/** * Copyright 2005-2007 Xue Yong Zhi, Ye Zheng, Jie Li * Distributed under the BSD License */ package com.xruby.runtime.builtin; import j2me.math.HugeInt; import j2me.lang.MathEx; import com.xruby.runtime.lang.*; ////@RubyLevelClass(name="Fixnum", superclass="Integer") public class RubyFixnum extends RubyInteger { private final long value_; RubyFixnum(int i) { value_ = i; } RubyFixnum(long i) { value_ = i; } public void setRubyClass(RubyClass klass) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.TypeErrorClass, this.getRubyClass().getName() + " can't be set class"); } public RubyClass getSingletonClass() { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.TypeErrorClass, this.getRubyClass().getName() + " can't define singleton"); } public RubyValue clone() { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.TypeErrorClass, "can't clone " + this.getRubyClass().getName()); } public int toInt() { return (int)value_; } public long toLong() { return value_; } public double toFloat() { return this.value_; } public RubyFloat toRubyFloat() { return ObjectFactory.createFloat(this.value_); } public RubyFixnum convertToInteger() { return this; } public int hashCode() { return (int)value_; } public RubyClass getRubyClass() { return RubyRuntime.FixnumClass; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } else if (o instanceof RubyFixnum) { return value_ == ((RubyFixnum)o).value_; } else { return super.equals(o); } } public String toString() { return Long.toString(value_); } public String toString(int radix) { return Long.toString(value_, radix); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="-@") public RubyValue uminus() { return ObjectFactory.createFixnum(-this.value_); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="+") public RubyValue opPlus(RubyValue v) { if (v instanceof RubyFixnum) { return RubyBignum.bignorm((long)this.value_ + (long)((RubyFixnum)v).value_); } if (v instanceof RubyFloat) { return ObjectFactory.createFloat(value_ + v.toFloat()); } if (v instanceof RubyBignum) { HugeInt bigValue1 = HugeInt.valueOf(value_); HugeInt bigValue2 = ((RubyBignum)v).getInternal(); return RubyBignum.bignorm(bigValue1.add(bigValue2)); } return coerceBin(RubyID.plusID, v); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="-") public RubyValue opMinus(RubyValue v) { if (v instanceof RubyFixnum) { return RubyBignum.bignorm((long)this.value_ - (long)((RubyFixnum)v).value_); } if (v instanceof RubyFloat) { return ObjectFactory.createFloat(this.value_ - v.toFloat()); } if (v instanceof RubyBignum) { HugeInt bigValue1 = HugeInt.valueOf(this.value_); HugeInt bigValue2 = ((RubyBignum)v).getInternal(); return RubyBignum.bignorm(bigValue1.subtract(bigValue2)); } return coerceBin(RubyID.subID, v); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="*") public RubyValue opMul(RubyValue v) { if (v instanceof RubyFixnum) { return RubyBignum.bignorm((long)this.value_ * (long)((RubyFixnum)v).value_); } if (v instanceof RubyFloat) { return ObjectFactory.createFloat(this.value_ * v.toFloat()); } if (v instanceof RubyBignum) { HugeInt bigValue1 = HugeInt.valueOf(this.value_); HugeInt bigValue2 = ((RubyBignum)v).getInternal(); return RubyBignum.bignorm(bigValue1.multiply(bigValue2)); } return coerceBin(RubyID.mulID, v); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="/") public RubyValue opDiv(RubyValue v) { if (v instanceof RubyFixnum) { long intValue1 = this.value_; long intValue2 = ((RubyFixnum)v).value_; if (intValue2 == 0) { zeroDiv(); } long div = intValue1 / intValue2; long mod = intValue1 - div * intValue2; if (mod != 0 && div < 0) { --div; } return RubyBignum.bignorm(div); } else if (v instanceof RubyFloat) { return ObjectFactory.createFloat(this.value_ / v.toFloat()); } else if (v instanceof RubyBignum) { HugeInt bigValue1 = HugeInt.valueOf(this.value_); HugeInt bigValue2 = ((RubyBignum)v).getInternal(); return RubyBignum.bignorm(bigValue1.divide(bigValue2)); } else { return coerceBin(RubyID.divID, v); } } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="%") public RubyValue mod(RubyValue v) { if (v instanceof RubyFixnum) { return RubyBignum.bignorm(this.value_ % ((RubyFixnum)v).value_); } return coerceBin(RubyID.modID, v); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="**") public RubyValue pow(RubyValue v) { if (v instanceof RubyFixnum) { long p = ((RubyFixnum)v).value_; if (p == 0) { return ObjectFactory.FIXNUM1; } else if (p == 1) { return this; } if (p > 0) { HugeInt b = HugeInt.valueOf(this.value_); return RubyBignum.bignorm(b.pow(p)); } return ObjectFactory.createFloat(MathEx.pow(this.value_, p)); } else if (v instanceof RubyFloat) { return ObjectFactory.createFloat(MathEx.pow(this.value_, v.toFloat())); } return coerceBin(RubyID.powID, v); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="~") public RubyValue opRev() { return RubyBignum.bignorm(~this.value_); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="to_f") public RubyFloat convertToFloat() { return ObjectFactory.createFloat(this.value_); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="<<") public RubyValue lshift(RubyValue arg) { return lshift(arg.toInt()); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name=">>") public RubyValue rshift(RubyValue arg) { return rshift(arg.toInt()); } private static int BIT_SIZE = 32; private RubyValue lshift(int i) { if (i == 0) { return this; } else if (i < 0) { return rshift(-i); } // FIXME: TO BE IMPROVED HugeInt bigValue1 = HugeInt.valueOf(this.value_); return RubyBignum.bignorm(bigValue1.shiftLeft(i)); } private RubyValue rshift(int i) { if (i == 0) { return this; } else if (i < 0) { return lshift(-i); } if (i >= BIT_SIZE - 1) { if (this.value_ < 0) { return ObjectFactory.FIXNUM_NEGATIVE_ONE; } return ObjectFactory.FIXNUM0; } return ObjectFactory.createFixnum(this.value_ >> i); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="==") public RubyValue opEqual(RubyValue arg) { if (arg == this) { return RubyConstant.QTRUE; } if (arg instanceof RubyFixnum) { return ObjectFactory.createBoolean(this.value_ == ((RubyFixnum)arg).value_); } return RubyAPI.callOneArgMethod(arg, this, null, RubyID.equalID); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="<=") public RubyValue opLe(RubyValue v) { if (v instanceof RubyFixnum) { return ObjectFactory.createBoolean(this.value_ <= ((RubyFixnum)v).value_); } else if (v instanceof RubyFloat) { return ObjectFactory.createBoolean(this.value_ <= v.toFloat()); } return coerceRelop(RubyID.leID, v); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="<") public RubyValue opLt(RubyValue v) { if (v instanceof RubyFixnum) { return ObjectFactory.createBoolean(this.value_ < ((RubyFixnum)v).value_); } else if (v instanceof RubyFloat) { return ObjectFactory.createBoolean(this.value_ < v.toFloat()); } return coerceRelop(RubyID.ltID, v); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name=">=") public RubyValue opGe(RubyValue v) { if (v instanceof RubyFixnum) { return ObjectFactory.createBoolean(this.value_ >= ((RubyFixnum)v).value_); } else if (v instanceof RubyFloat) { return ObjectFactory.createBoolean(this.value_ >= v.toFloat()); } return coerceRelop(RubyID.geID, v); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name=">") public RubyValue opGt(RubyValue v) { if (v instanceof RubyFixnum) { return ObjectFactory.createBoolean(this.value_ > ((RubyFixnum)v).value_); } else if (v instanceof RubyFloat) { return ObjectFactory.createBoolean(this.value_ > v.toFloat()); } return coerceRelop(RubyID.gtID, v); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="<=>") public RubyValue opCmp(RubyValue v) { if (this == v) { return ObjectFactory.FIXNUM0; } if (v instanceof RubyFixnum) { long a = ((RubyFixnum)v).value_; if (this.value_ > a) { return ObjectFactory.FIXNUM1; } else if (this.value_ == a) { return ObjectFactory.FIXNUM0; } else { return ObjectFactory.FIXNUM_NEGATIVE_ONE; } } return coerceCmp(RubyID.unequalID, v); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="|") public RubyValue opOr(RubyValue v) { if (v instanceof RubyBignum) { return ((RubyBignum)v).op_bor(this); } return RubyBignum.bignorm(this.value_ | v.toLong()); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="&") public RubyValue opAnd(RubyValue v) { if (v instanceof RubyBignum) { return ((RubyBignum)v).op_band(this); } return RubyBignum.bignorm(this.value_ & v.toLong()); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="^") public RubyValue opXor(RubyValue v) { if (v instanceof RubyBignum) { return ((RubyBignum)v).op_bxor(this); } return RubyBignum.bignorm(this.value_ ^ v.toLong()); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="to_s") public RubyString to_s() { return ObjectFactory.createString(this.toString()); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="to_s") public RubyString to_s(RubyValue v) { int radix = v.toInt(); if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.ArgumentErrorClass, "illegal radix " + radix); } return ObjectFactory.createString(this.toString(radix)); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="quo") public RubyFloat quo(RubyValue v) { if (v instanceof RubyFixnum) { return ObjectFactory.createFloat(this.value_ / ((RubyFixnum)v).value_); } // FIXME: should be coerced. throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.TypeErrorClass, v.getRubyClass().getName() + " can't be coersed into Fixnum"); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="[]") public RubyFixnum aref(RubyValue idx) { if (idx instanceof RubyBignum) { idx = RubyBignum.bignorm(idx); if (!(idx instanceof RubyFixnum)) { if (this.value_ > 0 || ((RubyBignum)idx).getInternal().compareTo(HugeInt.ZERO) > 0) { return ObjectFactory.FIXNUM0; } else { return ObjectFactory.FIXNUM1; } } } int i = idx.toInt(); if (i < 0 || i > BIT_SIZE) { return ObjectFactory.FIXNUM0; } if ((this.value_ & (1l << i)) > 0) { return ObjectFactory.FIXNUM1; } return ObjectFactory.FIXNUM0; } protected RubyValue doStep(RubyValue toArg, RubyValue stepArg, RubyBlock block) { if ((toArg instanceof RubyFixnum) && (stepArg instanceof RubyFixnum)) { long i = this.value_; long end = ((RubyFixnum)toArg).value_; long diff = ((RubyFixnum)stepArg).value_; if (diff > 0) { while (i <= end) { RubyValue v = block.invoke(this, ObjectFactory.createFixnum(i)); if (block.breakedOrReturned()) { return v; } i += diff; } } else { while (i >= end) { RubyValue v = block.invoke(this, ObjectFactory.createFixnum(i)); if (block.breakedOrReturned()) { return v; } i += diff; } } return this; } return super.doStep(toArg, stepArg, block); } public RubyValue times(RubyBlock block) { long value = this.value_; for (int i = 0; i < value; ++i) { RubyValue v = block.invoke(this, ObjectFactory.createFixnum(i)); if (block.breakedOrReturned()) { return v; } } return this; } }