Module Oats
In: lib/oats.rb

Return oats.yml entry for given string or the whole hash['selenium']['browser'] == 'firefox'


assert   assert_equal   assert_not_equal   browser   click   context   data   data   debug   error   exit   file   filter   global   ide   info   mysql   oload   out_file   rput   rssh   selenium   skip_unless_previous_test_is_ok   system_capture   test   unique   wait_until   warn  

Classes and Modules

Class Oats::OatsFilterError

Public Class methods

Raises OatsAssertError unless two parameters are ’==’ If given pre_message preceeds the standard message showing expected and actuals. Example: Oats.assert_equal(old_count, new_count, "After deletion, creative counts did not decrease.")

Returns a browser (selenium driver), logging into RL site or opening URL. The browser is retrieved and reused in the subsequent rtest.*rb executions, but it is automatically closed at the end of each Oats test. If exists, the browser is also accessable via the global $selenium.


url_or_site:A URL, or site:
      [Campaign, Admin, Vendor, VendorApprover,
      Solutions, SolutionsApprover ]

Required parameter for the first invocation, can be omitted in subsequent invocations to get the current browser. Re-issueing it w/o logging out of the same site will reopen the landing page. A different site will cause logout of the old site and login to the new site. User will be created if it does not already exists.

new_browser:If true, will create a new browser while keeping the old one.

Methods in addition to the selenium driver methods are:

login(site):Same as Oats.browser(url_or_site), for a site. Returns nil if site is not recognized.
logout:Logs out of the last logged in sites if any and returns browser. Logout may not succeed if logout button is unavailable.


 browser = Oats.browser('Campaign')"link=View Advertisers")

Simulate a user hover mouver over a object, click it using left key and release it Use this when a standard selenium click command doesn‘t work

Returns hash object containing info about persistent oats internal variables for the complete oats execution. Contents of Oats.context are also persisted into the results.dump in the results directory.


 Oats.context['stop_oats'] == true #  Request stopping oats after current test

Hash object providing access to the oats.yml state entries at the time of test execution. Note that contents are isolated from modification across tests.

 map_string:: Period seperated YAML path into the current
   If not specified, returns the full hash.

Examples: 'selenium.browser' == 'firefox['selenium']['browser'] == 'firefox'

Output debug level log entries.

Output error level log entries.

Exit a OATS Test from the middle without throwing an error.

Returns Windows file path of a file name to be used with file uploads.

name:globbed file name inside the test directory or under test/data folder.

Examples: image = Oats.file "125x125_GIF_4K.gif"

Removes the variabilities from files in ‘Oats.test.result’ by applying prescribed filter to each line of file and replaces it. The return value is the filtered contents of the file. The filtered contents are also placed in test.out to be compared as expected results. Errors will raise OatsFilterError.

  • With a block replaces each line with result of the block.
  • Without block, uses a pattern and replacement parameters for filtering.
  • If pattern and replacement is missing it copies the whole input file.
  • If in_file is a string, no output file is generated unless out_file is given.


in_file:Name or path of file that is to be filtered and moved to Oats.test.out. It can also be String Array or String containing the actual contents. If the file contains a space, it is assumed to be contents. Missing input or file raises OatsFilterError.
out_file:File name to use for the output file. This is an optional parameter which can be skipped. If skipped, basename of the infile is used.
pattern:A regexp pattern to pass on to a gsub or grep method. Grep is used if replacement parameter is unspecified, in other words file_contents.grep(/pattern_string/)
replacement:Fixed string to replace the pattern by calling file_contents.gsub(pattern,replacement)


 Oats.filter('input.txt') # Moves input.txt to test.out for auto-verification.
 Oats.filter('input.txt','output.txt,/this/) # Considers only lines containing 'this'
 Oats.filter('input.txt',/this.*that/,'thisAndThat') # Replaces indicated content
 Oats.filter('input.txt') { |line| line unless line == 'this\n' } # Omits 'this\n' line

Obsolete. Create classes and use class variables to carry over global info.

Runs the input_suite_path from a particular Oats.test. Assumes is initialized for Oats.test


input_suite_path:path to the IDE suite HTML
hash:list from => to values to use for regeneration of the included test


Examples:'../campaign/rtest.html', 'this_token" => 'that_value')

Output info level log entries.


 Oats.mysql('input.sql')  => produces input.txt and returns its contents
 Oats.mysql('input.sql', 'output.txt)  => produces output.txt and returns its contents
 mysql_results = Oats.mysql "SELECT bu_lastname, FROM BusinessUser where bu_email=';XYZ'"
 result = Oats.mysql(my_sql_statement)
 result.is_empty? # true if SQL returns nothing
 result.last # string value for the last row of a single select statement
 result[1][2] # second column for the first return result row

Loads the indicated ruby file file after locating it in the tests directory.

Parameters: ruby_file_name: Name or path snippet of a the ruby file. Could be a glob.


 Oats.oload 'rtest_AddCreatives'
 Oats.oload 'verifyAddCreatives/rtest_Add*'

Creates a file handle to output into the out directory with given name Returns the comparison with any previous ok file if exists.


  file_name: Appends '_<count>' to the this name if the file already exists.
  output: String to output, must supply only if a block is not given.
  is_assert: If set to true to assert failure when ok file exists and differs.

Oats.out_file(‘my_file.txt’, "Check this string" } Oats.out_file(‘my_file.txt’) { |f| f.puts "Check this string" }

 Copies a file to the server via ssh using PuTTy/plink
 Assumes pageant with keys for the username is up and running.
 Returns the result of the standard output and standard error, which is
 typically empty.


content_file:Path of the content file, or the content string if file
      does not exist.
target_file_path:Path of the file on the server

host/session: Same parameter as in Oats.rssh

username:Same parameter as in Oats.rssh


 Oats.rput 'xxx     xxxxxxx', '/tmp/myfile.txt' , ''
 Oats.rput 'c:/qa/oats-user.yml', '/tmp/myfile.txt' , ''
 Executes a script on an server via ssh using PuTTy/plink
 Assumes pageant with keys for the username is up and running.
 Returns the result of the standard output and standard error.


cmd_file:Path of the executable relative to dir
dir:Directory to cd prior to executing cmd_file. Home of user if omitted.

host/session: Name for putty on which to execute cmd_file. Defaults via

username:Putty connection data Login username. Defaults via
      If username is 'root', executes the cmd_file as sudo root with[ssh.root_sudo_username].
      root_sudo_username must be able to
       - access host via Plink/Pageant
       - sudo -s on the host
       - cd to dir without being root.


 out = Oats.rssh('/rl/www/vhosts/baselevel/automation/')
 Oats.rssh('./', /rl/www/vhosts/baselevel/automation')
 Oats.rssh('cat .config.yaml','/var/www/vhosts/baselevel')
 Oats.rssh('ls httpd', '/var/log', nil, 'root')

Returns an intermediary object that invokes selenium with fields optionally mapped based on YAML entries. Subsequent invocations (with optional method override)

    object.invoke(field,value, method)

will invoke ’$selenium.method field, value‘


 mapping: A string in which YAML nodes are separated by '.' and pointing to
           the final hash node in that containing the field mappings.
 method:  Default method invoked by selenium. Default is ':type'
          Methods for 'type' and 'select' can also be called directly


 sel = Oats.selenium "SolutionsVendor.create_vendor"
 sel.invoke "address1", "21700 Oxnard Street"
  Will replace address1 with contents of SolutionsVendor:create_vendor:address1
 sel.type "address1", "21700 Oxnard Street" "state", "label=CALIFORNIA"

Raise OatsTestExit and SKIP current test if there was a previous test and if previous test dif not pass or or_if_true is true

Capture system screenshot and logs

Returns the current TestData object. You can use the public instance methods of TestData to access to test path components or other test information.

Returns a unique (within a second) string for each host and input name. Same id will be returned if called from the same test of the host with the same prefix.


prefix:Prefix string to use.


 Oats.unique          => "LATASOYHP_22220703"
 Oats.unique('test')  => "test_22220732"

Samples the given block each second until it returns true or times out. Raises OatsTestError if times out or returns true.

Parameters (also allowed as Hash):

 message: Exception message to issue upon timeout.
 seconds: For timeout, defaults from selenium.command_timeout
 is_return: Returns false if times out instead of raising OatsTestError.


 Oats.wait_until("SolutionsVendor.create_vendor", 100) do
   count = count + 1;  count == 10

Output warning level log entries.
