#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: UTF-8 # (c) Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # puts "test_library included" require 'rubygems' require 'yaml' #require_relative 'log.rb' #include Logging class ForjDefault # @sDefaultsName='defaults.yaml' # @yDefaults = defaults.yaml file data hash def initialize() # Load yaml documents (defaults) # If config doesn't exist, it will be created, empty with 'defaults:' only if not $LIB_PATH Logging.fatal(1, 'Internal $LIB_PATH was not set.') end Logging.info('Reading default configuration...') @sDefaultsName=File.join($LIB_PATH,'defaults.yaml') @yDefaults=YAML.load_file(@sDefaultsName) end def exist?(key, section = :default) key = key.to_sym if key.class == String (rhExist?(@yDefaults, section, key) == 2) end def get(key, section = :default) key = key.to_sym if key.class == String return(rhGet(@yDefaults, section, key)) if key rhGet(@yDefaults, section) if not key end def dump() @yDefaults end end class ForjConfig # Internal Object variables: # @sConfigName= 'config.yaml' # @yRuntime = data in memory. # @yLocal = config.yaml file data hash. # @yObjConfig = Extra loaded data # @oDefaults = Application defaults object attr_reader :sConfigName # Load yaml documents (defaults + config) # If config doesn't exist, it will be created, empty with 'defaults:' only def default_dump(interms = nil) # Build a config hash. res = {} @oDefaults.dump[:default].each_key { |key| dump_key = exist?(key) rhSet(res, get(key), dump_key, key) } if rhExist?(@yLocal, :default) == 1 @yLocal[:default].each_key { |key| dump_key = exist?(key) rhSet(res, get(key), dump_key, key) if rhExist?(res, dump_key, key) != 2 } end if interms if interms.instance_of? Hash @interms.each_key { | key| dump_key = exist?(key) rhSet(res, get(key), dump_key, key) if rhExist?(res, dump_key, key) != 2 } elsif interms.instance_of? Array # Array of hash of hash interms.each { | elem | elem.each_key { | key| dump_key = exist?(key) rhSet(res, get(key), dump_key, key) if rhExist?(res, dump_key, key) != 2 } } end end @yRuntime.each_key { |key| dump_key = exist?(key) rhSet(res, get(key), dump_key, key) if rhExist?(res, dump_key, key) != 2 } res end def initialize(sConfigName=nil) if not $FORJ_DATA_PATH Logging.fatal(1, 'Internal $FORJ_DATA_PATH was not set.') end sConfigDefaultName='config.yaml' if sConfigName if File.dirname(sConfigName) == '.' sConfigName = File.join($FORJ_DATA_PATH,sConfigName) end sConfigName = File.expand_path(sConfigName) if not File.exists?(sConfigName) Logging.warning("Config file '%s' doesn't exists. Using default one." % [sConfigName] ) @sConfigName = File.join($FORJ_DATA_PATH,sConfigDefaultName) else @sConfigName = sConfigName end else @sConfigName = File.join($FORJ_DATA_PATH,sConfigDefaultName) end @oDefaults = ForjDefault.new if File.exists?(@sConfigName) @yLocal = YAML.load_file(@sConfigName) if rhKeyToSymbol?(@yLocal, 2) @yLocal = rhKeyToSymbol(@yLocal, 2) self.SaveConfig() end else @yLocal = { :default => nil } # Write the empty file Logging.info('Creating your default configuration file ...') self.SaveConfig() end @yRuntime = {} @yObjConfig = {} end def SaveConfig() begin File.open(@sConfigName, 'w') do |out| YAML.dump(@yLocal, out) end rescue => e Logging.error("%s\n%s" % [e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")]) return false end Logging.info('Configuration file "%s" updated.' % @sConfigName) return true end def ExtraSave(sFile, section, name) hVal = rhGet(@yObjConfig, section, name) if hVal begin File.open(sFile, 'w') do |out| YAML.dump(hVal, out) end rescue => e Logging.error("%s\n%s" % [e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")]) return false end Logging.info('Configuration file "%s" updated.' % sFile) return true end end def ExtraLoad(sFile, section, name) if File.exists?(sFile) hVal = YAML.load_file(sFile) rhSet(@yObjConfig, hVal, section, name) hVal end end def ExtraExist?(section, name, key = nil) return nil if not section or not name key = key.to_sym if key.class == String return(rhExist?(@yObjConfig, section, name) == 2) if not key return(rhExist?(@yObjConfig, section, name, key) == 3) end def ExtraGet(section, name, key = nil, default = nil) return nil if not section or not name key = key.to_sym if key.class == String return default unless ExtraExist?(section, name, key) return rhGet(@yObjConfig, section, name, key) if key rhGet(@yObjConfig, section, name) end def ExtraSet(section, name, key, value) key = key.to_sym if key.class == String if key rhSet(@yObjConfig, value, section, name, key) else rhSet(@yObjConfig, value, section, name) end end def set(key, value) # Function to set a runtime key/value, but remove it if value is nil. # To set in config.yaml, use LocalSet # To set on extra data, like account information, use ExtraSet key = key.to_sym if key.class == String return false if key.class != Symbol if value rhSet(@yRuntime, value, key) else @yRuntime.delete(key) end true end def get(key, interms = nil, default = nil) key = key.to_sym if key.class == String return nil if key.class != Symbol # If key is in runtime return rhGet(@yRuntime, key) if rhExist?(@yRuntime, key) == 1 # Check data in intermediate hashes or array of hash. (like account data - key have to be identical) if interms if interms.instance_of? Hash return rhGet(interms, key) if rhExist?(interms, key) == 1 elsif interms.instance_of? Array # Array of hashes iCount=0 oVal = nil interms.each { | elem | if elem.class == Hash elem.each { | hashkey, value | if value.class == Hash and rhExist?(elem, hashkey, key) == 2 # hash of hash oVal = rhGet(elem, hashkey, key) break elsif value.class != Hash and rhExist?(elem, hashkey) == 1 # single hash: key = value. oVal = rhGet(elem, hashkey) break end } break if oVal end iCount += 1 } return oVal end end # else key in local default config of default section. return LocalGet(key) if LocalDefaultExist?(key) # else key in application defaults return @oDefaults.get(key) if @oDefaults.exist?(key) # else default default end def getAppDefault(section, key = nil) key = key.to_sym if key.class == String @oDefaults.get(key, section) end def exist?(key, interms = nil) key = key.to_sym if key.class == String # Check data in intermediate hashes or array of hash. (like account data - key have to be identical) return "runtime" if rhExist?(@yRuntime, key) == 1 if interms if interms.instance_of? Hash return 'hash' if rhExist?(interms, key) == 1 elsif interms.instance_of? Array # Array of hash iCount = 0 interms.each { | elem | if elem.class == Hash elem.each { | hashkey, value | return ("%s" % hashkey) if value.class == Hash and rhExist?(elem, hashkey, key) == 2 return ("hash[%s]" % iCount) if value.class != Hash and rhExist?(elem, hashkey) == 1 } end iCount += 1 } end end return 'local' if LocalDefaultExist?(key) # else key in application defaults return 'default' if @oDefaults.exist?(key) false end def LocalDefaultExist?(key) LocalExist?(key) end def LocalExist?(key, section = :default) key = key.to_sym if key.class == String return true if rhExist?(@yLocal, section, key) == 2 false end def LocalSet(key, value, section = :default) key = key.to_sym if key.class == String if not key or not value return false end if @yLocal[section] == nil @yLocal[section]={} end if @yLocal.has_key?(section) @yLocal[section].merge!({key => value}) else @yLocal.merge!(section => {key => value}) end return true end def LocalGet(key, section = :default, default = nil) key = key.to_sym if key.class == String return default if rhExist?(@yLocal, section, key) != 2 rhGet(@yLocal, section, key) end def LocalDel(key, section = :default) key = key.to_sym if key.class == String if not key return false end if not @yLocal.has_key?(section) return false end @yLocal[section].delete(key) return true end # Function to return in fatal error if a config data is nil. Help to control function requirement. def fatal_if_inexistent(key) Logging.fatal(1, "Internal error - %s: '%s' is missing" % [caller(), key]) if not self.get(key) end end def rhExist?(yVal, *p) if p.length() == 0 return 0 end return 0 if yVal.class != Hash p=p.flatten if p.length() == 1 return 1 if yVal[p[0]] return 0 end return 0 if not yVal or not yVal[p[0]] ret = rhExist?(yVal[p[0]], p.drop(1)) if yVal[p[0]] return 1 + ret end def rhGet(yVal, *p) if p.length() == 0 or not yVal return nil end p=p.flatten if p.length() == 1 return yVal[p[0]] if yVal[p[0]] return nil end return nil if not yVal return rhGet(yVal[p[0]], p.drop(1)) if yVal[p[0]] nil end def rhSet(yVal, value, *p) if p.length() == 0 return yVal end p=p.flatten if p.length() == 1 if yVal if value yVal[p[0]] = value else yVal.delete(p[0]) end return yVal end if value ret = { p[0] => value } else ret = {} end return ret end if yVal yVal[p[0]] = {} if not yVal[p[0]] or yVal[p[0]].class != Hash ret=rhSet(yVal[p[0]], value, p.drop(1)) return yVal else ret = rhSet(nil, value, p.drop(1)) return { p[0] => ret } end end def rhKeyToSymbol(yVal, levels = 1) return nil if not yVal yRes = {} yVal.each { | key, value | if key.class == String if levels <= 1 yRes[key.to_sym] = value else yRes[key.to_sym] = rhKeyToSymbol(value, levels - 1) end else if levels <= 1 yRes[key] = value else yRes[key] = rhKeyToSymbol(value, levels - 1) end end } yRes end def rhKeyToSymbol?(yVal, levels = 1) return false if not yVal yVal.each { | key, value | if key.class == String return true end if levels >1 res = rhKeyToSymbol?(value, levels - 1) return true if res end } false end