/* * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ void function() { /** * Asserts that the displayed dialog is in the center of the screen. * * @param {HTMLDialogElement?} opt_dialog to check, or test default */ function checkDialogCenter(opt_dialog) { var d = opt_dialog || dialog; var expectedTop = (window.innerHeight - d.offsetHeight) / 2; var expectedLeft = (window.innerWidth - d.offsetWidth) / 2; var rect = d.getBoundingClientRect(); assert.closeTo(rect.top, expectedTop, 1, 'top should be nearby'); assert.closeTo(rect.left, expectedLeft, 1, 'left should be nearby'); } /** * Creates a fake KeyboardEvent. * * @param {number} keyCode to press * @param {string?} opt_type to use, default keydown * @return {!Event} event */ function createKeyboardEvent(keyCode, opt_type) { var ev = document.createEvent('Events'); ev.initEvent(opt_type || 'keydown', true, true); ev.keyCode = keyCode; ev.which = keyCode; return ev; } /** * Cleans up any passed DOM elements. * * @param {!Element} el to clean up * @return {!Element} the same element, for chaining */ var cleanup = (function() { var e = []; teardown(function() { e.forEach(function(el) { try { el.close(); // try to close dialogs } catch (e) {} el.parentElement && el.parentElement.removeChild(el); }); e = []; }); return function(el) { e.push(el); return el; }; })(); /** * Creates a dialog for testing that will be cleaned up later. * * @param {string?} opt_content to be used as innerHTML */ function createDialog(opt_content) { var dialog = document.createElement('dialog'); dialog.innerHTML = opt_content || 'Dialog #' + (cleanup.length); document.body.appendChild(dialog); if (window.location.search == '?force') { dialogPolyfill.forceRegisterDialog(dialog); } else { dialogPolyfill.registerDialog(dialog); } return cleanup(dialog); } var dialog; // global dialog for all tests setup(function() { dialog = createDialog('Default Dialog'); }); suite('basic', function() { test('show and close', function() { assert.isFalse(dialog.hasAttribute('open')); dialog.show(); assert.isTrue(dialog.hasAttribute('open')); assert.isTrue(dialog.open); var returnValue = 1234; dialog.close(returnValue); assert.isFalse(dialog.hasAttribute('open')); assert.equal(dialog.returnValue, returnValue); dialog.show(); dialog.close(); assert.isFalse(dialog.open); assert.equal(dialog.returnValue, returnValue); }); test('open property', function() { assert.isFalse(dialog.hasAttribute('open')); dialog.show(); assert.isTrue(dialog.hasAttribute('open')); assert.isTrue(dialog.open); dialog.open = false; assert.isFalse(dialog.open); assert.isFalse(dialog.hasAttribute('open'), 'open property should clear attribute'); assert.throws(dialog.close); var overlay = document.querySelector('._dialog_overlay'); assert.isNull(overlay); }); test('show/showModal interaction', function() { assert.isFalse(dialog.hasAttribute('open')); dialog.show(); // If the native dialog is being tested, show/showModal are not already // bound, so wrap them in helper methods for throws/doesNotThrow. var show = function() { dialog.show(); }; var showModal = function() { dialog.showModal(); }; assert.doesNotThrow(show); assert.throws(showModal); dialog.open = false; assert.doesNotThrow(showModal); assert.doesNotThrow(show); // show after showModal does nothing assert.throws(showModal); // TODO: check dialog is still modal assert.isTrue(dialog.open); }); test('setAttribute reflects property', function() { dialog.setAttribute('open', ''); assert.isTrue(dialog.open, 'attribute opens dialog'); }); test('changing open to dummy value is ignored', function() { dialog.showModal(); dialog.setAttribute('open', 'dummy, ignored'); assert.isTrue(dialog.open, 'dialog open with dummy open value'); var overlay = document.querySelector('._dialog_overlay'); assert(overlay, 'dialog is still modal'); }); test('show/showModal outside document', function() { dialog.open = false; dialog.parentNode.removeChild(dialog); assert.throws(function() { dialog.showModal(); }); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { dialog.show(); }); assert.isTrue(dialog.open, 'can open non-modal outside document'); assert.isFalse(document.body.contains(dialog)); }); test('has a11y property', function() { assert.equal(dialog.getAttribute('role'), 'dialog', 'role should be dialog'); }); }); suite('DOM', function() { setup(function(done) { // DOM tests wait for modal to settle, so MutationOberver doesn't coalesce attr changes dialog.showModal(); window.setTimeout(done, 0); }); test('DOM direct removal', function(done) { assert.isTrue(dialog.open); assert.isNotNull(document.querySelector('.backdrop')); var parentNode = dialog.parentNode; parentNode.removeChild(dialog); // DOMNodeRemoved defers its task a frame (since it occurs before removal, not after). This // doesn't effect MutationObserver, just delays the test a frame. window.setTimeout(function() { assert.isNull(document.querySelector('.backdrop'), 'dialog removal should clear modal'); assert.isTrue(dialog.open, 'removed dialog should still be open'); parentNode.appendChild(dialog); assert.isTrue(dialog.open, 're-added dialog should still be open'); assert.isNull(document.querySelector('.backdrop'), 're-add dialog should not be modal'); done(); }, 0); }); test('DOM removal inside other element', function(done) { var div = cleanup(document.createElement('div')); document.body.appendChild(div); div.appendChild(dialog); document.body.removeChild(div); window.setTimeout(function() { assert.isNull(document.querySelector('.backdrop'), 'dialog removal should clear modal'); assert.isTrue(dialog.open, 'removed dialog should still be open'); done(); }, 0); }); test('DOM instant remove/add', function(done) { var div = cleanup(document.createElement('div')); document.body.appendChild(div); dialog.parentNode.removeChild(dialog); div.appendChild(dialog); window.setTimeout(function() { assert.isNull(document.querySelector('.backdrop'), 'backdrop should disappear'); assert.isTrue(dialog.open); done(); }, 0); }); }); suite('position', function() { test('non-modal is not centered', function() { var el = cleanup(document.createElement('div')); dialog.parentNode.insertBefore(el, dialog); var testRect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); dialog.show(); var rect = dialog.getBoundingClientRect(); assert.equal(rect.top, testRect.top, 'dialog should not be centered'); }); test('default modal centering', function() { dialog.showModal(); checkDialogCenter(); assert.ok(dialog.style.top, 'expected top to be set'); dialog.close(); assert.notOk(dialog.style.top, 'expected top to be cleared'); }); test('modal respects static position', function() { dialog.style.top = '10px'; dialog.showModal(); var rect = dialog.getBoundingClientRect(); assert.equal(rect.top, 10); }); test('modal recentering', function() { var pX = document.body.scrollLeft; var pY = document.body.scrollTop; var big = cleanup(document.createElement('div')); big.style.height = '200vh'; // 2x view height document.body.appendChild(big); try { var scrollValue = 200; // don't use incredibly large values dialog.showModal(); dialog.close(); window.scrollTo(0, scrollValue); dialog.showModal(); checkDialogCenter(); // must be centered, even after scroll var rectAtScroll = dialog.getBoundingClientRect(); // after scroll, we aren't recentered, check offset window.scrollTo(0, 0); var rect = dialog.getBoundingClientRect(); assert.closeTo(rectAtScroll.top + scrollValue, rect.top, 1); } finally { window.scrollTo(pX, pY); } }); test('clamped to top of page', function() { var big = cleanup(document.createElement('div')); big.style.height = '200vh'; // 2x view height document.body.appendChild(big); document.documentElement.scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollHeight / 2; dialog.style.height = document.documentElement.scrollHeight + 200 + 'px'; dialog.showModal(); var visibleRect = dialog.getBoundingClientRect(); assert.equal(visibleRect.top, 0, 'large dialog should be visible at top of page'); var style = window.getComputedStyle(dialog); assert.equal(style.top, document.documentElement.scrollTop + 'px', 'large dialog should be absolutely positioned at scroll top'); }); }); suite('backdrop', function() { test('backdrop div on modal', function() { dialog.showModal(); var foundBackdrop = document.querySelector('.backdrop'); assert.isNotNull(foundBackdrop); var sibling = dialog.nextElementSibling; assert.strictEqual(foundBackdrop, sibling); }); test('no backdrop on non-modal', function() { dialog.show(); assert.isNull(document.querySelector('.backdrop')); dialog.close(); }); test('backdrop click appears as dialog', function() { dialog.showModal(); var backdrop = dialog.nextElementSibling; var clickFired = 0; var helper = function(ev) { assert.equal(ev.target, dialog); ++clickFired; }; dialog.addEventListener('click', helper) backdrop.click(); assert.equal(clickFired, 1); }); test('backdrop click focuses dialog', function() { dialog.showModal(); dialog.tabIndex = 0; var input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'text'; dialog.appendChild(input); // TODO: It would be nice to check `input` instead here, but there's no more reliable ways // to emulate a browser tab event (Firefox, Chrome etc have made it a security violation). var backdrop = dialog.nextElementSibling; backdrop.click(); assert.equal(document.activeElement, dialog); }); }); suite('form focus', function() { test('non-modal inside modal is focusable', function() { var sub = createDialog(); dialog.appendChild(sub); var input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'text'; sub.appendChild(input); dialog.showModal(); sub.show(); input.focus(); assert.equal(input, document.activeElement); }); test('clear focus when nothing focusable in modal', function() { var input = cleanup(document.createElement('input')); input.type = 'text'; document.body.appendChild(input); input.focus(); var previous = document.activeElement; dialog.showModal(); assert.notEqual(previous, document.activeElement); }); test('default focus on modal', function() { var input = cleanup(document.createElement('input')); input.type = 'text'; dialog.appendChild(input); var anotherInput = cleanup(document.createElement('input')); anotherInput.type = 'text'; dialog.appendChild(anotherInput); dialog.showModal(); assert.equal(document.activeElement, input); }); test('default focus on non-modal', function() { var div = cleanup(document.createElement('div')); div.tabIndex = 4; dialog.appendChild(div); dialog.show(); assert.equal(document.activeElement, div); }); test('autofocus element chosen', function() { var input = cleanup(document.createElement('input')); input.type = 'text'; dialog.appendChild(input); var inputAF = cleanup(document.createElement('input')); inputAF.type = 'text'; inputAF.autofocus = true; dialog.appendChild(inputAF); dialog.showModal(); assert.equal(document.activeElement, inputAF); }); test('child modal dialog', function() { dialog.showModal(); var input = cleanup(document.createElement('input')); input.type = 'text'; dialog.appendChild(input); input.focus(); assert.equal(document.activeElement, input); // NOTE: This is a single sub-test, but all the above tests could be run // again in a sub-context (i.e., dialog within dialog). var child = createDialog(); child.showModal(); assert.notEqual(document.activeElement, input, 'additional modal dialog should clear parent focus'); child.close(); assert.notEqual(document.activeElement, input, 'parent focus should not be restored'); }); test('don\'t scroll anything into focus', function() { // https://github.com/GoogleChrome/dialog-polyfill/issues/119 var div = cleanup(document.createElement('div')); document.body.appendChild(div); var inner = document.createElement('div'); inner.style.height = '10000px'; div.appendChild(inner); div.appendChild(dialog); var input = cleanup(document.createElement('input')); input.type = 'text'; dialog.appendChild(input); var prev = document.documentElement.scrollTop; dialog.showModal(); assert.equal(document.documentElement.scrollTop, prev); }); }); suite('top layer / inert', function() { test('background focus allowed on non-modal', function() { var input = cleanup(document.createElement('input')); input.type = 'text'; document.body.appendChild(input); input.focus(); dialog.show(); assert.notEqual(document.activeElement, input, 'non-modal dialog should clear focus, even with no dialog content'); document.body.focus(); input.focus(); assert.equal(document.activeElement, input, 'non-modal should allow background focus'); }); test('modal disallows background focus', function() { var input = cleanup(document.createElement('input')); input.type = 'text'; document.body.appendChild(input); dialog.showModal(); input.focus(); if (!document.hasFocus()) { // Browsers won't trigger a focus event if they're not in the // foreground, so we can't intercept it. However, they'll fire one when // restored, before a user can get to any incorrectly focused element. console.warn('background focus test requires document focus'); document.documentElement.focus(); } assert.notEqual(document.activeElement, input, 'modal should disallow background focus'); }); test('overlay is a sibling of topmost dialog', function() { var stacking = cleanup(document.createElement('div')); stacking.style.opacity = 0.8; // creates stacking context document.body.appendChild(stacking); stacking.appendChild(dialog); dialog.showModal(); var overlay = document.querySelector('._dialog_overlay'); assert.isNotNull(overlay); assert.equal(overlay.parentNode, dialog.parentNode); }); test('overlay is between topmost and remaining dialogs', function() { dialog.showModal(); var other = cleanup(createDialog()); document.body.appendChild(other); other.showModal(); var overlay = document.querySelector('._dialog_overlay'); assert.isNotNull(overlay); assert.equal(overlay.parentNode, other.parentNode); assert.isAbove(+other.style.zIndex, +overlay.style.zIndex, 'top-most dialog above overlay'); assert.isAbove(+overlay.style.zIndex, +dialog.style.zIndex, 'overlay above other dialogs'); }); }); suite('events', function() { test('close event', function() { var closeFired = 0; dialog.addEventListener('close', function() { ++closeFired; }); dialog.show(); assert.equal(closeFired, 0); dialog.close(); assert.equal(closeFired, 1); assert.throws(dialog.close); // can't close already closed dialog assert.equal(closeFired, 1); dialog.showModal(); dialog.close(); assert.equal(closeFired, 2); }); test('cancel event', function() { dialog.showModal(); dialog.dispatchEvent(createKeyboardEvent(27)); assert.isFalse(dialog.open, 'esc should close modal'); var cancelFired = 0; dialog.addEventListener('cancel', function() { ++cancelFired; }); dialog.showModal(); dialog.dispatchEvent(createKeyboardEvent(27)); assert.equal(cancelFired, 1, 'expected cancel to be fired'); assert.isFalse(dialog.open), 'esc should close modal again'; // Sanity-check that non-modals aren't effected. dialog.show(); dialog.dispatchEvent(createKeyboardEvent(27)); assert.isTrue(dialog.open, 'esc should only close modal dialog'); assert.equal(cancelFired, 1); }); test('overlay click is prevented', function() { dialog.showModal(); var overlay = document.querySelector('._dialog_overlay'); assert.isNotNull(overlay); var helper = function(ev) { throw Error('body should not be clicked'); }; try { document.body.addEventListener('click', helper); overlay.click(); } finally { document.body.removeEventListener('click', helper); } }); }); suite('form', function() { test('method attribute is translated to property', function() { var form = document.createElement('form'); form.method = 'dialog'; assert.equal(form.method, 'dialog'); form.method = 'PoSt'; assert.equal(form.method, 'post'); assert.equal(form.getAttribute('method'), 'PoSt'); }); test('dialog method input', function() { var value = 'ExpectedValue' + Math.random(); var form = document.createElement('form'); try { form.method = 'dialog'; } catch (e) { // Setting the method directly throws an exception in <=IE9. form.setAttribute('method', 'dialog'); } dialog.appendChild(form); var input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'submit'; input.value = value; form.appendChild(input); dialog.show(); input.focus(); // emulate user focus action input.click(); assert.isFalse(dialog.open); assert.equal(dialog.returnValue, value); }); test('dialog with button preventDefault does not trigger submit', function() { var form = document.createElement('form'); form.setAttribute('method', 'dialog'); dialog.appendChild(form); var button = document.createElement('button'); button.value = 'does not matter'; form.appendChild(button); button.addEventListener('click', function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); }); dialog.showModal(); button.click(); assert.isTrue(dialog.open, 'dialog should remain open'); assert.equal(dialog.returnValue, ''); }); test('dialog programmatic submit does not change returnValue', function() { var form = document.createElement('form'); form.setAttribute('method', 'dialog'); dialog.returnValue = 'manually set'; // set before appending dialog.appendChild(form); dialog.showModal(); form.submit(); assert.isFalse(dialog.open); assert.equal(dialog.returnValue, 'manually set', 'returnValue should not change'); }); test('dialog method button', function() { var value = 'ExpectedValue' + Math.random(); var form = document.createElement('form'); form.setAttribute('method', 'dialog'); dialog.appendChild(form); var button = document.createElement('button'); button.value = value; form.appendChild(button); dialog.showModal(); button.focus(); // emulate user focus action button.click(); assert.isFalse(dialog.open); assert.equal(dialog.returnValue, value); // Clear button value, confirm textContent is not used as value. button.value = 'blah blah'; button.removeAttribute('value'); button.textContent = value; dialog.show(); button.focus(); // emulate user focus action button.click(); assert.equal(dialog.returnValue, button.value, 'don\'t take button textContent as value'); }); test('boring form inside dialog', function() { var form = document.createElement('form'); dialog.appendChild(form); // don't specify method form.addEventListener('submit', function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); }); var button = document.createElement('button'); button.value = 'Moot'; form.appendChild(button); dialog.showModal(); button.focus(); // emulate user focus action button.click(); assert.isTrue(dialog.open, 'non-dialog form should not close dialog') assert(!dialog.returnValue); }); test('type="image" submitter', function() { var form = document.createElement('form'); form.setAttribute('method', 'dialog'); dialog.appendChild(form); dialog.show(); var image = document.createElement('input'); image.type = 'image'; image.src = ''; image.setAttribute('value', 'image should not accept value'); form.appendChild(image); image.click(); assert.notEqual(image.getAttribute('value'), dialog.returnValue); assert.equal(dialog.returnValue, '0,0'); }); test('form submitter across dialogs', function() { var form1 = document.createElement('form'); form1.setAttribute('method', 'dialog'); dialog.appendChild(form1); var button1 = document.createElement('button'); button1.value = 'from form1: first value'; form1.appendChild(button1); dialog.showModal(); var dialog2 = createDialog(); dialog2.returnValue = 'dialog2 default close value'; var form2 = document.createElement('form'); form2.setAttribute('method', 'dialog'); dialog2.appendChild(form2); dialog2.showModal(); button1.click(); assert.isFalse(dialog.open); // nb. this never fires 'submit' so the .returnValue can't be wrong: is there another way // to submit a form that doesn't involve a click (enter implicitly 'clicks') or submit? form2.submit(); assert.isFalse(dialog2.open); assert.equal(dialog2.returnValue, 'dialog2 default close value', 'second dialog shouldn\'t reuse formSubmitter'); }); }); suite('order', function() { test('non-modal unchanged', function() { var one = createDialog(); var two = createDialog(); one.style.zIndex = 100; two.style.zIndex = 200; one.show(); two.show(); assert.equal(window.getComputedStyle(one).zIndex, 100); assert.equal(window.getComputedStyle(two).zIndex, 200); two.close(); assert.equal(window.getComputedStyle(two).zIndex, 200); }); test('modal stacking order', function() { dialog.showModal(); // Create incorrectly-named dialogs: front has a lower z-index, and back // has a higher z-index. var front = createDialog(); var back = createDialog(); front.style.zIndex = 100; back.style.zIndex = 200; // Show back first, then front. Thus we expect back to be behind front. back.showModal(); front.showModal(); var zf = +window.getComputedStyle(front).zIndex; var zb = +window.getComputedStyle(back).zIndex; assert.isAbove(zf, zb, 'showModal order dictates z-index'); var backBackdrop = back.nextElementSibling; var zbb = +window.getComputedStyle(backBackdrop).zIndex; assert.equal(backBackdrop.className, 'backdrop'); assert.isBelow(zbb, zb, 'backdrop below dialog'); var frontBackdrop = front.nextElementSibling; var zfb = +window.getComputedStyle(frontBackdrop).zIndex assert.equal(frontBackdrop.className, 'backdrop'); assert.isBelow(zfb, zf,' backdrop below dialog'); assert.isAbove(zfb, zb, 'front backdrop is above back dialog'); front.close(); assert.notOk(front.style.zIndex, 'modal close should clear zindex'); }); }); suite('press tab key', function() { test('tab key', function() { var dialog = createDialog(); dialog.showModal(); document.documentElement.dispatchEvent(createKeyboardEvent(9)); var ev = document.createEvent('Events'); ev.initEvent('focus', true, true); document.documentElement.dispatchEvent(ev); dialog.close(); }); }); }();