=== 0.0.11 * fixes bug in MerbGlobal::Provider::Yaml#to_json so that it handles nil properly. === 0.0.10 * Add gettext v2.0.4 as a dependency === 0.0.9 * Convert to using bundler === 0.0.8 * merb_global/controller.rb convert before block into method (setup_language) * merb_global/locale.rb add as_rfc1766 * add spec for using default locale when none of the ACCEPT_LANGUAGEs are supported * merb_global/message_providers/yaml.rb factor out YAML file loading to allow for multiple files * merb_global/message_providers/yaml.rb add #to_json for generating translation hash for use in JavaScript === 0.0.7 * More consistent configuration of supported languages * JRuby Numeric provider * Some small fixes === 0.0.6 * Introduction of Locale object * Change of MessageProviders interface * Per-environment configuration === 0.0.5 * Handles lang_REGION as lang * Renamed providers into message providers and translate_to into localize * Added support for localization of dates and numbers * Updated specs === 0.0.4 * Changed database format (to allow importing/exporting) * Added importing/exporting (EXPERIMENTAL) === 0.0.3 * New Plural engine === 0.0.2 * Added language customisation * Support for auto-choose of language * Support for DataMapper 0.9 (removed for 0.3) * Developed examples * Clean-up of code * Minor other improvements === 0.0.1 * Basic support for 'view' translation * Auto-guess of language on base of Accept-Language header