume # the exception. root_error_code = PARSE_ERROR_RESPONSE_BODY['error']['code'] stub_request(:post, WRITE_LOG_ENTRIES_URI) .to_return(status: root_error_code, body: PARSE_ERROR_RESPONSE_BODY.to_json) d = create_driver(ENABLE_PROMETHEUS_CONFIG) d.emit('message' => log_entry(0)) d.run assert_prometheus_metric_value( :stackdriver_successful_requests_count, 0, grpc: false, code: 200) assert_prometheus_metric_value( :stackdriver_failed_requests_count, 1, grpc: false, code: 400) assert_prometheus_metric_value( :stackdriver_ingested_entries_count, 0, grpc: false, code: 200) assert_prometheus_metric_value( :stackdriver_dropped_entries_count, 1, grpc: false, code: 400) assert_requested(:post, WRITE_LOG_ENTRIES_URI, times: 1) end def test_server_error setup_gce_metadata_stubs # The API client should retry this once, then throw an exception which # gets propagated through the plugin. stub_request(:post, WRITE_LOG_ENTRIES_URI) .to_return(status: 500, body: 'Server Error') d = create_driver d.emit('message' => log_entry(0)) exception_count = 0 begin d.run rescue Google::Apis::ServerError => error assert_equal 'Server error', error.message exception_count += 1 end assert_requested(:post, WRITE_LOG_ENTRIES_URI, times: 1) assert_equal 1, exception_count end # TODO: The code in the non-gRPC and gRPC tests is nearly identical. # Refactor and remove duplication. # TODO: Use status codes instead of int literals. def test_metrics setup_gce_metadata_stubs [ [ENABLE_PROMETHEUS_CONFIG, method(:assert_prometheus_metric_value)], [ENABLE_OPENCENSUS_CONFIG, method(:assert_opencensus_metric_value)] ].each do |config, assert_metric_value| [ # Single successful request. [200, 1, 1, [1, 0, 1, 0, 0]], # Several successful requests. [200, 2, 1, [2, 0, 2, 0, 0]], # Single successful request with several entries. [200, 1, 2, [1, 0, 2, 0, 0]], # Single failed request that causes logs to be dropped. [401, 1, 1, [0, 1, 0, 1, 0]], # Single failed request that escalates without logs being dropped with # several entries. [500, 1, 2, [0, 0, 0, 0, 2]] ].each do |code, request_count, entry_count, metric_values| clear_metrics # TODO: Do this as part of setup_logging_stubs. stub_request(:post, WRITE_LOG_ENTRIES_URI) .to_return(status: code, body: 'Some Message') (1..request_count).each do d = create_driver(config) (1..entry_count).each do |i| d.emit('message' => log_entry(i.to_s)) end # rubocop:disable Lint/HandleExceptions begin d.run rescue Google::Apis::AuthorizationError rescue Google::Apis::ServerError end # rubocop:enable Lint/HandleExceptions end successful_requests_count, failed_requests_count, ingested_entries_count, dropped_entries_count, retried_entries_count = metric_values assert_metric_value.call(:stackdriver_successful_requests_count, successful_requests_count, grpc: false, code: 200) assert_metric_value.call(:stackdriver_ingested_entries_count, ingested_entries_count, grpc: false, code: 200) assert_metric_value.call(:stackdriver_retried_entries_count, retried_entries_count, grpc: false, code: code) # Skip failure assertions when code indicates success, because the # assertion will fail in the case when a single metric contains time # series with success and failure events. next if code == 200 assert_metric_value.call(:stackdriver_failed_requests_count, failed_requests_count, grpc: false, code: code) assert_metric_value.call(:stackdriver_dropped_entries_count, dropped_entries_count, grpc: false, code: code) end end end # This test looks similar between the grpc and non-grpc paths except that when # parsing "105", the grpc path responds with "DEBUG", while the non-grpc path # responds with "100". # # TODO(lingshi) consolidate the tests between the grpc path and the non-grpc # path, or at least split into two tests, one with string severities and one # with numeric severities. def test_severities setup_gce_metadata_stubs expected_severity = [] emit_index = 0 setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver # Array of pairs of [parsed_severity, expected_severity] [%w(INFO INFO), %w(warn WARNING), %w(E ERROR), %w(BLAH DEFAULT), ['105', 100], ['', 'DEFAULT']].each do |sev| d.emit('message' => log_entry(emit_index), 'severity' => sev[0]) expected_severity.push(sev[1]) emit_index += 1 end d.run end verify_index = 0 verify_log_entries(emit_index, COMPUTE_PARAMS) do |entry| assert_equal expected_severity[verify_index], entry['severity'], entry verify_index += 1 end end def test_parse_severity test_obj = Fluent::GoogleCloudOutput.new # known severities should translate to themselves, regardless of case %w(DEFAULT DEBUG INFO NOTICE WARNING ERROR CRITICAL ALERT EMERGENCY).each \ do |severity| assert_equal(severity, test_obj.parse_severity(severity)) assert_equal(severity, test_obj.parse_severity(severity.downcase)) assert_equal(severity, test_obj.parse_severity(severity.capitalize)) end # numeric levels assert_equal(0, test_obj.parse_severity('0')) assert_equal(100, test_obj.parse_severity('100')) assert_equal(200, test_obj.parse_severity('200')) assert_equal(300, test_obj.parse_severity('300')) assert_equal(400, test_obj.parse_severity('400')) assert_equal(500, test_obj.parse_severity('500')) assert_equal(600, test_obj.parse_severity('600')) assert_equal(700, test_obj.parse_severity('700')) assert_equal(800, test_obj.parse_severity('800')) assert_equal(800, test_obj.parse_severity('900')) assert_equal(0, test_obj.parse_severity('1')) assert_equal(100, test_obj.parse_severity('105')) assert_equal(400, test_obj.parse_severity('420')) assert_equal(700, test_obj.parse_severity('799')) assert_equal(100, test_obj.parse_severity('105 ')) assert_equal(100, test_obj.parse_severity(' 105')) assert_equal(100, test_obj.parse_severity(' 105 ')) assert_equal(100, test_obj.parse_severity(100)) assert_equal('DEFAULT', test_obj.parse_severity('-100')) assert_equal('DEFAULT', test_obj.parse_severity('105 100')) # synonyms for existing log levels assert_equal('ERROR', test_obj.parse_severity('ERR')) assert_equal('ERROR', test_obj.parse_severity('SEVERE')) assert_equal('WARNING', test_obj.parse_severity('WARN')) assert_equal('CRITICAL', test_obj.parse_severity('FATAL')) assert_equal('DEBUG', test_obj.parse_severity('TRACE')) assert_equal('DEBUG', test_obj.parse_severity('TRACE_INT')) assert_equal('DEBUG', test_obj.parse_severity('FINE')) assert_equal('DEBUG', test_obj.parse_severity('FINER')) assert_equal('DEBUG', test_obj.parse_severity('FINEST')) assert_equal('DEBUG', test_obj.parse_severity('CONFIG')) # single letters. assert_equal('DEBUG', test_obj.parse_severity('D')) assert_equal('INFO', test_obj.parse_severity('I')) assert_equal('NOTICE', test_obj.parse_severity('N')) assert_equal('WARNING', test_obj.parse_severity('W')) assert_equal('ERROR', test_obj.parse_severity('E')) assert_equal('CRITICAL', test_obj.parse_severity('C')) assert_equal('ALERT', test_obj.parse_severity('A')) assert_equal('ERROR', test_obj.parse_severity('e')) assert_equal('DEFAULT', test_obj.parse_severity('x')) assert_equal('DEFAULT', test_obj.parse_severity('-')) # leading/trailing whitespace should be stripped assert_equal('ERROR', test_obj.parse_severity(' ERROR')) assert_equal('ERROR', test_obj.parse_severity('ERROR ')) assert_equal('ERROR', test_obj.parse_severity(' ERROR ')) assert_equal('ERROR', test_obj.parse_severity("\t ERROR ")) # space in the middle should not be stripped. assert_equal('DEFAULT', test_obj.parse_severity('ER ROR')) # anything else should translate to 'DEFAULT' assert_equal('DEFAULT', test_obj.parse_severity(nil)) assert_equal('DEFAULT', test_obj.parse_severity(Object.new)) assert_equal('DEFAULT', test_obj.parse_severity({})) assert_equal('DEFAULT', test_obj.parse_severity([])) assert_equal('DEFAULT', test_obj.parse_severity(100.0)) assert_equal('DEFAULT', test_obj.parse_severity('')) assert_equal('DEFAULT', test_obj.parse_severity('garbage')) assert_equal('DEFAULT', test_obj.parse_severity('er')) end def test_non_integer_timestamp setup_gce_metadata_stubs time = Time.now [ { 'seconds' => nil, 'nanos' => nil }, { 'seconds' => nil, 'nanos' => time.tv_nsec }, { 'seconds' => 'seconds', 'nanos' => time.tv_nsec }, { 'seconds' => time.tv_sec, 'nanos' => 'nanos' }, { 'seconds' => time.tv_sec, 'nanos' => nil } ].each do |timestamp| setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver @logs_sent = [] d.emit('message' => log_entry(0), 'timestamp' => timestamp) d.run end verify_log_entries(1, COMPUTE_PARAMS) do |entry| assert_equal timestamp, entry['timestamp'], 'Test with timestamp ' \ "'#{timestamp}' failed for entry: '#{entry}'." end end end def test_statusz_endpoint setup_gce_metadata_stubs WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow_localhost: true) # TODO(davidbtucker): Consider searching for an unused port # instead of hardcoding a constant here. d = create_driver(CONFIG_STATUSZ) d.run do resp = Net::HTTP.get('', '/statusz', 5678) must_match = [ '

Status for .*

.*', '\badjust_invalid_timestamps\b.*\bfalse\b', '\bautoformat_stackdriver_trace\b.*\bfalse\b', '\bcoerce_to_utf8\b.*\bfalse\b', '\bdetect_json\b.*\btrue\b', '\bdetect_subservice\b.*\bfalse\b', '\benable_metadata_agent\b.*\btrue\b', '\benable_monitoring\b.*\btrue\b', '\bhttp_request_key\b.*\btest_http_request_key\b', '\binsert_id_key\b.*\btest_insert_id_key\b', '\bk8s_cluster_location\b.*\btest-k8s-cluster-location\b', '\bk8s_cluster_name\b.*\btest-k8s-cluster-name\b', '\bkubernetes_tag_regexp\b.*\b.*test-regexp.*\b', '\blabel_map\b.*{"label_map_key"=>"label_map_value"}', '\blabels_key\b.*\btest_labels_key\b', '\blabels\b.*{"labels_key"=>"labels_value"}', '\blogging_api_url\b.*\bhttp://localhost:52000\b', '\bmetadata_agent_url\b.*\bhttp://localhost:12345\b', '\bmonitoring_type\b.*\bnot_prometheus\b', '\bnon_utf8_replacement_string\b.*\bzzz\b', '\boperation_key\b.*\btest_operation_key\b', '\bpartial_success\b.*\bfalse\b', '\bproject_id\b.*\btest-project-id-123\b', '\brequire_valid_tags\b.*\btrue\b', '\bsource_location_key\b.*\btest_source_location_key\b', '\bspan_id_key\b.*\btest_span_id_key\b', '\bsplit_logs_by_tag\b.*\btrue\b', '\bstatusz_port\b.*\b5678\b', '\bsubservice_name\b.*\btest_subservice_name\b', '\btrace_key\b.*\btest_trace_key\b', '\btrace_sampled_key\b.*\btest_trace_sampled_key\b', '\buse_aws_availability_zone\b.*\bfalse\b', '\buse_grpc\b.*\btrue\b', '\buse_metadata_service\b.*\bfalse\b', '\bvm_id\b.*\b12345\b', '\bvm_name\b.*\btest.hostname.org\b', '\bzone\b.*\basia-east2\b', '^$' ] must_match.each do |re| assert_match Regexp.new(re), resp end end end private WRITE_LOG_ENTRIES_URI = 'https://logging.googleapis.com/v2/entries:write'.freeze def rename_key(hash, old_key, new_key) hash.merge(new_key => hash[old_key]).reject { |k, _| k == old_key } end # Set up http stubs to mock the external calls. def setup_logging_stubs stub_request(:post, WRITE_LOG_ENTRIES_URI).to_return do |request| @logs_sent << JSON.parse(request.body) { body: '' } end yield end # The conversions from user input to output. def latency_conversion { '32 s' => { 'seconds' => 32 }, '32s' => { 'seconds' => 32 }, '0.32s' => { 'nanos' => 320_000_000 }, ' 123 s ' => { 'seconds' => 123 }, '1.3442 s' => { 'seconds' => 1, 'nanos' => 344_200_000 }, # Test whitespace. # \t: tab. \r: carriage return. \n: line break. # \v: vertical whitespace. \f: form feed. "\t123.5\ts\t" => { 'seconds' => 123, 'nanos' => 500_000_000 }, "\r123.5\rs\r" => { 'seconds' => 123, 'nanos' => 500_000_000 }, "\n123.5\ns\n" => { 'seconds' => 123, 'nanos' => 500_000_000 }, "\v123.5\vs\v" => { 'seconds' => 123, 'nanos' => 500_000_000 }, "\f123.5\fs\f" => { 'seconds' => 123, 'nanos' => 500_000_000 }, "\r123.5\ts\f" => { 'seconds' => 123, 'nanos' => 500_000_000 } } end # Create a Fluentd output test driver with the Google Cloud Output plugin. def create_driver(conf = APPLICATION_DEFAULT_CONFIG, tag = 'test', multi_tags = false) driver = if multi_tags Fluent::Test::MultiTagBufferedOutputTestDriver.new( Fluent::GoogleCloudOutput) else Fluent::Test::BufferedOutputTestDriver.new( Fluent::GoogleCloudOutput, tag) end driver.configure(conf, true) end # Verify the number and the content of the log entries match the expectation. # The caller can optionally provide a block which is called for each entry. def verify_log_entries(n, params, payload_type = 'textPayload', check_exact_entry_labels = true, &block) verify_json_log_entries(n, params, payload_type, check_exact_entry_labels, &block) end # For an optional field with default values, Protobuf omits the field when it # is deserialized to json. So we need to add an extra check for gRPC which # uses Protobuf. # # An optional block can be passed in if we need to assert something other than # a plain equal. e.g. assert_in_delta. def assert_equal_with_default(field, expected_value, _default_value, entry) if block_given? yield else assert_equal expected_value, field, entry end end def expected_operation_message2 OPERATION_MESSAGE2 end # Directly return the timestamp value, which should be a hash two keys: # "seconds" and "nanos". def timestamp_parse(timestamp) timestamp end end