require 'rake/clean' require 'rdoc/task' require 'bundler' require 'fileutils' Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks task :default => "test:unit" task :release => ["MultiMarkdown-6:init", "test:unit"] # ***** Build DLEXT = RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT'] MMD_DIR = File.expand_path("../ext/mmd", __FILE__) # For Mac OS X -- prevents prevent additional ._* files being added to tarball ENV['COPYFILE_DISABLE'] = 'true' namespace "MultiMarkdown-6" do desc "Initialize the submodule" task "init" do FileUtils.rm_rf(MMD_DIR) chdir('MultiMarkdown-6') do sh 'make' # creates build/version.h # Copy all c and h files to MMD_DIR which will be released in the gem ['Sources/libMultiMarkdown', 'build'].each do |dir| chdir(dir) do Dir.glob('{.,include}/*.{h,c}').each do |s| next if s =~ /template/ dest = "#{MMD_DIR}/#{File.dirname(s)}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(dest) FileUtils.cp(s, dest) end end end # We have to disable the ObjectPool. see include/token.h token_h_file = "#{MMD_DIR}/include/token.h" IO.write(token_h_file, ( { |f| kUseObjectPool/, "#define kUseObjectPoolDisabled") })) end end end file 'ext/Makefile' => FileList['ext/**/{extconf.rb,*.c,*.h,*.rb}'] do chdir('ext') do ruby 'extconf.rb' end end CLEAN.include 'ext/Makefile' file "ext/multi_markdown.#{DLEXT}" => FileList['ext/Makefile', 'ext/**/*.{c,h,rb}'] do |f| chdir('ext') do sh 'make' end end CLEAN.include 'ext/**/*.{o,bundle,so}' file "lib/multi_markdown.#{DLEXT}" => "ext/multi_markdown.#{DLEXT}" do |f| cp f.prerequisites, "lib/", :preserve => true end CLEAN.include "lib/*.{so,bundle}" desc 'Build the multi_markdown extension' task :build => "lib/multi_markdown.#{DLEXT}" # ***** Test desc 'Run unit and conformance tests' task :test => [ 'test:unit', 'test:conformance' ] namespace :test do desc 'Run unit tests' task :unit => :build do |t| FileList['test/*_test.rb'].each do |f| ruby f end end desc "Run conformance tests" task :conformance => :build do |t| script = "#{pwd}/bin/rmultimarkdown" chdir("MultiMarkdown-6/tests") do sh "./ --script='#{script}' --testdir='MMD6Tests'" end end end # ***** RDoc do |rd| rd.main = "" rd.rdoc_files.include("", "ext/**/*.c", "lib/**/*.rb") end