using_git = File.exist?(File.expand_path('../.git/', __FILE__)) if using_git require 'bundler' require 'bundler/setup' Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks require 'appraisal' end require 'rake' require "rspec/core/rake_task" do |t| t.verbose = false # we require spec_helper so we don't get an RSpec warning about # examples being defined before configuration. t.ruby_opts = "-w -I./spec -r./spec/capture_warnings -rspec_helper" t.rspec_opts = %w[--format progress] if (ENV['FULL_BUILD'] || !using_git) end require 'cucumber/rake/task' task :default => [:spec, :cucumber] desc "Ensures we keep up 100% YARD coverage" task :yard_coverage do coverage_stats = `yard stats --list-undoc 2>&1` puts coverage_stats if coverage_stats.include?('100.00% documented') puts "\nNice work! 100% documentation coverage" else raise "Documentation coverage is less than 100%" end end desc "Checks the spec coverage and fails if it is less than 100%" task :check_code_coverage do if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' || RUBY_ENGINE != 'ruby' puts "Cannot check code coverage--simplecov is not supported on this platform" else percent ="./coverage/coverage_percent.txt").to_f if percent < 98.0 raise "Spec coverage was not high enough: #{percent.round(2)}%" else puts "Nice job! Spec coverage is still above 98%" end end end namespace :ci do desc "Sets things up for a ci build on" task :setup do ENV['TRAVIS'] = 'true' sh "git submodule init" sh "git submodule update" end do |t| t.verbose = true # we require spec_helper so we don't get an RSpec warning about # examples being defined before configuration. t.ruby_opts = "-w -I./spec -r./spec/capture_warnings -rspec_helper" t.rspec_opts = %w[--format progress --backtrace] end desc "Run a ci build" task :build => [:setup, :spec, :cucumber, :yard_coverage, :check_code_coverage] end def ensure_relish_doc_symlinked(filename) from_filename = filename.dup from_filename << '.md' unless filename =~ /\.md$/ from = File.expand_path("../features/#{from_filename}", __FILE__) to = File.expand_path("../#{filename}", __FILE__) if File.symlink?(from) return if File.readlink(from) == to # delete the old symlink File.unlink(from) end FileUtils.ln_s to, from end desc "Push cukes to relishapp using the relish-client-gem" task :relish do unless ENV['SKIP_RELISH'] %w[ LICENSE].each do |file| ensure_relish_doc_symlinked(file) end require 'vcr/version' sh "relish versions:add vcr/vcr:#{VCR.version}" if ENV['NEW_RELISH_RELEASE'] sh "relish push vcr/vcr:#{VCR.version}" end end task :prep_relish_release do ENV['NEW_RELISH_RELEASE'] = 'true' end task :require_ruby_18 do raise "This must be run on Ruby 1.8" unless RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1\.8/ end task :release => [:require_ruby_18, :prep_relish_release, :relish] # For gem-test: task :test => :spec load './lib/vcr/tasks/vcr.rake' namespace :vcr do task :reset_spec_cassettes do ENV['DIR'] = 'spec/fixtures' def VCR.version; "2.0.0"; end sh "git checkout v2.0.0.beta1 -- spec/fixtures" end task :migrate_cassettes => :reset_spec_cassettes end desc "Migrate cucumber cassettes" task :migrate_cucumber_cassettes do require 'vcr' require 'ruby-debug' VCR.configure do |c| c.cassette_library_dir = 'tmp/migrate' c.default_cassette_options = { :serialize_with => :syck } end # We want 2.0.0 in the cucumber cassettes instead of 2.0.0.rc1 def VCR.version "2.0.0" end Dir["features/**/*.feature"].each do |feature_file| # The ERB cassettes can't be migrated automatically. next if feature_file.include?('dynamic_erb') puts " - Migrating #{feature_file}" contents = # contents.scan(/:\n^\s+"""\n([\s\S]+?)"""/).each do |captures| capture = captures.first indentation = capture[/^ +/] cassette_yml = capture.gsub(/^#{indentation}/, '') new_yml = nil file_name = "tmp/migrate/cassette.yml", 'w') { |f| f.write(cassette_yml) } cassette ='cassette') hash = begin cassette.serializable_hash rescue => e puts " Skipping #{capture[0, 80]}" next end new_yml = VCR::Cassette::Serializers::Syck.serialize(hash) new_yml.gsub!(/^/, indentation) new_yml << indentation new_yml.gsub!(/^\s+\n(\s+response:)/, '\1') contents.gsub!(capture, new_yml) end, 'w') { |f| f.write(contents) } end end desc "Run the last cuke directly" task :run_last_cuke do command = ENV.fetch('CMD') do raise "Must pass CMD" end Dir.chdir("tmp/aruba") do sh "RUBYOPT='-I.:../../lib -r../../features/support/vcr_cucumber_helpers' ruby #{command}" end end desc "Boot test app" task :boot_test_app do require './spec/support/vcr_localhost_server' require './spec/support/sinatra_app' VCR::SinatraApp.boot puts "Booted sinatra app on port: #{VCR::SinatraApp.port}" loop { } puts "Shutting down." end