=begin Offers simple OpenOffice-find/replace stuff and printing =end require 'rubygems' require 'docsplit' #require 'zip/zipfilesystem'; include Zip require 'zip' class OpenPrint attr_accessor :lp_cmd, :file def initialize(file, dir = nil) @file = file @dir = dir @base = File.basename file @lp_cmd = nil @counter = 0 end def replace_accents(str) str = str.downcase.gsub(/ /, '_') accents = Hash[*%w( a àáâä e éèêë i ìíîï o òóôöœ u ùúûü c ç ss ß )] dputs(4) { "str was #{str}" } accents.each { |k, v| str.gsub!(/[#{v}]/, k) } str.gsub!(/[^a-z0-9_-]/, '_') dputs(4) { "str is #{str}" } str end def print_hash(fields, counter = nil, name = nil) print(fields.collect { |k, v| [/--#{k}--/, v] }, counter, name) end def get_content return unless File.exists? @file Zip::File.open(@file) { |z| z.read('content.xml').force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) } end def print_file(pdf_file) if @lp_cmd dputs(2) { "Printing with --#{@lp_cmd} #{pdf_file}--" } System.run_bool("#{@lp_cmd} #{pdf_file}") return true else # Download PDF return "#{pdf_file}" end end def self.replace(doc, fields) fields.each { |old, new| doc.gsub!(old, new.to_s) # For every -TAG- there can be a _TAG_ which is replaced with the # uppercase-version of 'new' old_up = old.inspect.sub(/^.-(.*)-.$/, '_\1_') doc.gsub!(old_up, new.to_s.upcase) } doc end def make_pdf(fields = [], counter = nil, name = nil) dputs(3) { "New print for -#{@file.inspect}-" } if name tmp_file = "/tmp/#{replace_accents(name)}.#{@base.sub(/.*\./, '')}" else counter ||= @counter tmp_file = "/tmp/#{counter}-#{@base}" @counter += 1 end pdf_file = tmp_file.sub(/[^\.]*$/, 'pdf') dputs(3) { "Copying to -#{tmp_file.inspect}-" } FileUtils::cp(@file, tmp_file) Zip::File.open(tmp_file) { |z| doc = z.read('content.xml').force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) OpenPrint.replace(doc, fields) # Replace dates that need to be calculated with a '_' doc.gsub!(/(table:formula=[^<>]*date-value=").*?"/, '\1_\2"') z.get_output_stream('content.xml') { |f| f.write(doc) } z.commit } if ConfigBase.openprint_simul == %w(false) Docsplit.extract_pdf tmp_file, :output => '/tmp' #FileUtils::cp( tmp_file, pdf_file ) dputs(5) { 'Finished docsplit' } else FileUtils::cp(tmp_file, pdf_file) end @dir and FileUtils::cp(pdf_file, @dir) pdf_file end def print(fields = [], counter = nil, name = nil) file = make_pdf(fields, counter, name) print_file(file) end def print_join(files, outfile = nil) outfile ||= files.first.sub(/.pdf$/, '-joined.pdf') OpenPrint.pdf_join(files, outfile) print_file(outfile) end # Input: 1..n files with 2 pages, front and back # Output: one 2x2-nup PDF front # one 2x2-nup PDF back # to be printed "long edge duplex" def self.pdf_nup_duplex(files, base = nil) Dir.mktmpdir { |dir| files.class == Array or files = [files] allpages = "#{dir}/allpages.pdf" cmd = "pdfjam --quiet --landscape --outfile #{allpages} " + files.join(" '1,2' ") + " '1,2,{},{}' " dputs(3) { "Running allpages-command #{cmd}" } %x[ #{cmd} ] pages_all = ((files.count + 1) & ~1).times documents = {:front => pages_all.collect { |i| (i ^ 1) * 2 + 1 }.join(','), :back => pages_all.collect { |i| i * 2 + 2 }.join(',')} base ||= File.basename files.first, '.pdf' documents.collect { |suffix, pages| pages_file = "/tmp/#{base}-#{suffix}.pdf" cmd = 'pdfnup --quiet --landscape --nup 2x2 ' + "#{allpages} #{pages} --outfile #{pages_file}" dputs(3) { "Running pdfnup-command #{cmd}" } %x[ #{cmd} ] pages_file } } end # Input: 1..n files # Output: one PDF-file def self.pdf_join(files, outfile) files.class == Array or files = [files] System.run_bool "pdfjam --quiet --landscape --outfile #{outfile} #{files.join(' ')}" end end module PrintButton attr_reader :printer_buttons def call_lpstat(ip) if ConfigBase.use_printing.to_s == 'true' %x( which lpstat >/dev/null 2>&1 && lpstat -h #{ip}:631 -a 2>/dev/null | sed -e "s/ .*//" ).split else [] end end def get_remote_printers(ip) if ip.match(ConfigBase.openprint_search) dputs(2) { "Getting printers for #{ip}" } call_lpstat(ip) else dputs(3) { "Not getting remote for #{ip}" } [] end end def get_server_printers call_lpstat('localhost').collect { |p| "server #{p}" } + %w( PDF ) end def show_print(*buttons) dputs(3) { "show_print with #{buttons.inspect}" } if not instance_variable_defined? :@printer_buttons @printer_buttons = [] end print_name = nil buttons.to_a.each { |b| dputs(4) { "Doing #{b.inspect}" } if b.to_s =~ /^print/ show_split_button b, get_server_printers print_name = b.to_sym else show_button b end } if not print_name show_split_button :print, get_server_printers print_name = :print end @printer_buttons.push print_name end def stat_printer(session, button) user = session.owner ? session.owner.login_name : 'anonymous' stat_name = "#{self.name}:#{button}:#{user}" stat = Statics.get(stat_name) dputs(3) { "Getting printer #{stat_name} == #{stat.data_str}" } if stat.data_str == '' stat.data_str = get_server_printers.first end stat end def cmd_printer(session, button) cmd = nil pn = stat_printer(session, button).data_str remote = session.client_ip dputs(3) { "Found printer #{pn} with remote #{remote}" } if pn != 'PDF' if get_server_printers.index(pn) cmd = "lp -o media=a4 -o fitplot -d #{pn.sub(/^server /, '')}" elsif !(dp(session.web_req.header['user_agent']) =~ /Windows/) && get_remote_printers(remote).index(pn) cmd = "lp -o media=a4 -o fitplot -h #{remote}:631 -d #{pn}" end end dputs(3) { "Command will be #{cmd}" } cmd end def send_printer(session, button, file) if cmd = cmd_printer(session, button) %x[ #{cmd} #{file} ] stat_printer(session, button).data_str else return nil end end def reply_print(session) #dputs_func ret = [] @printer_buttons.each { |pb| p = stat_printer(session, pb) dputs(4) { "#{pb}-#{p.inspect}" } value = "#{GetText._(pb.to_s)} #{p.data_str}" if session.web_req && ip = session.client_ip # We're not looking for CUPS on the localhost, only on Macintosh and # non-android Linuxes ua = session.web_req.header['user-agent'] ua &&= ua.first if ip =~ /(::1|localhost| dputs(3) { "Not looking for cups on #{ip} - #{session.web_req.header['user-agent']}" } elsif ua =~ /(Macintosh|Linux)/ && !(ua =~ /Android/) value = [value] + get_server_printers + get_remote_printers(ip) end end ret += reply(:update, pb => value) } dputs(4) { "#{ret.inspect}" } ret end def rpc_print(session, name, data) #dputs_func dputs(4) { "Printing button #{name} with #{data.inspect}" } if data and data['menu'] and data['menu'].length > 0 stat_printer(session, name).data_str = data['menu'] end reply_print(session) end def send_printer_reply(session, button, data, file) rpc_print(session, button, data) + reply(:window_show, :print_status) + reply(:update, :status => if printer = send_printer(session, button, file) "Printed to #{printer}" else "#{file}" end) end def window_print_status gui_window :print_status do gui_vbox :nogroup do show_html :status show_button :close end end end end