* jReject (jQuery Browser Rejection Plugin)
* Version 1.1.x
* URL: http://jreject.turnwheel.com/
* Description: jReject is a easy method of rejecting specific browsers on your site
* Author: Steven Bower (TurnWheel Designs) http://turnwheel.com/
* Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009-2014 Steven Bower under dual MIT/GPLv2 license.
(function($) {
$.reject = function(options) {
var opts = $.extend(true, {
// Specifies which browsers/versions will be blocked
reject : {
all: false, // Covers Everything (Nothing blocked)
msie: 6 // Covers MSIE <= 6 (Blocked by default)
* Many possible combinations.
* You can specify browser (msie, chrome, firefox)
* You can specify rendering engine (geko, trident)
* You can specify OS (Win, Mac, Linux, Solaris, iPhone, iPad)
* You can specify versions of each.
* Examples: msie9: true, firefox8: true,
* You can specify the highest number to reject.
* Example: msie: 9 (9 and lower are rejected.
* There is also "unknown" that covers what isn't detected
* Example: unknown: true
display: [], // What browsers to display and their order (default set below)
browserShow: true, // Should the browser options be shown?
browserInfo: { // Settings for which browsers to display
chrome: {
// Text below the icon
text: 'Google Chrome',
// URL For icon/text link
url: 'http://www.google.com/chrome/',
// Custom browser icon url
iconUrl: null
// (Optional) Use "allow" to customized when to show this option
// Example: to show chrome only for IE users
// allow: { all: false, msie: true },
firefox: {
text: 'Mozilla Firefox',
url: 'http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/',
iconUrl: null
safari: {
text: 'Safari',
url: 'http://www.apple.com/safari/download/',
iconUrl: null
opera: {
text: 'Opera',
url: 'http://www.opera.com/download/',
iconUrl: null
msie: {
text: 'Internet Explorer',
url: 'http://www.microsoft.com/windows/Internet-explorer/',
iconUrl: null
// Custom background image url
backgroundImageUrl: null,
// Pop-up Window Text
header: 'Did you know that your Internet Browser is out of date?',
paragraph1: 'Your browser is out of date, and may not be compatible with '+
'our website. A list of the most popular web browsers can be '+
'found below.',
paragraph2: 'Just click on the icons to get to the download page',
// Allow closing of window
close: true,
// Message displayed below closing link
closeMessage: 'By closing this window you acknowledge that your experience '+
'on this website may be degraded',
closeLink: 'Close This Window',
closeURL: '#',
// Allows closing of window with esc key
closeESC: true,
// Use cookies to remmember if window was closed previously?
closeCookie: false,
// Cookie settings are only used if closeCookie is true
cookieSettings: {
// Path for the cookie to be saved on
// Should be root domain in most cases
path: '/',
// Expiration Date (in seconds)
// 0 (default) means it ends with the current session
expires: 0
// Path where default images are located
imagePath: './images/',
// Background color for overlay
overlayBgColor: '#000',
// Background transparency (0-1)
overlayOpacity: 0.8,
// Fade in time on open ('slow','medium','fast' or integer in ms)
fadeInTime: 'fast',
// Fade out time on close ('slow','medium','fast' or integer in ms)
fadeOutTime: 'fast',
// Google Analytics Link Tracking (Optional)
// Set to true to enable
// Note: Analytics tracking code must be added separately
analytics: false
}, options);
// Set default browsers to display if not already defined
if (opts.display.length < 1) {
opts.display = [ 'chrome','firefox','safari','opera','msie' ];
// beforeRject: Customized Function
if ($.isFunction(opts.beforeReject)) {
// Disable 'closeESC' if closing is disabled (mutually exclusive)
if (!opts.close) {
opts.closeESC = false;
// This function parses the advanced browser options
var browserCheck = function(settings) {
// Check 1: Look for 'all' forced setting
// Check 2: Browser+major version (optional) (eg. 'firefox','msie','{msie: 6}')
// Check 3: Browser+major version (eg. 'firefox3','msie7','chrome4')
// Check 4: Rendering engine+version (eg. 'webkit', 'gecko', '{webkit: 537.36}')
// Check 5: Operating System (eg. 'win','mac','linux','solaris','iphone')
var layout = settings[$.layout.name],
browser = settings[$.browser.name];
return !!(settings['all']
|| (browser && (browser === true || $.browser.versionNumber <= browser))
|| settings[$.browser.className]
|| (layout && (layout === true || $.layout.versionNumber <= layout))
|| settings[$.os.name]);
// Determine if we need to display rejection for this browser, or exit
if (!browserCheck(opts.reject)) {
// onFail: Optional Callback
if ($.isFunction(opts.onFail)) {
return false;
// If user can close and set to remmember close, initiate cookie functions
if (opts.close && opts.closeCookie) {
// Local global setting for the name of the cookie used
var COOKIE_NAME = 'jreject-close';
// Cookies Function: Handles creating/retrieving/deleting cookies
// Cookies are only used for opts.closeCookie parameter functionality
var _cookie = function(name, value) {
// Save cookie
if (typeof value != 'undefined') {
var expires = '';
// Check if we need to set an expiration date
if (opts.cookieSettings.expires !== 0) {
var date = new Date();
expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
// Get path from settings
var path = opts.cookieSettings.path || '/';
// Set Cookie with parameters
document.cookie = name+'='+
encodeURIComponent((!value) ? '' : value)+expires+
'; path='+path;
return true;
// Get cookie
else {
var cookie,val = null;
if (document.cookie && document.cookie !== '') {
var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
// Loop through all cookie values
var clen = cookies.length;
for (var i = 0; i < clen; ++i) {
cookie = $.trim(cookies[i]);
// Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
if (cookie.substring(0,name.length+1) == (name+'=')) {
var len = name.length;
val = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(len+1));
// Returns cookie value
return val;
// If cookie is set, return false and don't display rejection
if (_cookie(COOKIE_NAME)) {
return false;
// Load background overlay (jr_overlay) + Main wrapper (jr_wrap) +
// Inner Wrapper (jr_inner) w/ opts.header (jr_header) +
// opts.paragraph1/opts.paragraph2 if set
var html = '
(opts.paragraph1 === '' ? '' : '
(opts.paragraph2 === '' ? '' : '
var displayNum = 0;
if (opts.browserShow) {
html += '
// Generate the browsers to display
for (var x in opts.display) {
var browser = opts.display[x]; // Current Browser
var info = opts.browserInfo[browser] || false; // Browser Information
// If no info exists for this browser
// or if this browser is not suppose to display to this user
// based on "allow" flag
if (!info || (info['allow'] != undefined && !browserCheck(info['allow']))) {
var url = info.url || '#'; // URL to link text/icon to
// Generate HTML for this browser option
html += '- '+
html += '
// Close list and #jr_list
html += '
// Display close links/message if set
(opts.close ? '
' : '')+'
// Close #jr_inner and #jr_wrap
var element = $(''+html+'
'); // Create element
var size = _pageSize(); // Get page size
var scroll = _scrollSize(); // Get page scroll
// This function handles closing this reject window
// When clicked, fadeOut and remove all elements
element.bind('closejr', function() {
// Make sure the permission to close is granted
if (!opts.close) {
return false;
// Customized Function
if ($.isFunction(opts.beforeClose)) {
// Remove binding function so it
// doesn't get called more than once
// Fade out background and modal wrapper
$('#jr_overlay,#jr_wrap').fadeOut(opts.fadeOutTime,function() {
$(this).remove(); // Remove element from DOM
// afterClose: Customized Function
if ($.isFunction(opts.afterClose)) {
// Show elements that were hidden for layering issues
var elmhide = 'embed.jr_hidden, object.jr_hidden, select.jr_hidden, applet.jr_hidden';
// Set close cookie for next run
if (opts.closeCookie) {
_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, 'true');
return true;
// Tracks clicks in Google Analytics (category 'External Links')
// only if opts.analytics is enabled
var analytics = function(url) {
if (!opts.analytics) {
return false;
// Get just the hostname
var host = url.split(/\/+/g)[1];
// Send external link event to Google Analaytics
// Attempts both versions of analytics code. (Newest first)
try {
// Newest analytics code
ga('send', 'event', 'External', 'Click', host, url);
} catch (e) {
try {
_gaq.push([ '_trackEvent', 'External Links', host, url ]);
} catch (e) { }
// Called onClick for browser links (and icons)
// Opens link in new window
var openBrowserLinks = function(url) {
// Send link to analytics if enabled
// Open window, generate random id value
window.open(url, 'jr_'+ Math.round(Math.random()*11));
return false;
* Trverse through element DOM and apply JS variables
* All CSS elements that do not require JS will be in
* css/jquery.jreject.css
// Creates 'background' (div)
width: size[0],
height: size[1],
background: opts.overlayBgColor,
opacity: opts.overlayOpacity
// Wrapper for our pop-up (div)
top: scroll[1]+(size[3]/4),
left: scroll[0]
// Wrapper for inner centered content (div)
minWidth: displayNum*100,
maxWidth: displayNum*140,
// min/maxWidth not supported by IE
width: $.layout.name == 'trident' ? displayNum*155 : 'auto'
element.find('#jr_inner li').css({ // Browser list items (li)
background: 'transparent url("'+(opts.backgroundImageUrl ? opts.backgroundImageUrl : opts.imagePath+'background_browser.gif') +'") '+'no-repeat scroll left top'
element.find('#jr_inner li .jr_icon').each(function() {
// Dynamically sets the icon background image
var self = $(this);
var browser = self.parent('li').attr('id').replace(/jr_/,'');
var browserImage = opts.browserInfo[browser].iconUrl ? opts.browserInfo[browser].iconUrl : opts.imagePath+'browser_'+browser+'.gif';
self.css('background','transparent url('+browserImage+')'+' no-repeat scroll left top');
// Send link clicks to openBrowserLinks
self.click(function () {
var url = $(this).next('div').children('a').attr('href');
element.find('#jr_inner li a').click(function() {
return false;
// Bind closing event to trigger closejr
// to be consistant with ESC key close function
element.find('#jr_close a').click(function() {
// If plain anchor is set, return false so there is no page jump
if (opts.closeURL === '#') {
return false;
// Set focus (fixes ESC key issues with forms and other focus bugs)
// Hide elements that won't display properly
$('embed, object, select, applet').each(function() {
if ($(this).is(':visible')) {
// Append element to body of document to display
// Handle window resize/scroll events and update overlay dimensions
$(window).bind('resize scroll',function() {
var size = _pageSize(); // Get size
// Update overlay dimensions based on page size
width: size[0],
height: size[1]
var scroll = _scrollSize(); // Get page scroll
// Update modal position based on scroll
top: scroll[1] + (size[3]/4),
left: scroll[0]
// Add optional ESC Key functionality
if (opts.closeESC) {
$(document).bind('keydown',function(event) {
// ESC = Keycode 27
if (event.keyCode == 27) {
// afterReject: Customized Function
if ($.isFunction(opts.afterReject)) {
return true;
// Based on compatibility data from quirksmode.com
// This is used to help calculate exact center of the page
var _pageSize = function() {
var xScroll = window.innerWidth && window.scrollMaxX ?
window.innerWidth + window.scrollMaxX :
(document.body.scrollWidth > document.body.offsetWidth ?
document.body.scrollWidth : document.body.offsetWidth);
var yScroll = window.innerHeight && window.scrollMaxY ?
window.innerHeight + window.scrollMaxY :
(document.body.scrollHeight > document.body.offsetHeight ?
document.body.scrollHeight : document.body.offsetHeight);
var windowWidth = window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth :
(document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth ?
document.documentElement.clientWidth : document.body.clientWidth);
var windowHeight = window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight :
(document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight ?
document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body.clientHeight);
return [
xScroll < windowWidth ? xScroll : windowWidth, // Page Width
yScroll < windowHeight ? windowHeight : yScroll, // Page Height
// Based on compatibility data from quirksmode.com
var _scrollSize = function() {
return [
// scrollSize X
window.pageXOffset ? window.pageXOffset : (document.documentElement &&
document.documentElement.scrollTop ?
document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft),
// scrollSize Y
window.pageYOffset ? window.pageYOffset : (document.documentElement &&
document.documentElement.scrollTop ?
document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop)
* jQuery Browser Plugin
* Version 2.4 / jReject 1.0.x
* URL: http://jquery.thewikies.com/browser
* Description: jQuery Browser Plugin extends browser detection capabilities and
* can assign browser selectors to CSS classes.
* Author: Nate Cavanaugh, Minhchau Dang, Jonathan Neal, & Gregory Waxman
* Updated By: Steven Bower for use with jReject plugin
* Copyright: Copyright (c) 2008 Jonathan Neal under dual MIT/GPL license.
(function ($) {
$.browserTest = function (a, z) {
var u = 'unknown',
x = 'X',
m = function (r, h) {
for (var i = 0; i < h.length; i = i + 1) {
r = r.replace(h[i][0], h[i][1]);
return r;
}, c = function (i, a, b, c) {
var r = {
name: m((a.exec(i) || [u, u])[1], b)
r[r.name] = true;
if (!r.opera) {
r.version = (c.exec(i) || [x, x, x, x])[3];
else {
r.version = window.opera.version();
if (/safari/.test(r.name)) {
var safariversion = /(safari)(\/|\s)([a-z0-9\.\+]*?)(\;|dev|rel|\s|$)/;
var res = safariversion.exec(i);
if (res && res[3] && res[3] < 400) {
r.version = '2.0';
else if (r.name === 'presto') {
r.version = ($.browser.version > 9.27) ? 'futhark' : 'linear_b';
if (/msie/.test(r.name) && r.version === x) {
var ieVersion = /rv:(\d+\.\d+)/.exec(i);
r.version = ieVersion[1];
r.versionNumber = parseFloat(r.version, 10) || 0;
var minorStart = 1;
if (r.versionNumber < 100 && r.versionNumber > 9) {
minorStart = 2;
r.versionX = (r.version !== x) ? r.version.substr(0, minorStart) : x;
r.className = r.name + r.versionX;
return r;
a = (/Opera|Navigator|Minefield|KHTML|Chrome|CriOS/.test(a) ? m(a, [
[/(Firefox|MSIE|KHTML,\slike\sGecko|Konqueror)/, ''],
['Chrome Safari', 'Chrome'],
['CriOS', 'Chrome'],
['KHTML', 'Konqueror'],
['Minefield', 'Firefox'],
['Navigator', 'Netscape']
]) : a).toLowerCase();
$.browser = $.extend((!z) ? $.browser : {}, c(a,
['trident', 'msie']
$.layout = c(a, /(gecko|konqueror|msie|trident|opera|webkit)/, [
['konqueror', 'khtml'],
['msie', 'trident'],
['opera', 'presto']
], /(applewebkit|rv|konqueror|msie)(\:|\/|\s)([a-z0-9\.]*?)(\;|\)|\s)/);
$.os = {
name: (/(win|mac|linux|sunos|solaris|iphone|ipad)/.
exec(navigator.platform.toLowerCase()) || [u])[0].replace('sunos', 'solaris')
if (!z) {
$('html').addClass([$.os.name, $.browser.name, $.browser.className,
$.layout.name, $.layout.className].join(' '));