3.1.7 (Brainy Betty) 4fb3d0e77a7fd36984c36786b552672c598f7d95 o:Sass::Tree::RootNode : @options{:@children[o:Sass::Tree::ImportNode ;@;[: @linei:@template0:@imported_filename" sharedo:Sass::Tree::CommentNode ;@: @silenti;[: @lines[; i: @value"/* Cross-browser support for @font-face. Supports IE, Gecko, Webkit, Opera. * * * $name is required, arbitrary, and what you will use in font stacks. * * $font-files is required using font-files('relative/location', 'format'). * for best results use this order: woff, opentype/truetype, svg * * $eot is required by IE, and is a relative location of the eot file. * * For android 2.2 Compatiblity, please ensure that your web page has * a meta viewport tag. * * To support iOS < 4.2, an SVG file must be provided * * If you need to generate other formats check out the Font Squirrel * [font generator](http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fontface/generator) * * Example: * * @include font-face("this name", font-files("this.woff", woff, "this.otf", opentype), "this.eot") */: @loud0o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode ;@;[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@;[: @guarded0; i: @name" iefont: @expro:Sass::Script::Funcall ;@; i;" unquote:@keywords{: @args[o:&Sass::Script::StringInterpolation ;@: @beforeo:Sass::Script::String ;@; i: @type: string;"; i: @mido:Sass::Script::Variable ;@; i;"eot:@underscored_name"eot: @aftero; ;@; i;;;" ?iefixo:Sass::Tree::DirectiveNode ;@;[o:Sass::Tree::PropNode ;@:@prop_syntax:new;[; i;o; ;@; i;" quote;{;[o; ;@; i;" name; " name;["font-family: @tabsiu:Sass::Tree::IfNoden[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: @linei : @name"eot:@underscored_name"eot0[o:Sass::Tree::PropNode ;@:@prop_syntax:new:@children[;i!: @valueo:Sass::Script::Funcall ;@;i!;" font-url:@keywords{: @args[o; ;@;i!;"eot; "eot;["src: @tabsio:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@; [: @guarded0;i";"font-files: @expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;i";[o; ;@;i";[o; ;@;i";" font-url;{;[o; ;@;i";" iefont; " iefonto; ;@;i";" unquote;{;[o:Sass::Script::String ;@;i": @type: string;"format('eot'):@separator: spaceo; ;@;i";"font-files; "font_files;: commao;# ;@;$;%;[; i$;o; ;@; i$;"font-files; "font_files;["src;&i; i;"@font-face:@has_childrenT; i;"font-face;(T;[[o;;{;" name; " name0[o;;@:;"font-files; "font_files0[o;;@:;"eot; "eoto:Sass::Script::Bool;@:; i;F; i; "P@import "shared"; // Cross-browser support for @font-face. Supports IE, Gecko, Webkit, Opera. // // * $name is required, arbitrary, and what you will use in font stacks. // * $font-files is required using font-files('relative/location', 'format'). // for best results use this order: woff, opentype/truetype, svg // * $eot is required by IE, and is a relative location of the eot file. // * For android 2.2 Compatiblity, please ensure that your web page has // a meta viewport tag. // * To support iOS < 4.2, an SVG file must be provided // // If you need to generate other formats check out the Font Squirrel // [font generator](http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fontface/generator) // // Example: // // @include font-face("this name", font-files("this.woff", woff, "this.otf", opentype), "this.eot") @mixin font-face( $name, $font-files, $eot: false ) { $iefont: unquote("#{$eot}?iefix"); @font-face { font-family: quote($name); @if $eot { src: font-url($eot); $font-files: font-url($iefont) unquote("format('eot')"), $font-files; } src: $font-files; } } ;(T