# letter_opener_web

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Gives [letter_opener](https://github.com/ryanb/letter_opener) an interface for
browsing sent emails.

Check out http://letter-opener-web.herokuapp.com to see it in action.

## Installation

First add the gem to your development environment and run the `bundle` command to install it.

group :development do
  gem 'letter_opener_web', '~> 1.0'

## Usage

Add to your routes.rb:

Your::Application.routes.draw do
  mount LetterOpenerWeb::Engine, at: "/letter_opener" if Rails.env.development?

And make sure you have [`:letter_opener` delivery method](https://github.com/ryanb/letter_opener#rails-setup)
configured for your app. Then visit `http://localhost:3000/letter_opener` after
sending an email and have fun.

If you are running the app from a [Vagrant](http://vagrantup.com) machine, you
might want to skip `letter_opener`'s `launchy` calls and avoid messages like these:

12:33:42 web.1  | Failure in opening /vagrant/tmp/letter_opener/1358825621_ba83a22/rich.html
with options {}: Unable to find a browser command. If this is unexpected, Please rerun with
environment variable LAUNCHY_DEBUG=true or the '-d' commandline option and file a bug at

In that case (or if you just want to browse mails using the web interface), you
can set `:letter_opener_web` as your delivery method on your

config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :letter_opener_web

# If not everyone on the team is using vagrant
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = ENV['USER'] == 'vagrant' ? :letter_opener_web : :letter_opener

If you're using `:letter_opener_web` as your delivery method, you can change the location of the letters by adding the
following to an initializer (or in development.rb):

LetterOpenerWeb.configure do |config|
  config.letters_location = Rails.root.join('your', 'new', 'path')

## Usage on Heroku

Some people use this gem on staging environments on Heroku and to set that up
is just a matter of moving the gem out of the `development` group and enabling
the route for all environments on your `routes.rb`.

In other words, your `Gemfile` will have:

gem 'letter_opener_web'

And your `routes.rb`:

Your::Application.routes.draw do
  mount LetterOpenerWeb::Engine, at: "/letter_opener"

You might also want to have a look at the sources for the [demo](http://letter-opener-web.herokuapp.com)
available at https://github.com/fgrehm/letter_opener_web_demo.

**NOTICE: Using this gem on Heroku will only work if your app has just one Dyno and does not send emails from background jobs. For updates on this matter please subscribe to [GH-35](https://github.com/fgrehm/letter_opener_web/issues/35)**

## Acknowledgements

Special thanks to [@alexrothenberg](https://github.com/alexrothenberg) for some
ideas on [this pull request](https://github.com/ryanb/letter_opener/pull/12).

## Contributing

1. Fork it and run `bin/setup`
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request