RSpec.describe "UpdateRequest::Request#save:", type: :model do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:post) { create(:post) } let(:admin_user) { create(:admin_user) } context "when a simple update" do let(:changes) do { title: 'new title' } end context "is created" do it "then correctly saves but does not apply that update" do post_title_before = post.title update_request = user, updateable: post, update_schema: changes) # Creates correct update_request expect{ }.to change{ UpdateRequest::Request.count }.by(1) expect(update_request.requester).to eql(user) expect(update_request.updateable).to eql(post) expect(update_request.update_schema).to eql(changes) expect(update_request.applied).to eql(false) # Does not apply update expect(post.reload.title).to eql(post_title_before) end end end context "when an update contains characters outside of yaml's support" do let(:changes) do { title: "\u0092", } end context "is created" do it "then correctly saves but does not apply that update" do post_title_before = post.title update_request = user, updateable: post, update_schema: changes) # Creates correct update_request expect{ }.to change{ UpdateRequest::Request.count }.by(1) expect(update_request.requester).to eql(user) expect(update_request.updateable).to eql(post) expect(update_request.update_schema).to eql(changes) expect(update_request.applied).to eql(false) # Does not apply update expect(post.reload.title).to eql(post_title_before) begin UpdateRequest::Request.last.update_schema rescue Psych::SyntaxError fail end end end end context "when an update containing a file" do let(:avatar) {'spec/support/image.png', 'image/png') } let(:changes) do { avatar: avatar, } end context "is created" do it "then correctly saves but does not apply that update" do update_request = user, updateable: user, update_schema: changes) user_avatar_before = user.avatar # Creates correct update_request expect{ }.to change{ UpdateRequest::Request.count }.by(1) expect(update_request.requester).to eql(user) expect(update_request.updateable).to eql(user) expect(update_request.applied).to eql(false) uploaded_file = update_request.update_schema['avatar'].instance expect(uploaded_file.attachment_file_name).to eql(avatar.original_filename) expect(uploaded_file.attachment_content_type).to eql(avatar.content_type) expect(uploaded_file.attachment_file_size).to eql(avatar.tempfile.size) # Does not apply update expect(user.reload.avatar).to eql(user_avatar_before) end end end end