class Object # # Return a hash of local variables in the caller's scope: {:variable_name=>value} # def locals require 'binding_of_caller' caller = binding.of_caller(1) vars = caller.eval("local_variables").reject{|e| e[/^_/]} vals = caller.eval("[ #{vars.join(",")} ]") Hash[ ] end # # Gives you a copy of the object with its attributes changed to whatever was # passed in the options hash. # # Example: # >> cookie =>10, :chips=>200) # => #<Cookie:0xffffffe @size=10, @chips=200> # >> cookie.with(:chips=>50) # => #<Cookie:0xfffffff @size=10, @chips=50> # # (All this method does is dup the object, then call "key=(value)" for each # key/value in the options hash.) # # == BONUS FEATURE! == # # If you supply a block, it just gives you the object, and # returns whatever your block returns. # # Example: # >> {a: 10, b: 2}.with { |hash| hash[:a] / hash[:b] } # => 5 # # Good for chaining lots of operations together in a REPL. # def with(options={}) if block_given? yield self else obj = dup options.each { |key, value| obj.send "#{key}=", value } obj end end # # Creates attr_accessors and an initialize method # that accepts the attrs as arguments. # (It's kinda like an inline version of*args)) # def self.attrs(*names) attr_accessor *names define_method :initialize do |*vals| do |name, val| instance_variable_set("@#{name}", val) end end end # # Return a copy of the class with modules mixed into it. # def self.using(*args) if block_given? yield using(*args) else copy = self.dup args.each { |arg| copy.send(:include, arg) } copy end end # # Serialize this object to a binary String, using Marshal.dump. # def marshal Marshal.dump self end alias_method :to_marshal, :marshal # # Serialize this object to YAML. # def to_yaml YAML::dump(self) end # # Serialize this object to JSON (defaults to "pretty" indented JSON). # def to_json(pretty=true) pretty ? JSON::pretty_generate(self) : JSON.dump(self) end # # Emit a quick debug message (only if $DEBUG is true) # def dmsg(msg) if $DEBUG case msg when String puts msg else puts msg.inspect end end end # # Time a block. # def time(message=nil) start = result = yield elapsed = - start print "[#{message}] " if message puts "elapsed time: %0.5fs" % elapsed result end # # Quick and easy benchmark. # # Examples: # bench { something } # bench(90000000) { something } # bench :fast => proc { fast_method }, :slow => proc { slow_method } # # In Ruby 1.9: # bench fast: ->{ fast_method }, slow: ->{ slow_method } # def bench(*args, &block) # Shitty perl-esque hack to let the method take all the different kind of arguments. opts = Hash === args.last ? args.pop : {} n = args.first || 100 if opts.any? raise "Error: Supply either a do/end block, or procs as options. Not both." if block_given? raise "Error: Options must be procs." unless opts.all? { |k, v| v.is_a?(Proc) } benchblock = proc do |bm| opts.each do |name, blk| { n.times &blk } end end elsif block_given? benchblock = proc do |bm| { n.times &block } end else raise "Error: Must supply some code to benchmark." end puts "* Benchmarking #{n} iterations..." Benchmark.bmbm(&benchblock) end def present? true end # # Negates a boolean, chained-method style. # # Example: # >> 10.even? # => true # >> 10.not.even? # => false # def not end end class NotWrapper < BasicObject # :nodoc: def initialize(orig) @orig = orig end def inspect "{NOT #{@orig.inspect}}" end def is_a?(other) other === self end def method_missing(meth, *args, &block) result = @orig.send(meth, *args, &block) if result.is_a? ::TrueClass or result.is_a? ::FalseClass !result else raise "Sorry, I don't know how to invert #{result.inspect}" end end end class Module # # Cache (memoize) the result of an instance method the first time # it's called, storing this value in the "@__memoized_#{methodname}_cache" # instance variable, and always return this value on subsequent calls # (unless the returned value is nil). # def memoize(*methods) # alias_method is faster than define_method + old.bind(self).call methods.each do |meth| alias_method "__memoized__#{meth}", meth module_eval <<-EOF def #{meth}(*a, &b) # assumes the block won't change the result if the args are the same (@__memoized_#{meth}_cache ||= {})[a] ||= __memoized__#{meth}(*a, &b) end EOF end end end