module Dpl module Providers class Pypi < Provider status :beta full_name 'PyPI' description sq(<<-str) tbd str env :pypi VERSION = /\A\d+(?:\.\d+)*\z/ env :pypi opt '--username NAME', 'PyPI Username', required: true, alias: :user opt '--password PASS', 'PyPI Password', required: true, secret: true opt '--server SERVER', 'Release to a different index', default: '' opt '--distributions DISTS', 'Space-separated list of distributions to be uploaded to PyPI', default: 'sdist' opt '--docs_dir DIR', 'Path to the directory to upload documentation from', default: 'build/docs' opt '--skip_existing', 'Do not overwrite an existing file with the same name on the server.' opt '--upload_docs', 'Upload documentation', default: false, type: :boolean, note: 'most PyPI servers, including, do not support uploading documentation' opt '--twine_check', 'Whether to run twine check', default: true opt '--remove_build_dir', 'Remove the build dir after the upload', default: true opt '--setuptools_version VER', format: VERSION opt '--twine_version VER', format: VERSION opt '--wheel_version VER', format: VERSION msgs login: 'Authenticated as %{username}', upload_docs: 'Uploading documentation (skip using "skip_upload_docs: true")' cmds setup_py: 'python %{distributions}', twine_check: 'twine check dist/*', twine_upload: 'twine upload %{skip_existing_option} -r pypi dist/*', rm_dist: 'rm -rf dist/*', upload_docs: 'python upload_docs %{docs_dir_option} -r %{server}' errs install: 'Failed to install pip, setuptools, twine or wheel.', setup_py: ' failed', twine_check: 'Twine check failed', twine_upload: 'Twine upload failed.', upload_docs: 'Uploading docs failed.' def install script :install end def login write_config info :login end def setup shell :setup_py end def validate shell :twine_check if twine_check? end def deploy shell :twine_upload upload_docs if upload_docs? shell :rm_dist if remove_build_dir? end private PYPIRC = sq(<<-rc) [distutils] index-servers = pypi pypi [pypi] repository: %{server} username: %{username} password: %{password} rc def write_config write_file('~/.pypirc', pypirc) end def pypirc interpolate(PYPIRC, opts, secure: true) end def upload_docs info :upload_docs shell :upload_docs end def skip_existing_option '--skip-existing' if skip_existing? end def docs_dir_option '--upload-dir ' + docs_dir if docs_dir end def setuptools_arg version_arg(:setuptools) end def twine_arg version_arg(:twine) end def wheel_arg version_arg(:wheel) end def version_arg(name) arg = name.to_s arg << "==#{send(:"#{name}_version")}" if send(:"#{name}_version") =~ VERSION arg end end end end