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			<dd class="modified-date">Thu Mar 18 19:31:07 -0800 2004</dd>

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			<h1>Remote Logging</h1>
Want to use <a href="../Log4r.html">Log4r</a> over a network? No problem! A
<a href="../Log4r/RemoteOutputter.html">Log4r::RemoteOutputter</a> will
send its LogEvents to a <a
href="../Log4r/LogServer.html">Log4r::LogServer</a>. These two classes are
as easy to set up and use as the rest of <a href="../Log4r.html">Log4r</a>.
<h2>Use ROMP</h2>
There is one catch though: ROMP is required to use this service. It is a
DRb-like system with superb performance and better features. Get ROMP at <a
LogServer is simply a kind of Logger which embeds a ROMP::Server. Like a
normal Logger, you can give it Outputters, set its level and so on. Its
logging methods are accessible over a network and are called by a
RemoteOutputter on another host.
<h3>LogServer Setup</h3>
Setup is easy. First,
  require 'log4r/logserver'
The following sets up a LogServer named &#8216;central&#8217; on localhost
port 9999:
  LogServer.new('central', 'tcpromp://localhost:9999')
We manipulate it and give it outputters as normal:
  serv = Logger['central']              # grab our new LogServer
  serv.add 'stdout'                     # make it log to $stdout
RemoteOutputter is simply a kind of Outputter that embeds a ROMP::Client.
When RemoteOutputter gets a LogEvent, it will forward it to whatever
LogServer it&#8217;s connected to. In essence, RemoteOutputter behaves like
a Logger that is forwarding a LogEvent to another Logger (as is done in
hierarchical logging).
<h3>RemoteOutputter Setup</h3>
  require 'log4r/outputter/remoteoutputter'
Unlike typical outputters, RemoteOutputter doesn&#8217;t do any formatting.
That&#8217;s up to the LogServer&#8217;s outputters. Otherwise,
RemoteOutputter can be set up as usual. The ROMP uri of the LogServer must
be specified.
  RemoteOutputter.new 'client', :uri=&gt;'tcpromp://localhost:9999'
<h3>Using RemoteOutputter</h3>
Give our new RemoteOutputter to a logger:
  mylog = Logger['mylog']
  mylog.add 'client'
Now, whenever mylog generates a LogEvent, LogServer should get a copy.
Doing the following:
  mylog.info &quot;This is a message from 'mylog'&quot;
Produces this output on LogServer&#8217;s console:
  INFO mylog: This is a message from 'mylog'
<h2>XML Configuration</h2>
RemoteOutputter is set up like normal Outputters. LogServer is set up like
a normal Logger, but with an element name of logserver instead of logger:
    &lt;logserver name=&quot;name&quot; uri=&quot;tcpromp://localhost:9999&quot;&gt;
It is recommended to set up a logger named &#8216;log4r&#8217; on both the
server and client to see what LogServer and RemoteOutputter are up to. Both
of the classes use Log4r&#8217;s internal logging to report any problems.
See the section <b>What&#8217;s Going on Inside?</b> in <a
href="../log4r_rb.html">log4r.rb</a> for more info.
