require 'spec_helper' # can't move this to .rspec in RSpec 1 describe Gemika::Matrix do before :each do @original_bundle_gemfile = ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] end after :each do # Make sure failing tests are not messing out our environment ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = @original_bundle_gemfile end describe '#each' do it "calls the block with each matrix row, setting ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] to the respective gemfile" do current_ruby = '2.1.8' row1 = => current_ruby, :gemfile => 'gemfiles/Gemfile1') row2 = => current_ruby, :gemfile => 'gemfiles/Gemfile2') matrix = =>[row1, row2], :validate => false, :current_ruby => current_ruby, :silent => true) spy = double('block') spy.should_receive(:observe_gemfile).with('gemfiles/Gemfile1') spy.should_receive(:observe_gemfile).with('gemfiles/Gemfile2') matrix.each do spy.observe_gemfile(ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE']) true end end it 'only calls the block with rows compatible with the current Ruby' do current_ruby = '2.1.8' other_ruby = '2.3.1' row1 = => current_ruby, :gemfile => 'gemfiles/Gemfile1') row2 = => other_ruby, :gemfile => 'gemfiles/Gemfile2') matrix = =>[row1, row2], :validate => false, :current_ruby => current_ruby, :silent => true) spy = double('block') spy.should_receive(:observe_gemfile).with('gemfiles/Gemfile1') spy.should_not_receive(:observe_gemfile).with('gemfiles/Gemfile2') matrix.each do spy.observe_gemfile(ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE']) true end end it "resets ENV['BUNDLE GEMFILE'] to its initial value afterwards" do original_env = ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] original_env.should be_present current_ruby = '2.1.8' row = => current_ruby, :gemfile => 'gemfiles/Gemfile1') matrix = =>[row], :validate => false, :current_ruby => current_ruby, :silent => true) matrix.each { true } ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'].should == original_env end it 'prints an overview of which gemfiles have passed, which have failed, which were skipped' do row1 = => '2.1.8', :gemfile => 'gemfiles/GemfileAlpha') row2 = => '2.1.8', :gemfile => 'gemfiles/GemfileBeta') row3 = => '2.3.1', :gemfile => 'gemfiles/GemfileAlpha') require 'stringio' actual_output = '' io = matrix = =>[row1, row2, row3], :validate => false, :current_ruby => '2.1.8', :io => io, :color => false) commands = [ lambda { io.puts 'Successful output'; true }, lambda { io.puts 'Failed output'; false }, lambda { io.puts 'Skipped output'; false } ] expect { matrix.each { } }.to raise_error(Gemika::MatrixFailed) expected_output = < current_ruby, :gemfile => 'gemfiles/Gemfile') matrix = =>[row], :validate => false, :current_ruby => current_ruby, :silent => true) expect { matrix.each { false } }.to raise_error(Gemika::MatrixFailed, /Some gemfiles failed/i) end it 'should raise an error if no row if compatible with the current Ruby' do current_ruby = '2.1.8' other_ruby = '2.3.1' row = => other_ruby, :gemfile => 'gemfiles/Gemfile') matrix = =>[row], :validate => false, :current_ruby => current_ruby, :silent => true) expect { matrix.each { false } }.to raise_error(Gemika::UnsupportedRuby, /No gemfiles were compatible/i) end end describe '.from_travis_yml' do it 'builds a matrix by combining Ruby versions and gemfiles from a Travis CI configuration file' do path = 'spec/fixtures/travis_yml/two_by_two.yml' matrix = Gemika::Matrix.from_travis_yml(:path => path, :validate => false) matrix.rows.size.should == 4 matrix.rows[0].ruby.should == '2.1.8' matrix.rows[0].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile1' matrix.rows[1].ruby.should == '2.1.8' matrix.rows[1].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile2' matrix.rows[2].ruby.should == '2.3.1' matrix.rows[2].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile1' matrix.rows[3].ruby.should == '2.3.1' matrix.rows[3].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile2' end it 'allows to exclude rows from the matrix' do path = 'spec/fixtures/travis_yml/excludes.yml' matrix = Gemika::Matrix.from_travis_yml(:path => path, :validate => false) matrix.rows.size.should == 3 matrix.rows[0].ruby.should == '2.1.8' matrix.rows[0].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile2' matrix.rows[1].ruby.should == '2.3.1' matrix.rows[1].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile1' matrix.rows[2].ruby.should == '2.3.1' matrix.rows[2].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile2' end it 'allows to include rows to the matrix' do path = 'spec/fixtures/travis_yml/includes.yml' matrix = Gemika::Matrix.from_travis_yml(:path => path, :validate => false) matrix.rows.size.should == 5 matrix.rows[0].ruby.should == '2.1.8' matrix.rows[0].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile1' matrix.rows[1].ruby.should == '2.1.8' matrix.rows[1].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile2' matrix.rows[2].ruby.should == '2.3.1' matrix.rows[2].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile1' matrix.rows[3].ruby.should == '2.3.1' matrix.rows[3].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile2' matrix.rows[4].ruby.should == '2.6.3' matrix.rows[4].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile3' end it 'raises an error if a Gemfile does not exist' do path = 'spec/fixtures/travis_yml/missing_gemfile.yml' expect { Gemika::Matrix.from_travis_yml(:path => path) }.to raise_error(Gemika::MissingGemfile, /gemfile not found/i) end it 'raises an error if a Gemfile does not depend on "gemika"' do path = 'spec/fixtures/travis_yml/gemfile_without_gemika.yml' expect { Gemika::Matrix.from_travis_yml(:path => path) }.to raise_error(Gemika::UnusableGemfile, /missing gemika dependency/i) end end describe '.from_github_actions_yml' do it 'builds a matrix by combining Ruby versions and gemfiles from a Github Actions workflow configuration file' do path = 'spec/fixtures/github_actions_yml/two_by_two.yml' matrix = Gemika::Matrix.from_github_actions_yml(:path => path, :validate => false) matrix.rows.size.should == 4 matrix.rows[0].ruby.should == '2.1.8' matrix.rows[0].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile1' matrix.rows[1].ruby.should == '2.1.8' matrix.rows[1].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile2' matrix.rows[2].ruby.should == '2.3.1' matrix.rows[2].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile1' matrix.rows[3].ruby.should == '2.3.1' matrix.rows[3].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile2' end it 'combines matrixes of multiple jobs' do path = 'spec/fixtures/github_actions_yml/multiple_jobs.yml' matrix = Gemika::Matrix.from_github_actions_yml(:path => path, :validate => false) matrix.rows.size.should == 2 matrix.rows[0].ruby.should == '2.1.8' matrix.rows[0].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile1' matrix.rows[1].ruby.should == '2.3.1' matrix.rows[1].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile2' end it 'allows to exclude rows from the matrix' do path = 'spec/fixtures/github_actions_yml/excludes.yml' matrix = Gemika::Matrix.from_github_actions_yml(:path => path, :validate => false) matrix.rows.size.should == 3 matrix.rows[0].ruby.should == '2.1.8' matrix.rows[0].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile2' matrix.rows[1].ruby.should == '2.3.1' matrix.rows[1].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile1' matrix.rows[2].ruby.should == '2.3.1' matrix.rows[2].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile2' end it 'allows to include rows to the matrix' do path = 'spec/fixtures/github_actions_yml/includes.yml' matrix = Gemika::Matrix.from_github_actions_yml(:path => path, :validate => false) matrix.rows.size.should == 6 matrix.rows[0].ruby.should == '2.1.8' matrix.rows[0].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile1' matrix.rows[1].ruby.should == '2.1.8' matrix.rows[1].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile2' matrix.rows[2].ruby.should == '2.3.1' matrix.rows[2].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile1' matrix.rows[3].ruby.should == '2.3.1' matrix.rows[3].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile2' matrix.rows[4].ruby.should == '2.6.3' matrix.rows[4].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile3' matrix.rows[5].ruby.should == '2.7.1' matrix.rows[5].gemfile.should == 'gemfiles/Gemfile3' end it 'complains about missing keys' do path = 'spec/fixtures/github_actions_yml/invalid.yml' expect { Gemika::Matrix.from_github_actions_yml(:path => path) }.to raise_error(Gemika::InvalidMatrixDefinition) end it 'raises an error if a Gemfile does not exist' do path = 'spec/fixtures/github_actions_yml/missing_gemfile.yml' expect { Gemika::Matrix.from_github_actions_yml(:path => path) }.to raise_error(Gemika::MissingGemfile, /gemfile not found/i) end it 'raises an error if a Gemfile does not depend on "gemika"' do path = 'spec/fixtures/github_actions_yml/gemfile_without_gemika.yml' expect { Gemika::Matrix.from_github_actions_yml(:path => path) }.to raise_error(Gemika::UnusableGemfile, /missing gemika dependency/i) end end describe '.from_ci_config' do it 'parses the .travis.yml if it exists' do File.should_receive(:exists?).with('.travis.yml').and_return(true) Gemika::Matrix.should_receive(:from_travis_yml).and_return('travis matrix') Gemika::Matrix.from_ci_config.should == 'travis matrix' end it 'parses the .github/workflows/test.yml if it exists' do File.should_receive(:exists?).with('.travis.yml').and_return(false) File.should_receive(:exists?).with('.github/workflows/test.yml').and_return(true) Gemika::Matrix.should_receive(:from_github_actions_yml).and_return('github matrix') Gemika::Matrix.from_ci_config.should == 'github matrix' end it 'raises an error if no ci definition exists' do File.should_receive(:exists?).with('.travis.yml').and_return(false) File.should_receive(:exists?).with('.github/workflows/test.yml').and_return(false) expect { Gemika::Matrix.from_ci_config }.to raise_error(Gemika::MissingMatrixDefinition) end end describe '.generate_github_actions_workflow' do github_actions_workflow = Gemika::Matrix.generate_github_actions_workflow(path: 'spec/fixtures/migrate/travis.yml') expected_github_actions_workflow = YAML.load_file('spec/fixtures/migrate/expected_github_actions.yml') github_actions_workflow.should == expected_github_actions_workflow end end