# Unreleased

# 0.9.0

* Handle `compress / decompress` coders (#22)
* Introduce `FlatCacheEntryCoder` (#21).
* Drop the partial Ruby 2.6 support.

# 0.8.0

* Introduce `SingleBytePrefixVersionWithStringBypass` (#18, #20).

# 0.7.0

* Make ActiveRecordCoder now encode wether records were persisted or not (#12).
  This change is backward compatible with Paquito 0.6.2 but NOT OLDER VERSIONS.

# 0.6.2

* Make ActiveRecordCoder able to read payloads that will be generated by Paquito 0.7.0 (#12).
  DO NOT upgrade to Paquito 0.7.0+ without first fully rolling out Paquito 0.6.2.

# 0.6.1

* No data

# 0.6.0

* No data

# 0.5.0

* No data

# 0.4.0

* No data

# 0.3.1

* No data

# 0.3.0

* No data

# 0.2.1

* No data

# 0.2.0

* No data

# 0.1.0

* No data