= Rack::Fontserve A simple Sinatra-based font hosting rack application that utilizes HTTP caching and Allow-Access-Control-Origin properly and generates the corresponding @font-face-CSS file on the fly. == Running standalone Create a Gemfile: source :rubygems gem 'rack-fontserve' Create a config.ru: require 'bundler/setup' require 'rack-fontserve' Rack::Fontserve.set :fonts_path, './fonts' run Rack::Fontserve Create a directory 'fonts', place your fonts inside there in subfolders, where each font format file has the same name as the directory: fonts/iconic_stroke/ + iconic_stroke.eot + iconic_stroke.ttf + iconic_stroke.svg That's it! Run with `rackup`, push to heroku, or mount it in an existing Rails 3 app by adding rack-fontserve to your gemfile, setting the fonts path and mounting the app in your routes.rb file: mount Rack::Fontserve, :at => "/fonts" You can see a demo of all fonts in the fonts_path at /demo. The font name is the name of the font's directory, so in the above example, the font would be called 'iconic_stroke'. == Custom font CSS When a `font_name.css` file is found in the subdirectory, this file will be rendered instead of the auto-generated css. If you want to tweak your css settings, copy and paste the auto-generated css into such a file and customize it to your liking! == Incorporate font licenses into CSS If you place a text file named LICENSE inside some font's subdirectory, this file's content will automatically be added as a CSS comment at the top of your auto-generated CSS. This won't happen when using custom css, so make sure your custom css has the license added as you want it. == TODO * Improve the CSS syntax (kill unneccessary blank lines) * Make the scope selector for svg fonts configurable * Make the fall-back fonts configurable * Add an "all.css" action that aggregates all fonts into one file == Note on Patches/Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull) * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. == Copyright Copyright (c) 2011 Christoph Olszowka. See LICENSE for details.