# encoding: UTF-8 require 'helper' require 'rails/generators' require 'fileutils' describe "generators" do def invoke_generator(*args) FileUtils.mkdir_p(output_path) args.push '--quiet' retval = Rails::Generators.invoke 'presenter', args, :behavior => :invoke, :destination_root => output_path assert retval, 'Generator must succeed' output_files = Dir["#{output_path}/**/*.rb"] yield output_files.map { |path| path.sub("#{output_path}/", '') }.sort ensure FileUtils.rm_rf(output_path) end def output_path File.expand_path('../../tmp', __FILE__) end def file_contents(path) file_contents = File.read(File.join(output_path, path)) end describe "when the test_framework is :test_unit" do before do Rails.application.config.generators do |g| g.test_framework :test_unit end end it "generates a presenter and Test::Unit file" do invoke_generator 'post' do |files| files.must_equal %w( app/presenters/post_presenter.rb test/unit/presenters/post_presenter_test.rb ) file_contents('app/presenters/post_presenter.rb'). must_match /class PostPresenter < Keynote::Presenter/ file_contents('test/unit/presenters/post_presenter_test.rb'). must_match /class PostPresenterTest < Keynote::TestCase/ end end it "does not add a 'presents' line" do invoke_generator 'post' do |files| file_contents('app/presenters/post_presenter.rb'). wont_match /presents/ end end it "generates an appropriate present() call" do invoke_generator 'post' do |files| file_contents('test/unit/presenters/post_presenter_test.rb'). must_match /present\(:post\)/ end end describe "when the presenter has one parameter" do it "adds a 'presents' line" do invoke_generator 'post', 'foo' do |files| file_contents('app/presenters/post_presenter.rb'). must_match /presents :foo$/ end end it "generates an appropriate present() call" do invoke_generator 'post', 'foo' do |files| file_contents('test/unit/presenters/post_presenter_test.rb'). must_match /present\(:post, :foo\)/ end end end describe "when the presenter has two parameters" do it "adds a 'presents' line" do invoke_generator 'post', 'foo', 'bar' do |files| file_contents('app/presenters/post_presenter.rb'). must_match /presents :foo, :bar$/ end end it "generates an appropriate present() call" do invoke_generator 'post', 'foo', 'bar' do |files| file_contents('test/unit/presenters/post_presenter_test.rb'). must_match /present\(:post, :foo, :bar\)/ end end end end it "generates a presenter and RSpec file" do Rails.application.config.generators do |g| g.test_framework :rspec end invoke_generator 'post' do |files| files.must_equal %w( app/presenters/post_presenter.rb spec/presenters/post_presenter_spec.rb ) file_contents('app/presenters/post_presenter.rb'). must_match /class PostPresenter < Keynote::Presenter/ file_contents('spec/presenters/post_presenter_spec.rb'). must_match /describe PostPresenter do/ end end it "generates a presenter and MiniTest::Rails spec file" do Rails.application.config.generators do |g| g.test_framework :mini_test, :spec => true end invoke_generator 'post' do |files| files.must_equal %w( app/presenters/post_presenter.rb test/presenters/post_presenter_test.rb ) file_contents('app/presenters/post_presenter.rb'). must_match /class PostPresenter < Keynote::Presenter/ file_contents('test/presenters/post_presenter_test.rb'). must_match /describe PostPresenter do/ end end it "generates a presenter and MiniTest::Rails unit file" do Rails.application.config.generators do |g| g.test_framework :mini_test, :spec => false end invoke_generator 'post' do |files| files.must_equal %w( app/presenters/post_presenter.rb test/presenters/post_presenter_test.rb ) file_contents('app/presenters/post_presenter.rb'). must_match /class PostPresenter < Keynote::Presenter/ file_contents('test/presenters/post_presenter_test.rb'). must_match /class PostPresenterTest < Keynote::TestCase/ end end end