import { closestAttributeValue } from '../../common/closest-attribute-value.mjs'; import { mergeConfigs } from '../../common/index.mjs'; import { normaliseDataset } from '../../common/normalise-dataset.mjs'; import { ElementError } from '../../errors/index.mjs'; import { GOVUKFrontendComponent } from '../../govuk-frontend-component.mjs'; import { I18n } from '../../i18n.mjs'; /** * Password input component * * @preserve */ class PasswordInput extends GOVUKFrontendComponent { /** * @param {Element | null} $module - HTML element to use for password input * @param {PasswordInputConfig} [config] - Password input config */ constructor($module, config = {}) { super(); this.$module = void 0; this.config = void 0; this.i18n = void 0; this.$input = void 0; this.$showHideButton = void 0; this.$screenReaderStatusMessage = void 0; if (!($module instanceof HTMLElement)) { throw new ElementError({ componentName: 'Password input', element: $module, identifier: 'Root element (`$module`)' }); } const $input = $module.querySelector('.govuk-js-password-input-input'); if (!($input instanceof HTMLInputElement)) { throw new ElementError({ componentName: 'Password input', element: $input, expectedType: 'HTMLInputElement', identifier: 'Form field (`.govuk-js-password-input-input`)' }); } if ($input.type !== 'password') { throw new ElementError('Password input: Form field (`.govuk-js-password-input-input`) must be of type `password`.'); } const $showHideButton = $module.querySelector('.govuk-js-password-input-toggle'); if (!($showHideButton instanceof HTMLButtonElement)) { throw new ElementError({ componentName: 'Password input', element: $showHideButton, expectedType: 'HTMLButtonElement', identifier: 'Button (`.govuk-js-password-input-toggle`)' }); } if ($showHideButton.type !== 'button') { throw new ElementError('Password input: Button (`.govuk-js-password-input-toggle`) must be of type `button`.'); } this.$module = $module; this.$input = $input; this.$showHideButton = $showHideButton; this.config = mergeConfigs(PasswordInput.defaults, config, normaliseDataset(PasswordInput, $module.dataset)); this.i18n = new I18n(this.config.i18n, { locale: closestAttributeValue($module, 'lang') }); this.$showHideButton.removeAttribute('hidden'); const $screenReaderStatusMessage = document.createElement('div'); $screenReaderStatusMessage.className = 'govuk-password-input__sr-status govuk-visually-hidden'; $screenReaderStatusMessage.setAttribute('aria-live', 'polite'); this.$screenReaderStatusMessage = $screenReaderStatusMessage; this.$input.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', $screenReaderStatusMessage); this.$showHideButton.addEventListener('click', this.toggle.bind(this)); if (this.$input.form) { this.$input.form.addEventListener('submit', () => this.hide()); } window.addEventListener('pageshow', event => { if (event.persisted && this.$input.type !== 'password') { this.hide(); } }); this.hide(); } toggle(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (this.$input.type === 'password') {; return; } this.hide(); } show() { this.setType('text'); } hide() { this.setType('password'); } setType(type) { if (type === this.$input.type) { return; } this.$input.setAttribute('type', type); const isHidden = type === 'password'; const prefixButton = isHidden ? 'show' : 'hide'; const prefixStatus = isHidden ? 'passwordHidden' : 'passwordShown'; this.$showHideButton.innerText = this.i18n.t(`${prefixButton}Password`); this.$showHideButton.setAttribute('aria-label', this.i18n.t(`${prefixButton}PasswordAriaLabel`)); this.$screenReaderStatusMessage.innerText = this.i18n.t(`${prefixStatus}Announcement`); } } /** * Password input config * * @typedef {object} PasswordInputConfig * @property {PasswordInputTranslations} [i18n=PasswordInput.defaults.i18n] - Password input translations */ /** * Password input translations * * @see {@link PasswordInput.defaults.i18n} * @typedef {object} PasswordInputTranslations * * Messages displayed to the user indicating the state of the show/hide toggle. * @property {string} [showPassword] - Visible text of the button when the * password is currently hidden. Plain text only. * @property {string} [hidePassword] - Visible text of the button when the * password is currently visible. Plain text only. * @property {string} [showPasswordAriaLabel] - aria-label of the button when * the password is currently hidden. Plain text only. * @property {string} [hidePasswordAriaLabel] - aria-label of the button when * the password is currently visible. Plain text only. * @property {string} [passwordShownAnnouncement] - Screen reader * announcement to make when the password has just become visible. * Plain text only. * @property {string} [passwordHiddenAnnouncement] - Screen reader * announcement to make when the password has just been hidden. * Plain text only. */ /** * @typedef {import('../../common/index.mjs').Schema} Schema * @typedef {import('../../i18n.mjs').TranslationPluralForms} TranslationPluralForms */ PasswordInput.moduleName = 'govuk-password-input'; PasswordInput.defaults = Object.freeze({ i18n: { showPassword: 'Show', hidePassword: 'Hide', showPasswordAriaLabel: 'Show password', hidePasswordAriaLabel: 'Hide password', passwordShownAnnouncement: 'Your password is visible', passwordHiddenAnnouncement: 'Your password is hidden' } }); PasswordInput.schema = Object.freeze({ properties: { i18n: { type: 'object' } } }); export { PasswordInput }; //#