/* * Author: Kazushi SUGYO * * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 NEC Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include <string.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include "ofpmsg_send.h" #include "openflow_service_interface.h" #include "service_interface.h" #include "trema.h" static buffer * create_openflow_application_message( uint64_t *datapath_id, buffer *data ) { openflow_service_header_t *message; buffer *buf; void *append; size_t append_len = 0; if ( data != NULL ) { append_len = data->length; } buf = alloc_buffer_with_length( sizeof( openflow_service_header_t ) + append_len ); message = append_back_buffer( buf, sizeof( openflow_service_header_t ) ); if ( datapath_id == NULL ) { message->datapath_id = ~0U; // FIXME: defined invalid datapath_id } else { message->datapath_id = htonll( *datapath_id ); } message->service_name_length = htons( 0 ); // TODO: append ipaddress and port if ( append_len > 0 ) { append = append_back_buffer( buf, append_len ); memcpy( append, data->data, append_len ); } return buf; } void service_send_to_reply( char *service_name, uint16_t message_type, uint64_t *datapath_id, buffer *data ) { buffer *buf; if ( service_name == NULL ) { return; } buf = create_openflow_application_message( datapath_id, data ); if ( !send_message( service_name, message_type, buf->data, buf->length ) ) { error( "Failed to send to reply ( service_name = %s ).", service_name ); } free_buffer( buf ); } void service_send_to_application( list_element *service_name_list, uint16_t message_type, uint64_t *datapath_id, buffer *data ) { buffer *buf; list_element *list; char *service_name; if ( service_name_list == NULL ) { return; } buf = create_openflow_application_message( datapath_id, data ); static const char *error_service_name = NULL; for ( list = service_name_list; list != NULL; list = list->next ) { service_name = list->data; if ( !send_message( service_name, message_type, buf->data, buf->length ) ) { if ( error_service_name != service_name ) { warn( "Failed to send message ( service_name = %s ).", service_name ); } error_service_name = service_name; } else { error_service_name = NULL; } } free_buffer( buf ); } static void handle_openflow_message( uint64_t *datapath_id, char *service_name, buffer *buf ) { struct ofp_header *header; int ret; ret = validate_openflow_message( buf ); if ( ret != 0 ) { header = buf->data; notice( "Validation error. dpid = %#" PRIx64 ", type %u, errno %d, service_name = %s", *datapath_id, header->type, ret, service_name ); free_buffer( buf ); return; } switch_event_recv_from_application( datapath_id, service_name, buf ); } static void handle_openflow_disconnect_request( uint64_t *datapath_id ) { switch_event_disconnect_request( datapath_id ); } void service_recv_from_application( uint16_t message_type, buffer *buf ) { openflow_service_header_t *message; uint64_t datapath_id; uint16_t service_name_length; char *service_name; if ( buf->length < sizeof( openflow_service_header_t ) + sizeof( struct ofp_header ) ) { error( "Too short openflow application message(%u).", buf->length ); free_buffer( buf ); return; } message = buf->data; datapath_id = ntohll( message->datapath_id ); service_name_length = ntohs( message->service_name_length ); service_name = remove_front_buffer( buf, sizeof( openflow_service_header_t ) ); if ( service_name_length < 1 ) { error( "Invalid service name length %u.", service_name_length ); free_buffer( buf ); return; } if ( service_name[ service_name_length - 1 ] != '\0' ) { error( "Service name is not null terminated." ); free_buffer( buf ); return; } remove_front_buffer( buf, service_name_length ); switch ( message_type ) { case MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_MESSAGE: handle_openflow_message( &datapath_id, service_name, buf ); break; case MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_DISCONNECT_REQUEST: free_buffer( buf ); handle_openflow_disconnect_request( &datapath_id ); break; default: error( "Unknown message type %d.", message_type ); free_buffer( buf ); break; } } /* * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 2 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: */