namespace :ssn_validator do desc "Loads the current file from if it hasn't already been loaded." task :update_data => :environment do SsnHighGroupCodeLoader.load_all_high_group_codes_files end namespace :death_master_file do desc "Loads a death master file. Specify the path of the file: PATH=path. Specify the date of the data: AS_OF=YYYY-MM-DD. Optimized for Mysql databases." task :load_file => :environment do if ENV["PATH"] && ENV["AS_OF"]["PATH"],ENV["AS_OF"]).load_file else puts "You must specify the PATH and AS_OF variables: rake ssn_validator:death_master_file:load_file PATH='path/to/file' AS_OF='2009-03-01'" end end desc "Determines the most recent file that has been loaded, and loads all subsequent files in order from the website. Optimized for Mysql databases." task :update_data => :environment do DeathMasterFileLoader.load_update_files_from_web end end end