module Fog module Storage class GoogleJSON class Real # Copy an object from one Google Storage bucket to another # # # ==== Parameters # * source_bucket_name<~String> - Name of source bucket # * source_object_name<~String> - Name of source object # * target_bucket_name<~String> - Name of bucket to create copy in # * target_object_name<~String> - Name for new copy of object # * options<~Hash>: # * 'x-goog-metadata-directive'<~String> - Specifies whether to copy metadata from source or replace with data in request. Must be in ['COPY', 'REPLACE'] # * 'x-goog-copy_source-if-match'<~String> - Copies object if its etag matches this value # * 'x-goog-copy_source-if-modified_since'<~Time> - Copies object it it has been modified since this time # * 'x-goog-copy_source-if-none-match'<~String> - Copies object if its etag does not match this value # * 'x-goog-copy_source-if-unmodified-since'<~Time> - Copies object it it has not been modified since this time # # ==== Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: # * 'ETag'<~String> - etag of new object # * 'LastModified'<~Time> - date object was last modified # def copy_object(source_bucket_name, source_object_name, target_bucket_name, target_object_name, options = {}) api_method = @storage_json.objects.copy parameters = { "sourceBucket" => source_bucket_name, "sourceObject" => source_object_name, "destinationBucket" => target_bucket_name, "destinationObject" => target_object_name } parameters.merge! options request(api_method, parameters) end end class Mock def copy_object(source_bucket_name, source_object_name, target_bucket_name, target_object_name, _options = {}) response = source_bucket = data[:buckets][source_bucket_name] source_object = source_bucket && source_bucket[:objects][source_object_name] target_bucket = data[:buckets][target_bucket_name] if source_object && target_bucket response.status = 200 target_object = source_object.dup target_object.merge!("Name" => target_object_name) target_bucket[:objects][target_object_name] = target_object response.body = { "ETag" => target_object["ETag"], "LastModified" => Time.parse(target_object["Last-Modified"]) } else response.status = 404 raise(Excon::Errors.status_error({ :expects => 200 }, response)) end response end end end end end