slim-server =========== slim-server for [slim]( is like Spork for rspec. It provides drb server to compile slim templates quickly. Why? ---- Recently I'm createting a PhongeGap app. But I don't want to write HTMLs by hand, so I chose [shadow.vim]( to compile slim template to HTML automagically. Then I found :save became annoying slow; that's why I wrote slim-server. Install ======= $ gem i slim-server Usage ===== $ slim-server start & $ slim-server compile < foo.slim > foo.html If you are using [shadow.vim](, your foo.html.shd should look like: ## slim-server compile // vim: set ft=slim : doctype html html body h1 Hello License ======= MIT Contact ======= []( Yutaka HARA (yhara) twitter: @yhara_en