require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' require 'yaml' require 'mspec/commands/mspec' describe MSpecMain, "#options" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option MSpecOptions.stub!(:new).and_return(@options) @script = @script.stub!(:config).and_return(@config) @script.stub!(:load) end it "enables the configure option" do @options.should_receive(:configure) @script.options end it "provides a custom action (block) to the config option" do @script.options ["-B", "config"] @config[:options].should include("-B", "config") end it "loads the file specified by the config option" do @script.should_receive(:load).with("config") @script.options ["-B", "config"] end it "enables the target options" do @options.should_receive(:targets) @script.options end it "sets config[:options] to all argv entries that are not registered options" do @options.on "-X", "--exclude", "ARG", "description" @script.options [".", "-G", "fail", "-X", "ARG", "--list", "unstable", "some/file.rb"] @config[:options].should == [".", "-G", "fail", "--list", "unstable", "some/file.rb"] end end describe MSpecMain, "#parallel" do before :all do @verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil end after :all do $VERBOSE = @verbose end before :each do @script = @ruby_platform = Object.const_get :RUBY_PLATFORM end after :each do Object.const_set :RUBY_PLATFORM, @ruby_platform end it "returns false if JRUBY_VERSION is defined" do Object.should_receive(:const_defined?).with(:JRUBY_VERSION).and_return(true) @script.parallel.should == false end it "returns false if RUBY_PLATFORM matches mswin" do Object.const_set :RUBY_PLATFORM, "i386-mswin32" @script.parallel.should == false end it "returns false if RUBY_PLATFORM matches mingw" do Object.const_set :RUBY_PLATFORM, "i386-mingw32" @script.parallel.should == false end it "returns true unless JRUBY_VERSION is set or RUBY_PLATFORM matches mswin or mingw" do Object.should_receive(:const_defined?).with(:JRUBY_VERSION).and_return(false) Object.const_set :RUBY_PLATFORM, "i686-linux" @script.parallel.should == true end end describe MSpecMain, "#fork" do before :each do @script = ScratchPad.clear end it "calls Kernel.fork if #parallel returns true" do @script.should_receive(:parallel).and_return(true) Kernel.should_receive(:fork) @script.fork end it "calls the block if #parallel returns false" do @script.should_receive(:parallel).and_return(false) Kernel.should_not_receive(:fork) @script.fork { ScratchPad.record :called } ScratchPad.recorded.should == :called end end describe MSpecMain, "#report" do before :each do @stdout, $stdout = $stdout, @timer = mock("timer", :null_object => true) @timer.stub!(:format).and_return("Finished in 42 seconds") @file = mock("file", :null_object => true) File.stub!(:delete) YAML.stub!(:load) @hash = { "files"=>1, "examples"=>1, "expectations"=>2, "failures"=>0, "errors"=>0 } File.stub!(:open).and_yield(@file).and_return(@hash) @script = end after :each do $stdout = @stdout end it "calls YAML.load for each element in the passed array" do YAML.should_receive(:load).with(@file).twice["a", "b"], @timer) end it "calls File.delete for each element in the passed array" do File.should_receive(:delete).with("a") File.should_receive(:delete).with("b")["a", "b"], @timer) end it "outputs a summary without errors" do["a", "b"], @timer) $stdout.should == %[ Finished in 42 seconds 2 files, 2 examples, 4 expectations, 0 failures, 0 errors ] end it "outputs a summary with errors" do @hash["exceptions"] = [ "Some#method works real good FAILED\nExpected real good\n to equal fail\n\nfoo.rb:1\nfoo.rb:2", "Some#method never fails ERROR\nExpected 5\n to equal 3\n\nfoo.rb:1\nfoo.rb:2" ]["a"], @timer) $stdout.should == %[ 1) Some#method works real good FAILED Expected real good to equal fail foo.rb:1 foo.rb:2 2) Some#method never fails ERROR Expected 5 to equal 3 foo.rb:1 foo.rb:2 Finished in 42 seconds 1 file, 1 example, 2 expectations, 0 failures, 0 errors ] end end describe MSpecMain, "#multi_exec" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option MSpecOptions.stub!(:new).and_return(@options) @config[:target] = "target" @config[:ci_files] = ["a", "b"] @script = @script.stub!(:config).and_return(@config) @script.stub!(:fork) @script.stub!(:report) Process.stub!(:waitall) end it "calls #fork for each entry in config[:ci_files]" do @script.should_receive(:fork).twice @script.multi_exec [] end it "calls Process.waitall" do Process.should_receive(:waitall) @script.multi_exec [] end it "calls #report" do @script.should_receive(:report) @script.multi_exec [] end end describe MSpecMain, "#run" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option MSpecOptions.stub!(:new).and_return(@options) @script = @script.stub!(:config).and_return(@config) @script.stub!(:exec) end it "sets MSPEC_RUNNER = '1' in the environment" do ENV["MSPEC_RUNNER"] = "0" ENV["MSPEC_RUNNER"].should == "1" end it "sets RUBY_EXE = config[:target] in the environment" do ENV["RUBY_EXE"] = nil ENV["RUBY_EXE"].should == @config[:target] end it "sets RUBY_FLAGS = config[:flags] in the environment" do ENV["RUBY_FLAGS"] = nil @config[:flags] = ["-w", "-Q"] ENV["RUBY_FLAGS"].should == "-w -Q" end it "uses exec to invoke the runner script" do @script.should_receive(:exec).with("ruby", "-v", %r"mspec/bin/mspec-run$") @script.options [] end it "calls #multi_exec if the command is 'ci' and the multi option is passed" do @script.should_receive(:multi_exec).and_return do |arg| arg.length.should == 3 arg[0].should == "-v" arg[1].should =~ %r"mspec/bin/mspec-ci$" arg[2].should == "-fy" end @script.options ["ci", "-j"] end end describe "The -D, --gdb option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option MSpecOptions.stub!(:new).and_return(@options) @script = @script.stub!(:config).and_return(@config) end it "is enabled by #options" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-D", "--gdb", an_instance_of(String)) @script.options end it "sets flags to --gdb" do ["-D", "--gdb"].each do |opt| @config[:flags] = [] @script.options [opt] @config[:flags].should include("--gdb") end end end describe "The -A, --valgrind option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option MSpecOptions.stub!(:new).and_return(@options) @script = @script.stub!(:config).and_return(@config) end it "is enabled by #options" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-A", "--valgrind", an_instance_of(String)) @script.options end it "sets flags to --valgrind" do ["-A", "--valgrind"].each do |opt| @config[:flags] = [] @script.options [opt] @config[:flags].should include("--valgrind") end end end describe "The --warnings option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option MSpecOptions.stub!(:new).and_return(@options) @script = @script.stub!(:config).and_return(@config) end it "is enabled by #options" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("--warnings", an_instance_of(String)) @script.options end it "sets flags to -w" do @config[:flags] = [] @script.options ["--warnings"] @config[:flags].should include("-w") end it "set OUTPUT_WARNINGS = '1' in the environment" do ENV['OUTPUT_WARNINGS'] = '0' @script.options ["--warnings"] ENV['OUTPUT_WARNINGS'].should == '1' end end describe "The -j, --multi option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option MSpecOptions.stub!(:new).and_return(@options) @script = @script.stub!(:config).and_return(@config) end it "is enabled by #options" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-j", "--multi", an_instance_of(String)) @script.options end it "sets the multiple process option" do ["-j", "--multi"].each do |opt| @config[:multi] = nil @script.options [opt] @config[:multi].should == true end end it "sets the formatter to YamlFormatter" do ["-j", "--multi"].each do |opt| @config[:options] = [] @script.options [opt] @config[:options].should include("-fy") end end end describe "The -h, --help option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option MSpecOptions.stub!(:new).and_return(@options) @script = @script.stub!(:config).and_return(@config) end it "is enabled by #options" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-h", "--help", an_instance_of(String)) @script.options end it "passes the option to the subscript" do ["-h", "--help"].each do |opt| @config[:options] = [] @script.options ["ci", opt] @config[:options].sort.should == ["-h"] end end it "prints help and exits" do @script.should_receive(:puts).twice @script.should_receive(:exit).twice ["-h", "--help"].each do |opt| @script.options [opt] end end end describe "The -v, --version option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option MSpecOptions.stub!(:new).and_return(@options) @script = @script.stub!(:config).and_return(@config) end it "is enabled by #options" do @options.stub!(:on) @options.should_receive(:on).with("-v", "--version", an_instance_of(String)) @script.options end it "passes the option to the subscripts" do ["-v", "--version"].each do |opt| @config[:options] = [] @script.options ["ci", opt] @config[:options].sort.should == ["-v"] end end it "prints the version and exits if no subscript is invoked" do @config[:command] = nil File.stub!(:basename).and_return("mspec") @script.should_receive(:puts).twice.with("mspec #{MSpec::VERSION}") @script.should_receive(:exit).twice ["-v", "--version"].each do |opt| @script.options [opt] end end end