h1. WysiHat Engine A Rails engine to help integrate the "37signals WysiHat rich text editor":http://github.com/josh/wysihat/ to your application. h2. Using the WysiHat Engine We've written an "Installation Guide":http://wiki.github.com/80beans/wysihat-engine/installation and some "Examples":http://wiki.github.com/80beans/wysihat-engine/examples to get you started. Any questions? Don't hesitate to "ask":http://github.com/inbox/new/jeffkreeftmeijer. h2. Demo There's a "demo rails app":http://github.com/80beans/wysihat-engine-demo so you can have a quick look around. h2. Contributing Found an issue? Have a great idea? Want to help? Great! Please take a second to read the "Contributing Guide":http://wiki.github.com/80beans/wysihat-engine/contributing. h2. License Copyright (c) 2009 80beans, released under the MIT license