module EY module Serverside module RailsAssetSupport def compile_assets asset_dir = "#{c.release_path}/app/assets" return unless app_needs_assets? rails_version = bundled_rails_version roles :app_master, :app, :solo do keep_existing_assets cmd = "cd #{c.release_path} && PATH=#{c.binstubs_path}:$PATH #{c.framework_envs} rake assets:precompile" if rails_version info "~> Precompiling assets for rails v#{rails_version}" else warning "Precompiling assets even though Rails was not bundled." end run(cmd) end end def app_needs_assets? app_rb_path = File.join(c.release_path, 'config', 'application.rb') return unless File.readable?(app_rb_path) # Not a Rails app in the first place. return unless, 'app', 'assets')) if app_builds_own_assets? info "~> public/assets already exists, skipping pre-compilation." return end if app_disables_assets?(app_rb_path) info "~> application.rb has disabled asset compilation. Skipping." return end unless app_has_asset_task? info "~> No 'assets:precompile' Rake task found. Skipping." return end true end def app_disables_assets?(path) disabled = nil do |fd| pattern = /^[^#].*config\.assets\.enabled\s+=\s+(false|nil)/ contents = disabled = contents.match(pattern) end disabled end # Runs 'rake -T' to see if there is an assets:precompile task. def app_has_asset_task? # We just run this locally on the app master; everybody else should # have the same code anyway. task_check = "PATH=#{c.binstubs_path}:$PATH #{c.framework_envs} rake -T assets:precompile |grep 'assets:precompile'" cmd = "cd #{c.release_path} && #{task_check}" logged_system "cd #{c.release_path} && #{task_check}" $? == 0 end def app_builds_own_assets?, 'public', 'assets')) end # To support operations like Unicorn's hot reload, it is useful to have # the prior release's assets as well. Otherwise, while a deploy is running, # clients may request stale assets that you just deleted. # Making use of this requires a properly-configured front-end HTTP server. def keep_existing_assets current = File.join(c.shared_path, 'assets') last_asset_path = File.join(c.shared_path, 'last_assets') # If there are current shared assets, move them under a 'last_assets' directory. run <<-COMMAND if [ -d #{current} ]; then rm -rf #{last_asset_path} && mkdir #{last_asset_path} && mv #{current} #{last_asset_path} && mkdir -p #{current}; else mkdir -p #{current} #{last_asset_path}; fi; ln -nfs #{current} #{last_asset_path} #{c.release_path}/public COMMAND end def bundled_rails_version(lockfile_path = nil) lockfile_path ||= File.join(c.release_path, 'Gemfile.lock') lockfile = {|f|} lockfile.each_line do |line| # scan for gemname (version) toplevel deps. # Likely doesn't handle ancient Bundler versions, but # we only call this when something looks like it is Rails 3. next unless line =~ /^\s{4}([-\w_.0-9]+)\s*\((.*)\)/ return $2 if $1 == 'rails' end nil end end end end