/* * Copyright (c) 2016-18 Martin Prout * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/ * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package monkstone.slider; import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.core.PConstants; import static processing.core.PConstants.*; /** * * @author tux */ public class CustomVerticalSlider extends SliderBar { /** * * @param outer * @param x top left position x * @param y left top position y * @param length width or height * @param beginRange start range * @param endRange end range * @param label widget label/ID */ public CustomVerticalSlider(final PApplet outer, int x, int y, int length, float beginRange, float endRange, String label) { this.applet = outer; this.scrollWheelHandler = (short delta) -> { changeWithWheel(delta); }; setActive(true); pX = x; pY = y; pW = length; pH = 10; ID = label; limits(beginRange, endRange); } @Override boolean mouseOver() { return (applet.mouseX >= pX && applet.mouseX <= pX + pH && applet.mouseY >= pY && applet.mouseY <= pY + pW); } private void setActive(boolean active) { if (active) { applet.registerMethod("dispose", this); applet.registerMethod("draw", this); applet.registerMethod("mouseEvent", this); } else { applet.unregisterMethod("draw", this); applet.unregisterMethod("mouseEvent", this); } } @Override void displayText() { String lFormat = "%d"; if (displayLabel) { applet.fill(labelColor); applet.textSize(labelSize); applet.textAlign(PConstants.CENTER); applet.pushMatrix(); applet.translate(pX + pH / 2, pY + pW / 2); applet.rotate(HALF_PI); applet.text(Integer.toString((int) pValue), 0, 0 + labelSize / 2 - 2); applet.popMatrix(); } if (displayValue) { applet.textSize(numberSize); applet.fill(numbersColor); applet.pushMatrix(); applet.textAlign(PConstants.RIGHT); applet.translate(pX - numberSize / 2, pY); applet.rotate(HALF_PI); applet.text(String.format(lFormat, (int) vMax), 0, 0); applet.popMatrix(); applet.pushMatrix(); applet.textAlign(PConstants.LEFT); applet.translate(pX - numberSize / 2, pY + pW); applet.rotate(HALF_PI); applet.text(String.format(lFormat, (int) vMin), 0, 0); applet.popMatrix(); } } @Override void drawGui() { if (backgroundVisible) { applet.fill(sliderBack); applet.rect(pX, pY, pH, pW); } applet.fill(sliderFill); applet.rect(pX, pY + pW, pH, pScaled - pW); } /** * * @param value */ @Override public void setValue(float value) { if (value > vMax) { value = vMax; } if (value < vMin) { value = vMin; } pValue = value; pScaled = map(pValue, vMin, vMax, pW, 0); } @Override void checkKeyboard() { if (mouseOver()) { if (applet.mousePressed && applet.mouseButton == PConstants.LEFT) { pValue = constrainMap(applet.mouseY - pY, pW, 0, vMin, vMax); } if (applet.keyPressed && pressOnlyOnce) { if (applet.keyCode == PConstants.LEFT || applet.keyCode == PConstants.DOWN) { pValue--; } if (applet.keyCode == PConstants.RIGHT || applet.keyCode == PConstants.UP) { pValue++; } if (pValue > vMax) { pValue = vMax; } else { pValue = (pValue < vMin) ? vMin : pValue; } pressOnlyOnce = false; } deBounce(5); pScaled = map(pValue, vMin, vMax, pW, 0); } } /** * * @param delta */ @Override public void changeWithWheel(int delta) { if (!mouseOver()) { return; } if (applet.keyPressed && applet.keyCode == PConstants.SHIFT) { delta = delta * (int) (vMax / 10); } if (applet.keyPressed && applet.keyCode == PConstants.CONTROL) { delta = delta * (int) (vMax / 4); } setValue(pValue - delta); } /** * * @return */ @Override public String toString() { String geomF = "VerticalSliderBar.new(%d, %d, %d, %.2f, %.2f, \"%s\")"; return String.format(geomF, pX, pY, pW, vMin, vMax, ID); } }