require 'helper' require 'fixtures/markup_app/app' class TestFormatHelpers < Test::Unit::TestCase def app MarkupDemo.tap { |app| app.set :environment, :test } end include SinatraMore::FormatHelpers context 'for #h and #h! method' do should "escape the simple html" do assert_equal '<h1>hello</h1>', h('<h1>hello</h1>') assert_equal '<h1>hello</h1>', escape_html('<h1>hello</h1>') end should "escape all brackets, quotes and ampersands" do assert_equal '<h1><>"&demo&"<></h1>', h('<h1><>"&demo&"<></h1>') end should "return default text if text is empty" do assert_equal 'default', h!("", "default") assert_equal ' ', h!("") end should "return text escaped if not empty" do assert_equal '<h1>hello</h1>', h!('<h1>hello</h1>') end end context 'for #relative_time_ago method' do should "display today" do assert_equal 'today', relative_time_ago( end should "display yesterday" do assert_equal 'yesterday', relative_time_ago( end should "display tomorrow" do assert_equal 'tomorrow', relative_time_ago( end should "return future number of days" do assert_equal 'in 4 days', relative_time_ago(4.days.from_now) end should "return past days ago" do assert_equal '4 days ago', relative_time_ago(4.days.ago) end should "return formatted archived date" do assert_equal 100.days.ago.strftime('%A, %B %e'), relative_time_ago(100.days.ago) end should "return formatted archived year date" do assert_equal 500.days.ago.strftime('%A, %B %e, %Y'), relative_time_ago(500.days.ago) end end context 'for #escape_javascript method' do should "escape double quotes" do assert_equal "\"hello\"", escape_javascript('"hello"') end should "escape single quotes" do assert_equal "\"hello\"", escape_javascript("'hello'") end should "escape html tags and breaks" do assert_equal "\"\\n<p>hello<\\/p>\\n\"", escape_javascript("\n\r<p>hello</p>\r\n") end end end