#! -*- ruby -*- require 'pathname' begin require 'hoe' rescue LoadError abort "This Rakefile requires hoe (gem install hoe)" end Hoe.add_include_dirs 'lib' gem 'rdoc', '~> 3.12' require 'fivefish' require 'rdoc/task' require 'rake' require 'rake/clean' PACKAGE_NAME = 'rdoc-generator-fivefish' BASEDIR = Pathname( __FILE__ ).dirname DATADIR = BASEDIR + "data/#{PACKAGE_NAME}" FONTSDIR = DATADIR + 'fonts' TTF_FONTS = FileList[ (FONTSDIR + '*.ttf').to_s ] WOFF_FONTS = TTF_FONTS.pathmap( '%X.woff' ) CLEAN.include( WOFF_FONTS ) Hoe.plugin :deveiate Hoe.plugin :mercurial Hoe.plugin :signing Hoe.plugin :manualgen Hoe.plugins.delete :rubyforge hoespec = Hoe.spec( PACKAGE_NAME ) do self.readme_file = 'README.rdoc' self.history_file = 'History.rdoc' self.extra_rdoc_files << 'README.rdoc' << 'History.rdoc' self.need_rdoc = false self.developer 'Michael Granger', 'ged@FaerieMUD.org' self.dependency 'inversion', '~> 0.6.1' self.dependency 'rdoc', '~> 3.12' self.spec_extras[:licenses] = ["BSD"] self.require_ruby_version( '>=1.9.3' ) self.hg_sign_tags = true if self.respond_to?( :hg_sign_tags= ) self.check_history_on_release = true if self.respond_to?( :check_history_on_release= ) self.rdoc_locations << "deveiate:/usr/local/www/public/code/#{remote_rdoc_dir}" end ENV['VERSION'] ||= hoespec.spec.version.to_s # Ensure the specs pass before checking in task 'hg:precheckin' => [:check_history, :check_manifest, :spec] RDoc::Task.new( :docs ) do |rdoc| rdoc.main = "README.rdoc" rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'doc' rdoc.generator = 'fivefish' rdoc.rdoc_files.include( 'README.rdoc', 'History.rdoc', 'lib/**/*.rb' ) end task :check_manifest => WOFF_FONTS desc "Compress truetype fonts to WOFF" rule '.woff' => '.ttf' do |task| sh 'sfnt2woff', task.prerequisites.first end