module Assertion # The collection of pure functions for converting constants # to corresponding path names. # # @api private # module Inflector extend ::Transproc::Registry # @private def to_snake(name) name.gsub(/([a-z])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2').gsub(/_+/, "_").downcase end # @private def to_path(name) name.split(%r{\:\:|-|/}).reject(&:empty?).join("/") end # Converts the name of the constant to the corresponding path # # @example # fn = Inflector[:to_snake_path] # fn["::Foo::BarBaz"] # # => "foo/bar_baz" # # @param [String] name The name of the constant # # @return [String] The path # def to_snake_path(name) to_path(to_snake(name)) end end # module Inflector end # module Assertion