require_relative "../spec_helper" describe LogStash::Outputs::Slack do subject { } let(:config) { { } } let(:event) { } let(:data) { {} } # Actually do most of the boiler plate by stubbing out the request, running # the logstash pipeline, and asserting that a request was made with the # expected JSON. def test_one_event(event, expected_json, expected_url = "") stub_request(:post, ""). to_return(:body => "", :status => 200, :headers => { 'Content-Length' => 0 }) subject.receive(event) expect(a_request(:post, expected_url). with(:body => "payload=#{CGI.escape(JSON.dump(expected_json))}", :headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Accept'=> 'application/json', 'User-Agent' => 'logstash-output-slack' })). to have_been_made.once end before(:each) do subject.register WebMock.disable_net_connect! end after(:each) do WebMock.reset! WebMock.allow_net_connect! end context "passes the right payload to slack" do context "simple" do let(:data) { { "message" => "This message should show in slack" } } let(:config) { { "url" => "" } } it "uses all default values" do expected_json = { :text => "This message should show in slack" } test_one_event(event, expected_json) end end context "with multiple interpolations" do let(:data) { { "message" => "This message should show in slack", "x" => "3", "channelname" => "mychannel", "username" => "slackbot" } } let(:config) { { "url" => "", "format" => "%{message} %{x}", "channel" => "%{channelname}", "username" => "%{username}", "icon_emoji" => ":chart_with_upwards_trend:", "icon_url" => "", } } it "uses and formats all provided values" do expected_json = { :text => "This message should show in slack 3", :channel => "mychannel", :username => "slackbot", :icon_emoji => ":chart_with_upwards_trend:", :icon_url => "" } test_one_event(event, expected_json) end end context "if the message contains no interpolations" do let(:data) { { "message" => "This message should show in slack" } } let(:config) { { "url" => "", "format" => "Unformatted message", "channel" => "mychannel", "username" => "slackbot", "icon_emoji" => ":chart_with_upwards_trend:", "icon_url" => "" } } it "uses and formats all provided values" do expected_json = { :text => "Unformatted message", :channel => "mychannel", :username => "slackbot", :icon_emoji => ":chart_with_upwards_trend:", :icon_url => "" } test_one_event(event, expected_json) end end describe "default attachements" do let(:config) { { "url" => "", "attachments" => [{ "image_url" => "" }] } } context "when none are in the event" do let(:data) { { "message" => "This message should show in slack" } } it "uses the default" do expected_json = { :text => "This message should show in slack", :attachments => [{:image_url => ""}] } test_one_event(event, expected_json) end end context "when using multiple attachments" do let(:data) { { "message" => "This message should show in slack" } } let(:config) { { "url" => "", "attachments" => [ {"image_url" => ""}, {"image_url" => ""} ] } } it "sends them" do expected_json = { :text => "This message should show in slack", :attachments => [{:image_url => ""}, {:image_url => ""}] } test_one_event(event, expected_json) end end end context "empty default attachments" do let(:data) { { "message" => "This message should show in slack" }} let(:config) { { "url" => "", "attachments" => [] }} it "are ignored" do expected_json = { :text => "This message should show in slack" } test_one_event(event, expected_json) end end context "when both event attachments and default attachments are set" do let(:data) { { "message" => "This message should show in slack", "attachments" => [{"thumb_url" => ""}] } } let(:config) { { "url" => "", "attachments" => [ {"image_url" => ""}, {"image_url" => ""} ] } } it "event attachements prevail" do expected_json = { :text => "This message should show in slack", :attachments => [{:thumb_url => ""}] } test_one_event(event, expected_json) end end context "if event attachments empty" do let(:data) { { "message" => "This message should show in slack", "attachments" => [] } } let(:config) { { "url" => "", "attachments" => [ {"image_url" => ""}, {"image_url" => ""} ] } } it "erases default attachments" do expected_json = { :text => "This message should show in slack" } test_one_event(event, expected_json) end end context "when event attachements field isn't an array" do let(:data) { { "message" => "This message should show in slack", "attachments" => "baddata" } } let(:config) { { "url" => "", "attachments" => [ {"image_url" => ""} ] } } it "is ignored" do expected_json = { :text => "This message should show in slack", :attachments => [{:image_url => ""}] } test_one_event(event, expected_json) end end end describe "interpolation in url field" do let(:expected_url) { "" } let(:event) { event ="message" => "This message should show in slack") event.set("[@metadata][slack_url]", "#{expected_url}") event } let(:config) { { "url" => "%{[@metadata][slack_url]}", "attachments" => [ {"image_url" => ""} ] } } it "allows interpolation in url field" do expected_json = { :text => "This message should show in slack", :attachments => [{:image_url => ""}] } test_one_event(event, expected_json, expected_url) end end end