module Searchlogic module NamedScopes # Adds the ability to create alias scopes that allow you to alias a named # scope or create a named scope procedure, while at the same time letting # Searchlogic know that this is a safe method. module AliasScope # The searchlogic Search class takes a hash and chains the values together as named scopes. # For security reasons the only hash keys that are allowed must be mapped to named scopes. # You can not pass the name of a class method and expect that to be called. In some instances # you might create a class method that essentially aliases a named scope or represents a # named scope procedure. Ex: # # User.named_scope :teenager, :conditions => ["age >= ? AND age <= ?", 13, 19] # # This is obviously a very basic example, but there is logic that is duplicated here. For # more complicated named scopes this might make more sense, but to make my point you could # do something like this instead # # class User # def teenager # age_gte(13).age_lte(19) # end # end # # As I stated above, you could not use this method with the Searchlogic::Search class because # there is no way to tell that this is actually a named scope. Instead, Searchlogic lets you # do something like this: # # User.alias_scope :teenager, lambda { age_gte(13).age_lte(19) } # # It fits in better, at the same time Searchlogic will know this is an acceptable named scope. def alias_scope(name, options = nil) alias_scopes[name.to_sym] = options (class << self; self end).instance_eval do define_method name do |*args| case options when Symbol send(options) else*args) end end end end def alias_scopes # :nodoc: @alias_scopes ||= {} end def alias_scope?(name) # :nodoc: alias_scopes.key?(name.to_sym) end def condition?(name) # :nodoc: super || alias_scope?(name) end def named_scope_options(name) # :nodoc: super || alias_scopes[name.to_sym] end end end end